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Fault-tolerant operation of PT Application Firewall based on Yandex.Cloud

Purpose of the demo: Install PT Web Application Firewall (hereinafter, PT WAF) in Yandex.Cloud in a fault-tolerant configuration.

For a detailed workshop analysis, see the video:


Table of Contents:

  • Description
  • Deployment
  • Description of the steps of working with PT WAF
  • Checking the traffic flow and fault tolerance
  • Additional materials: configuring PT WAF clustering and Application Load Balancer


Steps to be completed during the workshop:

  • Installing the infrastructure using Terraform (Infrastructure as a Code).
  • Installation and basic configuration of PT WAF Cluster in two Yandex.Cloud availability zones.

Fault tolerance is provided by:

  • Clustering of the PT WAF in Active-Active mode
  • Balancing of traffic using External-LB Yandex.Cloud
  • Using Cloud Function in Yandex.Cloud to monitor the status of PT WAFs and, if they fail, direct the traffic to applications — BYPASS.

Environment scenario:

It is assumed that in Yandex.Cloud, the client has already deployed an unsafe external scenario of publishing a VM, that is, a VM running web applications in two availability zones. It also runs an external network load balancer.

To implement the entire diagram from scratch, use the playbook in the from-scratch folder

Diagram before:


Diagram after:



Preparation and prerequisites


Terraform deployment:

  • Download an archive with files
  • Go to the folder with files.
  • Add relevant parameters to the file (comments indicate the necessary yc commands to get the values).
  • Execute the Terraform initialization command:
terraform init
  • Execute the load-balancer import command:
terraform import yandex_lb_network_load_balancer.ext-lb $(yc load-balancer network-load-balancer list --format=json | jq '.[].id' | sed 's/"//g') 
  • Execute the Terraform startup command:
terraform apply
  • Enable NAT on ext-subnet-a and ext-subnet-b (so that PT WAF can go online for updates and activate the license).
  • Assign the security group app-sg to the VM app-a and app-b.


Steps for working with PT AF

Video instructions:

  • Forward SSH ports to connect to PT AF servers (needs to be executed in two different terminal windows):
ssh -L 22001: -L 22002: -L 8443: -L -i ./pt_key.pem yc-user@$(yc compute instance list --format=json | jq '.[] | select( .name == "ssh-a")| .network_interfaces[0].primary_v4_address.one_to_one_nat.address '| sed 's/"//g') 

This opens the SSH terminal (broker machine) — leave it open.

Configuring PT AF clustering

Setting up the master server

  • Connect to ptaf-a:
ssh -p 22001 -i pt_key.pem yc-user@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
  • List the current DB password:
sudo wsc -c 'password list'  
  • Execute the cluster autoconfiguring script:

Setting up a Slave server

  • Connect to ptaf-b:
ssh -p 22002 -i pt_key.pem yc-user@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
  • Set the DB password from the previous step:
sudo wsc -c 'password set <master password>' 
(it must be the same as the password on the master node) 
  • Execute the cluster autoconfiguring script:

Creating clusters

  • First, run synchronization on the Slave server using the commands:
ssh -p 22002 -i pt_key.pem yc-user@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
sudo wsc
Enter 0 
config commit
  • Wait for the message on the Slave server: TASK: [mongo | please configure all other nodes of your cluster]. After that, switch to the Master server and start syncing with similar commands:
ssh -p 22001 -i pt_key.pem yc-user@localhost -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
sudo wsc
Enter 0 
config commit

If the config commit command fails on the Master, apply the command again.

  • Next, the configuration on the Master node stopped at the message: TASK: [mongo | wait config sync on secondary nodes]. Manually execute the command on the Slave node: config sync.

  • On the Slave, run:

config sync 
  • On the Master, run:
config sync
  • On the Master, run:
mongo --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p $(cat /opt/waf/conf/master_password) waf --eval 'c = db.sentinel; l = c.findOne({_id: "license"}); Object.keys(l).forEach(function(k) { if (l[k].ip) { delete l[k].ip; l[k].hostname = "" }}); c.update({_id: l._id}, l)'


Configuring traffic processing

  • Open in the browser:

  • Enter the standard login admin and password positive, change the password, for example, to P@ssw0rd.

  • Open the tab Configuration → Network → Gateways by clicking on the pencil icon (Edit).

  • On each of the gateways, select the Active option.

  • On each of the gateways, on the Network tab, define the aliases mgmt, wan, lan for the eth-ext1 interface.

  • Create an upstream on the tab Configuration → Network → Upstreams:

  • Name: internal-lb

  • Backend Host: enter the address of the Yandex.Cloud internal load balancer

  • Backend port: 80

  • Create a service on the tab Configuration → Network → Services:

  • Name: app

  • Net interface alias: wan

  • Listen port: 80

  • Upstream: internal-lb

  • Edit an existing Any web application on the Configuration → Security → Web Applications tab:

  • Service: app


Checking the traffic flow and fault tolerance

  • Look at the external IP address of your external load balancer.
  • Disable ptaf-a and make sure that the traffic is passing.
  • Disable app-a and make sure that the traffic is passing.
  • Disable ptaf-b and make sure that BYPASS applies and the traffic switches over directly to the internal load balancer.
  • Turn on ptaf-a, ptaf-b, and make sure that traffic goes through ptaf again.


Additional materials

Setting up Yandex Application Load Balancer

In this model, you can use Yandex Application Load Balancer.

There are detailed instructions on enabling a virtual hosting (including integration with Certificate Manager to manage SSL certificates).