This XBlock provides a way to do an ungraded self assessment activity. It is useful for synthesis questions, or questions which require the student to answer in her own words. After the student submits her answer, she is able to see the instructor's answer, and compare her answer to the expert answer.
To install the XBlock on your platform, add the following to your requirements.txt file:
You'll also need to add this to your INSTALLED_APPS:
To install the XBlock in your course, access your Advanced Module List:
Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Advanced Module List
and add the following:
To add a full-screen image to your course:
- upload the image file onto your course's Files & Uploads page
- note: you can skip this step if you've already uploaded the image elsewhere, e.g.: S3.
- copy the URL on that page
- go to a unit in Studio
- select "Image Modal XBlock" from the Advanced Components menu
You can now edit and preview the new component.
Using the Studio editor, you can edit the following fields:
- display name
- image URL
- thumbnail URL (defaults to image URL, if not specified)
- description (useful for screen readers, longer descriptions)
- alt text (useful for screen readers, captions, tags; displays when image does not)
Click on the image to zoom in full-screen.
Click on the image again to zoom out.
Click and drag to pan around.