Do you have a massive handling.meta or vehicles.meta that is unweildy and hard to maintain and compare changes to with git? Well then this is for you! Drag your handling/vehicles.meta onto the MetaSplit.exe and in the same directory as the file you dragged an output folder will be filled with folders named after each vehicle with a handling/vehicles.meta inside specific only to that vehicle. Now you're probably thinking "Well I mean that has some benefits with git compare but how does that help my server??" Well i'm glad you asked stranger! You can actually load multiple handlings in a single resource and I've included an example
fivem resource that shows you how to do that exactly with an adder and a police car.
first get a vehicles.meta or handling.meta (xml) file (exported .ymt) then you can either do:
Option 1: Drag the file onto MetaSplit.exe
(and output folder will be created in the same directory as the .meta)
Option B: Open a command prompt with MetaSplit.exe Path/To/File
(Example: MetaSplit.exe .\example\data\adder\handling.meta
) and the output folder will be generated in the same folder in which you opened the command prompt to