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200 lines (123 loc) · 6.22 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.4.x] -2023-xx-xx (unreleased)


  • NMD information (e.g., escape rule,...) is now also calculated for all variants

[0.3.0] - 2024-08-30


  • Added sequence similarity filter for MHC-I
    • self-similarity (using kernel similarity)
    • pathogen similarity (BLAST against pathogen-derived epitopes from IEDB)
    • proteome similarity (BLAST against human proteome)
  • Prioritization of neoantigens is now done separately for each variant type (speeds up the process)
  • Update to recent version of ScanExitron
    • this version updated to recent version of regtools (v0.5.0) - which is available on Conda
    • Singularity/Docker is not necessary anymore
    • Added option to use strand information in exitron calling
  • ScanNeo2 now uses conda environments for all tools (ditched Singularity/Docker)


  • renamed similarity fields for pathogen and protein to more descriptive names

[0.2.12] - 2024-08-21


  • Fixed missing alleles in HLA alleles reference list - #34

[0.2.11] - 2024-08-02


  • Updated transindel environment to recent samtools version (as --o introduced in samtools >= 1.13 required by transindel)

[0.2.10] - 2024-07-08


  • Allow to combine multiple VCF files in indel detection using mutect2 (e.g., when multiple samples are provided)

[0.2.9] - 2024-07-04


  • Splitted rules in HLA typing to ensure better distribution of the workload
  • Changed order in HLA typing rules (BAM files are now part of single-end)
    • samtools fastq is only called for BAM files
    • input of filtering directly from preprocessed/raw reads

[0.2.8] - 2024-06-26


  • Added threads option to samtools sort calls to speed up the process
  • Fixed wrong call to optitype within the wrapper script

[0.2.7] - 2024-06-23


  • Separated samtools, bcftools and realign environments to avoid conflicts
  • Changed order of genotyping rules to catch errors when no alleles can be found
    • Alleles are merged according to nartype (e.g., DNA, RNA) and then combined
  • Force concat of VCF files in genotyping to avoid errors when no variants are found
  • Added optitype wrapper to avoid errors when empty BAM files are provided / no HLA reads

[0.2.6] - 2024-06-20


  • Added routines to catch errors when rnaseq data is not provided but exitron/alternative splicing calling is activated
  • Added reference genome index as input to germline indel calling (necessary when only indel calling is activated)
  • removed -C from BWA mem call (on DNAseq data) to avoid error on Illumina identifiers

[0.2.5] - 2024-06-19


  • Wrong indentation in HLAtyping caused error when providing no normal sample (NoneType was being iterated)
  • Fixed missing input in get_reads_hlatyping_PE rule (tmp folder) that caused error when using paired-end reads
  • Added else case in get_input_hlatyping function (rule get_reads_hlatyping_PE) for input reads when preproc is deactivated

[0.2.4] - 2024-05-19


  • Added concurrency to splAdder call
  • Added routines that lets ScanNeo2 finish (even when splAdder results are empty or faulty)

[0.2.3] - 2024-03-02

Features (somewhat)

  • Added paramter nonchr in reference attribute to exclude non-chromosomal contigs from the reference genome


  • Fixed wrong path in quality control for single-end reads

[0.2.2] - 2024-03-01


  • Conda instal wheel caused error on the spladder environment
    • pysam requires exactly python=3.6

[0.2.1] - 2024-02-29


  • Removed hlahd path from config and hlatyping - needs to be installed in $PATH

[0.2.0] - 2024-02-25


  • ScanNeo2 supports Snakmake>=8
    • --use-conda replaced by --software-deployment-method conda
    • --use-singularity replaced by --software-deployment-method apptainer
  • Gather/scatter of the indel calling speeds up ScanNeo2 on multiple cores
    • added script to split bamfiles by chromosome (scripts/
    • haplotypecaller first/final round is done per chromosome and later merged
    • mutect2 is done per chromosome and later merged
  • Genotyping MHC-II works now on both single-end and paired-end
  • User-defined HLA alleles are matched against the hla refset
  • Added multiple routine to catch errors when only custom variants are provided
  • Added additional parameters in config file


  • When using BAMfiles the HLA typing wrongly expected single-end reads and performed preprocessing
  • Each environment is no thoroughly versioned to ensure interoperability
  • Missing immunogenicity calculation on certain values of MHC-I fixed
  • Fixed prediction of binding affinity in MHC-II (as the columns are different from MHC-I)

[0.1.6] - 2024-02-13


  • linked rules for prediction of binding affinities and immunogenicity to input of prioritization

[0.1.5] - 2024-02-13


  • fixed wrong reference genome in exitron2vcf call (which forced ScanNeo2 to use alternative rules)
  • removed redundant rules for alternative genomes (ScanNeo2 now uses ensembl globally)

[0.1.4] - 2024-02-12


  • added input directive in rule prepare_cds (exitron rules). Makes sure that annotations are present if exitron calling is executed first

[0.1.3] - 2024-02-10


  • added routines/fixed issues when no normal sample is provided

[0.1.2] - 2024-01-17


  • Added alternative link for VEP cache to improve download speed
  • Added missing scripts to modify the ensembl header
  • Modularized rule for long indel detection

[0.1.1] - 2024-01-16


  • Fixed errors when providing custom input for MHC alleles
  • Refactoring of genotyping scripts
  • Added more detailed instructions in README

[0.1.0] - 2023-08-17


  • Comprehensive workflow with different modules to detect variants from sequencing data
  • Different modules for each step
  • Support data in single-end, paired-end .fastq or BAM files
  • preprocessing, alignment
  • genotyping
  • alternative splicing
  • gene fusion, exitron, SNVs and indels