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TorchScript serialization

This document explains the TorchScript serialization format, and the anatomy of a call to torch::jit::save() or torch::jit::load().


A serialized model (call it is a ZIP archive containing many files. If you want to manually crack it open, you can call unzip on it to inspect the file structure directly:

$ unzip
  extracting ...

$ tree model/
├── code/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── foo/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
├── data.pkl
├── constants.pkl
└── data/
    ├── 0
    └── 1

You'll notice that there are .py and .pkl files in this archive. That's because our serialization format tries to mimic Python's. All "code-like" information (methods, modules, classes, functions) are stored as human-readable .py containing valid Python syntax, and all "data-like" information (attributes, objects, etc.) are pickled using a subset of Python's pickle protocol.

A model is really a top-level module with some submodules, parameters, and so on depending on what the author needs. So, data.pkl contains the pickled top-level module. Deserializing the model is as simple as calling unpickle() on data.pkl, which will restore the module object state and load its associated code on demand.

Design Notes

Some things to keep in mind while working on the serialization code. These may help make technical decisions on which approach to take when making a change.

Do what Python does. When it comes to the serialized format, it's much simpler in the long-run to be consistent with whatever Python does. A good rule of thumb is: if I tried to interact with serialized artifacts using Python, would it work? i.e., all serialized code should be valid Python, and all pickled objects should be depickle-able by Python.

Being consistent with Python means our format is more debuggable (you can always crack it open and poke at it from Python) and leads to fewer surprises for developers familiar with Python but not familiar with TorchScript.

Human readable. In addition to being valid Python, serialized code should attempt to be readable Python. We should try to preserve the variable names that authors wrote, appropriately inline short expressions, and so on. This helps with debugging the serialized code.

No jitter. If we do:

m = MyModule()"")
m_loaded = torch.load("")"")
m_loaded2 = torch.load("")

We want the property that m_loaded and m_loaded2 are identical. This "no-jitter" property is useful in catching bugs in the serialization process, and generally is desirable for debugging (models won't drift depending on how many times you saved/loaded them).

Initial load should be fast. Calling load() should be effectively instantaneous to a human. Anything that takes a long time (reading in tensor data, for example) should be done lazily.

code/: How code is serialized

At a high level, code serialization means:

  1. Transforming ClassTypes and Functions (called "code objects") into Python source code.
  2. Placing the source code in the model ZIP archive.

Printing code objects as Python source

PythonPrint is the function that takes as input a ClassType or Function ("code object") and outputs Python source code. ScriptModules are implemented as class types, so their methods and attributes will get serialized as well.

PythonPrint works by walking a Graph (the IR representation of either a ClassType's method or raw Function) and emitting Python code that corresponds to it. The rules for emitting Python code are mostly straightforward and uninteresting. There are some extra pieces of information that PythonPrint tracks, however:

Class dependencies. While walking the graph, PythonPrint keeps track of what classes are used in the graph and adds them to a list of classes that the current code object depends on. For example, if we are printing a Module, it will depend on its submodules, as well as any classes used in its methods or attributes.

Uses of tensor constants. Most constants are inlined as literals, like strings or ints. But since tensors are potentially very large, when PythonPrint encounters a constant tensor it will emit a reference to a global CONSTANTS table (like foo = CONSTANTS.c0).

When importing, the importer will know how to resolve this reference into an actual tensor by looking it up in the tensor table. So CONSTANTS.c0 means "this is the 0th tensor in the tensor tuple in constants.pkl." See the constants section for more info.

Original source range records. To aid debugging, PythonPrint remembers the "original" (user-written) location of the source code it's emitting. That way, when the user is debugging a model they loaded, they will see diagnostics that point to the code that they actually wrote, rather than the code that PythonPrint emitted.

The original source range records are pickled and saved in a corresponding .debug_pkl file with the same name as the code. You can think of this .debug_pkl file as a map between source ranges in the serialized code and the original user-written code.

Module information. Modules are special in a few ways. First are Parameters: some module attributes are actually Parameters, which have special properties (see the torch.nn documentation for exact details). We track which attributes are parameters by emitting a special assignment in the class body, like:

class MyModule(Module):
    __parameters__ = ["foo", "bar", ]
    foo : Tensor
    bar : Tensor
    attribute_but_not_param : Tensor

Another special thing with modules is that they are typically constructed in Python, and we do not compile the __init__() method. So in order to ensure they are statically typed, PythonPrint must enumerate a module's attributes (as you can see above), because it can't rely on compiling __init__() to infer the attributes.

A final special thing is that some modules (like nn.Sequential) have attributes that are not valid Python identifiers. We can't write

# wrong!
class MyModule(Module):
    0 : ASubmodule
    1 : BSubmodule

because this is not valid Python syntax (even though it is legal in Python to have attributes with those names!). So we use a trick where we write directly to the __annotations__ dict:

class MyModule(Module):
    __annotations__ = []
    __annotations__["0"] = ASubmodule
    __annotations__["1"] = ASubmodule

Placing the source code in the archive

Once all code objects have been PythonPrinted into source strings, we have to figure out where to actually put this source. Explaining this necessitates an introduction to CompilationUnit and QualifiedName. See the appendix on CompilationUnit for more info.

CompilationUnit: this is the owning container for all code objects associated with a given model. When we load, we load all the code objects to a single CompilationUnit.

QualifiedName: this is the fully qualified name for a code object. It is similar to qualified names in Python, and looks like "". Each code object has a unique QualifiedName within a CompilationUnit.

The exporter uses the QualifiedName of a code object to determine its location in the code/ folder. The way it does so is similar to how Python does it; for example, the class Baz with a QualifiedName "" will be placed in code/foo/ under the name Baz.

Classes at the root of the hierarchy are given the qualified name __torch__ as a prefix, just so that they can go in (Why not __main__? Because pickle has weird special rules about things that live in __main__).

That's about it; there's some additional logic to make sure that within a file, we place the classes in reverse-dependency order so that we compile the "leaf" dependencies before things that depend on them.

How data is serialized

A model is really a top-level ScriptModule with any number of submodules, parameters, attributes, and so on. We implement a subset of the Pickle format necessary for pickling a module object.

pickle's format was chosen due to:

  • user friendliness - the attributes file can be loaded in Python with pickle
  • size limits - formats such as Protobuf empose size limits on total message size, whereas pickle limits are on individual values (e.g. strings cannot be longer than 4 GB)
  • standard format - pickle is a standard Python module with a reasonably simple format. The format is a program to be consumed by a stack machine that is detailed in Python's
  • built-in memoization - for shared reference types (e.g. Tensor, string, lists, dicts)
  • self describing - a separate definition file is not needed to understand the pickled data
  • eager mode save - already produces a pickle archive, so doing the same with attributes avoids introducing yet another format

data.pkl: How module object state is serialized

All data is written into the data.pkl file with the exception of tensors (see the tensor section below). "Data" means all parts of the module object state, like attributes, submodules, etc.

PyTorch functions defined in torch/jit/ are used to mark special data types, such as this tensor table index or specialized lists.

data/: How tensors are serialized

During export a list of all the tensors in a model is created. Tensors can come from either module parameters or attributes of Tensor type.

Tensors are treated differently from other data (which is pickled using the standard pickling process) for a few reasons:

  • Tensors regularly exceed the pickle file size limit.
  • We'd like to be able to mmap Tensors directly.
  • We'd like to maintain compatibility with regular PyTorch's serialization format

constants.pkl: Constants in code

The pickle format enforces a separation between data and code, which the TorchScript serialization process represents by having code/ and data.pkl + tensors/.

However, TorchScript inlines constants (i.e. prim::Constant nodes) directly into code/. This poses a problem for tensor constants, which are not easily representable in string form.

We can't put tensor constants in data.pkl, because the source code must be loaded before data.pkl, and so putting the tensor constants there would create a cyclic loading dependency.

We solve this problem by creating a separate pickle file called constants.pkl, which holds all tensor constants referenced in code. The load order will be explained in the next section.


The load process has the following steps:

  1. Unpickle constants.pkl, which produces a tuple of all tensor constants referenced in code.
  2. Unpickle data.pkl into the top-level Module and return it.

The unpickling process consists of a single call to unpickle the module object contained in data.pkl. The Unpickler is given a callback that lets it resolve any qualified names it encounters into ClassTypes. This is done by resolving the qualified name to the appropriate file in code/, then compiling that file and returning the appropriate ClassType.

This is why it's important to give code objects unique qualified names in the CompilationUnit. That way, every class that Unpickler encounters has a deterministic location in code/ where it is stored.

Unpickler is also responsible for resolving references to tensors into actual at::Tensors. This is done by looking up offsets in the tensor table during the unpickling process, (soon to be replaced with the same pickling strategy as all other data).

__getstate__ and __setstate__

Like in Python's pickle, users can customize the pickling behavior of their class or module by implementing __getstate__() and __setstate__() methods. For basic usage, refer to the relevant Python docs.

Calls to __getstate__ and __setstate__ are handled transparently by Pickler and Unpickler, so the serialization process shouldn't worry about it too much.

One thing worth calling out is that the compiler implements a few special type inference behaviors to cheat the fact that users currently cannot type annotate Modules.

__getstate__ and __setstate__ do not require type annotations. For __getstate__, the compiler can fully infer the return based on what attributes the user is returning. Then, __setstate__ simply looks up the return type of __getstate__ and uses that as its input type.

For example:

class M(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = torch.rand(2, 3)
        self.b = torch.nn.Linear(10, 10)

    def __getstate__(self):
        # Compiler infers that this is a tuple of (Tensor, Linear)
        return (self.a, self.b)

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        # Don't need to annotate this, we know what type `state` is!
        self.a = state[0]
        self.b = state[1]

Appendix: CompilationUnit and code object ownership

CompilationUnit performs two functions:

  1. It is the owner (in a C++ sense) for all code objects.
  2. It forms a namespace in which code objects must have unique names.

A CompilationUnit is created whenever torch::jit::load() is invoked, to place the newly deserialized code objects in. In Python, there is a single global CompilationUnit that holds all code objects defined in Python.

CompilationUnit ownership semantics

There are a few different entities that participate in the ownership model: CompilationUnit: A container that owns code objects and gives them name. Every code object has a unique qualified name within the CompilationUnit.

There are two kinds of code objects: Functions and ClassTypes. Function: A Graph with an associated executor. The Graph may own ClassTypes, since some Values hold a shared_ptr to their type (for now). The Graph may also weakly reference other Functions through function calls.

ClassType: A definition of a type. This could refer to a user-defined TorchScript class, or a ScriptModule. Owns other its attribute types (including other ClassTypes). Weakly references the class’s methods (Functions).

Object: An instance of a particular class. Own the CompilationUnit that owns its ClassType. This is to ensure that if the user passes the object around in C++, all its code will stay around and methods will be invokable.

Module: A view over a ClassType and the Object that holds its state. Also responsible for turning unqualified names (e.g. forward()) into qualified ones for lookup in the owning CompilationUnit (e.g. __torch__.MyModule.forward). Owns the Object, which transitively owns the CompilationUnit.

Method: A tuple of (Module, Function).

Code object naming

CompilationUnit maintains a namespace in which all code objects (ClassTypes and Functions) are uniquely named. These names don't have any particular meaning, except that they uniquely identify a code object during serialization and deserialization. The basic naming scheme is:

  • Everything starts in the __torch__ namespace.
  • Classes are named parallel to Python’s module namespacing: so class Bar in would become
  • Methods are attached to the module’s namespace. So Bar.forward() would be

There are some caveats:

Some CompilationUnits have no prefix: For testing and other internal purposes, occasionally it’s useful to have no prefixes on names. In this case, everything is just a bare name inside the CompilationUnit. Users cannot construct `CompilationUnits that look like this.

Name mangling: In Python, we can construct code objects that have the same qualified name. There are two cases where this happens:

  1. For ScriptModules, since every ScriptModule is a singleton class in the JIT, a user that is constructing multiple ScriptModules will create multiple corresponding ClassTypes with identical names.
  2. Nesting functions will also cause qualified name clashes, due to limitations in Python. In these cases, we mangle the names of the code objects before they are placed in the global Python CompilationUnit.

The rules for mangling are simple. Say we have a qualified name                    # first time, unchanged   # second time, when we request a mangle   # and so on

Notice that we mangle the namespace before Bar. This is so that when we pretty-print code, the unqualified name (Bar) is unchanged. This is a useful property so that things like trace-checking are oblivious to the mangling.