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Verkle Tree

Pedersen-commitment based verkle trees using the ed25519 elliptic curve.

learn about verkle trees here:

Techniques used in this software:

How big are the proofs?

The verkle tree has a radix of 256. So, if there are N elements in the tree, then a proof for a single element would be log_256(N) steps long. If you are proving more than one thing, then they share steps. So if you are proving 1000 things, the proof is more like 1000*(log_256(N) - 1) steps long. For each step we need to store a 32 byte compressed elliptic curve point.

We also need to store some fixed sized data.

There are 2 different formats for the proofs. Sometimes we want the proof to be very small, and are willing to put extra effort in. In that case, we use the bullet proof method, and the extra data is only 17 elliptic curve points, each 32 bytes. So, 544 bytes total.

If we want to generate the proof very quickly, we can skip the bullet proof step, and the proof ends up being longer. It needs to have 256 finite field elements, each 32 bytes long. So, 8192 bytes total.

If the Tree has N elements, and you want to prove M of them.

Fast: 8192 + (32 * M * (log_256(N) - 1)).

Small: 544 + (32 * M * (log_256(N) - 1)).

Small proofs are usually better if we are proving many things, and fast proofs are usually better if we are proving very few things.

In the context of a blockchain, we use the fast proofs for light nodes, and the small proofs in blocks.

Speed tests, and results on a lenovo thinkpad 2017 laptop.

units are in microseconds (millionths of a second) unless otherwise specified.

finite field speed tests: fr:test(8). (if you run this test several times, it speeds up. I think there is some caching involved.)

multiplication: 0.1

subtraction: 0.08

additions: 0.1

elliptic point multiplication speed test ed:test(6).: for unsimplified points: 230 for simplified points: 220 chain, we use the fast proofs for light nodes, and the small proofs in blocks. elliptic point doubling speed test ed:test(17). : 0.9

elliptic point doubling speed test ed:test(18). : 1.15

proving 3 things. test_trie:test(1).

load 10 000 elements: 2.36 seconds

make a small proof: 0.97 seconds

verify the small proof: 0.2 seconds

make a fast proof: 0.075 seconds

verify the fast proof: 0.066 seconds

Load a db with 10 000 elements, and prove 3000 of them with a small proof. test_trie:test(3).

loading the db: 6.0 seconds

making the proof: 2.1 seconds

verifying the proof: 0.55 seconds

calculating the root hash after the update: 3.3 seconds

storing the updated data in the database: 0.35 seconds


You need to install erlang first to use this database.

To run the software: sh

to turn off the software, and save everything verkle_sup:stop(ID).

where ID is the name of the database (this allows for multiple databases.)

The test database is trie01.

Using the software

To create a new database.

verkle_sup:start_link(KeyLength, Size, ID, Amount, Meta, Mode, Location).

The verkle tree is a database that stores key-value pairs. Keylength is the number of bytes in a key. Size is the number of bytes in a value. ID is the id of this database, so you can have more than one of these databases at the same time.

Amount is only used in RAM mode. in RAM mode we need to allocate 1 bit for each thing that can be stored, so "Amount" is the maximum number of things that can be stored.

Meta is how many extra bytes you can store with each key-value pair. These extra bytes are meta data that doesn't impact the verkle root of the tree.

Mode needs to be either ram or hd. This is where you can choose if you want the database to be stored in ram or on the hard drive.

Location is the file where you want to store the database. The ram version also gets stored in a file when you turn off the software. So the database is still there when you turn it on again.

For example: verkle_sup:start_link(32, 32, trie02, 1000000, 0, hd, "").

To store data in your database. You want to store some key-value pairs. First, each key-value pair needs to be packaged into a leaf.

Leaf = leaf:new(Key, Value, Meta, CFG).

Key, Value, and Meta are binaries. CFG is configuration data for your database. You can find your CFG like this: CFG = trie:cfg(ID). where ID is the id of the database you want to use.

for example: Leaf = leaf:new(<<1:256>>, <<2:256>>, 0, trie:cfg(trie02)).

Once you have a list of leaves, you can store them in the database like this:

{Loc2, _, _} = store:batch(Leaves, Loc, CFG).

Loc is the pointer to your current database. The number 1 is a pointer to your database when it is empty. Loc2 is a pointer to your database once it is filled with data.

for example: {Loc2, _, _} = store:batch([Leaf], 1, trie:cfg(trie02)).

Now lets make a proof of some of the data from the database.

SmallProof = get:batch(Keys, Loc2, CFG, small).

Where Keys is a list of the keys of the leaves that you want to prove.

for example: get:batch([<<1:256>>], Loc2, CFG, small).

And if you want to make the fast version of the proof:

FastProof = get:batch(Keys, Loc2, CFG, fast).

Now lets verify the proofs.

{true, Leaves, _} = verify:proof(Proof, CFG).

When you verify the proof, it returns a list of all the leaves that this proof proves. The same format works for both small proofs and fast proofs.

Tests that the software works.

To do all integration tests: test_trie:test().

If you know which integration test you want to do: test_trie:test(3).

replace the 3 with the number of the test you wan to do.

Many modules have their own unit tests. They are located at the bottom of the page in the same module that they are testing. You can run all of the unit tests like this: unit_tests:doit(0).

Speed comparison.

Here is a calculator to get an idea for how much it should cost to do different things with the verkle tree and libraries.

Cryptography used

inner product argument bullet proofs:

polynomial multiproofs:

Ed25519 It is defined like this. The prime for the finite field: q = 2^255 - 19 Curve equation: -x^2 + y^2 = 1 - ((121665/121666) * x^2 * y^2 ) These are the algorithms we can use for operations on the elliptic curve:

ed25519 elliptic curve algorithms for elliptic curve operations in C.

multi exponentiation with bucket method. precomputed multi exponentiation with bucket method.

bulletproofs inner product using pedersen commitments. polynomials in evaluation format. polynomials multiproofs.