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Local Development

This guides is for developers who want to run Zappr on their development machine. In the end you will have three different processes running:

  • Your local PostgreSQL database
  • Your local Zappr application
  • a VPN tunnel (e.g.: localtunnel) exposing your localhost

Before you start you need to register an OAuth application in your GitHub account under Settings/ Developer Settings/ OAuth Apps.
If you need help in registering your application follow these instructions. You will need

  • the Client ID
  • the Client Secret and
  • the Authorization callback URL

from your registered application later.
In case you use localtunnel as your VPN, set the Authorization callback URL in your GitHub settings to https://<your-app-name>

Database Setup

Zappr needs a database during development and testing. For this reason there's a docker-compose.yaml for your convenience, with which you can either start a database for development (postgres-dev) or testing: (postgres-test).
Since dev and test database share the same port, you should change the port of one of the databases in the docker-compose.yaml.

    image: "postgres:9.4"
      - "5432:5432"
    container_name: zappr-postgres-dev
    image: "postgres:9.4"
      - "5433:5432" # note the different ports in this line
    container_name: zappr-postgres-test

Or comment out in the database you currently don't need.

echo "Set up dev database"
docker exec -it zappr-postgres-dev sh -c "exec psql -c 'create database zappr;' -U postgres"
docker exec -it zappr-postgres-dev sh -c "exec psql -c 'create schema zappr_data;' -U postgres zappr"
docker exec -it zappr-postgres-dev sh -c "exec psql -c 'create schema zappr_meta;' -U postgres zappr"

# echo "Set up test database"
# docker exec -it zappr-postgres-test sh -c "exec psql -c 'create database zappr;' -U postgres"
# docker exec -it zappr-postgres-test sh -c "exec psql -c 'create schema zappr_data;' -U postgres zappr"
# docker exec -it zappr-postgres-test sh -c "exec psql -c 'create schema zappr_meta;' -U postgres zappr"

If you need both databases, you can run after you uncommented your changes.

Make sure your docker machine host is running:

 docker-machine start

Start database and schemas:

export DM_IP="$(docker-machine ip)"  

# Starts the postgres docker container for development & test purposes
# run either
docker-compose up postgres-dev
# or
docker-compose up postgres-test

# creates database and schemas, only needed first time
# run database command in additional terminal session

To get your docker-machine ip you can also run docker-machine ip in the shell and copy the address.

Zappr Setup

To get your GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET copy it from your Github Settings/ Developer Settings/ OAuth Apps or create them new following these instructions. Export your Github credentials and docker-machine IP:

export DB_HOST="$(docker-machine ip)"
export GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<your-client-id>
export GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-client-secret>

Start Zappr with any of the following alternatives

Bash scripts

There are 3 bash scripts ready for *nix environments to start zappr locally. Make sure, you replace place holders in the bash scripts, with actual values. The place holders are marked with < & >.

You need 3 separate Terminals to start zappr using this approach.

  • In Terminal 1
$ ./

The script starts a docker machine and a developer database. The script is blocking - stop it with CTRL-C.

  • In Terminal 2
$ ./

The script populates database data and runs the starts zappr using NPM. The script is blocking - stop it with CTRL-C.

  • In Terminal 3
$ ./

The script sets up the tunnel using . The script is blocking - stop it with CTRL-C.


  • Precondition VPN Setup Install and run localtunnel to expose your localhost in a separate terminal window
    npm i -g localtunnel
    lt -s <your-app-name> -p 3000
    Double check that your Authorization callback URL is set to https://<your-app-name> in the GitHub settings.
npm install
npm run build
npm run all

# you may omit GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET if exported to regarding shell environment variables earlier

Go to https://<your-app-name> and do things :)

Docker compose

Currently, there is an issue with using just docker-compose. Generally, once you have configured your shell environment with all the necessary GLOBALS described before, you should just run docker-compose up zappr. This will run the zappr application and

export DM_IP=$(docker-machine ip)
docker-compose up zappr

You should be able now to access your local Zappr installation at http://localhost:3000.

You can also set the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, the GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET and the HOST_ADDR in your config/config.yaml or add it to the package.json script. However we do not advise it since you could end up pushing your ID and Secret to GitHub.

Debug Client and Server:

npm run build
npm run all

Enable debug logs... the terminal:

export DEBUG="zappr:*" the browser console:



Note: If you want to run tests with local setup please change the local running port of your test database in docker-compose.yaml.

First start the testing database:

export DB_HOST="$(docker-machine ip)"

# creates database and schemas, only needed first time

# start postgres docker container
docker-compose up postgres-test

Then you can do:

  • npm test - run combined tests
  • npm run test-client - run only client tests
  • npm run test-server - run only server tests
  • npm run test-karma - run Karma (UI) tests

Docker Image:

  1. Check out master and clean up your git status

  2. Run the build script:

     ./tools/ (<tag>)
  • NPM_BUILD_INSIDE_CONTAINER "true" to build inside a container
  • DOCKER_ARTIFACT_FILE file to store docker artifact name in

Trouble shooting

No default docker machine


$ docker-machine start
Error: No machine name(s) specified and no "default" machine exists


# docker-machine create -d "[driver]" [label]
# e.g.
docker-machine create -d "virtualbox" default

For this step to work you need Virtualbox installed. You can download it here:

Can't connect to docker daemon


$ ./
Set up dev database
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
Set up test database
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?


eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

App crashed immediately after running npm run all

This happened during Hack Week when docker was not configured correctly. This is most likely related to docker configuration.


[nodemon] restarting due to changes...
[nodemon] starting `node dist/server/server.min.js`
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...


eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
docker-compuse up postgres-dev

In the CLI tab where you are running the database. docker-compose seems to not configured properly in these cases (happens when you're using Mac OS X with Docker Toolbox).

Container zappr-postgres-dev or zappr-postgres-test missing


$ ./
Error: No such container: zappr-postgres-dev
Error: No such container: zappr-postgres-test

Workaround: run one of:

docker-compose up postgres-dev
docker-compose up postgres-test

to create the missing container

Can not start zappr-postgres-dev or zappr-postgres-test service


$ docker-compose up postgres-dev|test
ERROR: for zappr-postgres-dev  Cannot start service postgres-dev|test: driver failed

Workaround: do run either

docker-compose up postgres-dev


docker-compose up postgres-test

at the same time in different terminal sessions.

Docker compose up - COPY fails with missing dist directory


$ docker-compose up
Step 9/15 : COPY dist/ $ZAPPR_HOME/dist
ERROR: Service 'zappr' failed to build: COPY failed: stat /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-builder700929514/dist: no such file or directory

Workaround: run

npm run build

to create a dist directory the Dockerfile is expecting

npm error code ELIFECYCLE


$ npm start

Workaround: make sure you run the database and zappr in different Terminals e.g.

  • Terminal 1

    $ docker-compose up postgres-dev


    $ ./
  • Terminal 2

    GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=<your-client-id> GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=<your-client-secret> HOST_ADDR=https://<your-app-name> npm run all


    $ ./