A simple python-twisted IRC bot. Presently pyircbot has NOT chat logging features.
It requires python-twisted and the praw (Python Reddit API Wrapper) module.
For a Debian-based Linux distribution you could install Python Twisted as follows:
# apt-get install python-twisted
Then install praw with pip:
$ pip install praw
$ python pyircbot.py -s irc.network.org -p 6667 -n botnickname
Usage: pyircbot.py [options]
* Basic configuration file 'bot.conf' could be used instead
** Information will be stored in a directory called<CHANNEL>-data
-h, --help show this help message and exit
IRC server address, default irc.freenode.net
-p PORT, --port=PORT Server port, default 6667
-c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL
Channel name, default mychannel
-n NICK, --nick=NICK Bot nickname zenbot
Greeting probability [1 - 100]
-v, --verbose Print a lot of stuff...
- karma and last seen
- greetings
- diceroller
- random number
- Star Trek stardate