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Input file

Input-File provides a clickable element, which can be used in forms to upload files. The upload function can be restricted with several attributes. They may display text, icons, or both. Input-File can be styled via properties like the axa-button or axa-button-link.



The String attribute text sets the text of the component.


Attribute Details
variant="secondary" Button in a ghost state
variant="red" Button red
variant="inverted" Button inverted


Based on the string-valued attribute icon, interpreted as icon name, an icon will be rendered. To see the full list of possible icons, see the axa-icon README.


The Boolean attribute large specifies the size of an input file. Setting this attribute will change the height of an input file.


The Boolean attribute motionoff deactivates hover animation.


The Boolean attribute disabled disables the input file, but not natively like in the button.


The String attribute accept specifies a filter for which file types the user can pick from.

Attribute Details
accept="" Allow every file type
accept="image/*" Files with media type image are accepted
accept="video/*" Files with media type video are accepted
accept="audio/*" Files with media type audio are accepted
accept=".png" files of the specified extension are accepted
accept="image/jpg, image/jpeg, image/png" Allow multiple file types


The Boolean attribute capture indicates that the capture of media directly from the device’s camera and/or microphone is preferred.

Attribute Details
capture Allow capturing media from device
accept="audio/*" capture="capture" Allow capturing audio from device
accept="video/*" capture="" Allow capturing video from device

You can restrict the different media types like audio, video or photo with the accept attribute.


The Boolean attribute multiple specifies how many file the user can select.


The function-valued attribute onChange can be used as a callback prop for React and other frameworks.