From 78c2bed93bff43264766c4c7b08b5b57db3f7d83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jorge Diz Pico Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2022 03:40:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Update core, fatex, simple after v10 release --- .github/workflows/main.yml | 2 +- | 8 +- dist/combined.json | 830 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----- i18n/fatex/en/fatex.json | 5 +- i18n/fatex/gl/fatex.json | 5 +- i18n/foundry/en/foundry.json | 960 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- i18n/foundry/gl/foundry.json | 820 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----- i18n/simple/en/simple.json | 11 +- i18n/simple/gl/simple.json | 7 +- module.json | 15 +- 10 files changed, 2214 insertions(+), 449 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml index b33b153..17c50f9 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/main.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: FoundryVTT-gl CI on: push: tags: - - '0.*' + - 'v*' jobs: build: diff --git a/ b/ index 415bd65..937562b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ Galician translation of core FoundryVTT and other systems and modules. ### Core -- **FoundryVTT Core**: 0.8.7 +- **FoundryVTT Core**: 10.284 ### Systems -- **[DnD 5e](**: 1.3.3 -- **[FateX](**: 0.11.3 -- **[Simple Worldbuilding System](**: 0.40 +- **[DnD 5e](**: 1.3.3 +- **[FateX](**: 1.0.1 +- **[Simple Worldbuilding System](**: 0.7.1 **Tip**: a Galician translation for the [Savage Worlds]( system (as well as for its compendiums and decks) can currently be found included in the diff --git a/dist/combined.json b/dist/combined.json index 575edb6..b286a71 100644 --- a/dist/combined.json +++ b/dist/combined.json @@ -1,15 +1,33 @@ { - "ACTOR.Create": "Crear actor", - "ACTOR.Search": "Procurar actores", - "ACTOR.Title": "Directorio de actores", "ACTOR.TypeCharacter": "Personaxe Xogadora", "ACTOR.TypeNpc": "Personaxe Non Xogadora", "ACTOR.TypeVehicle": "Vehículo", + "ADVENTURE.Caption": "Pé do cartel", + "ADVENTURE.CaptionHint": "Proporciona un pé de cartel que se mostrará baixo a imaxe. Pode conter HTML ou texto simple.", + "ADVENTURE.Create": "Crear aventura", + "ADVENTURE.Description": "Descrición", + "ADVENTURE.DescriptionHint": "Proporciona unha descrición que resuma o argumento da aventura.", + "ADVENTURE.ExportDropZone": "Arrastra e solta contido desde o teu mundo para encher a aventura.", + "ADVENTURE.ExportEdit": "Reconstruír aventura", + "ADVENTURE.ExportSubmit": "Construír aventura", + "ADVENTURE.ExportTabContents": "Contido", + "ADVENTURE.ExportTabSummary": "Resumo", + "ADVENTURE.Image": "Imaxe de cartel", + "ADVENTURE.ImageHint": "Proporciona unha imaxe de cartel de polo menos 768px de largo e 300px xe alto para mostrar nesta aventura.", + "ADVENTURE.ImportHeaderContents": "Contido", + "ADVENTURE.ImportHeaderOverview": "Síntese", + "ADVENTURE.ImportOverwriteTitle": "Sobreescribir contido existente?", + "ADVENTURE.ImportOverwriteWarning": "Algún contido da aventura {name} xa existe no teu mundo. Se importas a aventura, ese contido será sobreescrito. Queres continuar?", + "ADVENTURE.ImportProgress": "Importando", + "ADVENTURE.ImportSubmit": "Importar aventura", + "ADVENTURE.Name": "Nome", + "ADVENTURE.NameHint": "Escolle un nome único para esta aventura dentro do paquete que a contén.", "APP.NavigateBackConfirm": "Tes a certeza de querer saír da partida do Foundry Virtual Tabletop?", "Activate": "Activar", "Angle": "Ángulo", "AreYouSure": "Tes a certeza?", "Author": "Autoría", + "AuthorPl": "Autores", "BRT.BetterTable": "Táboa mellorada", "BRT.Currency": "Moeda:", "BRT.CurrencyLoot": "Botín de moedas", @@ -31,6 +49,91 @@ "BRT.TypeLabel": "Tipo táboa mellorada", "BRT.TypeLoot": "Táboa de botín", "Between": "Entre", + "CARD.BackImage": "Imaxe do reverso", + "CARD.BackName": "Nome do reverso", + "CARD.BackText": "Texto do reverso", + "CARD.Create": "Crear carta", + "CARD.Delete": "Borrar carta", + "CARD.Description": "Descrición", + "CARD.Dimensions": "Dimensións predeterminadas", + "CARD.Drawn": "Roubada(s)", + "CARD.Edit": "Editar carta", + "CARD.Face": "Anverso", + "CARD.FaceAdd": "Engadir anverso", + "CARD.FaceDelete": "Borrar anverso", + "CARD.FaceDeleteWarning": "Borrar este anverso eliminará permanentemente os seus datos da carta.", + "CARD.FaceImage": "Imaxe do anverso", + "CARD.FaceName": "Nome do anverso", + "CARD.FaceNext": "Seguinte anverso", + "CARD.FacePrevious": "Anterior anverso", + "CARD.FaceText": "Texto no anverso", + "CARD.HeaderBack": "Reverso da carta", + "CARD.HeaderDetails": "Detalles da carta", + "CARD.HeaderFaces": "Anversos da carta", + "CARD.Name": "Nome", + "CARD.Play": "Xogar carta", + "CARD.PlayHint": "Xoga esta carta pasándoa a outra man ou montón.", + "CARD.Save": "Gardar carta", + "CARD.Suit": "Pau", + "CARD.Type": "Tipo", + "CARD.TypeBase": "Base", + "CARD.Unknown": "Descoñecida ({source})", + "CARD.Value": "Valor", + "CARDS.CardsDeck": "Baralla de cartas", + "CARDS.CardsHand": "Man de cartas", + "CARDS.CardsPile": "Montón de cartas", + "CARDS.Deal": "Repartir", + "CARDS.DealHint": "Escolle un conxunto de mans ou montóns aos que se repartirán as cartas. Repartirase o mesmo número de cartas a cada man/montón seleccionado.", + "CARDS.DealTitle": "Repartir cartas", + "CARDS.DealTo": "Repartir a", + "CARDS.DealWarnNoTargets": "Debes crear unha man ou montón aos que repartir cartas.", + "CARDS.DeckPreset": "Configuracións preexistentes", + "CARDS.DeckPresetPokerDark": "Baralla de póker (escura)", + "CARDS.DeckPresetPokerLight": "Baralla de póker (clara)", + "CARDS.DeleteCannot": "Non se pode borrar", + "CARDS.DeleteCannotHint": "As seguintes barallas aínda teñen cartas roubadas e non se poden borrar, restáuraas primeiro: {decks}", + "CARDS.DeleteMustReset": "Este/a {type} debe ser restaurado/a antes de poderes borrar, queres continuar?", + "CARDS.DeleteReset": "Restaurar e borrar", + "CARDS.Description": "Descrición da pilla de cartas", + "CARDS.Dimensions": "Dimensións predeterminadas", + "CARDS.Draw": "Roubar", + "CARDS.DrawFrom": "Roubar de", + "CARDS.DrawHint": "Escolle unha baralla da que roubar un certo número de cartas.", + "CARDS.DrawMode": "Modo de roubo", + "CARDS.DrawModeBottom": "De abaixo (última)", + "CARDS.DrawModeRandom": "Aleatorio", + "CARDS.DrawModeTop": "De arriba (primeira)", + "CARDS.DrawTitle": "Roubar cartas", + "CARDS.DrawWarnNoSources": "Non hai barallas dispoñibles das que poidas roubar.", + "CARDS.Facedown": "Cara abaixo", + "CARDS.HeaderCards": "Cartas", + "CARDS.HeaderDetails": "Configuración", + "CARDS.Image": "Imaxe do reverso predeterminada", + "CARDS.NoCards": "Non hai cartas presentes", + "CARDS.NotifyDeal": "Repartiu {number} cartas a cada: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyDiscard": "Descartou {number} cartas a: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyDraw": "Roubou {number} cartas de: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyPass": "Pasou {number} cartas a: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyPlay": "Xogou {number} cartas a: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyReset": "Recuperou todas as cartas para: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyReturn": "Devolveu todas as cartas desde: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyShuffle": "Barallou: {link}", + "CARDS.Number": "Número", + "CARDS.Pass": "Pasar", + "CARDS.PassHint": "Pasa certo número de cartas a outra man ou montón.", + "CARDS.PassTitle": "Pasar cartas", + "CARDS.PassTo": "Pasar a", + "CARDS.PassWarnNoTargets": "Non hai mans ou montón dispoñibles para lles pasares.", + "CARDS.Reset": "Restaurar", + "CARDS.ResetConfirm": "Tes a certeza de querer restaurar {name}? Todas as cartas repartidas serán recuperadas.", + "CARDS.ReturnConfirm": "Tes a certeza? Todas as cartas en {name} serán devoltas ás súas barallas orixinais.", + "CARDS.Save": "Gardar", + "CARDS.Shuffle": "Barallar", + "CARDS.SortMode": "Orde", + "CARDS.Type": "Tipo de pilla", + "CARDS.TypeDeck": "Baralla", + "CARDS.TypeHand": "Man", + "CARDS.TypePile": "Montón", "CF.assigned": "Asignado", "CF.cleanup": "Roza", "CF.cleanupHint": "Quitar os datos de cartafoles dun compendio", @@ -91,6 +194,7 @@ "CF.unlockAll": "Desprotexer todos os contidos", "CF.updateFolderNotificationFinish": "Actualización completa!", "CF.updateFolderNotificationStart": "Actualizando cartafol…", + "CHAT.Chat": "Conversa", "CHAT.Clear": "Limpar historial do chat", "CHAT.ConcealMessage": "Facer privado", "CHAT.Export": "Exportar historial do chat", @@ -120,6 +224,7 @@ "COMBAT.CombatantNotInScene": "A combatente {name} non está presente na escena que estás a ver", "COMBAT.CombatantRemove": "Quitar combatente", "COMBAT.CombatantReroll": "Rolar de novo a iniciativa", + "COMBAT.CombatantScene": "Escena do combatente", "COMBAT.CombatantStatus": "Estado da combatente", "COMBAT.CombatantToken": "Efixie ligada", "COMBAT.CombatantUpdate": "Editar combatente", @@ -133,10 +238,13 @@ "COMBAT.EndTitle": "Finalizar lance?", "COMBAT.InitiativeReset": "Reiniciar iniciativa", "COMBAT.InitiativeRoll": "Rolar iniciativa", + "COMBAT.Linked": "Vinculado á escena, preme para desvincular", + "COMBAT.NavLabel": "Navegación dos lances", "COMBAT.None": "Non hai lance activo", "COMBAT.NoneActive": "Non hai ningún lance activo na escena que estás a ver.", "COMBAT.NoneRemaining": "Non quedan combatentes neste lance que non foran xa derrotadas.", "COMBAT.NotStarted": "Por comezar", + "COMBAT.PingCombatant": "Ping no combatente", "COMBAT.Resource": "Recurso monitorado", "COMBAT.ResourceHint": "Escolle un atributo a monitorar por cada combatente.", "COMBAT.RollAll": "Rolar todas", @@ -148,8 +256,11 @@ "COMBAT.Rounds": "Roldas", "COMBAT.Settings": "Parámetros do xestor de combate", "COMBAT.SettingsSave": "Gardar", + "COMBAT.SidebarTitle": "Xestor do combate", "COMBAT.SkipDefeated": "Omitir as derrotadas?", "COMBAT.SkipDefeatedHint": "Saltar automáticamente as combatentes marcadas como derrotadas?", + "COMBAT.Sounds.Epic": "Épico", + "COMBAT.Sounds.MC": "Comentarista", "COMBAT.ToggleDead": "Marcar como derrotada", "COMBAT.ToggleVis": "Alternar a visibilidade", "COMBAT.Turn": "Turno", @@ -158,6 +269,7 @@ "COMBAT.TurnPrev": "Anterior turno", "COMBAT.Turns": "Turnos", "COMBAT.UnknownCombatant": "Combatente descoñecida", + "COMBAT.Unlinked": "Combate desvinculado, preme para vincular á escena", "COMPENDIUM.Create": "Crear compendio", "COMPENDIUM.CreateHint": "Crea un novo compendio no teu mundo actual.", "COMPENDIUM.Delete": "Borrar compendio", @@ -174,6 +286,7 @@ "COMPENDIUM.ImportAllStart": "Importando {number} {type} entradas para a carpeta {folder}. Fai o favor de agardar.", "COMPENDIUM.ImportEntry": "Importar entrada", "COMPENDIUM.Name": "Nome do compendio", + "COMPENDIUM.SidebarTitle": "Paquetes de compendio", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleLocked": "Alternar protección de edición", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleLockedWarning": "Vas desprotexer a edición dun compendio que non é deste mundo. Calquera mudanza que fagas neste compendio poderá perderse se o sistema ou módulo ao que pertence é actualizado. Talvez te sería mellor duplicar o compendio para o teu mundo en vez diso. Tes a certeza de querer continuar?", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleVisibility": "Alternar visibilidade", @@ -185,10 +298,15 @@ "CONTROLS.CanvasLeftDrag": "Usar a ferramenta activa", "CONTROLS.CanvasMove": "Mover elemento", "CONTROLS.CanvasPan": "Moverte polo lenzo", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPing": "Ping no lenzo", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPingAlert": "Alertar de ping no lenzo", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPingPull": "Mover lenzo ao ping", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelect": "Seleccionar elemento", + "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectAll": "Seleccionar todos os elementos", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectCancel": "Cancelar arrastre", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectMany": "Engadir ou quitar os elementos seleccionados", "CONTROLS.CanvasZoom": "Achegar/afastar vista", + "CONTROLS.CharacterSheet": "Alternar ficha de personaxe", "CONTROLS.ClearAll": "Borrar todos os elementos", "CONTROLS.ClearAllHint": "Borrar permanentemente da escena todos os elementos de tipo {type}?", "CONTROLS.Double": "Duplo", @@ -215,7 +333,7 @@ "CONTROLS.GroupDrawing": "Ferramentas de debuxo", "CONTROLS.GroupLighting": "Controis de iluminación", "CONTROLS.GroupMeasure": "Controis de medida", - "CONTROLS.GroupNotes": "Notas do diario", + "CONTROLS.GroupNotes": "Notas de diario", "CONTROLS.GroupSound": "Controis do son ambiente", "CONTROLS.GroupTile": "Controis de teselas", "CONTROLS.GroupToken": "Controis de efixie", @@ -251,17 +369,17 @@ "CONTROLS.LightDraw": "Debuxar fonte de luz", "CONTROLS.LightNight": "Facer caer a noite", "CONTROLS.LightReset": "Restaurar néboa de guerra", - "CONTROLS.MeasureBorder": "Cor do borde", + "CONTROLS.LongPress": "Clic longo", "CONTROLS.MeasureCircle": "Modelo de círculo", "CONTROLS.MeasureClear": "Borrar modelos", "CONTROLS.MeasureCone": "Modelo de cono", "CONTROLS.MeasureConfigHint": "Configurar a colocación e visualización dos modelos de medida.", "CONTROLS.MeasureRay": "Modelo de raio", "CONTROLS.MeasureRect": "Modelo de rectángulo", - "CONTROLS.MeasureTemplate": "Textura do modelo", "CONTROLS.MeasureType": "Tipo de modelo", "CONTROLS.MouseControls": "Controis do rato", "CONTROLS.MouseWheel": "Roda do rato", + "CONTROLS.NavLabel": "Paleta de controis do lenzo", "CONTROLS.NoteClear": "Borrar notas", "CONTROLS.NoteSelect": "Seleccionar notas", "CONTROLS.NoteToggle": "Ver/ocultar de notas", @@ -299,7 +417,7 @@ "CONTROLS.WallDraw": "Debuxar muros", "CONTROLS.WallEthereal": "Muros etéreos", "CONTROLS.WallHeader": "Controis da capa de muros", - "CONTROLS.WallInvisible": "Muros invisíbeis", + "CONTROLS.WallInvisible": "Muros invisibles", "CONTROLS.WallSecret": "Portas secretas", "CONTROLS.WallSelect": "Seleccionar muros en rectángulo", "CONTROLS.WallSelectChain": "Seleccionar segmentos encadenados", @@ -308,9 +426,16 @@ "Cancel": "Cancelar", "Character": "Personaxe", "Close": "Pechar", + "Collapse": "Colapsar", "Command": "Comando", "Commit Change": "Confirmar mudanzas", "Configure": "Configurar", + "DETECTION.BasicSight": "Visión básica", + "DETECTION.FeelTremor": "Sentir tremores", + "DETECTION.SeeAll": "Velo todo", + "DETECTION.SeeInvisibility": "Ver invisibilidade", + "DETECTION.SenseAll": "Sentilo todo", + "DETECTION.SenseInvisibility": "Sentir invisibilidade", "DF-SCENE-ENHANCE.Dialog_JournalConfig": "Configuración", "DF-SCENE-ENHANCE.Dialog_JournalJournal": "Diario", "DF-SCENE-ENHANCE.Dialog_JournalMessage": "Como quererías abrir esta escena?", @@ -1059,43 +1184,77 @@ "DND5E.spell": "será conxurada", "DND5E.title": "Sistema de xogo DnD5e", "DOCUMENT.ActiveEffect": "Efecto activo", + "DOCUMENT.ActiveEffects": "Efectos activos", "DOCUMENT.Actor": "Actor", + "DOCUMENT.Actors": "Actores", + "DOCUMENT.Adventure": "Aventura", + "DOCUMENT.Adventures": "Aventuras", "DOCUMENT.AmbientLight": "Luz ambiente", + "DOCUMENT.AmbientLights": "Luces de ambiente", "DOCUMENT.AmbientSound": "Son ambiente", + "DOCUMENT.AmbientSounds": "Sons de ambiente", + "DOCUMENT.Card": "Carta", + "DOCUMENT.Cards": "Pilla de cartas", + "DOCUMENT.CardsPlural": "Pillas de cartas", "DOCUMENT.ChatMessage": "Mensaxe de chat", + "DOCUMENT.ChatMessages": "Mensaxes de chat", "DOCUMENT.Combat": "Lance", "DOCUMENT.Combatant": "Combatente", + "DOCUMENT.Combatants": "Combatentes", + "DOCUMENT.Combats": "Lances", + "DOCUMENT.CopyOf": "{name} (copia)", "DOCUMENT.Create": "Crear novo {type}", "DOCUMENT.Delete": "Borrar {type}", "DOCUMENT.Drawing": "Debuxo", + "DOCUMENT.Drawings": "Debuxos", "DOCUMENT.Folder": "Cartafol", + "DOCUMENT.Folders": "Cartafoles", + "DOCUMENT.IdCopiedClipboard": "{type} {label} \"{id}\" copiado ao portapapeis.", "DOCUMENT.ImportData": "Importar datos", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataError": "Non subiches ningún ficheiro de datos!", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataHint1": "Podes importar datos para este {document} dun ficheiro JSON exportado.", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataHint2": "Esta operación actualizará os datos para {name} e non pode desfacerse.", "DOCUMENT.ImportSource": "Datos fonte", + "DOCUMENT.Imported": "Importáronse con éxito desde o JSON os datos do {document} \"{name}\".", "DOCUMENT.Item": "Obxecto", - "DOCUMENT.JournalEntry": "Entrada do diario", + "DOCUMENT.Items": "Obxectos", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntries": "Diario", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntry": "Entrada de diario", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntryPage": "Páxina", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntryPages": "Páxinas", "DOCUMENT.Macro": "Macro", + "DOCUMENT.Macros": "Macros", "DOCUMENT.MeasuredTemplate": "Modelo medido", + "DOCUMENT.MeasuredTemplates": "Modelos de media", "DOCUMENT.New": "Novo {type}", "DOCUMENT.Note": "Nota", + "DOCUMENT.Notes": "Notas", "DOCUMENT.Playlist": "Lista de reprodución", "DOCUMENT.PlaylistSound": "Son dunha lista", + "DOCUMENT.PlaylistSounds": "Sons de lista", + "DOCUMENT.Playlists": "Listas de reprodución", "DOCUMENT.RollTable": "Táboa aleatoria", + "DOCUMENT.RollTables": "Táboas aleatorias", "DOCUMENT.Scene": "Escena", + "DOCUMENT.Scenes": "Escenas", "DOCUMENT.Setting": "Configuración", + "DOCUMENT.Settings": "Configuracións", "DOCUMENT.SheetPermissionWarn": "Non tes permiso para ver a ficha deste {document}.", + "DOCUMENT.SkipCreate": "Saltar creación", "DOCUMENT.TableResult": "Resultado dunha táboa", + "DOCUMENT.TableResults": "Resultados da táboa", "DOCUMENT.Tile": "Tesela", + "DOCUMENT.Tiles": "Teselas", "DOCUMENT.Token": "Efixie", + "DOCUMENT.Tokens": "Efixies", "DOCUMENT.Update": "Actualizar {type}", "DOCUMENT.UsePermissionWarn": "Non tes permiso para usar este {document}.", "DOCUMENT.User": "Usuario", + "DOCUMENT.Users": "Usuarios", "DOCUMENT.Wall": "Muro", + "DOCUMENT.Walls": "Muros", "DRAWING.Author": "Autor", "DRAWING.ConfigDefaultTitle": "Configuración predeterminada de debuxo", - "DRAWING.ConfigTitle": "Configuración de debuxo", "DRAWING.FillColor": "Cor de recheo", "DRAWING.FillOpacity": "Opacidade de recheo", "DRAWING.FillTexture": "Textura de recheo", @@ -1112,8 +1271,6 @@ "DRAWING.NoteLines": "Axusta a definición da liña exterior para este debuxo.", "DRAWING.NotePosition": "Axusta a posición e visibilidade do debuxo.", "DRAWING.NoteText": "Axusta a etiqueta de texto aplicada a este debuxo (se a ten).", - "DRAWING.PosX": "Posición X", - "DRAWING.PosY": "Posición Y", "DRAWING.Rotation": "Rotación", "DRAWING.SmoothingFactor": "Factor de suavización", "DRAWING.SmoothingFactorHint": "Nos debuxos a man alzada, o factor de suavización controla canto se suaviza a traxectoria.", @@ -1136,9 +1293,62 @@ "Delete": "Borrar", "Description": "Descrición", "Direction": "Dirección", + "Display": "Pantalla", "Distance": "Distancia", "Documentation": "Documentación", "Duplicate": "Duplicar", + "EDITOR.Alignment": "Aliñamento", + "EDITOR.AlignmentCenter": "Centro", + "EDITOR.AlignmentJustify": "Xustificado", + "EDITOR.AlignmentLeft": "Esquerda", + "EDITOR.AlignmentRight": "Dereita", + "EDITOR.Block": "Bloque", + "EDITOR.Blockquote": "Bloque de cita", + "EDITOR.Bold": "Negriña", + "EDITOR.BulletList": "Lista de puntos", + "EDITOR.ClearFormatting": "Limpar formato", + "EDITOR.Code": "Código", + "EDITOR.CodeBlock": "Bloque de código", + "EDITOR.CollaboratingUsers": "Usuarios colaboradoras", + "EDITOR.DiscardHTML": "Descartar mudas ao HTML", + "EDITOR.EditingHTMLWarning": "Outro usuario editou o mesmo documento. Calquera muda que fixeses ao HTML borrará as súas mudas, polo que non as podemos gardar.", + "EDITOR.Font": "Fonte", + "EDITOR.Format": "Formato", + "EDITOR.Heading": "Titular {level}", + "EDITOR.Headings": "Titulares", + "EDITOR.Hide": "Ocultar", + "EDITOR.HorizontalRule": "Liña horizontal", + "EDITOR.ImageAlt": "Descrición alternativa", + "EDITOR.ImageDimensions": "Dimensións", + "EDITOR.ImageDimensionsHint": "Déixaos en branco para usar o tamaño intrínseco da imaxe.", + "EDITOR.ImageInsert": "Inserir", + "EDITOR.ImageSource": "Orixe", + "EDITOR.Inline": "Na liña", + "EDITOR.InsertImage": "Inserir imaxe", + "EDITOR.Italic": "Cursiva", + "EDITOR.Link": "Ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkInsert": "inserir ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkText": "Texto da ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkTitle": "Título da ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkURL": "URL da ligazón", + "EDITOR.Markdown": "Markdown", + "EDITOR.NoUploadPermission": "Debes ter permisos de suba de ficheiros para inserires contido de imaxes.", + "EDITOR.NumberList": "Lista numerada", + "EDITOR.Paragraph": "Parágrafo", + "EDITOR.ProseMirrorBadArguments": "Débese proporcionar un documento e un nome para crear unha instancia de ProseMirror.", + "EDITOR.Resync": "O estado do teu editor desincronizouse do servidor e debe ser restaurado. O contido orixinal do teu editor foi copiado para o portapapeis.", + "EDITOR.Reveal": "Revelar", + "EDITOR.Save": "Gardar mudas", + "EDITOR.SaveAndClose": "Gardar e pechar editor", + "EDITOR.Secret": "Secreto", + "EDITOR.SourceHTML": "HTML fonte", + "EDITOR.Strikethrough": "Riscado", + "EDITOR.Subscript": "Subíndice", + "EDITOR.Superscript": "Superíndice", + "EDITOR.TinyMCE": "TinyMCE", + "EDITOR.Underline": "Subliñado", + "EDITOR.UploadComplete": "Suba completa.", + "EDITOR.UploadingFile": "Subindo ficheiro de imaxe.", "EFFECT.ChangeKey": "Chave do atributo", "EFFECT.ChangeMode": "Mudar o modo", "EFFECT.ChangeValue": "Valor do efecto", @@ -1177,6 +1387,7 @@ "EFFECT.StatusFrozen": "Conxelada", "EFFECT.StatusHolyShield": "Escudo sagrado", "EFFECT.StatusIceShield": "Escudo de xeo", + "EFFECT.StatusInvisible": "Invisible", "EFFECT.StatusMagicShield": "Escudo máxico", "EFFECT.StatusMarked": "Marcada", "EFFECT.StatusParalysis": "Paralizada", @@ -1196,28 +1407,18 @@ "EFFECT.TabDuration": "Duración", "EFFECT.TabEffects": "Efectos", "EFFECT.Transfer": "Transferir efectos ao actor", - "ENTITY.Actor": "Actor", - "ENTITY.ChatMessage": "Mensaxe de chat", - "ENTITY.Combat": "Lance", - "ENTITY.Create": "Crear {entity}", - "ENTITY.CreateNew": "Crear", - "ENTITY.Folder": "Cartafol", - "ENTITY.Item": "Obxecto", - "ENTITY.JournalEntry": "Entrada do diario", - "ENTITY.Macro": "Comando de macro", - "ENTITY.New": "Novo/a {entity}", - "ENTITY.Playlist": "Lista de audios", - "ENTITY.RollTable": "Táboa aleatoria", - "ENTITY.Scene": "Escena", - "ENTITY.User": "Usuario", "ERROR.BackgroundTextureSize": "Estás a usar unha textura de fondo de escena de dimensións {width}px por {height}px. Unha ou ambas de esas dimensións pasan do tamaño máximo de textura de {max}px soportado polo teu dispositivo.", "ERROR.BrowserVersion": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop usa funcionalidades modernas de Javascript non soportadas nas versións de {browser} inferiores a {minimum}. Estás a usar {browser} versión {version}. Actualízao ou usa un navegador diferente.", "ERROR.CantWhisper": "Non tes permiso para enviar mensaxes bisbadas a outras xogadoras.", + "ERROR.ElectronVersion": "Estás a usar unha versión antiga do cliente Electron de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Para obteres un mellor rendemento, recomendámosche que volvas baixar a versión que queres de Foundry Virtual Tabletop e leves a cabo unha reinstalación completa do software.", "ERROR.InvalidAdminKey": "A chave de administración proporcionada é inválida. Se esqueciches o contrasinal configurado terás que borrar a man o ficheiro Config/admin.txt da localización dos datos de usuario.", "ERROR.LoadPackages": "A túa solicitude para explorar os paquetes existentes fallou ao conectar co servidor de Foundry. Comproba que a túa aplicación permite as conexións saíntes.", "ERROR.LowResolution": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop require unha resolución de pantalla mínima de {reqWidth}px por {reqHeight} ou maior. A túa pantalla ten actualmente unha resolución efectiva de {width}px por {height}px, e pode que moitas funcionalidades do software non funcionen axeitadamente.", + "ERROR.NoHardwareAcceleration": "O teu navegador web non ten activada a aceleración por hardware. Isto afectará fortemente o rendemento de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Busca e activa a aceleración por hardware nos axustes do teu navegador.", "ERROR.NoTargetUsersForWhisper": "Non existen os usuarios albo deste bisbo. Mira que os escribises ben ou proba a usar \"/w [Nome de usuario]\".", "ERROR.NoWebGL": "O teu navegador non soporta actualmente o renderizado con WebGL que require Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Comproba que tanto o renderizado por hardware como WebGL estean activados no teu navegador.", + "ERROR.NoWebGL2": "O teu navegador non ten soporte para rendering por WebGL Versión 2, como se recomenda para Foundry Virtual Tabletop.", + "ERROR.RendererNotDetected": "Non se puido identificar o teu renderizador GPU, polo que poden ocorrer problemas de rendemento inesperados.", "ERROR.TokenCollide": "O movemento de efixie iniciado colide con polo menos un muro.", "EULA.Acknowledge": "Acordo de uso", "EULA.Agree": "Concordo", @@ -1235,6 +1436,7 @@ "EntityTiles.Settings.RequiredKey": "Tecla requerida", "EntityTiles.Settings.RequiredKeyHint": "Esta é a tecla que debes manter premida mentres arrastras para converter a entidade nunha tesela cando a soltes no lenzo.", "Error": "Erro", + "Expand": "Expandir", "FAx.ActorGroups.New": "Novo grupo", "FAx.ActorGroups.Notifications.ManualOnly": "Os actores deste grupo xestionanse automaticamente. Se queres engadir actores a man, troca o tipo do grupo a \"manual\".", "FAx.Apps.Setup.Actions.Clear.Aspects": "Borrar aspectos", @@ -1251,8 +1453,8 @@ "FAx.Dialog.ActorClearText": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar permanentemente deste actor todos os seus compoñentes deste tipo canda cadanseus contidos?", "FAx.Dialog.Cancel": "Cancelar", "FAx.Dialog.Confirm": "Confirmar", - "FAx.Dialog.EntityDelete": "Eliminar", - "FAx.Dialog.EntityDeleteText": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar permanentemente esta entidade?", + "FAx.Dialog.DocumentDelete": "Borrar", + "FAx.Dialog.DocumentDeleteText": "Tes a certeza de querer borrar permanentemente este documento?", "FAx.Dialog.ReferenceRemove": "Quitar referencia", "FAx.Dialog.ReferenceRemoveText": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar permanentemente esta referencia?", "FAx.Global.Actions.Choose": "Escoller modelo", @@ -1372,6 +1574,7 @@ "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.Skills": "Habilidades", "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.SkillsStunts": "Habilidades e talentos", "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.Stunts": "Talentos", + "FAx.Sheets.Reference": "Ficha de referencia", "FAx.Template.Picker.Configuration": "Configuración", "FAx.Template.Picker.CreateEmpty": "Actor en branco", "FAx.Template.Picker.Empty": "Actor en branco", @@ -1383,6 +1586,7 @@ "": "FateX", "FILES.BrowseTooltip": "Explorar ficheiros", "FILES.CreateDirectory": "Crear directorio", + "FILES.CreateSubfolder": "Crear subcartafol", "FILES.DisplayMode": "Modo de visualización", "FILES.DisplayModeImages": "Vista de imaxes", "FILES.DisplayModeList": "Vista en lista", @@ -1402,8 +1606,10 @@ "FILES.SourceUser": "Datos de usuario", "FILES.TileSize": "Tamaño de cuadrícula do recurso", "FILES.TileSizeHint": "Especifica o tamaño de cuadrícula da tesela (en píxeles) para que sexa automáticamente redimensionada cando a colocares na escena activa.", + "FILES.TitleAny": "Explorador de ficheiros", "FILES.TitleAudio": "Explorador de audios", "FILES.TitleFolder": "Explorador de cartafoles", + "FILES.TitleFont": "Explorador de fontes", "FILES.TitleImage": "Explorador de imaxes", "FILES.TitleImageVideo": "Explorador de imaxes e vídeos", "FILES.TitleVideo": "Explorador de vídeos", @@ -1418,13 +1624,18 @@ "FOLDER.CreateTableConfirm": "Crear unha nova entidade de táboa rolable usando os contidos deste cartafol como os resultados da táboa?", "FOLDER.Delete": "Borrar por completo", "FOLDER.DeleteWarning": "Este cartafolserá borrado permanentemente canda todo o seu contido e non poderá recuperarse.", + "FOLDER.DocumentSort": "Posición na orde", + "FOLDER.DocumentSortHint": "Define a posición deste documento na orde relativa a outros na súa colección. Os números máis baixos van antes.", "FOLDER.Edit": "Editar cartafol", "FOLDER.Export": "Exportar a un compendio", "FOLDER.ExportDestination": "Paquete destino", + "FOLDER.ExportDone": "Finalizou a exportación de {type}s ao compendio {compendium}.", "FOLDER.ExportHint": "Podes exportar as entidades contidas neste cartafol a un paquete de compendio desbloqueado do tipo axeitado.", + "FOLDER.ExportKeepId": "Manter os identificadores dos documentos?", "FOLDER.ExportMerge": "Fusionar por nome?", "FOLDER.ExportTitle": "Exportar contido", "FOLDER.ExportWarningNone": "Non hai paquetes de compendio desbloqueados e dispoñibles para entidades de tipo {entity} aos que poidas exportar.", + "FOLDER.Exporting": "Exportando {n} documentos de {type} ao compendio {compendium}.", "FOLDER.Name": "Nome do cartafol", "FOLDER.Remove": "Quitar cartafol", "FOLDER.RemoveWarning": "Este cartafol será borrado permanentemente e os seus contidos serán movidos ao cartafol superior.", @@ -1432,6 +1643,17 @@ "FOLDER.SortManual": "Manual", "FOLDER.SortMode": "Ordenación", "FOLDER.Update": "Actualizar cartafol", + "FONTS.AddFont": "Engadir fonte", + "FONTS.Family": "Familia", + "FONTS.File": "Ficheiro", + "FONTS.FontPreview": "Fíxate, o mesquiño bacharel pide vinganza.", + "FONTS.RemoveFont": "Borrar fonte", + "FONTS.Style": "Estilo", + "FONTS.Type": "Tipo", + "FONTS.TypeFile": "Ficheiro", + "FONTS.TypeHint": "As fontes de tipo ficheiro cárganse desde o teu cartafol de datos e báixanse polas participantes. As fontes de tipo sistema cárganse desde o teu sistema operativo e cada participante debe tela dispoñible tamén no seu propio sistema operativo.", + "FONTS.TypeSystem": "Sistema", + "FONTS.Weight": "Peso", "FateAspectTracker.aspectText.error": "Arrastraches o aspecto fóra do lenzo", "FateAspectTracker.aspectform.createaspect": "Crear aspecto", "FateAspectTracker.aspectform.customization": "Personalización", @@ -1552,13 +1774,16 @@ "GMSCR.warnings.clearConfirm.Content": "Tes a certeza de querer limpar as entradas da grella? Non se pode desfacer.", "GMSCR.warnings.clearConfirm.Title": "Limpar grella", "GMSCR.warnings.noGrids": "A DX non compartiu ningunha grella para a Pantalla da DX.", + "GridSpaces": "Espazos da cuadrícula", "GridUnits": "Unidades de cuadrícula", + "HUD.AssignStatusEffects": "Asignar efectos de estado", "HUD.TileOverhead": "Tesela de teito", "HUD.TilePause": "Pausar vídeo de teselas", "HUD.TilePlay": "Reproducir vídeo de teselas", "HUD.TileUnderfoot": "Tesela de chan", "HUD.ToBack": "Mandar para o fondo", "HUD.ToFront": "Traer para a fronte", + "HUD.ToggleCombatState": "Alternar estado no combate", "HUD.ToggleLock": "Alternar bloqueo", "HUD.ToggleVis": "Alternar visibilidade", "Header.Override.Close": "Pechar", @@ -1569,14 +1794,15 @@ "Hidden": "Oculto", "Hold": "Manter", "I18N.MAINTAINERS": "Xurxo Diz pico", + "INFO.SceneViewCanvasDisabled": "A vista está na escena \"{name}\" pero non se mostra porque o lenzo de xogo está desactivado.", + "INVITATIONS.ClosedConnection": "A túa conexión parece estar pechada", "INVITATIONS.Copied": "Ligazón de convite á partida copiada ao portarretallos", "INVITATIONS.Instructions": "Pásalles estas ligazóns de convite aos usuarios que queiras que se unan á partida. A ligazón de convite local é para aos usuarios da túa rede local mentres que a ligazón para internet é para as que se conectan pola rede externa a través do porto que estea configurado.", "INVITATIONS.Internet": "Internet", "INVITATIONS.Local": "Rede local", + "INVITATIONS.OpenConnection": "A túa conexión parece estar aberta", "INVITATIONS.Title": "Ligazóns de convite para a partida", - "ITEM.Create": "Crear obxecto", - "ITEM.Delete": "Borrar obxecto", - "ITEM.Search": "Procurar obxectos", + "INVITATIONS.UnknownConnection": "Non se puido determinar o estado da túa conexión", "ITEM.TypeBackpack": "Mochila", "ITEM.TypeClass": "Clase", "ITEM.TypeConsumable": "Consumíbel", @@ -1604,17 +1830,103 @@ "JOIN.UserKey": "Contrasinal", "JOURNAL.ActionShow": "Mostrar ás xogadoras", "JOURNAL.ActionShowSuccess": "Mostrouse o contido {mode} de {title} ás xogadoras {which}.", + "JOURNAL.AddPage": "Engadir páxina", "JOURNAL.AnchorBottom": "Abaixo", "JOURNAL.AnchorCenter": "Centro", "JOURNAL.AnchorLeft": "Esquerda", "JOURNAL.AnchorRight": "Dereita", "JOURNAL.AnchorTop": "Arriba", - "JOURNAL.Create": "Crear entrada", + "JOURNAL.EntryTitle": "Título", + "JOURNAL.ImageShowSuccess": "Imaxe mostrada ás xogadoras {which}.", "JOURNAL.ModeImage": "Imaxe", "JOURNAL.ModeText": "Texto", - "JOURNAL.Search": "Procurar entradas do diario", + "JOURNAL.NavLabel": "Táboa de contidos das entradas de diario", + "JOURNAL.NextPage": "Seguinte páxina", + "JOURNAL.PrevPage": "Anterior páxina", + "JOURNAL.ShowBadPermissions": "Só podes mostrar entradas de diario ou páxinas das que sexas dona.", + "JOURNAL.ShowEntry": "Mostrar {name}", + "JOURNAL.ShowNoPlayers": "Non hai outras xogadoras conectadas ás que lles mostrar isto.", + "JOURNAL.ShowOwnershipHint": "Mellora opcionalmente a propiedade deste documento para as xogadoras ás que se lles está a mostrar. Se algunha xogadora ten xa unha propiedade máis alta, non se lle reducirá.", + "JOURNAL.ShowTo": "Mostrar a", "JOURNAL.Submit": "Gardar entrada", - "JOURNAL.Title": "Diario", + "JOURNAL.ViewCollapse": "Colapsar barra lateral", + "JOURNAL.ViewExpand": "Expandir barra lateral", + "JOURNAL.ViewMultiple": "Ver varias páxinas", + "JOURNAL.ViewSingle": "Ver unha páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.DefaultPageSheet": "Folla predeterminada de {page}", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Format": "Formato", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.HeadingLevel": "Titular tamaño", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ImageCaption": "Pé de imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ImageSource": "Orixe da imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Level": "Nivel {level}", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PDFLoad": "Subir PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PDFSource": "Orixe do PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Page": "Páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PageTitle": "Nome da páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageCaption": "Mostrar pé de imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageOnly": "Mostrar só imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageTitle": "Mostrar título da imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowTitle": "Mostrar título da páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Source": "Orixe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Type": "Tipo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeImage": "Imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypePDF": "PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeText": "Texto", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeVideo": "Vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoControls": "Mostrar controis do vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoDimensions": "Dimensións do vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoSource": "Orixe do vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoSourceHint": "Pode ser un ficheiro local, unha URL a un ficheiro de vídeo remoto, ou unha URL de Youtube.", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoStartTime": "Momento de comezo do vídeo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionCategories": "Categorías da acción", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionFilter": "Filtro de accións", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionName": "Nome da acción", + "KEYBINDINGS.AddBinding": "Engadir atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.AllActions": "Todas as accións", + "KEYBINDINGS.Conflict": "Conflito potencial con {conflicts}", + "KEYBINDINGS.Copy": "Copiar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.CoreKeybindings": "Atallos básicos", + "KEYBINDINGS.CoreMouse": "Controis básicos do rato", + "KEYBINDINGS.CycleView": "Ciclar entre vistas do lenzo", + "KEYBINDINGS.Delete": "Borrar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.DeleteBinding": "Borrar atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.Dismiss": "Alternar menú / dispensar xanela", + "KEYBINDINGS.EditBinding": "Editar atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorIllegalModifier": "A tecla modificadora requerida \"{key}\" non é un valor válido contido en KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorProtectedKey": "Non se pode asignar a tecla protexida \"{key}\" como atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorReservedModifier": "Non se pode asignar \"{key}\" como atallo, xa que é un modificador reservado para esta acción de atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ExecuteMacro": "Executar a ranura {number} da barra", + "KEYBINDINGS.FocusChat": "Poñer foco no chat", + "KEYBINDINGS.Highlight": "Destacar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.HowToEdit": "Usa {icon} ou fai duplo clic no atallo para mudar o seu valor.", + "KEYBINDINGS.MoveAlongMeasuredRuler": "Moverse polas distancias da regra", + "KEYBINDINGS.MustBeArray": "Debe pasar un array de valores", + "KEYBINDINGS.NavLabel": "Lapelas de configuración de atallos", + "KEYBINDINGS.PTTKey": "Preme para falar / silenciar", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDown": "Mover ou desprazar a vista abaixo", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDownLeft": "Mover ou desprazar a vista abaixo e á esquerda", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDownRight": "Mover ou desprazar a vista abaixo e á dereita", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanLeft": "Mover ou desprazar a vista á esquerda", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanRight": "Mover ou desprazar a vista á dereita", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUp": "Mover ou desprazar a vista arriba", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUpLeft": "Mover ou desprazar a vista arriba e á esquerda", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUpRight": "Mover ou desprazar a vista arriba e á dereita", + "KEYBINDINGS.Paste": "Pegar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.Pause": "Pausar partida", + "KEYBINDINGS.ReservedModifiers": "Modificadores especiais: {modifiers}", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetSuccess": "Todos os atallos foron restaurados aos seus valores predeterminados.", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetTitle": "Restaurar atallos predeterminados", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetWarning": "Queres restaurar todos os atallos aos seus valores predeterminados?", + "KEYBINDINGS.Restricted": "Só Dirección de Xogo", + "KEYBINDINGS.SaveBinding": "Gardar atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.SelectAll": "Seleccionar todos os elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.SwapMacroPage": "Pasar a barra para a páxina {page}", + "KEYBINDINGS.Target": "Apuntar para a efixie", + "KEYBINDINGS.ToggleCharacterSheet": "Alternar ficha de personaxe", + "KEYBINDINGS.Undo": "Desfacer a última acción", + "KEYBINDINGS.Uneditable": "Atallo non editable", + "KEYBINDINGS.ZoomIn": "Achegar vista ao lenzo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ZoomOut": "Afastar vista do lenzo", "LANCERINITIATIVE.ActivatedLast": "Unidades xa activadas ao final", "LANCERINITIATIVE.ActivatedLastDesc": "Move as unidades que xa pasaron o seu turno ao final do xestor.", "LANCERINITIATIVE.AddActivation": "Engadir activación", @@ -1637,53 +1949,101 @@ "LANCERINITIATIVE.SortTracker": "Ordenar o xestor", "LANCERINITIATIVE.SortTrackerDesc": "Move a unidade do turno actual á parte superior do xestor e move as unidades que xa tomaron o seu turno ao fondo do xestor.", "LANCERINITIATIVE.UndoActivation": "Restaurar activación", - "LIGHT.AnimationBlackHole": "Buraco negro (escuridade)", + "LIGHT.AdaptiveLuminance": "Luminosidade adaptativa", + "LIGHT.Alpha": "Intensidade de cor", + "LIGHT.Angle": "Ángulo de emisión", + "LIGHT.AngleHint": "Limita o ángulo de emisión para esta fonte de luz, e configura a súa rotación.", + "LIGHT.AnimationBewitchingWave": "Onda embruxadora", + "LIGHT.AnimationBlackHole": "Buraco negro", "LIGHT.AnimationChroma": "Chroma", "LIGHT.AnimationEmanation": "Emanación misteriosa", "LIGHT.AnimationEnergyField": "Campo de enerxía", + "LIGHT.AnimationFairyLight": "Luz encantada", + "LIGHT.AnimationFlame": "Facho", "LIGHT.AnimationFog": "Néboa arremuiñada", + "LIGHT.AnimationForceGrid": "Grella de forza", "LIGHT.AnimationGhostLight": "Luz fantasmagórica", "LIGHT.AnimationHexaDome": "Cúpula hexagonal", + "LIGHT.AnimationHint": "Aumentar a velocidade da animación fai que o bucle se reproduza máis rápido, mentres que aumentar a intensidade da animación faina máis evidente e pronunciada.", "LIGHT.AnimationIntensity": "Intensidade da animación", "LIGHT.AnimationLightDome": "Cúpula de luz", "LIGHT.AnimationPulse": "Pulso", + "LIGHT.AnimationRadialRainbow": "Arco da vella radial", + "LIGHT.AnimationReverse": "Invertir dirección", "LIGHT.AnimationRoilingMass": "Masa túrbida (escuridade)", + "LIGHT.AnimationSmokePatch": "Nube de fume", "LIGHT.AnimationSpeed": "Velocidade da animación", + "LIGHT.AnimationStarLight": "Luz de estrelas", "LIGHT.AnimationSunburst": "Resplandor solar", + "LIGHT.AnimationSwirlingRainbow": "Arco da vella en remuíño", "LIGHT.AnimationTorch": "Facho", "LIGHT.AnimationType": "Tipo de animación lumínica", + "LIGHT.AnimationVortex": "Vórtice", "LIGHT.AnimationWave": "Onda pulsante", - "LIGHT.ConfigHint": "Define a posición, raio, ángulo, cor e animación desta fonte de luz ambiental.", + "LIGHT.Attenuation": "Atenuación", + "LIGHT.AttenuationHint": "Transicionar a iluminación gradualmente entre brillante, tenue e escura.", + "LIGHT.Bright": "Brillante", + "LIGHT.Color": "Cor de luz", + "LIGHT.ColorBurn": "Queimadura de cor", + "LIGHT.ColorHint": "Aplicar coloración a esta fonte de luz e definir a súa intensidade.", + "LIGHT.ColorationTechnique": "Técnica de coloración", + "LIGHT.ColorationTechniqueHint": "A técnica de coloración aplicada á fonte de luz contribúe mestura aditiva ao aspecto resultante.", "LIGHT.ConfigTitle": "Definición de fonte de luz", + "LIGHT.Contrast": "Contraste", + "LIGHT.ContrastHint": "Axusta o contraste das superficies iluminadas por esta onte de luz. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.", + "LIGHT.Coordinates": "Coordenadas", "LIGHT.Create": "Crear fonte de luz", "LIGHT.DarknessRange": "Rango de escuridade de activación", "LIGHT.DarknessRangeHint": "Podes especificar un rango de niveis de escuridade durante os cales esta fonte de luz será visible.", - "LIGHT.LightAlpha": "Intesidade da cor", - "LIGHT.LightAngle": "Ángulo da emisión", - "LIGHT.LightBright": "Raio da luz brillante", - "LIGHT.LightColor": "Cor da luz", - "LIGHT.LightDim": "Raio da luz tenue", - "LIGHT.LightRotation": "Ángulo de rotación da luz", - "LIGHT.LightType": "Tipo de luz", - "LIGHT.TypeGlobal": "Luz global", - "LIGHT.TypeLocal": "Luz local", - "LIGHT.TypeUniversal": "Luz universal", + "LIGHT.Dim": "Tenue", + "LIGHT.ExternalBurn": "Queimadura de cor externa", + "LIGHT.ExternalHalo": "Halo externo", + "LIGHT.HeaderAdvanced": "Opcións avanzadas", + "LIGHT.HeaderAnimation": "Animación de luz", + "LIGHT.HeaderBasic": "Configuración básica", + "LIGHT.HighAbsorption": "Alta absorción", + "LIGHT.InternalBurn": "Queimadura de cor interna", + "LIGHT.InternalHalo": "Halo interno", + "LIGHT.InvertAbsorption": "Invertir absorción", + "LIGHT.LegacyColoration": "Coloración de legado", + "LIGHT.LowAbsorption": "Baixa absorción", + "LIGHT.Luminosity": "Luminosidade", + "LIGHT.LuminosityHint": "Axusta a luminosidade desta fonte de luz. As luces máis luminosas redúcense menos perante a escuridade. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.5.", + "LIGHT.NaturalLight": "Luz natural", + "LIGHT.NavLabel": "Lapelas de configuración de luz", + "LIGHT.Radius": "Raio de luz", + "LIGHT.RadiusHint": "Configura a distancia de emisión de luz desta fonte, onde o raio de luz brillante inclúese no raio de luz tenue.", + "LIGHT.ResetAdvanced": "Restaurar opcións avanzadas", + "LIGHT.Rotation": "Ángulo de rotación", + "LIGHT.Saturation": "Saturación", + "LIGHT.SaturationHint": "Axusta a saturación das superficies iluminadas por esta fonte de luz. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.", + "LIGHT.Shadows": "Sombras", + "LIGHT.ShadowsHint": "Potencia a intensidade das cores escuras iluminadas por esta fonte de luz. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.", "LIGHT.Update": "Actualizar fonte de luz", - "MACRO.Create": "Crear macro", + "LIGHT.Vision": "Proporciona visión", + "LIGHT.VisionHint": "Proporciona unha fonte de visión adicional para efixies controladas.", + "LIGHT.Walls": "Restrinxida por muros", + "LIGHT.WallsHint": "Configura se a área de efecto desta fonte de luz se ve restrinxida polos muros próximos.", + "MACRO.CollapseHotbar": "Colapsar barra de macros", "MACRO.Delete": "Borrar macro", "MACRO.DeleteWarning": "Esta macro será borrada permanentemente para todos os usuarios.", + "MACRO.Directory": "Explorar directorio de macros", "MACRO.Edit": "Editar macro", "MACRO.Execute": "Executar macro", + "MACRO.NavLabel": "Barra de macros", + "MACRO.PageDown": "Seguinte páxina", + "MACRO.PageUp": "Anterior páxina", "MACRO.Remove": "Quitar macro", "MACRO.Save": "Gardar macro", - "MACRO.Search": "Procurar macros", "MENU.Logout": "Desconectarse", + "MENU.NavLabel": "Menú secundario", "MENU.Players": "Definir participantes", "MENU.Reload": "Recargar aplicación", "MENU.Setup": "Saír ao menú principal", "MF.SettingFolderDepth": "Máxima profundidade de cartafoles", "MF.SettingFolderDepthHint": "Fixar este parámetro incrementará a profundidade máxima dos cartafoles (predeterminado: 3). Recarga a páxina (F5) para que as mudanzas teñan efecto. Pode causar problemas de rendemento e interface, así que vai con sentidiño.", "MODMANAGE.Bugs": "Informes de erros", + "MODMANAGE.Build": "Build", "MODMANAGE.DeactivateAll": "Desactivar todos os módulos", "MODMANAGE.DepDisable": "Este módulo ten {number} dependencias que talvez xa non sexan necesarias. Queres desactivalas tamén?", "MODMANAGE.DepDisableCheck": "Queres desactivalos tamén?", @@ -1692,12 +2052,15 @@ "MODMANAGE.DepMissing": "Activaches o módulo {module}, pero as súas dependencias {missing} están desactivadas!", "MODMANAGE.DepNotInstalled": "A dependencia {missing} non está instalada!", "MODMANAGE.Dependencies": "Dependencias", + "MODMANAGE.DependencyIssues": "Non se pode activar por problemas coas dependencias requeridas", "MODMANAGE.FilterActive": "Módulos activos", "MODMANAGE.FilterAll": "Todos os módulos", "MODMANAGE.FilterInactive": "Módulos inactivos", "MODMANAGE.Instructions": "Usa este formulario para definir que módulos están activos no teu mundo actual. Modificar os módulos activos fará que a sesión actual se recargue de novo.", + "MODMANAGE.NavLabel": "Navegación pola xestión de módulos", "MODMANAGE.None": "Non hai módulos dispoñibles neste mundo. Podes ver esta lista pero non modificala.", "MODMANAGE.Readme": "Documentación do módulo", + "MODMANAGE.RequiredModule": "Requírese que este módulo estea activo", "MODMANAGE.Search": "Filtrar módulos", "MODMANAGE.Submit": "Gardar configuración de módulos", "MODMANAGE.Title": "Xestión de módulos", @@ -1707,25 +2070,63 @@ "NOTE.AnchorPoint": "Ancoraxe do texto", "NOTE.ConfigTitle": "Configuración da nota no mapa", "NOTE.Create": "Crear nota no mapa", + "NOTE.CreateJournal": "Crear a entrada de diario correspondente?", + "NOTE.Custom": "Personalizada", + "NOTE.CustomIcon": "Icona personalizada", "NOTE.EntryIcon": "Icona da entrada", "NOTE.FontFamily": "Fonte", "NOTE.FontSize": "Tamaño da fonte", + "NOTE.Global": "Visible globalmente", + "NOTE.GlobalHint": "Permitir que esta nota sexa vista en calquera lugar do mapa por un xogador con permisos para vela.", "NOTE.IconSize": "Tamaño da icona", "NOTE.IconTint": "Tintura da icona", "NOTE.TextColor": "Cor do texto", "NOTE.TextLabel": "Etiqueta do texto", + "NOTE.Unknown": "Descoñecida", "NOTE.Update": "Actualizar nota do mapa", - "NOTE.WarningNoCreate": "Non tes permisos abondo para crear unha nota para {name}.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchBody": "Parece que se trata dun mundo novo. Para comezar, deberías engadir todas as xogadoras extras que precises na configuración de xestión de usuarios. Desde alí, podes crear actores para elas, así como calquera outra personaxe que poidas necesitar representar. Os mapas e outras axudas visuais prepáranse usando as escenas, e as notas e outro materiais para entregar almacénanse nas entradas de diario.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchHeader": "Iniciándote", + "NUE.FirstLaunchHint": " Esta tarxeta do chat pode separarse facendo clic dereito nela, ou podes separar a lapela enteira das mensaxes facendo clic dereito na icona do bocadillo enriba de todo. Desta forma podes separar tamén calquera das outras lapelas desta barra lateral.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchInvite": "Invitar as xogadoras", + "NUE.FirstLaunchInviteBody": "Cando todo estea listo e esteas preparada para convidar as túas xogadoras, podes enviarlles unha ligazón ao teu mundo desde as ligazóns de convite.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchKB": "Mira ben todas as lapelas que tes nesta barra lateral. Para obteres máis información, podes revisar a serie Tutorial para Másters (en inglés) na nosa Base de Coñecementos (en inglés).", + "NUE.FirstLaunchTroubleshooting": "Se o diálogo das ligazóns de convite indica que a conexión está pechada, pode que teñas que configurar o reenviado de portos. Podes atopar instrucións ao respecto na nosa guía de reenvío de portos (en inglés). Se aínda precisas máis axuda, convidámosche a unirte ao noso Discord e enviar unha mensaxe (en inglés) no canal #install-and-connection para problemas cos convites, no canal #troubleshooting para problemas xerais co software, ou no canal #core-how-to para aprenderes como facer cousas en FoundryVTT.", "Name": "Nome", + "Next": "Seguinte", "No": "Non", "None": "Ningún", "Notes": "Notas", + "OWNERSHIP.AllPlayers": "Todo o mundo", + "OWNERSHIP.Configure": "Definir propiedade", + "OWNERSHIP.DEFAULT": "Predeterminada", + "OWNERSHIP.HintDocument": "Configurar o acceso a este documento específico e permitir que cada o teña asignado un nivel de visibilidade diferente.", + "OWNERSHIP.HintFolder": "Configurar acceso para todos os documentos deste cartafol. As mudas aplicaranse a todos os documentos aquí contidos, agás os contidos nos subcartafoles.", + "OWNERSHIP.INHERIT": "Herdada", + "OWNERSHIP.LIMITED": "Limitada", + "OWNERSHIP.NOCHANGE": "Sen mudas", + "OWNERSHIP.NONE": "Ningunha", + "OWNERSHIP.OBSERVER": "Espectadora", + "OWNERSHIP.OWNER": "Dona", + "OWNERSHIP.Title": "Configuración de propiedade", + "PACKAGE.GetPackagesTimedOut": "Esgotouse o tempo recuperando paquetes", + "PACKAGE.InstallFailed": "Encontráronse erros ao instalar o paquete. Consulta a consola (F12) para veres os detalles.", + "PACKAGE.PackageInstallTimedOut": "Esgoutouse o tempo instalando paquetes", + "PACKAGE.SetupErrors": "Encontráronse {number} erros críticos nos paquetes instalados. Consulta a consola (F12) para veres os detalles.", + "PACKAGE.SetupWarnings": "Detectáronse {number} avisos de compatibilidade nos paquetes instalados. Consulta a consola (F12) para veres os detalles.", "PACKAGE.TagCSS": "CSS", "PACKAGE.TagCompendium": "Compendio", "PACKAGE.TagCoreVersion": "Plataforma", "PACKAGE.TagJavaScript": "JavaScript", "PACKAGE.TagLocalization": "Localización", + "PACKAGE.TagUnavailable": "Non dispoñible", "PACKAGE.TagVersion": "Versión", + "PACKAGE.UpdateCheckTimedOut": "Esgotouse o tempo comprobando as actualizacións", + "PACKAGE.WarmCacheTimedOut": "Esgotouse o tempo preparando a caché de paquetes", + "PACKAGECONFIG.All": "Todos", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Core": "Básicos", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Filter": "Filtro", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Reset": "Restaurar predeterminada", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Unmapped": "Sen mapear", "PDFOUNDRY.COMMANDS.Failure": "PDFoundry: $COMMAND_NAME$ encontrou un erro. Tes máis detalles na consola.", "PDFOUNDRY.COMMANDS.FixMissingTypesFailure": "Non se atoparon PDFs aos que lles faltaran definicións de tipo.", "PDFOUNDRY.COMMANDS.FixMissingTypesSuccess": "Arranxados os PDFs aos que lles faltaban definicións de tipo.", @@ -1798,7 +2199,6 @@ "PDFOUNDRY.VIEWER.ViewPDF": "Ver PDF", "PERMISSION.ActorCreate": "Crear novos actores", "PERMISSION.ActorCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen novos actores no mundo.", - "PERMISSION.AllPlayers": "Todo o mundo", "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudio": "Permitir transmitir audios", "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudioHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol transmitan audio ao usar as funcionaldiades audiovisuais do chat.", "PERMISSION.BroadcastVideo": "Permitir transmitir vídeo", @@ -1806,31 +2206,23 @@ "PERMISSION.Configure": "Definir permisos", "PERMISSION.ConfigureHint": "Axusta as accións permitidas para aos usuarios de cada rol.", "PERMISSION.ConfigureLabel": "Abrir a definición de permisos", - "PERMISSION.DEFAULT": "Predeterminado", "PERMISSION.DrawingCreate": "Usar ferramentas de debuxo", "PERMISSION.DrawingCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen debuxos usando as ferramentas de debuxo.", "PERMISSION.FilesBrowse": "Explorar ficheiros", "PERMISSION.FilesBrowseHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol exploren os ficheiros dispoñibles no selector de ficheiros.", "PERMISSION.FilesUpload": "Subir novos ficheiros", "PERMISSION.FilesUploadHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol suban contido ao servidor usando o selector de ficheiros.", - "PERMISSION.HintEntity": "Define o acceso específico a esta entidade en particular, permitindo que cada usuario teña cadanseu nivel de visibilidade.", - "PERMISSION.HintFolder": "Define o acceso para todas as entidades dentro deste cartafol. As mudanzas aplicaranse a todas as entidas interiores, agás aquilo contido nos subcartafoles.", "PERMISSION.Instructions": "Configura que rol ten permiso para facer que accion. Repara en que algunhas das accións non se poden desactivar para a Dirección de Xogo. Pode que algunhas das mudanzas non sexan efectivas ata recargares a partida.", "PERMISSION.ItemCreate": "Crear novos obxectos", "PERMISSION.ItemCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen novos obxectos no mundo.", "PERMISSION.JournalCreate": "Crear entradas no diario", "PERMISSION.JournalCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen novas entradas de diario na barra do diario.", - "PERMISSION.LIMITED": "Limitado", "PERMISSION.MacroScript": "Usar macros con scripts", "PERMISSION.MacroScriptHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol usen macros de JavaScript que accedan á API.", "PERMISSION.MessageWhisper": "Bisbar mensaxes privadas", "PERMISSION.MessageWhisperHint": "Permite que xogadoras con este rol bisben mensaxes privadas que o Dirección de Xogo non pode ver.", - "PERMISSION.NOCHANGE": "Sen mudanzas", - "PERMISSION.NONE": "Ningún", "PERMISSION.NoteCreate": "Crear notas no mapa", - "PERMISSION.NoteCreateHint": "Permitir aos usuarios con este rol crearen elementos de nota das entradas do diario das que son propietarios.", - "PERMISSION.OBSERVER": "Espectador", - "PERMISSION.OWNER": "Dono", + "PERMISSION.NoteCreateHint": "Permitir aos usuarios con este rol crearen elementos de nota das entradas de diario das que son propietarios.", "PERMISSION.Permission": "Permiso", "PERMISSION.Permissions": "Usar permisos de roles", "PERMISSION.Reset": "Restablecer predeterminados", @@ -1848,8 +2240,11 @@ "PERMISSION.TokenConfigureHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol configuren as efixies que lles pertencen.", "PERMISSION.TokenCreate": "Crear novas efixies", "PERMISSION.TokenCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol coloquen efixies no lenzo para os actores que lles pertencen.", + "PERMISSION.TokenDelete": "Borrar efixies", + "PERMISSION.TokenDeleteHint": "Permitir que as usuarios con este rol borren do lenzo as efixies para os actores das que son donas.", "PERMISSION.WallDoors": "Abrir e pechar portas", "PERMISSION.WallDoorsHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol interactúen coas portas definidas na capa de muros.", + "PERMISSION.WarningNoCreate": "Non tes permiso para crear un/ha {document}.", "PLAYERS.Ban": "Banir participante", "PLAYERS.CharRelease": "Ceibar personaxe", "PLAYERS.CharSelect": "Seleccionar personaxe", @@ -1866,7 +2261,6 @@ "PLAYLIST.Backward": "Son anterior", "PLAYLIST.BulkImport": "Importar en lote", "PLAYLIST.BulkImportWarning": "Non se importan sons de lista válidos do cartafol solicitado \"{path}\"", - "PLAYLIST.Create": "Crear lista", "PLAYLIST.CurrentlyPlaying": "Soando arestora", "PLAYLIST.Delete": "Borrar lista", "PLAYLIST.Description": "Descrición da lista", @@ -1880,8 +2274,12 @@ "PLAYLIST.ModeShuffle": "Reprodución salteada", "PLAYLIST.ModeSimultaneous": "Reprodución simultánea", "PLAYLIST.Name": "Nome da lista", + "PLAYLIST.PinToBottom": "Fixar ao final", + "PLAYLIST.PinToTop": "Fixar ao comezo", "PLAYLIST.Play": "Reproducir lista", - "PLAYLIST.Search": "Procurar listas", + "PLAYLIST.SortAlphabetical": "Alfabética", + "PLAYLIST.SortManual": "Manual", + "PLAYLIST.SortMode": "Orde", "PLAYLIST.SoundCreate": "Crear son", "PLAYLIST.SoundDelete": "Borrar son", "PLAYLIST.SoundDescription": "Descrición do son", @@ -1923,6 +2321,7 @@ "Popcorn.WindowTitle": "Xestor de iniciativa pipoca", "Position": "Posición", "Preload": "Precargar", + "Previous": "Anterior", "READYCHECK.ChatTextCheck": "está conforme!", "READYCHECK.ChatTextUserUpdate": "actualizou a súa conformidade a", "READYCHECK.DialogContentReadyCheck": "Comprobación de conformidade para a DX. Preme no botón cando estiveres conforme para continuar!", @@ -1990,7 +2389,7 @@ "SCENES.AccessibilityAll": "Todo o mundo", "SCENES.AccessibilityGM": "Só a DX", "SCENES.Activate": "Activar", - "SCENES.AudioPlaylist": "Lista de audio", + "SCENES.AudioPlaylist": "Lista de reprodución", "SCENES.AudioPlaylistHint": "A lista que debería comezar a soar automáticamente ao activar esta escena.", "SCENES.BackgroundColor": "Cor de fondo", "SCENES.BackgroundImage": "Imaxe de fondo", @@ -2004,11 +2403,21 @@ "SCENES.DimensionChangeTitle": "Mudar as dimensións da escena?", "SCENES.DimensionChangeWarning": "Estás a mudar as dimensións desta escena; se xa puxeches elementos nela, a mudanza pode facer que eses elementos se movan respecto á imaxe de fondo.", "SCENES.Dimensions": "Dimensións da escena", + "SCENES.DimensionsHint": "As dimensións do fondo definen o tamaño do lenzo a escena. Estes valores fíxanse automáticamente.", "SCENES.FogExplore": "Exploración da néboa", "SCENES.FogExploreHint": "Rexistrar o avance da exploración nesta escena, disipando a néboa de guerra.", + "SCENES.FogExploredColor": "Cor da néboa de guerra explorada", + "SCENES.FogExploredColorHint": "A cor aplicada a todas as areas da escena que xa foron exploradas pero fican fóra da área de visión actual.", + "SCENES.FogOverlay": "Imaxe da néboa de guerra", + "SCENES.FogOverlayHint": "Unha imaxe opcional para a néboa de guerra que se debuxa sobre as partes sen explorar da escena.", + "SCENES.FogUnexploredColor": "Cor da néboa de guerra sen explorar", + "SCENES.FogUnexploredColorHint": "Unha cor sólida aplicada a todas as áreas da escena sen explorar.", + "SCENES.ForegroundElevation": "Elevación do frontal", + "SCENES.ForegroundElevationHint": "Unha elevación, en unidades de distancia, que configura a altura da imaxe frontal e das teselas de teito.", "SCENES.ForegroundImage": "Imaxe frontal", "SCENES.ForegroundImageHint": "Unha imaxe frontal opcional que se debuxará sobre os outros elementos da escena.", "SCENES.GenerateThumb": "Rexenerar miniatura", + "SCENES.GenerateThumbNoCanvas": "A miniatura da escena non se pode xerar mentres estea activo o axuste 'Desactivar lenzo de xogo'.", "SCENES.GlobalIllum": "Iluminación global", "SCENES.GlobalIllumHint": "Iluminar todas as áreas da escena coas que unha efixie controlada teña liña de visión nese momento.", "SCENES.GlobalLightThreshold": "Limiar de iluminación global", @@ -2025,6 +2434,8 @@ "SCENES.GridOpacity": "Opacidade da cuadrícula", "SCENES.GridPosition": "Deslocamento da cuadrícula", "SCENES.GridPositionHint": "Usa as teclas de frecha para axustar o deslocamento da cuadrícula.", + "SCENES.GridReset": "Restablecer mudas", + "SCENES.GridResizeHint": "Usa ALT+Roda do rato ou ALT+Frecha arriba e ALT+Frecha abaixo para axustares o tamaño da cuadrícula.", "SCENES.GridScale": "Escala", "SCENES.GridSize": "Tamaño", "SCENES.GridSizeHint": "Usa ALT+Roda do rato ou ALT+Frecha arriba e ALT+Frecha abaixo para axustar o tamaño da cuadrícula.", @@ -2032,23 +2443,21 @@ "SCENES.GridType": "Tipo", "SCENES.GridUnits": "Unidades", "SCENES.HeaderAmbience": "Ambientación e atmosfera", - "SCENES.HeaderAmbienceHint": "Configura integracións adicionais entre esta escena e entradas do diario, listas de audio ou efectos de clima.", "SCENES.HeaderDetails": "Detalles e dimensións", - "SCENES.HeaderDetailsHint": "Define os detalles básicos desta escena e os permisos que controlan a súa visibilidade.", "SCENES.HeaderGrid": "Configuración da cuadrícula", - "SCENES.HeaderGridHint": "Define as dimensións de cuadrícula que se usan para medir o movemento das efixies nesta escena.", "SCENES.HeaderVision": "Visión e iluminación", - "SCENES.HeaderVisionHint": "Define os valores de configuración a para visión, iluminación e néboa de guerra desta escena.", "SCENES.InitialView": "Posición inicial da vista", "SCENES.InitialViewButton": "Obter da vista actual", "SCENES.InitialViewHint": "Fixa unha posición predeterminada da cámara para mostrar a primeira vez que se vexa esta escena.", - "SCENES.JournalNotes": "Notas do diario", - "SCENES.JournalNotesHint": "A entrada ligada do diario que proporciona notas sobre esta escena á Dirección de Xogo.", + "SCENES.JournalEntry": "Entrada de diario", + "SCENES.JournalEntryHint": "A entrada de diario ligada que proporciona notas sobre esta escena á Dirección de Xogo.", "SCENES.Loading": "Cargando {name}", + "SCENES.NavLabel": "Navegación polas escenas no lenzo", "SCENES.NavName": "Nome na navegación", "SCENES.NavNameHint": "Un nome alternativo para a escena que se amosa na barra de navegación en vez do nome real.", "SCENES.Notes": "Notas da escena", "SCENES.Padding": "Porcentaxe de marxe", + "SCENES.PaddingHint": "A cantidade de marxe ao redor do imaxe de fondo da escena que proporciona espazo de lenzo usable.", "SCENES.Pixels": "píxeles", "SCENES.PlaylistSound": "Son da lista", "SCENES.PlaylistSoundHint": "Podes escoller un son específico da lista para que soe mentres esta escena estea activa, se non, soará a lista enteira.", @@ -2065,6 +2474,7 @@ "SCENES.View": "Ver escena", "SCENES.WeatherEffect": "Efecto de clima", "SCENES.WeatherEffectHint": "Define un efecto de clima activo presenta nesta escena.", + "SCENES.ZoomLower": "Zoom", "SETTINGS.5eAllowPolymorphingL": "Permitir a xogadores polimorfaren os seus propios actores.", "SETTINGS.5eAllowPolymorphingN": "Permitir polimorfia", "SETTINGS.5eAutoCollapseCardL": "Fechar automaticamente descricións de cartóns de item no rexistro de chat", @@ -2098,15 +2508,26 @@ "SETTINGS.CBubN": "Activar balóns de chat", "SETTINGS.CBubPL": "Configurar se a cámara se moverá automáticamente a unha efixie cando fala e mostra un balón de chat.", "SETTINGS.CBubPN": "Moverse á efixie que fala", + "SETTINGS.CombatThemeL": "O conxunto de sons que se reproducirán cando comence o combate, cando o teu turno sexa o seguinte, e cando sexa o teu turno.", + "SETTINGS.CombatThemeN": "Tema de combate", "SETTINGS.Configure": "Configuración", - "SETTINGS.Controls": "Referencia dos controis", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenH": "Configura os valores predeterminados de efixie para os novos actores creados.", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenL": "Configurar valores predeterminados de efixie", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenN": "Configuración predeterminada de efixie", "SETTINGS.Docs": "Ver documentación", "SETTINGS.DocsHeader": "Axuda e documentación", + "SETTINGS.EditorAutosaveH": "O número de segundos entre cada autogardado en calquera editor ProseMirror que estea aberto.", + "SETTINGS.EditorAutosaveN": "Frecuencia de autogardado do editor", + "SETTINGS.FPSMeterL": "Mostrar un medidor de frames por segundo no recuncho de abaixo á dereita na pantalla que informe do rendemento do renderizado do lenzo.", + "SETTINGS.FPSMeterN": "Mostrar medidor de FPS", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigH": "Configurar outras fontes adicionais dispoñibles para usar neste mundo.", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigL": "Configurar fontes adicionais", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigN": "Fontes adicionais", + "SETTINGS.FontSizeL": "Aumentar ou reducir o tamaño de fonte usado na aplicación.", + "SETTINGS.FontSizeN": "Tamaño de fonte", "SETTINGS.InfoHeader": "Información xeral", "SETTINGS.Invite": "Ligazóns de convite", + "SETTINGS.Keybindings": "Configurar controis", "SETTINGS.LClickReleaseL": "Se está activo, un clique esquerdo nalgún lugar baleiro do lenzo soltará calquera elemento controlado nese momento. Se non está activo, podes soltar elementos seleccionando un espazo baleiro, facendo clique canda pulsar maiúsculas, o premendo a tecla de escape.", "SETTINGS.LClickReleaseN": "Clique para soltar elementos", "SETTINGS.LangL": "Mudar o idioma de Foundry Virtual Tabletop.", @@ -2119,13 +2540,25 @@ "SETTINGS.MipMapN": "Antialiasing de texturas en zoom", "SETTINGS.NoCanvasL": "O lenzo de xogo, que ofrece unha representación visual do taboleiro virtual, pode desactivarse. Isto permite ás máquinas máis modestas usaren un subconxunto das funcionalidades do software.", "SETTINGS.NoCanvasN": "Desactivar lenzo de xogo", + "SETTINGS.None": "Ningún", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeHigh": "Alto", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeL": "Escolle un modo de rendemento para axustar a calidade de renderizado do lenzo e o rendemento da aplicación. Os modos máis baixos funcionarán mellor no hardware menos potente.", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeLow": "Baixo", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeMax": "Máximo", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeMed": "Medio", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeN": "Modo de rendemento", "SETTINGS.PermissionReset": "Restablecer a configuración dos permisos aos seus valores predeterminados.", "SETTINGS.PermissionUpdate": "Actualizouse a configuración de permisos dos usuarios.", "SETTINGS.Players": "Configurar participantes", - "SETTINGS.ResScaleL": "Desactiva o escalado automático da resolución do lenzo á densidade de píxeles da pantalla. Nas pantallas de alta densidade, isto supón unha redución da calidade visual pero tamén unha mellora do rendemento da aplicación.", - "SETTINGS.ResScaleN": "Desactivar escalado de resolución de píxeles", + "SETTINGS.ReloadPromptBody": "Algúns dos axustes mudados requiren recargar a aplicación para teren efecto. Queres recargar agora mesmo?", + "SETTINGS.ReloadPromptTitle": "Recargar a aplicación?", "SETTINGS.Reset": "Restablecer valores predeterminados", + "SETTINGS.ResetInfo": "Restablecer os axustes de volta aos valores predeterminados. Preme en \"Gardar mudanzas\" para confirmares.", + "SETTINGS.ResolutionScaleL": "Escala a resolución do lenzo de xogo segundo o ratio de píxeles detectado no navegador. Nos dispositivos con pantalla de alta densidade de píxeles (como pantallas Retina), aumentará a resolución renderizada no lenzo a costa do rendemento da aplicación. O escalado da resolución tamén se ve afectado polo nivel de zoom do navegador ou os axustes de pantalla do sistema operativo. Neses casos, este axuste aumentará ou reducirá a resolución efectiva do lenzo dependendo do zoom que se lle aplique. Desactivar este axuste pode mellorar o rendemento a costa da calidade visual nas pantallas de alta densidade de píxeles.", + "SETTINGS.ResolutionScaleN": "Escalar a resolución segundo ratio de píxeles", "SETTINGS.Save": "Gardar mudanzas", + "SETTINGS.ScrollStatusL": "Pode aparecer texto de estado pasando sobre as efixies ou outros elementos do lenzo para informar de mudas nese elemento.", + "SETTINGS.ScrollStatusN": "Texto de estado en pasada", "SETTINGS.SettingsHeader": "Configuración de partida", "SETTINGS.Setup": "Saír ao menú principal", "SETTINGS.SimpleInitFormulaL": "Insire unha fórmula de iniciativa, como d20+@dex", @@ -2134,25 +2567,33 @@ "SETTINGS.SimpleMacroShorthandN": "Sintaxe de macro abreviada", "SETTINGS.SoftSL": "Activa as sombras suaves para obter unha iluminación dinámica máis bonita, ou desactívaas para mellorar o rendemento en máquinas con hardware máis modesto.", "SETTINGS.SoftSN": "Activar sombras suaves", + "SETTINGS.Support": "Soporte", "SETTINGS.TabCore": "Plataforma", "SETTINGS.TabModule": "Módulos", "SETTINGS.TabSystem": "Sistema", "SETTINGS.Title": "Preferencias de partida", "SETTINGS.TokenDragPreviewL": "Cando está activo, ao arrastrar unha efixie se xera unha vista previa da súa visión e da iluminación. Isto vén predefinido como desactivado porque pode incitar a un metaxogo non desexado.", "SETTINGS.TokenDragPreviewN": "Visión de efixie ao arrastrar", + "SETTINGS.Tours": "Xestión de presentacións", "SETTINGS.Update": "Actualizar software", "SETTINGS.ViewModules": "Ver módulos activos", "SETTINGS.Wiki": "Wiki da comunidade", "SETUP.AWSHint": "Podes facilitar un ficheiro de configuración AWS para a integración con S3. A ruta ou é absoluta ou é relativa ao subdirectorio Config dentro dos datos de usuario.", "SETUP.AWSLabel": "Ruta de configuración de AWS", "SETUP.AdminAccess": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop • Acceso de administración", - "SETUP.AdminKeyHint": "Podes definir un contrasinal de administración especial que se requira para acceder a esta pantalla.", - "SETUP.AdminKeyLabel": "Contrasinal de administración", - "SETUP.AdminKeyPrompt": "É preciso que proveas o contrasinal de administrador para accederes ao menú principal.", "SETUP.AdminLogout": "Desconectar a administración", - "SETUP.CompatibilityRisk": "Risco de compatibilidade", - "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskWithVersion": "Risco compatibilidade ({version})", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordForgot": "Se esqueciches o contrasinal, podes restablecelo seguindo estas instrucións (en inglés).", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordHint": "Podes asignar un contrasinal especial de administrador para que se require no acceso ao menú principal.", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordLabel": "Contrasinal de administador", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordPrompt": "Debes facilitar o contrasinal de administador para accederes ao menú principal da aplicación.", + "SETUP.BeginDownload": "Comezar descarga", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRequireDowngrade": "Esta dependencia é máis nova que a versión mínima requerida {version}", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRequireUpgrade": "Esta dependencia é máis vella que a versión mínima requerida {version}", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskUnknown": "Risco de compatibilidade: non especifica versións", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskWithVersion": "Risco de compatibilidade: verificado para {version}", "SETUP.CompatibilityUnknown": "Compatibilidade incerta", + "SETUP.CompressStaticHint": "Comprime os ficheiros servidos polo servidor web Foundry Virtual Tabletop antes de mandalos aos clientes e así reducir a cantidade de datos transferidos.", + "SETUP.CompressStaticLabel": "Comprimir ficheiros estáticos", "SETUP.ConfigSave": "Gardar configuración da aplicación", "SETUP.ConfigSaveRestart": "O servidor de Foundry Virtual Tabletop foi terminado para aplicar as mudas. Debes reinicialo manualmente.", "SETUP.ConfigSaveWarning": "Modificar estas opcións de configuración fará que o servidor se apague e requerirá que o reinicies manualmente. Queres continuar?", @@ -2161,13 +2602,17 @@ "SETUP.CoreUpdateInstructions": "Hai dispoñible unha actualización de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Volta ao menú principal para aplicala!", "SETUP.CoreVersion": "Versión da plataforma", "SETUP.CoreVersionHint": "Se hai dispoñible unha actualización para a plataforma de Foundry Virtual Tabletop, podes aplicala aquí. Actualmente estás a usar a versión {coreVersion}.", + "SETUP.CouldntLoadPackages": "Non se puideron cargar os paquetes dispoñibles", "SETUP.CurrentVersion": "Versión actual", "SETUP.DataPathHint": "Define a localización onde se gardan os teus datos de usuario, incluíndo mundos, sistemas e módulos.", "SETUP.DataPathLabel": "Ruta dos datos de usuario", - "SETUP.DefaultLanguage": "Idioma predeterminado", "SETUP.DefaultLanguageHint": "Podes definir o idioma predeterminado para a aplicación seleccionando un módulo que proporcione os ficheiros axeitados de tradución para a plataforma.", + "SETUP.DefaultLanguageLabel": "Idioma predeterminado", + "SETUP.DependencyNotInstalled": "Esta dependencia non está instalado", "SETUP.ForceUpdate": "Actualizar sobreescribindo?", "SETUP.ForceUpdateHint": "Marcar a opción de actualización forzada mudará pola forza a túa versión á do canal requerido. Non uses esta opción a menos que saibas ben o que fas.", + "SETUP.FullListOfReleaseNotes": "Para a lista completa de Notas de lanzamento, visita {url} (en inglés)", + "SETUP.GettingStarted": "Introdución", "SETUP.InstallFailure": "A instalación fallou: {message}", "SETUP.InstallHint": "Podes instalar calquera paquete proporcionando unha ligazón directa á URL do seu manifesto JSON.", "SETUP.InstallModule": "Instalar módulo", @@ -2180,14 +2625,23 @@ "SETUP.ManifestUpdateAvailable": "Hai unha nova versión de \"{package}\" nunha URL de instalación diferente. Isto acontece cando o paquete muda o seu aloxamento ou autor.", "SETUP.MinifyFiles": "Optimizar ficheiros estáticos", "SETUP.MinifyFilesHint": "Reduce o tráfico de rede servindo minificados os ficheiros estáticos JavaScript e CSS. Recoméndase activar esta opción para a maioría dos usuarios, pero as desenvolvedoras de módulos pode que queiran desactivala.", + "SETUP.ModuleFilter": "Filtrar módulos", "SETUP.Modules": "Módulos", + "SETUP.NavLabel": "Lapelas do menú principal", + "SETUP.NoSystemsMessage": "Para creares o teu primeiro mundo, primeito debes instalar un sistema de xogo. Mira con calma os que hai dispoñibles e instala o que máis che preste. Se non sabes que sistema queres, ou se o que buscas non está dispoñible, recomendámosche que instales Simple Worldbuilding.", + "SETUP.NoWorldsMessage": "Agora que tes un sistema que forneza as regras de xogo, xa podes crear un mundo. Os mundos son os espazos que conteñen todas as personaxes, fichas, diarios e mapas usados nunha partida, xa dure apenas unha tarde ou unha campaña enteira.", + "SETUP.NueWorldDescription": "

Para saberes máis sobre cómo montar un mundo, le a documentación completa sobre mundos (en inglés).

", "SETUP.Package": "Paquete", "SETUP.PackageCategories": "Categorías de paquete", "SETUP.PackageDeleteConfirm": "Tes a certeza de querer borrar o {type} {title}?", "SETUP.PackageDeleteNoUndo": "Aviso: Esta operación non se pode desfacer.", "SETUP.PackageDeleteTitle": "Borrar {type}: {title}", "SETUP.PackageDeleteWorldConfirm": "Debes inserir o nome exacto do mundo para confirmar o borrado.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesAutomatic": "Instalar {number} dependencias automaticamente", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesCouldInstall": "{number} dependencias poden ser instaladas automaticamente.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesCouldNotInstall": "{number} dependencias deben ser instaladas a man.", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesDecline": "Optaches por non instalar os paquetes de dependencias requeridos para {title}. Terás que instalalos a man.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesManual": "Instalar todas as dependencias a man", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesSuccess": "Instaláronse con éxito {title} e {number} dependencias.", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesTitle": "Instalar dependencias de paquete", "SETUP.PackageFilter": "Filtrar paquetes", @@ -2203,23 +2657,30 @@ "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdate": "Actualizar", "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdated": "Actualizado", "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdating": "Actualizando", - "SETUP.PackageUpdateBlocked": "Hai unha actualización dispoñible para {name}, pero non se pode instalar porque require a versión de plataforma {vreq} e estás a usar a versión {vcur} actualmente.", + "SETUP.PackageUpdateCoreUnstable": "Existe unha actualización para {id} pero pode que non se instale porque require a versión de plataforma {vmin} e aínda non é estable.", + "SETUP.PackageUpdateCoreUpdateNeeded": "Existe unha actualización para {id} pero non se pode instalar porque require que a plataforma sexa actualizada polo menos á versión {vmin}. Agora mesmo estás na {vcur}.", "SETUP.PackageVisAll": "Todos os paquetes", "SETUP.PackageVisInst": "Só instalados", "SETUP.PackageVisUnin": "Só non instalados", "SETUP.PackagesLoading": "Cargando paquetes dispoñibles", + "SETUP.PackagesNoResults": "Non hai paquetes que encaixen co teu filtro. Podes procurar na lista de paquetes por {name}.", "SETUP.PortHint": "Podes escoller que porto usa Foundry Virtual Tabletop para as conexións de tráfico TCP e activar ou desactivar Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).", "SETUP.PortLabel": "Porto", "SETUP.PriorManifestUrl": "Anterior URL do manifesto (versión {version})", - "SETUP.RequireCore": "Require actualización de plataforma", + "SETUP.RequireCoreDowngrade": "Versión de plataforma non soportada", + "SETUP.RequireCoreUnstable": "Require versión inestable", + "SETUP.RequireCoreUpgrade": "Require actualización de plataforma", "SETUP.RequireDep": "Require dependencia", "SETUP.RequireSystem": "Require actualización de sistema", "SETUP.RequireUpdate": "Require actualización", + "SETUP.SSLCertHint": "Podes correr o servidor con encriptado SSL se proporcionas rutas ao certificado e ficheiros de chaves. As rutas son ou absolutas ou relativas ao subdirectorio Config dos datos de usuario.", "SETUP.SSLCertLabel": "Certificado SSL", - "SETUP.SSLHint": "Podes correr o servidor con encriptado SSL se proporcionas rutas ao certificado e ficheiros de chaves. As rutas son ou absolutas ou relativas ao subdirectorio Config dos datos de usuario.", "SETUP.SSLKeyLabel": "Chave privada SSL", + "SETUP.SaveConfiguration": "Gardar configuración", + "SETUP.SeeTutorial": "Para leres unha guía máis en profundidade sobre como iniciarse en Foundry Virtual Tabletop, podes consultar a serie Tutorial para Másters (en inglés) na nosa Base de Coñecementos (en inglés)", "SETUP.SettingsHeader": "Configuración do software", "SETUP.SwapToTheUpdatedManifest": "Queres trocar para a nova URL do manifesto? (recoméndase)", + "SETUP.SystemFilter": "Filtrar sistemas", "SETUP.SystemUpdate": "Actualizar sistema", "SETUP.SystemUpdateInstructions": "Hai dispoñible unha actualización do sistema, volte para o menú principal para aplicala!", "SETUP.Systems": "Sistemas", @@ -2230,9 +2691,7 @@ "SETUP.UninstallSuccess": "desinstalouse con éxito", "SETUP.Update": "Actualizacións", "SETUP.UpdateAll": "Actualizar todo", - "SETUP.UpdateAlpha": "Alfa (inestable)", "SETUP.UpdateAvailable": "Hai dispoñible unha actualización á versión {version} no canal {channel}!", - "SETUP.UpdateBeta": "Beta (candidata a release)", "SETUP.UpdateButtonDownload": "Descargar actualización {version}", "SETUP.UpdateChannel": "Canal de actualización de software", "SETUP.UpdateChannelHint": "Podes escoller un canal de actualización para controlar o tipo de actualización que queres recibir para a plataforma de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Se non tes razóns concretas para mudar isto, recoméndase deixar posto o canal Release.", @@ -2240,21 +2699,34 @@ "SETUP.UpdateCheckFor": "Comprobar", "SETUP.UpdateCleaningC": "Limpeza completada", "SETUP.UpdateCleaningS": "Cartafol de limpeza", + "SETUP.UpdateCompleteAuto": "Completouse con éxito a actualización. Reiniciando a aplicación FoundryVTT.", + "SETUP.UpdateCompleteManual": "Completouse con éxito a actualización. Pechando o servidor Foundry Virtual Tabletop para reinicio manual.", + "SETUP.UpdateDevelopment": "Desenvolvemento", + "SETUP.UpdateDevelopmentHint": "API en desenvolvemento: Lanzamentos de proba do deseño de novas funcionalidades e mudas nas API para obtermos feedback da comunidade de desenvolvemento.", "SETUP.UpdateDownloadingC": "Descarga completada", "SETUP.UpdateDownloadingS": "Descargando actualización", "SETUP.UpdateExtractingC": "Extracción completada", "SETUP.UpdateExtractingS": "Extraendo actualización", "SETUP.UpdateFailure": "A actualización fallou", - "SETUP.UpdateHeader": "Actualización de software", + "SETUP.UpdateHint": "Podes actualizar Foundry Virtual Tabletop a unha nova versión comprobando as actualizacións dispoñibles no canal de actualizacións de software que máis che preste.", "SETUP.UpdateInfoAvailable": "Hai unha actualización dispoñible á versión {version} de Foundry Virtual Tabletop!", "SETUP.UpdateInstallingC": "Instalación completada", "SETUP.UpdateInstallingS": "Instalando actualización", + "SETUP.UpdateLicenseInvalid": "A túa clave de licencia de Foundry Virtual Tabletop non é válida.", + "SETUP.UpdateNoArchive": "Non existe arquivo de actualización que instalar", + "SETUP.UpdateNoInternetError": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop require unha conexión a internet activa para actualizarse.", + "SETUP.UpdateNoUpdateMode": "Non tes permiso para actualizar esta instancia de Foundry Virtual Tabletop porque foi lanzada en modo --noupdate.", "SETUP.UpdateNotAvailable": "Non hai ningunha actualización de software dispoíble no canal de actualizacións solicitado.", - "SETUP.UpdateNoupdateMode": "Non tes permiso para actualizar esta instancia de Foundry Virtual Tabletop porque foi lanzada en modo --noupdate", - "SETUP.UpdateRelease": "Release (estable)", + "SETUP.UpdatePrototype": "Prototipo", + "SETUP.UpdatePrototypeHint": "Prototipo: Lanzamentos para previsualizar o deseño de funcionalidades experimentais que aínda non están desenvoltas de todo.", + "SETUP.UpdateStable": "Estable", + "SETUP.UpdateStableHint": "Estable: Lanzamentos que foron coidadosamente comprobados e que recomendamos para usar en partidas de verdade.", "SETUP.UpdateSuccess": "actualizouse con éxito", - "SETUP.UpdateWarning": "Para poderes actualizar Foundry Virtual Tabletop tes que estar conectado a internet e ter unha licenza de software válida.", + "SETUP.UpdateTesting": "Probas", + "SETUP.UpdateTestingHint": "Probas de funcionalidade: Lanzamentos para probar as novas funcionalidades e obtermos feedback da comunidade xeral de usuarios.", "SETUP.UpdateWarningWillDisable": "Esta actualización supón unha nova versión principal do software de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Instalala requerirá desactivar certos módulos instalados que aínda non son compatibles con ela.", + "SETUP.UpdateWebsiteSlowWarning": " parece estar sobrecargada nestes momentos, proba de novo nun anaco.", + "SETUP.UpdateWebsiteUnreachableError": "Nestes momentos non se pode acceder a, proba de novo nun anaco.", "SETUP.UpdatedManifestUrl": "URL do manifesto actualizada (versión {version})", "SETUP.UpdatedPackages": "Rexistro de actualizacións de paquetes", "SETUP.VersionChange": "Muda de versión", @@ -2263,40 +2735,47 @@ "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm1": "Aviso: Isto borrará permanentemente o contido do teu mundo e non se pode desfacer. Tes a certeza de querer facelo?", "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm2": "Insire na caixa inferior o título exacto do teu mundo {title} para continuar.", "SETUP.WorldEdit": "Editar mundo", + "SETUP.WorldFilter": "Filtrar mundos", "SETUP.WorldHint": "Podes escoller que un dos teus mundos dispoñibles sexa lanzado automáticamente ao lanzares o software.", "SETUP.WorldLabel": "Mundo predeterminado", "SETUP.WorldLaunch": "Abrir mundo", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationBackupPrompt": "

Non se poderá revertir este proceso. Recoméndase que fagas un respaldo do datos deste mundo antes de continuares. Necesitarás un respaldo para restaurares a versión previa do software.

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationBegin": "Comezar migración", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationDisableModules": "

Actualiza os sistemas de xogo e módulos instalados antes de migrares o teu mundo. Nestes momentos, {nIncompatible} dos {nModules} módulos instalados non foron verificados como compatibles e serán desactivados automaticamente. Poderás reactivalos a man tras a migración.

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationInProcess": "Os datos do teu mundo están sendo migrados para seren compatibles coa versión {version}. Pode que tarde un anaco. Ten paciencia e non peches o software.", "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequired": "

Abrir o mundo {world} migrará o seu modelo de datos da versión vella da plataforma {oldVersion} á versión actualmente instalada {newVersion}.

Como parte dese proceso, pode que {nIncompatible} dos {nModules} módulos instalados aínda non sexan compatibles coa nova versión serán desactivados automáticamente. Podes reactivalos manualmente se quixeres.

Comproba se hai actualizacións dispoñibles para os teus sistemas e módulos, e lembra facer copias dos datos dos teus mundos periódicamente. Queres continuar?

", "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequiredTitle": "Requírese migración dos datos do mundo", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationSystemUnavailable": "

A versión instalada do sistema {system} ({systemVersion}) non foi verificada como compatible con esta versión do software. Non se pode garantir que a migración teña éxito.

", + "SETUP.WorldUnavailable": "Non dispoñible", "SETUP.Worlds": "Mundos", "SETUP.YouMustInstallASystem": "Tes que instalar un sistema de xogo antes de poder crear un novo mundo", + "SHEETS.DefaultDocumentSheet": "Ficha predeterminada para {document}", "SHEETS.DefaultSheet": "Ficha predeterminada", - "SHEETS.EntitySheetHint": "Sobreescribir que clase de ficha queres usar para esta entidade en particular.", - "SHEETS.EntitySheetPrivate": "Non tes os permisos necesarios para ver esta ficha de entidade.", + "SHEETS.DocumentSheetHint": "Sobreescribir que tipo de ficha queres usar para este documento específico.", + "SHEETS.DocumentSheetPrivate": "Non tes permisos suficientes para ver a ficha para este {document}.", + "SHEETS.FormNavLabel": "Navegación da lapela de formulario", "SHEETS.Save": "Gardar parámetros de ficha", "SHEETS.ThisSheet": "Esta ficha", "SHEETS.TypeSheetHint": "Establece a clase de ficha predeterminada para este tipo de entidade (só DX).", "SIDEBAR.CharArt": "Ver ilustración da personaxe", "SIDEBAR.CollapseToggle": "Recoller ou expandir", + "SIDEBAR.Create": "Crear {type}", "SIDEBAR.Delete": "Borrar", "SIDEBAR.DeleteWarning": "Este {type} será borrado permanentemente e non se poderá recuperar.", + "SIDEBAR.DirectoryTitle": "Directorio de {type}", + "SIDEBAR.Documentation": "Documentación de FoundryVTT", "SIDEBAR.Duplicate": "Duplicar", + "SIDEBAR.Edit": "Editar", "SIDEBAR.Export": "Exportar datos", "SIDEBAR.Import": "Importar datos", "SIDEBAR.JumpPin": "Ir ao alfinete", - "SIDEBAR.SceneCreate": "Crear escena", - "SIDEBAR.SceneSearch": "Procurar escenas", - "SIDEBAR.TabActors": "Directorio de actores", - "SIDEBAR.TabChat": "Historial do chat", - "SIDEBAR.TabCombat": "Xestor de combate", + "SIDEBAR.NavLabel": "Lapelas da barra lateral", + "SIDEBAR.Search": "Procurar {types}", "SIDEBAR.TabCompendium": "Paquetes de compendio", - "SIDEBAR.TabItems": "Directorio de obxectos", - "SIDEBAR.TabJournal": "Entradas do diario", - "SIDEBAR.TabPlaylists": "Listas de audio", - "SIDEBAR.TabScenes": "Directorio de escenas", "SIDEBAR.TabSettings": "Parámetros da partida", "SIDEBAR.TabTables": "Táboas aleatorias", "SIDEBAR.TokenArt": "Ver ilustración de efixie", + "SIDEBAR.Wiki": "Wiki comunitario de FoundryVTT", "SIMPLE.AttributeDtype": "Tipo de datos", "SIMPLE.AttributeKey": "Chave do atributo", "SIMPLE.AttributeLabel": "Etiqueta", @@ -2305,12 +2784,17 @@ "SIMPLE.DefineTemplate": "Definir como modelo", "SIMPLE.DeleteGroup": "Borrar grupo?", "SIMPLE.DeleteGroupContent": "Tes a certeza? Borrarase este grupo, canda todos os atributos que inclúe:", + "SIMPLE.ItemCreate": "Crear obxecto", + "SIMPLE.ItemDelete": "Borrar obxecto", + "SIMPLE.ItemEdit": "Editar obxecto", + "SIMPLE.ItemNew": "Novo obxecto", "SIMPLE.New": "Novo", "SIMPLE.NoTemplate": "Sen modelo", "SIMPLE.NotifyAttrDuplicate": "A chave de atributo xa existe como grupo.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupAlphanumeric": "Os nomes dos grupos de atributos non poden conter espazos nin puntos.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupAttrDuplicate": "O grupo de atributos xa existe como atributo.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupDuplicate": "O grupo de atributos xa existe.", + "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupReserved": "O grupo de atributos \"{key}\" está reservado e non se pode usar.", "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaInvalid": "A fórmula de iniciativa é inválida:", "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaUpdated": "A fórmula de iniciativa mudou para:", "SIMPLE.ResourceMax": "Máximo", @@ -2330,10 +2814,22 @@ "SOUND.PathPlaceholder": "ruta/ao/ficheiro.mp3", "SOUND.Radius": "Rango de efecto", "SOUND.SourcePath": "Ruta do ficheiro fonte", - "SOUND.Type": "Tipo", - "SOUND.TypeGlobal": "Son global", - "SOUND.TypeLocal": "Son local", "SOUND.Update": "Actualizar son ambiente", + "SOUND.Walls": "Restrinxido por muros", + "SOUND.WallsHint": "Determina se a área de efecto desta fonte de audio está restrinxida polos muros próximos.", + "SUPPORT.BugReporting": "Se queres informar dun erro, usa a categoría Bug Report dispoñible na nosa páxina de contacto (en inglés):", + "SUPPORT.Client": "Cliente", + "SUPPORT.CopyReport": "Copiar informe ao portapapeis", + "SUPPORT.Details": "Detalles para soporte", + "SUPPORT.Discord": "Para te unires a outros usuarios de FoundryVTT, ou obteres soporte dos nosos marabillosos Asistentes da Comunidade, entra no noso Discord:", + "SUPPORT.GPU": "GPU", + "SUPPORT.MaxTextureSize": "Tamaño máximo de textura", + "SUPPORT.NoViewedScene": "Ningunha escena vista", + "SUPPORT.OS": "SO", + "SUPPORT.Places": "Lugares onde obter soporte", + "SUPPORT.ReportPrelude": "Cando pidas axuda no Discord ou en Github, énos moi útil saber o que estaba a acontecer no teu mundo. Embaixo tes un informe que che pedimos que copies e inclúas.", + "SUPPORT.Title": "Detalles para soporte", + "Save": "gardar", "Save Changes": "Save Changes", "Scale": "Escala", "Scope": "Ámbito", @@ -2343,9 +2839,10 @@ "System": "Sistema", "TABLE.AnimateSetting": "Animar táboas dinámicas?", "TABLE.AnimateSettingHint": "Determina se mostrar unha animación tipo ruleta ao sacar resultado dunha táboa dinámica.", - "TABLE.Create": "Crear táboa", "TABLE.Description": "Descrición da táboa", "TABLE.DisplayRoll": "Mostrar rolada no chat?", + "TABLE.DrawFlavor": "Obtén un resultado da táboa {name}", + "TABLE.DrawFlavorPlural": "Obtén {number} resultados da táboa {name}", "TABLE.Formula": "Fórmula da rolada", "TABLE.Normalize": "Normalizar pesos do resultado", "TABLE.Replacement": "Pódense repetir os resultados?", @@ -2358,14 +2855,17 @@ "TABLE.ResultType": "Tipo", "TABLE.ResultWeight": "Peso", "TABLE.Roll": "Rolar", - "TABLE.Search": "Procurar táboas", "TABLE.SheetTitle": "Parámetros da táboa", "TABLE.ToggleDrawn": "Alternar elixibilidade", "TABLE.Update": "Gardar", + "TEMPLATE.BorderColor": "Cor do borde", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeFlat": "Chan", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeRound": "Redondo", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeSetting": "Tipo de modelo de cono", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeSettingHint": "Escolla como debe ser a área de efecto para os modelos de cono.", + "TEMPLATE.FillColor": "Cor de recheo", + "TEMPLATE.FillTexture": "Cor de textura", + "TEMPLATE.MeasuredConfig": "Configuración do modelo de medida", "TILE.AnimationHeader": "Animación", "TILE.AnimationHint": "Atributos adicionais a aplicar se a tesela usa unha textura animada de vídeo.", "TILE.BasicHeader": "Básico", @@ -2378,60 +2878,117 @@ "TILE.OcclusionModeNone": "Ningún (sempre visible)", "TILE.OcclusionModeRadial": "Radial (efixies circundantes)", "TILE.OcclusionModeRoof": "Tellado (bloquea visión e iluminación)", + "TILE.OcclusionModeVision": "Visión (campo de visión da efixie)", "TILE.Opacity": "Opacidade", "TILE.Overhead": "É teito?", "TILE.OverheadHeader": "Teito", "TILE.OverheadHint": "Atributos adicionais a aplicar se a tesela actúa como teito no frontal.", + "TILE.Roof": "É un tellado?", + "TILE.SubmitCreate": "Crear tesela", + "TILE.SubmitUpdate": "Actualizar tesela", "TILE.Tint": "Cor da tintura", "TILE.VideoAutoplay": "Reproducir automáticamente", "TILE.VideoLoop": "Vídeo en bucle", "TILE.VideoVolume": "Volume do vídeo", + "TIME.DaysAbbreviation": "d", + "TIME.Hours": "Horas", + "TIME.HoursAbbreviation": "h", + "TIME.Minutes": "Minutos", + "TIME.MinutesAbbreviation": "m", + "TIME.Now": "Agora", + "TIME.Seconds": "Segundos", + "TIME.SecondsAbbreviation": "s", + "TIME.Since": "hai {since}", "TOKEN.Assign": "Asociar efixie", "TOKEN.AssignSuccess": "Actualizouse a configuración de prototipo para a efixie de {name}.", "TOKEN.AssignWarn": "Tes que seleccionar unha efixie existente para poder asociala como nova configuración de prototipo.", "TOKEN.BarAttributes": "Barras de atributo", "TOKEN.BarValues": "Valores individuais", "TOKEN.CharActor": "Actor representado", - "TOKEN.CharDisposition": "Disposición da efixie", - "TOKEN.CharInstructions": "Definir a que actor se vencella esta efixie.", "TOKEN.CharLink": "Ligar datos de actor", "TOKEN.CharNameplate": "Nome da efixie", "TOKEN.CharShowNameplate": "Nome a mostrar", + "TOKEN.Coordinates": "Coordenadas", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_ALWAYS": "Sempre para todos", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_CONTROL": "Cando controlada", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_HOVER": "Ao sobrevoala calquera", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_NONE": "Nunca", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_OWNER": "Sempre para o dono", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_OWNER_HOVER": "Ao sobrevoala o dono", + "TOKEN.DetectionAdd": "Engadir modo de detección", + "TOKEN.DetectionEnabled": "Activada", + "TOKEN.DetectionMode": "Modo de detección", + "TOKEN.DetectionRange": "Rango", + "TOKEN.DetectionRemove": "Quitar modo de detección", + "TOKEN.Dimensions": "Dimensións", + "TOKEN.Disposition": "Disposición da efixie", "TOKEN.FRIENDLY": "Amistosa", "TOKEN.HOSTILE": "Hostil", + "TOKEN.HeaderAppearance": "Aspecto", + "TOKEN.HeaderIdentity": "Identidade", + "TOKEN.HeaderLight": "Luz", + "TOKEN.HeaderResources": "Recursos", + "TOKEN.HeaderVision": "Visión", "TOKEN.ImageAlts": "Efixies de actor alternativas", - "TOKEN.ImageInstructions": "Define a imaxe da efixie e a escala e tamaño cos que mostrala", "TOKEN.ImagePath": "Ruta da imaxe da efixie", + "TOKEN.Lock": "Bloquear", + "TOKEN.LockRotation": "Bloquear rotación", + "TOKEN.Mirror": "Imaxe especular", "TOKEN.MirrorX": "Espellar a imaxe horizontalmente", "TOKEN.MirrorY": "Espellar a imaxe verticalmente", "TOKEN.NEUTRAL": "Neutral", "TOKEN.Opacity": "Opacidade da efixie", - "TOKEN.PositionInstructions": "Definir a posición, orientación e elevación da efixie.", - "TOKEN.PositionLock": "Bloquear rotación", "TOKEN.RandomImg": "Escoller imaxe ao chou nunha ruta con *", "TOKEN.ResourceBar1A": "Atributo da barra 1", "TOKEN.ResourceBar1D": "Datos da barra 1", "TOKEN.ResourceBar2A": "Atributo da barra 2", "TOKEN.ResourceBar2D": "Datos da barra 2", "TOKEN.ResourceDisplay": "Mostrar barras", - "TOKEN.ResourceInstructions": "Definir as barras dos recursos que se monitoran para esta efixie.", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderAdvanced": "Opcións avanzadas", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderBasic": "Configuración básica", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderDetection": "Modos de detección", + "TOKEN.SightNavLabel": "Lapelas de configuración de visión", "TOKEN.TintColor": "Tintura", "TOKEN.Title": "Configuración da efixie", "TOKEN.TitlePrototype": "Efixie prototipo", "TOKEN.Update": "Actualizar efixie", - "TOKEN.VisionBrightDist": "Visión plena", - "TOKEN.VisionDimDist": "Visión reducida", - "TOKEN.VisionHas": "Ten visión", - "TOKEN.VisionInstructions": "Determina as capacidades de visión e emisión de luz desta efixie.", - "TOKEN.VisionSightAngle": "Ángulo de vista", + "TOKEN.VisionAngle": "Ángulo de visión", + "TOKEN.VisionAngleHint": "O ángulo do cono de visión (predeterminado, 360).", + "TOKEN.VisionAttenuation": "Atenuación", + "TOKEN.VisionAttenuationHint": "Axusta a forza de atenuación da fonte de visión (predeterminado, 0)", + "TOKEN.VisionBrightness": "Brillo da visión", + "TOKEN.VisionBrightnessHint": "Axusta o brillo da fonte de visión. Canta máis visión, mellor verá a personaxe na escuridade (predeterminado, 0).", + "TOKEN.VisionColor": "Cor da visión", + "TOKEN.VisionContrast": "Contraste", + "TOKEN.VisionContrastHint": "Axusta o contraste do fondo que abrangue o raio da fonte de visión (predeterminado, 0)", + "TOKEN.VisionEnabled": "Visión activada", + "TOKEN.VisionEnabledHint": "Permite á efixie ver os espazos iluminados na súa liña de visión.", + "TOKEN.VisionMode": "Modo de visión", + "TOKEN.VisionModeHint": "Aplica un efecto visual á visión para representar sentidos especiais (predeterminado, visión básica).", + "TOKEN.VisionRange": "Rango de visión", + "TOKEN.VisionRangeHint": "A distancia á que unha efixie pode ver sen luz ningunha.", + "TOKEN.VisionSaturation": "Saturación", + "TOKEN.VisionSaturationHint": "Axusta a saturación do fondo que abrangue o raio da fonte de visión (predeterminado, 0).", "TOKEN.WarningNoActor": "Esta efixie referencia un actor que xa non existe neste mundo.", "TOKEN.WarningNoVision": "Non hai efixie con visión nesta escena da que sexas propietaria.", + "TOURS.AllTours": "Todas as presentacións", + "TOURS.Completed": "Completada", + "TOURS.InProgress": "A medias - {current}/{total}", + "TOURS.NotStarted": "Por comezar", + "TOURS.Reset": "Restablecer progreso", + "TOURS.ResetAll": "Restablecer todas", + "TOURS.ResetSuccess": "Pon de novo as presentacións como se non as completases.", + "TOURS.ResetTitle": "Restablecer presentacións", + "TOURS.ResetWarning": "Queres restablecer o progreso de todas as presentacións?", + "TOURS.Restart": "Comezar presentación desde o principio", + "TOURS.Resume": "Continuar presentación", + "TOURS.ShowMeHow": "Amósamo", + "TOURS.Start": "Comezar presentación", + "TOURS.SuggestedDescription": "

Completaches a presentación {currentTitle}.

Suxerímosche que sigas agora coa presentación {nextTitle}. Queres continuar?

", + "TOURS.SuggestedTitle": "Seguinte presentación suxerida", + "TOURS.TourCategories": "Categorías de presentacións", + "TOURS.TourFilter": "Filtrar presentación", + "TOURS.TourName": "Nome da presentación", "Template": "Modelo", "Theatre.Emote.Ambitious": "Ambicioso", "Theatre.Emote.Angry": "Anoxado", @@ -2580,6 +3137,7 @@ "Theatre.UI.Title.ResyncPlayer": "Resincronizar teatro coa DX", "Theatre.UI.Title.SuppressTheatre": "Suprimir teatro", "Token": "Efixie", + "Tours.NavLabel": "Lapelas de xestión das presentación", "Type": "Tipo", "URL": "URL", "USER.RoleAssistant": "Asistente", @@ -2601,12 +3159,20 @@ "USERS.UserName": "Nome de usuario", "Uninstall": "Desinstalar", "Update": "Actualizar", + "VISION.ModeBasicVision": "Visión básica", + "VISION.ModeBlindness": "Cegueira", + "VISION.ModeDarkvision": "Visión na escuridade", + "VISION.ModeDetectInvisibility": "Detectar invisibilidade", + "VISION.ModeLightAmplification": "Amplificación de luz", + "VISION.ModeMonochromatic": "Monocromática", + "VISION.ModeTremorsense": "Sentido dos tremores", "Vision": "Visión", "WALLS.Coordinates": "Coordenadas do muro", "WALLS.Direction": "Dirección do muro", "WALLS.Door": "É unha porta?", "WALLS.DoorState": "Estado da porta", "WALLS.Instructions": "Personaliza como restrinxe o movemento e os sentidos este segmento de muro.", + "WALLS.Light": "Restrición de luz", "WALLS.Movement": "Restricións de movemento", "WALLS.Sight": "Restricións de vista", "WALLS.Sound": "Restricións de son", @@ -2615,12 +3181,17 @@ "WALLS.TitleMany": "Configuración dos muros", "WARNING.ForegroundDimensionsMismatch": "As dimensións configuradas para a imaxe da capa frontal non coinciden coas dimensións da imaxe da capa de fondo para esta escena. O frontal foi reescalado e pode que tivera consecuencias non desexadas.", "WARNING.GridConfigNoBG": "Estás a usar a ferramenta de configuración da cuadrícula nunha escena que non ten imaxe de fondo. Nesta altura non che recomendamos facer iso xa que pode producir resultados impredecibles.", + "WARNING.ObjectDoesNotExist": "O {name} \"{identifier}\" non existe.", + "WEATHER.AutumnLeaves": "Follas de outono", + "WEATHER.Rain": "Choiva", + "WEATHER.Snow": "Neve", "WEBRTC.AVMode": "Modo de conferencia audiovisual", "WEBRTC.AVModeNotes": "Só a Dirección de Xogo pode mudar este parámetro, o que esixe reiniciar Foundry VTT.", "WEBRTC.AudioDevice": "Dispositivo de captura de audio", "WEBRTC.AudioDeviceNotes": "Escolle que dispositivo de entrada de audio queres usar, se quixeres usar algún.", "WEBRTC.AudioOutput": "Dispositivo de saída de audio", "WEBRTC.AudioOutputNotes": "Escolle que dispositivo de saída de audio queres usar.", + "WEBRTC.BorderColors": "Usar cores de borde da xogadora", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorAudio": "Non se puido recibir do teu dispositivo de entrada de audio", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorAudioVideo": "Non se puido recibir dos teus dispositivos de entrada de audio e vídeo", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorVideo": "Non se puido recibir do teu dispositivo de entrada de vídeo", @@ -2628,7 +3199,6 @@ "WEBRTC.CaptureWarningVideo": "Non se puido recibir dos teus dispositivos de entrada de audio: compartirase apenas o vídeo", "WEBRTC.ConnectError": "Erro ao conectar co servidor de sinalización de audio e vídeo", "WEBRTC.ConnectionLostWarning": "Perdeuse a conexión co servidor de sinalización de audio e vídeo. Tentando restablecer a conexión.", - "WEBRTC.CustomSignalingServer": "Servidor personalizado", "WEBRTC.CustomTURNServer": "Servidor de retransmisión personalizado", "WEBRTC.DefaultSource": "Dispositivo predeterminado", "WEBRTC.DeviceUnavailableWarning": "Non se puido dar comezo á comunicación de audio e vídeo porque un dos dispositivos configurados non está dispoñible.", @@ -2636,7 +3206,11 @@ "WEBRTC.DisableAudioOutput": "Desactivar a saída de audio", "WEBRTC.DisableAudioSource": "Desactivar o envío de audio", "WEBRTC.DisableVideoSource": "Desactivar o envío de vídeo", - "WEBRTC.FVTTSignalingServer": "Foundry VTT", + "WEBRTC.DockPosition": "Posición da doca", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionBottom": "Abaixo", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionLeft": "Esquerda", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionRight": "Dereita", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionTop": "Arriba", "WEBRTC.GeneralTab": "Xeral", "WEBRTC.GeneralTabNotGM": "Os parámetros xerais de conferencia audio e vídeo solo poden ser modificados pola DX", "WEBRTC.GenericError": "Erro WebRTC:", @@ -2646,9 +3220,14 @@ "WEBRTC.ModeAudioVideo": "Audio e vídeo", "WEBRTC.ModeDisabled": "Ningún", "WEBRTC.ModeVideoOnly": "Só vídeo", + "WEBRTC.Nameplates": "Mostrar nomes", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesBoth": "Alternar entre ambas", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesCharacter": "Da personaxe", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesOff": "Non", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesPlayer": "Da xogadora", + "WEBRTC.NavLabel": "Controis de audio/vídeo do usuario", "WEBRTC.NoSSLError": "Non podes usar chamadas con audio e vídeo se o teu servidor Foundry non está a usar certificados SSL. Consulta as instrucións na documentación en liña .", - "WEBRTC.PTTKey": "Tecla de premer para falar / silenciar", - "WEBRTC.PTTKeyNotes": "Determina a tecla que, no modo premer para falar, activa a voz mentres estea premida. Fóra do modo premer para falar, esa mesma tecla silencia mentres estea premida.", + "WEBRTC.PTTKeyWarn": "A tecla para falar/silenciar usa un valor vello e pode que non funcione como esperas, reconfigúraa.", "WEBRTC.ServerTab": "Servidor", "WEBRTC.TURNServerProvisioned": "Provisto polo servidor de sinalización", "WEBRTC.Title": "Parámetros de audio e vídeo", @@ -2656,17 +3235,22 @@ "WEBRTC.TooltipAllowUserVideo": "Permitir vídeo do usuario", "WEBRTC.TooltipBlockUserAudio": "Bloquear audio do usuario", "WEBRTC.TooltipBlockUserVideo": "Bloquear vídeo do usuario", - "WEBRTC.TooltipChangeSize": "Rotar tamaño de vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipConfigure": "Parámetros de configuración", + "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableAllVideo": "Desactivar recepción de vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableMyAudio": "Silenciar o teu audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableMyVideo": "Desactivar o teu vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipDock": "Enviar á barra", "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableMyAudio": "Activar o teu audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableMyVideo": "Activar o teu vídeo", + "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableVideo": "Activar recepción de vídeo", + "WEBRTC.TooltipExpandDock": "Expandir a doca", "WEBRTC.TooltipHidePlayers": "Ocultar lista de participantes", + "WEBRTC.TooltipHideUser": "Ocultar usuario", + "WEBRTC.TooltipMinimizeDock": "Minimizar a doca", "WEBRTC.TooltipMutePeers": "Silenciar o audio do resto", "WEBRTC.TooltipPopout": "Desancorar", "WEBRTC.TooltipShowPlayers": "Mostrar lista de participantes", + "WEBRTC.TooltipShowUser": "Mostrar usuario", "WEBRTC.TooltipToggleVideo": "Alternar vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipUnmutePeers": "Activar o o audio dos outros", "WEBRTC.UnavailableDevice": "Dispositivo non dispoñible (usarase o predeterminado)", @@ -2680,10 +3264,6 @@ "WEBRTC.VoiceModePtt": "Preme para falar", "WEBRTC.WarningCannotEnableAudio": "Non podes activar o teu micrófono porque non tes permiso para transmitir audio.", "WEBRTC.WarningCannotEnableVideo": "Non podes activar a túa cámara porque non tes permiso para transmitir vídeo.", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServer": "Escolle servidor de sinalización", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerPassword": "Contrasinal do servidor de sinalización", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerURL": "URL do servidor de sinalización", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerUsername": "Usuario do servidor de sinalización", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTURNURL": "URL do servidor de retransmisión", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTurnPassword": "Contrasinal do servidor de retransmisión", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTurnServer": "Configuración do servidor de retransmisión", @@ -2699,7 +3279,10 @@ "WORLD.ResetKeys": "Restablecer contrasinais dos usuarios", "WORLD.ResetModules": "Restablecer módulos activos", "WORLD.SafeModeHint": "Desactiva todos os módulos e escenas activas, e detén todos os audios que estivesen a soar", + "WORLD.SubmitEdit": "Actualizar mundo", "WORLD.Title": "Título do mundo", + "WORLD.TitleCreate": "Crear mundo", + "WORLD.TitleEdit": "Editar mundo", "Warning": "Atención", "Width": "Largo", "XCard.Authorship": "Cartón X por John Stavropoulos", @@ -2715,7 +3298,9 @@ "XCoord": "Coordenada X", "YCoord": "Coordenada Y", "Yes": "Si", + "all": "todas", "and": "e", + "authorized": "autorizadas", "pings.settings.duration.hint": "Canto tempo mostrar o ping, en segundos.", "pings.settings.duration.title": "Duración", "pings.settings.image.hint": "A imaxe a usar como alternativa al ping predeterminado. Aplicarase unha tintura baseado na cor da participante, así que todo o que non sexa escala de grises se verá mal.", @@ -2745,5 +3330,6 @@ "pings.settings.sizeChangeAmount.hint": "Canto debe variar o seu tamaño total.", "pings.settings.sizeChangeAmount.title": "Variación de tamaño", "pings.settings.sizeChangeSpeed.hint": "Canto demora en segundos cada ciclo de variación de tamaño.", - "pings.settings.sizeChangeSpeed.title": "Velocidade de variación de tamaño" + "pings.settings.sizeChangeSpeed.title": "Velocidade de variación de tamaño", + "selected": "seleccionadas" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/i18n/fatex/en/fatex.json b/i18n/fatex/en/fatex.json index dfe65e5..66f977b 100644 --- a/i18n/fatex/en/fatex.json +++ b/i18n/fatex/en/fatex.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "FAx.Dialog.ActorClearText": "Do you really want to permanently delete all this actors components and their content of the chosen type?", "FAx.Dialog.Cancel": "Cancel", "FAx.Dialog.Confirm": "Confirm", - "FAx.Dialog.EntityDelete": "Delete", - "FAx.Dialog.EntityDeleteText": "Do you really want to permanently delete this entity?", + "FAx.Dialog.DocumentDelete": "Delete", + "FAx.Dialog.DocumentDeleteText": "Do you really want to permanently delete this entity?", "FAx.Dialog.ReferenceRemove": "Remove reference", "FAx.Dialog.ReferenceRemoveText": "Do you really want to permanently remove this reference?", "FAx.Global.Actions.Choose": "Choose template", @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.Skills": "Skills", "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.SkillsStunts": "Skills & Stunts", "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.Stunts": "Stunts", + "FAx.Sheets.Reference": "Reference Sheet", "FAx.Template.Picker.Configuration": "Configuration", "FAx.Template.Picker.CreateEmpty": "Empty actor", "FAx.Template.Picker.Empty": "Empty actor", diff --git a/i18n/fatex/gl/fatex.json b/i18n/fatex/gl/fatex.json index dafc305..378d5d2 100644 --- a/i18n/fatex/gl/fatex.json +++ b/i18n/fatex/gl/fatex.json @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ "FAx.Dialog.ActorClearText": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar permanentemente deste actor todos os seus compoñentes deste tipo canda cadanseus contidos?", "FAx.Dialog.Cancel": "Cancelar", "FAx.Dialog.Confirm": "Confirmar", - "FAx.Dialog.EntityDelete": "Eliminar", - "FAx.Dialog.EntityDeleteText": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar permanentemente esta entidade?", + "FAx.Dialog.DocumentDelete": "Borrar", + "FAx.Dialog.DocumentDeleteText": "Tes a certeza de querer borrar permanentemente este documento?", "FAx.Dialog.ReferenceRemove": "Quitar referencia", "FAx.Dialog.ReferenceRemoveText": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar permanentemente esta referencia?", "FAx.Global.Actions.Choose": "Escoller modelo", @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.Skills": "Habilidades", "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.SkillsStunts": "Habilidades e talentos", "FAx.Sheet.Tabs.Stunts": "Talentos", + "FAx.Sheets.Reference": "Ficha de referencia", "FAx.Template.Picker.Configuration": "Configuración", "FAx.Template.Picker.CreateEmpty": "Actor en branco", "FAx.Template.Picker.Empty": "Actor en branco", diff --git a/i18n/foundry/en/foundry.json b/i18n/foundry/en/foundry.json index 671637a..fa71277 100644 --- a/i18n/foundry/en/foundry.json +++ b/i18n/foundry/en/foundry.json @@ -1,13 +1,117 @@ { - "ACTOR.Create": "Create Actor", - "ACTOR.Search": "Search Actors", - "ACTOR.Title": "Actors Directory", + "ADVENTURE.Caption": "Banner Caption", + "ADVENTURE.CaptionHint": "Provide a text caption that will be displayed beneath the banner image. This caption may contain HTML or plain text.", + "ADVENTURE.Create": "Create Adventure", + "ADVENTURE.Description": "Adventure Description", + "ADVENTURE.DescriptionHint": "Provide a description which contains an overview and synopsis of the adventure.", + "ADVENTURE.ExportDropZone": "Drag and drop content from your World to populate content into the Adventure.", + "ADVENTURE.ExportEdit": "Rebuild Adventure", + "ADVENTURE.ExportSubmit": "Build Adventure", + "ADVENTURE.ExportTabContents": "Contents", + "ADVENTURE.ExportTabSummary": "Summary", + "ADVENTURE.Image": "Banner Image", + "ADVENTURE.ImageHint": "Provide a banner image with at least 768px width and 300px height that will be displayed for this adventure.", + "ADVENTURE.ImportHeaderContents": "Contents", + "ADVENTURE.ImportHeaderOverview": "Overview", + "ADVENTURE.ImportOverwriteTitle": "Overwrite Existing Content?", + "ADVENTURE.ImportOverwriteWarning": "Some content from the {name} adventure already exists in your World. If you import the adventure that content will be overwritten. Do you want to proceed?", + "ADVENTURE.ImportProgress": "Importing", + "ADVENTURE.ImportSubmit": "Import Adventure", + "ADVENTURE.Name": "Adventure Name", + "ADVENTURE.NameHint": "Choose a name for this adventure that will be unique within the package that contains it.", "APP.NavigateBackConfirm": "Are you sure you want to exit the Foundry Virtual Tabletop game?", "Activate": "Activate", "Angle": "Angle", "AreYouSure": "Are You Sure?", "Author": "Author", + "AuthorPl": "Authors", "Between": "Between", + "CARD.BackImage": "Back Image", + "CARD.BackName": "Back Name", + "CARD.BackText": "Back Text", + "CARD.Create": "Create Card", + "CARD.Delete": "Delete Card", + "CARD.Description": "Description", + "CARD.Dimensions": "Default Dimensions", + "CARD.Drawn": "Drawn", + "CARD.Edit": "Edit Card", + "CARD.Face": "Face", + "CARD.FaceAdd": "Add Face", + "CARD.FaceDelete": "Delete Face", + "CARD.FaceDeleteWarning": "Deleting this card face will permanently remove its data from the Card.", + "CARD.FaceImage": "Face Image", + "CARD.FaceName": "Face Name", + "CARD.FaceNext": "Next Face", + "CARD.FacePrevious": "Previous Face", + "CARD.FaceText": "Face Text", + "CARD.HeaderBack": "Card Back", + "CARD.HeaderDetails": "Card Details", + "CARD.HeaderFaces": "Card Faces", + "CARD.Name": "Name", + "CARD.Play": "Play Card", + "CARD.PlayHint": "Play this card by passing it to some other hand or pile.", + "CARD.Save": "Save Card", + "CARD.Suit": "Suit", + "CARD.Type": "Type", + "CARD.TypeBase": "Base", + "CARD.Unknown": "Unknown ({source})", + "CARD.Value": "Value", + "CARDS.CardsDeck": "Cards Deck", + "CARDS.CardsHand": "Cards Hand", + "CARDS.CardsPile": "Cards Pile", + "CARDS.Deal": "Deal", + "CARDS.DealHint": "Choose a set of hands or piles to which cards will be dealt. The same number of cards are dealt to all selected hands/piles.", + "CARDS.DealTitle": "Deal Cards", + "CARDS.DealTo": "Deal To", + "CARDS.DealWarnNoTargets": "You must create a hand or pile to deal cards to.", + "CARDS.DeckPreset": "Preset Config", + "CARDS.DeckPresetPokerDark": "Poker Deck (Dark)", + "CARDS.DeckPresetPokerLight": "Poker Deck (Light)", + "CARDS.DeleteCannot": "Cannot Delete", + "CARDS.DeleteCannotHint": "The following decks still have cards drawn and cannot be deleted, please reset them first: {decks}", + "CARDS.DeleteMustReset": "This {type} must be reset before it can be deleted, would you like to proceed?", + "CARDS.DeleteReset": "Reset & Delete", + "CARDS.Description": "Card Stack Description", + "CARDS.Dimensions": "Default Dimensions", + "CARDS.Draw": "Draw", + "CARDS.DrawFrom": "Draw From", + "CARDS.DrawHint": "Choose a deck from which to draw a certain number of cards.", + "CARDS.DrawMode": "Draw Mode", + "CARDS.DrawModeBottom": "Bottom (Last)", + "CARDS.DrawModeRandom": "Random", + "CARDS.DrawModeTop": "Top (First)", + "CARDS.DrawTitle": "Draw Cards", + "CARDS.DrawWarnNoSources": "There are no decks available which you can draw from.", + "CARDS.Facedown": "Facedown", + "CARDS.HeaderCards": "Cards", + "CARDS.HeaderDetails": "Configuration", + "CARDS.Image": "Default Back Image", + "CARDS.NoCards": "No Cards Present", + "CARDS.NotifyDeal": "Dealt {number} cards each to: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyDiscard": "Discarded {number} cards to: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyDraw": "Drew {number} cards from: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyPass": "Passed {number} cards to: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyPlay": "Played {number} cards to: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyReset": "Recalled all cards to: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyReturn": "Returned all cards from: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyShuffle": "Shuffled: {link}", + "CARDS.Number": "Number", + "CARDS.Pass": "Pass", + "CARDS.PassHint": "Pass some number of cards to another hand or pile.", + "CARDS.PassTitle": "Pass Cards", + "CARDS.PassTo": "Pass To", + "CARDS.PassWarnNoTargets": "There are no hands or piles available which you can pass to.", + "CARDS.Reset": "Reset", + "CARDS.ResetConfirm": "Are you sure you want to reset {name}? All dealt cards will be recalled.", + "CARDS.ReturnConfirm": "Are you sure? All cards in {name} will be returned to their original decks.", + "CARDS.Save": "Save", + "CARDS.Shuffle": "Shuffle", + "CARDS.SortMode": "Sort Mode", + "CARDS.Type": "Card Stack Type", + "CARDS.TypeDeck": "Deck", + "CARDS.TypeHand": "Hand", + "CARDS.TypePile": "Pile", + "CHAT.Chat": "Chat", "CHAT.Clear": "Clear Chat Log", "CHAT.ConcealMessage": "Make Private", "CHAT.Export": "Export Chat Log", @@ -37,7 +141,8 @@ "COMBAT.CombatantNotInScene": "The Combatant {name} is not present in your currently viewed Scene", "COMBAT.CombatantRemove": "Remove Combatant", "COMBAT.CombatantReroll": "Re-roll Initiative", - "COMBAT.CombatantStatus": "Combatant Status", + "COMBAT.CombatantScene": "Combatant Scene", + "COMBAT.CombatantStatus": "Status", "COMBAT.CombatantToken": "Represented Token", "COMBAT.CombatantUpdate": "Update Combatant", "COMBAT.Create": "Create Encounter", @@ -50,10 +155,13 @@ "COMBAT.EndTitle": "End Combat Encounter?", "COMBAT.InitiativeReset": "Reset Initiative", "COMBAT.InitiativeRoll": "Roll Initiative", + "COMBAT.Linked": "Linked to scene, click to unlink", + "COMBAT.NavLabel": "Combat Encounters Navigation", "COMBAT.None": "No Active Encounter", "COMBAT.NoneActive": "There is no active Combat Encounter in your currently viewed Scene.", "COMBAT.NoneRemaining": "There are no Combatants remaining in this Encounter which are not defeated.", "COMBAT.NotStarted": "Not Started", + "COMBAT.PingCombatant": "Ping Combatant", "COMBAT.Resource": "Tracked Resource", "COMBAT.ResourceHint": "Choose an attribute to track for each combatant.", "COMBAT.RollAll": "Roll All", @@ -65,8 +173,11 @@ "COMBAT.Rounds": "Rounds", "COMBAT.Settings": "Combat Tracker Settings", "COMBAT.SettingsSave": "Save Tracker Settings", + "COMBAT.SidebarTitle": "Combat Tracker", "COMBAT.SkipDefeated": "Skip Defeated?", "COMBAT.SkipDefeatedHint": "Automatically bypass combatants marked as defeated?", + "COMBAT.Sounds.Epic": "Epic", + "COMBAT.Sounds.MC": "Fight Commentator", "COMBAT.ToggleDead": "Mark Defeated", "COMBAT.ToggleVis": "Toggle Visibility", "COMBAT.Turn": "Turn", @@ -75,6 +186,7 @@ "COMBAT.TurnPrev": "Previous Turn", "COMBAT.Turns": "Turns", "COMBAT.UnknownCombatant": "Unknown Combatant", + "COMBAT.Unlinked": "Unlinked combat, click to link to scene", "COMPENDIUM.Create": "Create Compendium", "COMPENDIUM.CreateHint": "Create a new Compendium pack in your current World.", "COMPENDIUM.Delete": "Delete Compendium", @@ -87,10 +199,11 @@ "COMPENDIUM.ErrorRequireTitle": "You must provide a title to create a World Compendium pack.", "COMPENDIUM.ImportAll": "Import All Content", "COMPENDIUM.ImportAllFinish": "Successfully imported {number} {type} entries into the {folder} folder.", - "COMPENDIUM.ImportAllHint": "All of the content from this Compendium pack will be imported into your World to a Folder which you may name.", + "COMPENDIUM.ImportAllHint": "Import the complete content from this Compendium pack into a new or existing Folder. Please note that importing large Compendium packs will have a negative impact on application performance.", "COMPENDIUM.ImportAllStart": "Importing {number} {type} entries into the {folder} folder. Please be patient.", "COMPENDIUM.ImportEntry": "Import Entry", "COMPENDIUM.Name": "Compendium Name", + "COMPENDIUM.SidebarTitle": "Compendium Packs", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleLocked": "Toggle Edit Lock", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleLockedWarning": "You are attempting to unlock for editing a compendium that does not belong to this World. Any changes you make in this compendium pack may be lost if the system or module which owns it is updated. You may wish to duplicate the compendium to your world instead. Do you wish to proceed?", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleVisibility": "Toggle Visibility", @@ -102,10 +215,15 @@ "CONTROLS.CanvasLeftDrag": "Use Active Tool", "CONTROLS.CanvasMove": "Move Object", "CONTROLS.CanvasPan": "Pan Canvas", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPing": "Ping Canvas", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPingAlert": "Alert Ping Canvas", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPingPull": "Pan Canvas to Ping", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelect": "Select Object", + "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectAll": "Select All Objects", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectCancel": "Cancel Left-Drag Operation", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectMany": "Add or Remove Selected Objects", "CONTROLS.CanvasZoom": "Zoom Canvas", + "CONTROLS.CharacterSheet": "Toggle Character Sheet", "CONTROLS.ClearAll": "Clear All Objects", "CONTROLS.ClearAllHint": "Permanently delete all {type} objects from this Scene?", "CONTROLS.Double": "Double", @@ -160,25 +278,25 @@ "CONTROLS.KeyZoomIn": "Zoom In", "CONTROLS.KeyZoomOut": "Zoom Out", "CONTROLS.KeyboardControls": "Keyboard Controls", - "CONTROLS.LeftClick": "Left Click", - "CONTROLS.LeftClick2": "Double Left Click", + "CONTROLS.LeftClick": "Left-Click", + "CONTROLS.LeftClick2": "Double Left-Click", "CONTROLS.LeftDrag": "Left-Click Drag", "CONTROLS.LightClear": "Clear Lights", "CONTROLS.LightDay": "Transition to Daylight", "CONTROLS.LightDraw": "Draw Light Source", "CONTROLS.LightNight": "Transition to Darkness", "CONTROLS.LightReset": "Reset Fog of War", - "CONTROLS.MeasureBorder": "Border Color", + "CONTROLS.LongPress": "Long Press", "CONTROLS.MeasureCircle": "Circle Template", "CONTROLS.MeasureClear": "Clear Templates", "CONTROLS.MeasureCone": "Cone Template", "CONTROLS.MeasureConfigHint": "Configure the placement and display of the measurement template.", "CONTROLS.MeasureRay": "Ray Template", "CONTROLS.MeasureRect": "Rectangle Template", - "CONTROLS.MeasureTemplate": "Template Texture", "CONTROLS.MeasureType": "Template Type", "CONTROLS.MouseControls": "Mouse Controls", "CONTROLS.MouseWheel": "Mouse-Wheel", + "CONTROLS.NavLabel": "Canvas Controls Palette", "CONTROLS.NoteClear": "Clear Notes", "CONTROLS.NoteSelect": "Select Notes", "CONTROLS.NoteToggle": "Toggle Notes Display", @@ -225,49 +343,90 @@ "Cancel": "Cancel", "Character": "Character", "Close": "Close", + "Collapse": "Collapse", "Command": "Command", "Commit Change": "Commit Changes", "Configure": "Configure", + "DETECTION.BasicSight": "Basic Sight", + "DETECTION.FeelTremor": "Feel Tremor", + "DETECTION.SeeAll": "See All", + "DETECTION.SeeInvisibility": "See Invisibility", + "DETECTION.SenseAll": "Sense All", + "DETECTION.SenseInvisibility": "Sense Invisibility", "DICE.ErrorNonNumeric": "The dice roll formula {formula} did not produce a numeric outcome.", "DICE.WarnMissingData": "The attribute {match} was not present in the provided roll data.", "DOCUMENT.ActiveEffect": "Active Effect", + "DOCUMENT.ActiveEffects": "Active Effects", "DOCUMENT.Actor": "Actor", + "DOCUMENT.Actors": "Actors", + "DOCUMENT.Adventure": "Adventure", + "DOCUMENT.Adventures": "Adventures", "DOCUMENT.AmbientLight": "Ambient Light", + "DOCUMENT.AmbientLights": "Ambient Lights", "DOCUMENT.AmbientSound": "Ambient Sound", + "DOCUMENT.AmbientSounds": "Ambient Sounds", + "DOCUMENT.Card": "Card", + "DOCUMENT.Cards": "Card Stack", + "DOCUMENT.CardsPlural": "Card Stacks", "DOCUMENT.ChatMessage": "Chat Message", + "DOCUMENT.ChatMessages": "Chat Messages", "DOCUMENT.Combat": "Combat Encounter", "DOCUMENT.Combatant": "Combatant", + "DOCUMENT.Combatants": "Combatants", + "DOCUMENT.Combats": "Combat Encounters", + "DOCUMENT.CopyOf": "{name} (Copy)", "DOCUMENT.Create": "Create New {type}", "DOCUMENT.Delete": "Delete {type}", "DOCUMENT.Drawing": "Drawing", + "DOCUMENT.Drawings": "Drawings", "DOCUMENT.Folder": "Folder", + "DOCUMENT.Folders": "Folders", + "DOCUMENT.IdCopiedClipboard": "{label} {type} \"{id}\" copied to clipboard.", "DOCUMENT.ImportData": "Import Data", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataError": "You did not upload a data file!", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataHint1": "You may import data for this {document} from an exported JSON file.", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataHint2": "This operation will update the data for {name} and cannot be un-done.", "DOCUMENT.ImportSource": "Source Data", + "DOCUMENT.Imported": "Data for {document} \"{name}\" was successfully imported from JSON.", "DOCUMENT.Item": "Item", + "DOCUMENT.Items": "Items", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntries": "Journal", "DOCUMENT.JournalEntry": "Journal Entry", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntryPage": "Page", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntryPages": "Pages", "DOCUMENT.Macro": "Macro", + "DOCUMENT.Macros": "Macros", "DOCUMENT.MeasuredTemplate": "Measured Template", + "DOCUMENT.MeasuredTemplates": "Measured Templates", "DOCUMENT.New": "New {type}", "DOCUMENT.Note": "Note", + "DOCUMENT.Notes": "Notes", "DOCUMENT.Playlist": "Playlist", "DOCUMENT.PlaylistSound": "Playlist Sound", + "DOCUMENT.PlaylistSounds": "Playlist Sounds", + "DOCUMENT.Playlists": "Playlists", "DOCUMENT.RollTable": "Rollable Table", + "DOCUMENT.RollTables": "Rollable Tables", "DOCUMENT.Scene": "Scene", + "DOCUMENT.Scenes": "Scenes", "DOCUMENT.Setting": "Setting", + "DOCUMENT.Settings": "Settings", "DOCUMENT.SheetPermissionWarn": "You do not have permission to view this {document} sheet.", + "DOCUMENT.SkipCreate": "Skip Creation", "DOCUMENT.TableResult": "Table Result", + "DOCUMENT.TableResults": "Table Results", "DOCUMENT.Tile": "Tile", + "DOCUMENT.Tiles": "Tiles", "DOCUMENT.Token": "Token", + "DOCUMENT.Tokens": "Tokens", "DOCUMENT.Update": "Update {type}", "DOCUMENT.UsePermissionWarn": "You do not have permission to use this {document}.", "DOCUMENT.User": "User", + "DOCUMENT.Users": "Users", "DOCUMENT.Wall": "Wall", + "DOCUMENT.Walls": "Walls", "DRAWING.Author": "Author", "DRAWING.ConfigDefaultTitle": "Default Drawing Configuration", - "DRAWING.ConfigTitle": "Drawing Configuration", "DRAWING.FillColor": "Fill Color", "DRAWING.FillOpacity": "Fill Opacity", "DRAWING.FillTexture": "Fill Texture", @@ -284,8 +443,6 @@ "DRAWING.NoteLines": "Adjust the outer line work for the Drawing.", "DRAWING.NotePosition": "Adjust the position and visibility of the Drawing.", "DRAWING.NoteText": "Adjust the text label applied to this Drawing (if any).", - "DRAWING.PosX": "X-Position", - "DRAWING.PosY": "Y-Position", "DRAWING.Rotation": "Rotation", "DRAWING.SmoothingFactor": "Smoothing Factor", "DRAWING.SmoothingFactorHint": "For freehand drawing, the smoothing factor controls the amount of spline smoothing.", @@ -308,9 +465,62 @@ "Delete": "Delete", "Description": "Description", "Direction": "Direction", + "Display": "Display", "Distance": "Distance", "Documentation": "Documentation", "Duplicate": "Duplicate", + "EDITOR.Alignment": "Alignment", + "EDITOR.AlignmentCenter": "Center", + "EDITOR.AlignmentJustify": "Justify", + "EDITOR.AlignmentLeft": "Left", + "EDITOR.AlignmentRight": "Right", + "EDITOR.Block": "Block", + "EDITOR.Blockquote": "Blockquote", + "EDITOR.Bold": "Bold", + "EDITOR.BulletList": "Bulleted List", + "EDITOR.ClearFormatting": "Clear Formatting", + "EDITOR.Code": "Code", + "EDITOR.CodeBlock": "Code Block", + "EDITOR.CollaboratingUsers": "Collaborating users", + "EDITOR.DiscardHTML": "Discard HTML Changes", + "EDITOR.EditingHTMLWarning": "Another user has edited the same document. Any changes you have made to the HTML would erase their changes and so cannot be saved.", + "EDITOR.Font": "Font", + "EDITOR.Format": "Format", + "EDITOR.Heading": "Heading {level}", + "EDITOR.Headings": "Headings", + "EDITOR.Hide": "Hide", + "EDITOR.HorizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "EDITOR.ImageAlt": "Alternative Description", + "EDITOR.ImageDimensions": "Dimensions", + "EDITOR.ImageDimensionsHint": "Leaving these blank will use the image's intrinsic size.", + "EDITOR.ImageInsert": "Insert", + "EDITOR.ImageSource": "Source", + "EDITOR.Inline": "Inline", + "EDITOR.InsertImage": "Insert Image", + "EDITOR.Italic": "Italic", + "EDITOR.Link": "Link", + "EDITOR.LinkInsert": "Insert Link", + "EDITOR.LinkText": "Link Text", + "EDITOR.LinkTitle": "Link Title", + "EDITOR.LinkURL": "Link URL", + "EDITOR.Markdown": "Markdown", + "EDITOR.NoUploadPermission": "You must have file upload permissions to insert image content.", + "EDITOR.NumberList": "Numbered List", + "EDITOR.Paragraph": "Paragraph", + "EDITOR.ProseMirrorBadArguments": "Both a document and a name must be supplied to create a ProseMirror instance.", + "EDITOR.Resync": "Your editor state has desynchronized from the server and must be reset. Your original editor contents have been copied to your clipboard.", + "EDITOR.Reveal": "Reveal", + "EDITOR.Save": "Save Changes", + "EDITOR.SaveAndClose": "Save and Close Editor", + "EDITOR.Secret": "Secret", + "EDITOR.SourceHTML": "Source HTML", + "EDITOR.Strikethrough": "Strikethrough", + "EDITOR.Subscript": "Subscript", + "EDITOR.Superscript": "Superscript", + "EDITOR.TinyMCE": "TinyMCE", + "EDITOR.Underline": "Underline", + "EDITOR.UploadComplete": "Upload complete.", + "EDITOR.UploadingFile": "Uploading image file.", "EFFECT.ChangeKey": "Attribute Key", "EFFECT.ChangeMode": "Change Mode", "EFFECT.ChangeValue": "Effect Value", @@ -340,22 +550,23 @@ "EFFECT.StatusCursed": "Cursed", "EFFECT.StatusDead": "Dead", "EFFECT.StatusDeaf": "Deaf", - "EFFECT.StatusDegen": "Degeneration", + "EFFECT.StatusDegen": "Degenerating", "EFFECT.StatusDisease": "Diseased", "EFFECT.StatusDowngrade": "Weakened", - "EFFECT.StatusFear": "Afraid", + "EFFECT.StatusFear": "Frightened", "EFFECT.StatusFireShield": "Fire Shield", "EFFECT.StatusFlying": "Flying", "EFFECT.StatusFrozen": "Frozen", "EFFECT.StatusHolyShield": "Holy Shield", "EFFECT.StatusIceShield": "Ice Shield", + "EFFECT.StatusInvisible": "Invisible", "EFFECT.StatusMagicShield": "Magic Shield", "EFFECT.StatusMarked": "Marked", "EFFECT.StatusParalysis": "Paralyzed", "EFFECT.StatusPoison": "Poisoned", "EFFECT.StatusProne": "Prone", "EFFECT.StatusRadiation": "Radioactive", - "EFFECT.StatusRegen": "Regeneration", + "EFFECT.StatusRegen": "Regenerating", "EFFECT.StatusRestrained": "Restrained", "EFFECT.StatusShocked": "Shocked", "EFFECT.StatusSilenced": "Silenced", @@ -368,28 +579,18 @@ "EFFECT.TabDuration": "Duration", "EFFECT.TabEffects": "Effects", "EFFECT.Transfer": "Transfer Effect to Actor", - "ENTITY.Actor": "Actor", - "ENTITY.ChatMessage": "Chat Message", - "ENTITY.Combat": "Combat Encounter", - "ENTITY.Create": "Create New {entity}", - "ENTITY.CreateNew": "Create New", - "ENTITY.Folder": "Folder", - "ENTITY.Item": "Item", - "ENTITY.JournalEntry": "Journal Entry", - "ENTITY.Macro": "Macro Command", - "ENTITY.New": "New {entity}", - "ENTITY.Playlist": "Audio Playlist", - "ENTITY.RollTable": "Rollable Table", - "ENTITY.Scene": "Scene", - "ENTITY.User": "User", "ERROR.BackgroundTextureSize": "You are using a Scene background texture with dimensions {width}px by {height}px. One or both of these dimensions exceeds the maximum texture size of {max}px supported by your device.", "ERROR.BrowserVersion": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop uses modern JavaScript features which are unsupported on {browser} version less than {minimum}. You are using {browser} version {version}. Please update or use a different browser.", - "ERROR.CantWhisper": "You do not have permission to send whispered chat messages to other players.", + "ERROR.CantWhisper": "You do not have permission to send whispered chat messages to other users.", + "ERROR.ElectronVersion": "You are using an older version of the Foundry Virtual Tabletop Electron client. For best performance we recommend that you re-download your desired version of Foundry Virtual Tabletop and perform a full re-installation of the software.", "ERROR.InvalidAdminKey": "The provided server administrator password is invalid. If you have forgotten your configured password you will need to manually delete the Config/admin.txt file from your user data location.", "ERROR.LoadPackages": "The request to browse existing packages failed to connect with the Foundry server. Make sure your application allows outbound connections.", "ERROR.LowResolution": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop requires a minimum screen resolution of {reqWidth}px by {reqHeight}px or greater. Your display currently has an effective resolution of {width}px by {height}px, as a result many features of the software may not work properly.", + "ERROR.NoHardwareAcceleration": "Your web browser does not have hardware acceleration enabled. This will severely impair the performance of Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Be sure to enable hardware acceleration in your browser settings.", "ERROR.NoTargetUsersForWhisper": "No target users exist for this whisper. Check your spelling or try \"/w [User Name]\" instead.", "ERROR.NoWebGL": "Your browser does not currently support WebGL rendering which is required by Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Ensure that you have hardware rendering and WebGL enabled in your browser.", + "ERROR.NoWebGL2": "Your browser does not currently support WebGL Version 2 rendering which is recommended by Foundry Virtual Tabletop.", + "ERROR.RendererNotDetected": "Your GPU renderer was unable to be identified, unexpected performance issues may occur.", "ERROR.TokenCollide": "The attempted Token movement collides with at least one Wall.", "EULA.Acknowledge": "Acknowledge Agreement", "EULA.Agree": "Agree", @@ -397,8 +598,10 @@ "EULA.Decline": "Decline", "Elevation": "Elevation", "Error": "Error", + "Expand": "Expand", "FILES.BrowseTooltip": "Browse Files", "FILES.CreateDirectory": "Create Directory", + "FILES.CreateSubfolder": "Create Subfolder", "FILES.DisplayMode": "Display Mode", "FILES.DisplayModeImages": "Images View", "FILES.DisplayModeList": "List View", @@ -418,8 +621,10 @@ "FILES.SourceUser": "User Data", "FILES.TileSize": "Asset Grid Size", "FILES.TileSizeHint": "Specify the pixel grid size of source tile artwork so it will be automatically resized when placed onto your active Scene.", + "FILES.TitleAny": "File Browser", "FILES.TitleAudio": "Audio Browser", "FILES.TitleFolder": "Directory Browser", + "FILES.TitleFont": "Font Browser", "FILES.TitleImage": "Image Browser", "FILES.TitleImageVideo": "Image or Video Browser", "FILES.TitleVideo": "Video Browser", @@ -431,16 +636,21 @@ "FOLDER.Color": "Folder Color", "FOLDER.Create": "Create Folder", "FOLDER.CreateTable": "Create Rollable Table", - "FOLDER.CreateTableConfirm": "Create a new Rollable Table entity using the contents of this Folder as table results?", + "FOLDER.CreateTableConfirm": "Create a new Rollable Table document using the contents of this Folder as table results?", "FOLDER.Delete": "Delete All", "FOLDER.DeleteWarning": "This folder and its contents will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.", + "FOLDER.DocumentSort": "Sort Order", + "FOLDER.DocumentSortHint": "Configure the sorted order of this Document relative to others in its collection. Lower numbers are sorted first.", "FOLDER.Edit": "Edit Folder", "FOLDER.Export": "Export to Compendium", "FOLDER.ExportDestination": "Destination Pack", - "FOLDER.ExportHint": "You may export contained entities from this folder into an unlocked Compendium pack of the appropriate type.", + "FOLDER.ExportDone": "Finished exporting {type}s to Compendium {compendium}.", + "FOLDER.ExportHint": "You may export contained Documents from this folder into an unlocked Compendium pack of the appropriate type.", + "FOLDER.ExportKeepId": "Keep Document IDs?", "FOLDER.ExportMerge": "Merge By Name?", "FOLDER.ExportTitle": "Export Content", - "FOLDER.ExportWarningNone": "There are no unlocked compendium packs available for {type} entities which you can export to.", + "FOLDER.ExportWarningNone": "There are no unlocked compendium packs available for {type} Documents which you can export to.", + "FOLDER.Exporting": "Exporting {n} {type} documents to Compendium {compendium}.", "FOLDER.Name": "Folder Name", "FOLDER.Remove": "Remove Folder", "FOLDER.RemoveWarning": "This folder will be permanently deleted and its contents will be moved to its parent folder.", @@ -448,30 +658,45 @@ "FOLDER.SortManual": "Manual", "FOLDER.SortMode": "Sorting Mode", "FOLDER.Update": "Update Folder", + "FONTS.AddFont": "Add font", + "FONTS.Family": "Font Family", + "FONTS.File": "Font File", + "FONTS.FontPreview": "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.", + "FONTS.RemoveFont": "Remove font", + "FONTS.Style": "Font Style", + "FONTS.Type": "Font Type", + "FONTS.TypeFile": "File", + "FONTS.TypeHint": "'File' type fonts are loaded from your data folder and downloaded by your players. 'System' type fonts are loaded from your OS and each of your players must also have that font available in their OS.", + "FONTS.TypeSystem": "System", + "FONTS.Weight": "Font Weight", "File Path": "File Path", "Foundry Virtual Tabletop": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop", "GAME.Paused": "Game Paused", "GAME.PausedWarning": "You cannot take this action while the game is currently paused.", + "GridSpaces": "Grid Spaces", "GridUnits": "Grid Units", + "HUD.AssignStatusEffects": "Assign Status Effects", "HUD.TileOverhead": "Overhead Tile", "HUD.TilePause": "Pause Tile Video", "HUD.TilePlay": "Play Tile Video", "HUD.TileUnderfoot": "Underfoot Tile", "HUD.ToBack": "Send to Back", "HUD.ToFront": "Bring to Front", + "HUD.ToggleCombatState": "Toggle Combat State", "HUD.ToggleLock": "Toggle Locked State", "HUD.ToggleVis": "Toggle Visibility State", "Height": "Height", "Hidden": "Hidden", "Hold": "Hold", + "INFO.SceneViewCanvasDisabled": "The Scene \"{name}\" is now viewed but is not displayed because the game Canvas is disabled.", + "INVITATIONS.ClosedConnection": "Your connection appears to be closed", "INVITATIONS.Copied": "Game invitation link copied to clipboard", "INVITATIONS.Instructions": "Share the below invitation links with users who you wish to have join your game. The local invitation link is for users on your local network while the internet link connects via internet on the configured port.", "INVITATIONS.Internet": "Internet", "INVITATIONS.Local": "Local Network", + "INVITATIONS.OpenConnection": "Your connection appears to be open", "INVITATIONS.Title": "Game Invitation Links", - "ITEM.Create": "Create Item", - "ITEM.Delete": "Delete Item", - "ITEM.Search": "Search Items", + "INVITATIONS.UnknownConnection": "We couldn't detect your connection status", "ITEM.ViewArt": "View Item Artwork", "Image": "Image", "Install": "Install", @@ -489,63 +714,197 @@ "JOIN.SelectUser": "Select User", "JOIN.UserKey": "User Password", "JOURNAL.ActionShow": "Show Players", - "JOURNAL.ActionShowSuccess": "Showed the {mode} content of {title} to {which} players.", + "JOURNAL.ActionShowSuccess": "Showed the contents of {title} to {which} players.", + "JOURNAL.AddPage": "Add Page", "JOURNAL.AnchorBottom": "Bottom", "JOURNAL.AnchorCenter": "Center", "JOURNAL.AnchorLeft": "Left", "JOURNAL.AnchorRight": "Right", "JOURNAL.AnchorTop": "Top", - "JOURNAL.Create": "Create Entry", + "JOURNAL.EntryTitle": "Entry Title", + "JOURNAL.ImageShowSuccess": "Image shown to {which} players.", "JOURNAL.ModeImage": "Image", "JOURNAL.ModeText": "Text", - "JOURNAL.Search": "Search Journal Entries", + "JOURNAL.NavLabel": "Journal Entry Table of Contents", + "JOURNAL.NextPage": "Next Page", + "JOURNAL.PrevPage": "Previous Page", + "JOURNAL.ShowBadPermissions": "You may only show Journal Entries or Pages which you own.", + "JOURNAL.ShowEntry": "Show {name}", + "JOURNAL.ShowNoPlayers": "There are no other connected players to show this to.", + "JOURNAL.ShowOwnershipHint": "Optionally update the ownership of this document for the players that it is being shown to. If a player already has a greater ownership level, they will not be downgraded.", + "JOURNAL.ShowTo": "Show To", "JOURNAL.Submit": "Save Entry", - "JOURNAL.Title": "Journal", - "LIGHT.AnimationBlackHole": "Black Hole (Darkness)", + "JOURNAL.ViewCollapse": "Collapse Sidebar", + "JOURNAL.ViewExpand": "Expand Sidebar", + "JOURNAL.ViewMultiple": "View Multiple Pages", + "JOURNAL.ViewSingle": "View Single Page", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.DefaultPageSheet": "Default {page} Page Sheet", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Format": "Format", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.HeadingLevel": "Heading Level", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ImageCaption": "Image Caption", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ImageSource": "Image Source", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Level": "Level {level}", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PDFLoad": "Load PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PDFSource": "PDF Source", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Page": "Page", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PageTitle": "Page Name", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageCaption": "Show Image Caption", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageOnly": "Show Image Only", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageTitle": "Show Image Title", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowTitle": "Display Page Title", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Source": "Source", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Type": "Type", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeImage": "Image", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypePDF": "PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeText": "Text", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeVideo": "Video", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoControls": "Show Video Controls", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoDimensions": "Video Dimensions", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoSource": "Video Source", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoSourceHint": "This may be a local file, a remote video file URL, or a YouTube URL.", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoStartTime": "Video Start Time", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionCategories": "Action Categories", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionFilter": "Action Filter", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionName": "Action Name", + "KEYBINDINGS.AddBinding": "Add Binding", + "KEYBINDINGS.AllActions": "All Actions", + "KEYBINDINGS.Conflict": "Potentially conflicts with {conflicts}", + "KEYBINDINGS.Copy": "Copy Objects", + "KEYBINDINGS.CoreKeybindings": "Core Keybindings", + "KEYBINDINGS.CoreMouse": "Core Mouse Controls", + "KEYBINDINGS.CycleView": "Cycle Canvas View", + "KEYBINDINGS.Delete": "Delete Objects", + "KEYBINDINGS.DeleteBinding": "Delete Binding", + "KEYBINDINGS.Dismiss": "Toggle Menu / Dismiss Window", + "KEYBINDINGS.EditBinding": "Edit Binding", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorIllegalModifier": "The requested modifier key \"{key}\" is not a valid value in KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorProtectedKey": "Cannot set the Protected Key \"{key}\" as a binding", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorReservedModifier": "Cannot set \"{key}\" as a Binding, as it is a reserved modifier for this Keybinding Action", + "KEYBINDINGS.ExecuteMacro": "Execute Hotbar Slot {number}", + "KEYBINDINGS.FocusChat": "Focus Chat", + "KEYBINDINGS.Highlight": "Highlight Objects", + "KEYBINDINGS.HowToEdit": "Use {icon} or double click key binding to change the value.", + "KEYBINDINGS.MoveAlongMeasuredRuler": "Move Along Measured Ruler", + "KEYBINDINGS.MustBeArray": "Must pass in an Array of values", + "KEYBINDINGS.NavLabel": "Keybinding Configuration Tabs", + "KEYBINDINGS.PTTKey": "Push-to-Talk / Push-to-Mute", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDown": "Move or Pan Down", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDownLeft": "Move or Pan Down+Left", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDownRight": "Move or Pan Down+Right", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanLeft": "Move or Pan Left", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanRight": "Move or Pan Right", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUp": "Move or Pan Up", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUpLeft": "Move or Pan Up+Left", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUpRight": "Move or Pan Up+Right", + "KEYBINDINGS.Paste": "Paste Objects", + "KEYBINDINGS.Pause": "Pause Game", + "KEYBINDINGS.ReservedModifiers": "Special Modifiers: {modifiers}", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetSuccess": "All keybindings have been reset to their default values.", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetTitle": "Reset Default Keybindings", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetWarning": "Do you wish to reset all keybindings to their default values?", + "KEYBINDINGS.Restricted": "Gamemaster Only", + "KEYBINDINGS.SaveBinding": "Save Binding", + "KEYBINDINGS.SelectAll": "Select All Objects", + "KEYBINDINGS.SwapMacroPage": "Swap to Hotbar Page {page}", + "KEYBINDINGS.Target": "Target Token", + "KEYBINDINGS.ToggleCharacterSheet": "Toggle Character Sheet", + "KEYBINDINGS.Undo": "Undo Last Action", + "KEYBINDINGS.Uneditable": "Uneditable Binding", + "KEYBINDINGS.ZoomIn": "Zoom In Canvas", + "KEYBINDINGS.ZoomOut": "Zoom Out Canvas", + "LIGHT.AdaptiveLuminance": "Adaptive Luminance", + "LIGHT.Alpha": "Color Intensity", + "LIGHT.Angle": "Emission Angle", + "LIGHT.AngleHint": "Limit the angle of emission for this light source, and configure its rotation.", + "LIGHT.AnimationBewitchingWave": "Bewitching Wave", + "LIGHT.AnimationBlackHole": "Black Hole", "LIGHT.AnimationChroma": "Chroma", "LIGHT.AnimationEmanation": "Mysterious Emanation", "LIGHT.AnimationEnergyField": "Energy Field", + "LIGHT.AnimationFairyLight": "Fairy Light", + "LIGHT.AnimationFlame": "Torch", "LIGHT.AnimationFog": "Swirling Fog", + "LIGHT.AnimationForceGrid": "Force Grid", "LIGHT.AnimationGhostLight": "Ghostly Light", "LIGHT.AnimationHexaDome": "Hexa Dome", + "LIGHT.AnimationHint": "Increases to animation speed make the animation play faster while increases to animation intensity make the animation more pronounced.", "LIGHT.AnimationIntensity": "Animation Intensity", "LIGHT.AnimationLightDome": "Light Dome", "LIGHT.AnimationPulse": "Pulse", - "LIGHT.AnimationRoilingMass": "Roiling Mass (Darkness)", + "LIGHT.AnimationRadialRainbow": "Radial Rainbow", + "LIGHT.AnimationReverse": "Reverse Direction", + "LIGHT.AnimationRoilingMass": "Roiling Mass", + "LIGHT.AnimationSmokePatch": "Smoke Patch", "LIGHT.AnimationSpeed": "Animation Speed", + "LIGHT.AnimationStarLight": "Star Light", "LIGHT.AnimationSunburst": "Sunburst", - "LIGHT.AnimationTorch": "Torch", + "LIGHT.AnimationSwirlingRainbow": "Swirling Rainbow", + "LIGHT.AnimationTorch": "Flickering Light", "LIGHT.AnimationType": "Light Animation Type", + "LIGHT.AnimationVortex": "Vortex", "LIGHT.AnimationWave": "Pulsing Wave", - "LIGHT.ConfigHint": "Configure the position, radius, angle, color, and animation of this ambient light source.", + "LIGHT.Attenuation": "Attenuation", + "LIGHT.AttenuationHint": "Transition illumination gradually between bright, dim, and dark.", + "LIGHT.Bright": "Bright", + "LIGHT.Color": "Light Color", + "LIGHT.ColorBurn": "Color Burn", + "LIGHT.ColorHint": "Apply coloration to this light source and configure it's intensity.", + "LIGHT.ColorationTechnique": "Coloration Technique", + "LIGHT.ColorationTechniqueHint": "The coloration technique applied to the light source contributes additive blending to the resulting appearance.", "LIGHT.ConfigTitle": "Light Source Configuration", + "LIGHT.Contrast": "Contrast", + "LIGHT.ContrastHint": "Adjust the contrast of surfaces that are illuminated by this light source. The default value for a standard light source is 0.", + "LIGHT.Coordinates": "Coordinates", "LIGHT.Create": "Create Light Source", "LIGHT.DarknessRange": "Darkness Activation Range", "LIGHT.DarknessRangeHint": "You may specify a range of darkness levels during which this light source will be visible.", - "LIGHT.LightAlpha": "Color Intensity", - "LIGHT.LightAngle": "Emission Angle", - "LIGHT.LightBright": "Bright Light Radius", - "LIGHT.LightColor": "Light Color", - "LIGHT.LightDim": "Dim Light Radius", - "LIGHT.LightRotation": "Light Rotation Angle", - "LIGHT.LightType": "Light Type", - "LIGHT.TypeGlobal": "Global Light", - "LIGHT.TypeLocal": "Local Light", - "LIGHT.TypeUniversal": "Universal Light", + "LIGHT.Dim": "Dim", + "LIGHT.ExternalBurn": "External Color Burn", + "LIGHT.ExternalHalo": "External Halo", + "LIGHT.HeaderAdvanced": "Advanced Options", + "LIGHT.HeaderAnimation": "Light Animation", + "LIGHT.HeaderBasic": "Basic Configuration", + "LIGHT.HighAbsorption": "High Absorption", + "LIGHT.InternalBurn": "Internal Color Burn", + "LIGHT.InternalHalo": "Internal Halo", + "LIGHT.InvertAbsorption": "Invert Absorption", + "LIGHT.LegacyColoration": "Legacy Coloration", + "LIGHT.LowAbsorption": "Low Absorption", + "LIGHT.Luminosity": "Luminosity", + "LIGHT.LuminosityHint": "Adjust the brightness of this light source. More luminous lights are less diminished by darkness. The default value for a standard light source is 0.5.", + "LIGHT.NaturalLight": "Natural Light", + "LIGHT.NavLabel": "Light Configuration Tabs", + "LIGHT.Radius": "Light Radius", + "LIGHT.RadiusHint": "Configure the distance of light emission from this source where the radius of bright light is included within the radius of dim light.", + "LIGHT.ResetAdvanced": "Reset Advanced Options", + "LIGHT.Rotation": "Rotation Angle", + "LIGHT.Saturation": "Saturation", + "LIGHT.SaturationHint": "Adjust the saturation of surfaces that are illuminated by this light source. The default value for a standard light source is 0.", + "LIGHT.Shadows": "Shadows", + "LIGHT.ShadowsHint": "Enhance or the intensity of dark colors illuminated by this light source. The default value for a standard light source is 0.", "LIGHT.Update": "Update Light Source", - "MACRO.Create": "Create Macro", + "LIGHT.Vision": "Provides Vision", + "LIGHT.VisionHint": "Provide an additional source of vision for controlled Tokens.", + "LIGHT.Walls": "Constrained By Walls", + "LIGHT.WallsHint": "Configure whether area of effect for this light source is constrained by nearby walls.", + "MACRO.CollapseHotbar": "Collapse Macro Hotbar", "MACRO.Delete": "Delete Macro", "MACRO.DeleteWarning": "This Macro will be permanently deleted for all Users.", + "MACRO.Directory": "Browse Macro Directory", "MACRO.Edit": "Edit Macro", "MACRO.Execute": "Execute Macro", + "MACRO.NavLabel": "Macro Hotbar", + "MACRO.PageDown": "Next Hotbar Page", + "MACRO.PageUp": "Previous Hotbar Page", "MACRO.Remove": "Remove Macro", "MACRO.Save": "Save Macro", - "MACRO.Search": "Search Macros", "MENU.Logout": "Log Out", + "MENU.NavLabel": "Main Menu", "MENU.Players": "User Management", "MENU.Reload": "Reload Application", "MENU.Setup": "Return to Setup", "MODMANAGE.Bugs": "Bug or Issue Reports", + "MODMANAGE.Build": "Build", "MODMANAGE.DeactivateAll": "Deactivate All Modules", "MODMANAGE.DepDisable": "This module had {number} dependencies which may no longer be required:", "MODMANAGE.DepDisableCheck": "Would you like to disable them also?", @@ -554,12 +913,15 @@ "MODMANAGE.DepMissing": "You have enabled the module {module}, but it's dependencies {missing} are not enabled!", "MODMANAGE.DepNotInstalled": "The dependency {missing} is not installed!", "MODMANAGE.Dependencies": "Dependencies", + "MODMANAGE.DependencyIssues": "Cannot be enabled due to issues in required dependencies", "MODMANAGE.FilterActive": "Active Modules", "MODMANAGE.FilterAll": "All Modules", "MODMANAGE.FilterInactive": "Inactive Modules", "MODMANAGE.Instructions": "Use this form to configure which Modules are active within your current World. Submitting changes to active modules will cause the current session to reload.", - "MODMANAGE.None": "No Modules are available within this World. You can view, but do not have permission to modify this list.", + "MODMANAGE.NavLabel": "Module Management Navigation", + "MODMANAGE.None": "No Modules are available within this World.", "MODMANAGE.Readme": "Module Documentation", + "MODMANAGE.RequiredModule": "This module is required to be active", "MODMANAGE.Search": "Filter Modules", "MODMANAGE.Submit": "Save Module Settings", "MODMANAGE.Title": "Module Management", @@ -569,79 +931,111 @@ "NOTE.AnchorPoint": "Text Anchor Point", "NOTE.ConfigTitle": "Map Note Configuration", "NOTE.Create": "Create Map Note", + "NOTE.CreateJournal": "Create corresponding Journal Entry?", + "NOTE.Custom": "Custom", + "NOTE.CustomIcon": "Custom Icon", "NOTE.EntryIcon": "Entry Icon", "NOTE.FontFamily": "Font Family", "NOTE.FontSize": "Font Size", + "NOTE.Global": "Globally Visible", + "NOTE.GlobalHint": "Allow this map note to be seen anywhere on the map by a player with permission to view it.", "NOTE.IconSize": "Icon Size", "NOTE.IconTint": "Icon Tint", "NOTE.TextColor": "Text Color", "NOTE.TextLabel": "Text Label", + "NOTE.Unknown": "Unknown", "NOTE.Update": "Update Map Note", - "NOTE.WarningNoCreate": "You do not have sufficient permission to create a Note for {name}.", - "Name": "Name", + "NUE.FirstLaunchBody": "It looks like this is a new world. To get started, you should first add any additional players you might need via the User Management configuration. From there, you can create Actors for them, as well as any other important personas you need to represent. Maps and other visuals can be set up using Scenes, and handouts, notes, and other information can be stored in Journal Entries.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchHeader": "Getting Started", + "NUE.FirstLaunchHint": " This chat card can be popped out by right-clicking it, or you can pop out the entire chat tab by right-clicking the speech bubble icon at the top. You can do the same thing to popout any of the other sidebar tabs as well.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchInvite": "Inviting Your Players", + "NUE.FirstLaunchInviteBody": "When everything is set up and you're ready to invite your players, you can send them a link to your world from the Invitation Links.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchKB": "Be sure to investigate all of the tabs available in this sidebar, and for more in-depth information, you can review the Gamemaster Tutorial series in our Knowledge Base.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchTroubleshooting": "If the Invitation Links dialog indicates that your connection is closed, you may need to set up port forwarding. You can find instructions on how to do this in our Port Forwarding Guide. If you still need help, you are welcome to join our Discord and make a post in #install-and-connection for invite issues, #troubleshooting for general issues with the software, or #core-how-to to find out how to do something in Foundry VTT.", + "Name": " Name", + "Next": "Next", "No": "No", "None": "None", "Notes": "Notes", + "OWNERSHIP.AllPlayers": "All Players", + "OWNERSHIP.Configure": "Configure Ownership", + "OWNERSHIP.DEFAULT": "Default", + "OWNERSHIP.HintDocument": "Configure access to this specific Document, allowing each User to be assigned a different level of visibility.", + "OWNERSHIP.HintFolder": "Configure access for all Documents within this Folder. Changes will be applied to all contained Documents, excluding the contents of sub-folders.", + "OWNERSHIP.INHERIT": "Inherit", + "OWNERSHIP.LIMITED": "Limited", + "OWNERSHIP.NOCHANGE": "No Change", + "OWNERSHIP.NONE": "None", + "OWNERSHIP.OBSERVER": "Observer", + "OWNERSHIP.OWNER": "Owner", + "OWNERSHIP.Title": "Ownership Configuration", + "PACKAGE.GetPackagesTimedOut": "Retrieving packages timed out", + "PACKAGE.InstallFailed": "Errors were encountered while installing the package. Consult your console log (F12) for details.", + "PACKAGE.PackageInstallTimedOut": "Package installation timed out", + "PACKAGE.SetupErrors": "{number} critical errors encountered with installed Packages. Consult your console log (F12) for details.", + "PACKAGE.SetupWarnings": "{number} compatibility warnings detected with installed Packages. Consult your console log (F12) for details.", "PACKAGE.TagCSS": "CSS", "PACKAGE.TagCompendium": "Compendium", "PACKAGE.TagCoreVersion": "Core Version", "PACKAGE.TagJavaScript": "JavaScript", "PACKAGE.TagLocalization": "Localization", + "PACKAGE.TagUnavailable": "Unavailable", "PACKAGE.TagVersion": "Version", + "PACKAGE.UpdateCheckTimedOut": "Update check timed out", + "PACKAGE.WarmCacheTimedOut": "Warming package cache timed out", + "PACKAGECONFIG.All": "All", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Core": "Core", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Filter": "Filter", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Reset": "Reset Defaults", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Unmapped": "Unmapped", "PERMISSION.ActorCreate": "Create New Actors", - "PERMISSION.ActorCreateHint": "Allow players with this role to create new Actors in the World.", - "PERMISSION.AllPlayers": "All Players", + "PERMISSION.ActorCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to create new Actors in the World.", "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudio": "Allow Broadcasting Audio", - "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudioHint": "Allow players with this role to broadcast audio when using A/V chat integration.", + "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudioHint": "Allow users with this role to broadcast audio when using A/V chat integration.", "PERMISSION.BroadcastVideo": "Allow Broadcasting Video", - "PERMISSION.BroadcastVideoHint": "Allow players with this role to broadcast video when using A/V chat integration.", + "PERMISSION.BroadcastVideoHint": "Allow users with this role to broadcast video when using A/V chat integration.", "PERMISSION.Configure": "Configure Permissions", "PERMISSION.ConfigureHint": "Fine tune the permitted actions which are allowed to Users for each role.", "PERMISSION.ConfigureLabel": "Open Permission Configuration", - "PERMISSION.DEFAULT": "Default", "PERMISSION.DrawingCreate": "Use Drawing Tools", - "PERMISSION.DrawingCreateHint": "Allow players with this role to create Drawings using the drawing tools.", + "PERMISSION.DrawingCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to create Drawings using the drawing tools.", "PERMISSION.FilesBrowse": "Use File Browser", - "PERMISSION.FilesBrowseHint": "Allow players with this role to browse through available files in the File Browser.", + "PERMISSION.FilesBrowseHint": "Allow users with this role to browse through available files in the File Browser.", "PERMISSION.FilesUpload": "Upload New Files", - "PERMISSION.FilesUploadHint": "Allow players with this role to upload content to the server using the File Browser.", - "PERMISSION.HintEntity": "Configure access to this specific Entity, allowing each User to be assigned a different level of visibility.", - "PERMISSION.HintFolder": "Configure access for all Entities within this Folder. Changes will be applied to all contained Entities, excluding the contents of sub-folders.", + "PERMISSION.FilesUploadHint": "Allow users with this role to upload content to the server using the File Browser.", "PERMISSION.Instructions": "Configure which User role has permission to perform which action. Note that some actions cannot be disabled for Game Master users. Some changes may not take effect until the game is reloaded.", "PERMISSION.ItemCreate": "Create New Items", - "PERMISSION.ItemCreateHint": "Allow players with this role to create new Items in the World.", + "PERMISSION.ItemCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to create new Items in the World.", "PERMISSION.JournalCreate": "Create Journal Entries", - "PERMISSION.JournalCreateHint": "Allow players with this role to create new Journal Entries in the Journal sidebar.", - "PERMISSION.LIMITED": "Limited", + "PERMISSION.JournalCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to create new Journal Entries in the Journal sidebar.", "PERMISSION.MacroScript": "Use Script Macros", - "PERMISSION.MacroScriptHint": "Allow players with this role to use JavaScript macros which access the API.", + "PERMISSION.MacroScriptHint": "Allow users with this role to use JavaScript macros which access the API.", "PERMISSION.MessageWhisper": "Whisper Private Messages", - "PERMISSION.MessageWhisperHint": "Allow players with this role whisper private messages that the Game Master cannot see.", - "PERMISSION.NOCHANGE": "No Change", - "PERMISSION.NONE": "None", + "PERMISSION.MessageWhisperHint": "Allow users with this role whisper private messages that the Game Master cannot see.", "PERMISSION.NoteCreate": "Create Map Notes", "PERMISSION.NoteCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to create Note objects from Journal Entries which they own.", - "PERMISSION.OBSERVER": "Observer", - "PERMISSION.OWNER": "Owner", "PERMISSION.Permission": "Permission", "PERMISSION.Permissions": "User Role Permissions", "PERMISSION.Reset": "Reset Defaults", "PERMISSION.SettingsModify": "Modify Configuration Settings", - "PERMISSION.SettingsModifyHint": "Allow players with this role to modify game settings and enable or disable modules.", + "PERMISSION.SettingsModifyHint": "Allow users with this role to modify game settings and enable or disable modules.", "PERMISSION.ShowCursor": "Display Mouse Cursor", "PERMISSION.ShowCursorHint": "Display the position of the player's mouse cursor which illustrates where the user is looking on the canvas.", "PERMISSION.ShowRuler": "Display Ruler Measurement", "PERMISSION.ShowRulerHint": "Display measurement using the ruler tool to other connected players.", "PERMISSION.Submit": "Save Configuration", "PERMISSION.TemplateCreate": "Create Measured Template", - "PERMISSION.TemplateCreateHint": "Allow players with this role to create templates for area-of-effect measurement.", - "PERMISSION.Title": "Permission Configuration", + "PERMISSION.TemplateCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to create templates for area-of-effect measurement.", + "PERMISSION.Title": "User Permission Configuration", "PERMISSION.TokenConfigure": "Configure Token Settings", - "PERMISSION.TokenConfigureHint": "Allow players with this role to configure the settings for Tokens that they own.", + "PERMISSION.TokenConfigureHint": "Allow users with this role to configure the settings for Tokens that they own.", "PERMISSION.TokenCreate": "Create New Tokens", - "PERMISSION.TokenCreateHint": "Allow players with this role to place Tokens for Actors they own on the game canvas.", + "PERMISSION.TokenCreateHint": "Allow users with this role to place Tokens for Actors they own on the game canvas.", + "PERMISSION.TokenDelete": "Delete Tokens", + "PERMISSION.TokenDeleteHint": "Allow users with this role to delete Tokens for Actors they own on the game canvas.", "PERMISSION.WallDoors": "Open and Close Doors", - "PERMISSION.WallDoorsHint": "Allow players with this role interact with doors defined on the Walls Layer.", + "PERMISSION.WallDoorsHint": "Allow users with this role interact with doors defined on the Walls Layer.", + "PERMISSION.WarningNoCreate": "You do not have sufficient permission to create a {document}.", "PLAYERS.Ban": "Ban Player", "PLAYERS.CharRelease": "Release Character", "PLAYERS.CharSelect": "Select Character", @@ -658,7 +1052,6 @@ "PLAYLIST.Backward": "Previous Sound", "PLAYLIST.BulkImport": "Bulk Import", "PLAYLIST.BulkImportWarning": "No valid Playlist Sounds were imported from the requested \"{path}\" directory", - "PLAYLIST.Create": "Create Playlist", "PLAYLIST.CurrentlyPlaying": "Currently Playing", "PLAYLIST.Delete": "Delete Playlist", "PLAYLIST.Description": "Playlist Description", @@ -672,8 +1065,12 @@ "PLAYLIST.ModeShuffle": "Shuffle Tracks", "PLAYLIST.ModeSimultaneous": "Simultaneous Playback", "PLAYLIST.Name": "Playlist Name", + "PLAYLIST.PinToBottom": "Pin to bottom", + "PLAYLIST.PinToTop": "Pin to top", "PLAYLIST.Play": "Play Playlist", - "PLAYLIST.Search": "Search Playlists", + "PLAYLIST.SortAlphabetical": "Alphabetical", + "PLAYLIST.SortManual": "Manual", + "PLAYLIST.SortMode": "Sort Mode", "PLAYLIST.SoundCreate": "Create Sound", "PLAYLIST.SoundDelete": "Delete Sound", "PLAYLIST.SoundDescription": "Sound Description", @@ -701,17 +1098,18 @@ "Pixels": "Pixels", "Position": "Position", "Preload": "Preload", + "Previous": "Previous", "Ratio": "Ratio", "Reset Changes": "Reset Changes", "Resources": "Resources", "Result": "Result", "Roll Formula": "Roll Formula", "Rotation": "Rotation", - "SCENES.Accessibility": "Accessibility", + "SCENES.Accessibility": "Permissions", "SCENES.AccessibilityAll": "All Players", "SCENES.AccessibilityGM": "GM Only", "SCENES.Activate": "Activate", - "SCENES.AudioPlaylist": "Audio Playlist", + "SCENES.AudioPlaylist": "Scene Playlist", "SCENES.AudioPlaylistHint": "A Playlist which should automatically begin playing when this Scene is activated.", "SCENES.BackgroundColor": "Background Color", "SCENES.BackgroundImage": "Background Image", @@ -721,19 +1119,29 @@ "SCENES.ConfigTitle": "Configure Scene", "SCENES.Configure": "Configure", "SCENES.Darkness": "Darkness Level", - "SCENES.DarknessHint": "Apply an overlay which darkens the Scene and diminishes light sources to simulate nighttime or dim conditions.", + "SCENES.DarknessHint": "Apply an overlay which darkens the Scene and diminishes light sources to simulate nighttime or dimly illuminated conditions.", "SCENES.DimensionChangeTitle": "Change Scene Dimensions?", "SCENES.DimensionChangeWarning": "You are changing the underlying dimensions of this Scene, if you have already placed objects in this Scene this operation may cause those objects to shift position relative to the background image.", - "SCENES.Dimensions": "Scene Dimensions", + "SCENES.Dimensions": "Image Dimensions", + "SCENES.DimensionsHint": "The background dimensions define the size of the Scene canvas. These values are set automatically.", "SCENES.FogExplore": "Fog Exploration", - "SCENES.FogExploreHint": "Track the exploration progress of Tokens in this Scene, revealing fog of war for areas which have been explored.", + "SCENES.FogExploreHint": "Track the exploration progress of Tokens, removing fog of war for areas which have been explored. If disabled, only a Token's current position is visible.", + "SCENES.FogExploredColor": "Fog of War Explored Color", + "SCENES.FogExploredColorHint": "A color applied to all areas of the Scene which have been explored but are outside of the current vision area.", + "SCENES.FogOverlay": "Fog of War Image", + "SCENES.FogOverlayHint": "An optional fog of war image which is drawn above unexplored parts of the scene.", + "SCENES.FogUnexploredColor": "Fog of War Unexplored Color", + "SCENES.FogUnexploredColorHint": "A solid color applied to all unexplored areas of the Scene.", + "SCENES.ForegroundElevation": "Foreground Elevation", + "SCENES.ForegroundElevationHint": "An elevation in distance units which configures the height of the foreground image and overhead tiles.", "SCENES.ForegroundImage": "Foreground Image", "SCENES.ForegroundImageHint": "An optional foreground image which is drawn above other objects in the Scene.", "SCENES.GenerateThumb": "Regenerate Thumbnail Image", - "SCENES.GlobalIllum": "Unrestricted Vision Range", - "SCENES.GlobalIllumHint": "Reveal all areas that controlled Tokens have direct line of sight to observe. If disabled, vision is restricted to illuminated areas.", - "SCENES.GlobalLightThreshold": "Vision Limitation Threshold", - "SCENES.GlobalLightThresholdHint": "Automatically disable the Unrestricted Vision Range setting when the Darkness Level of the Scene exceeds a threshold value.", + "SCENES.GenerateThumbNoCanvas": "Scene thumbnail cannot be generated with 'Disable Game Canvas' setting active.", + "SCENES.GlobalIllum": "Global Illumination", + "SCENES.GlobalIllumHint": "This Scene contains a global source of light which provides all areas of the Scene with a base level of illumination.", + "SCENES.GlobalLightThreshold": "Global Illumination Threshold", + "SCENES.GlobalLightThresholdHint": "A darkness threshold between 0 and 1. When the Scene darkness level exceeds this threshold Global Illumination is automatically disabled.", "SCENES.GridColor": "Grid Color", "SCENES.GridConfigTool": "Grid Configuration Tool", "SCENES.GridConfigToolHint": "Configure the grid and background image position using the mousewheel and arrow keys, or by manually setting the following fields.", @@ -744,48 +1152,49 @@ "SCENES.GridHexOddQ": "Hexagonal Columns - Odd", "SCENES.GridHexOddR": "Hexagonal Rows - Odd", "SCENES.GridOpacity": "Grid Opacity", - "SCENES.GridPosition": "Grid Offset Position", - "SCENES.GridPositionHint": "Use the Arrow Keys to shift the grid offset.", + "SCENES.GridPosition": "Background Image Offset", + "SCENES.GridPositionHint": "Use the Arrow Keys to shift the background image offset.", + "SCENES.GridReset": "Reset Changes", + "SCENES.GridResizeHint": "Use ALT+Mousewheel or ALT+Up Arrow and ALT+Down Arrow to adjust the grid size.", "SCENES.GridScale": "Grid Scale", "SCENES.GridSize": "Grid Size", - "SCENES.GridSizeHint": "Use ALT+Mousewheel or ALT+Up Arrow and ALT+Down Arrow to adjust the grid size.", + "SCENES.GridSizeHint": "The pixel size of a single grid space. Use the Grid Configuration tool to visually adjust this.", "SCENES.GridSquare": "Square", "SCENES.GridType": "Grid Type", "SCENES.GridUnits": "Units", - "SCENES.HeaderAmbience": "Ambience and Atmosphere", - "SCENES.HeaderAmbienceHint": "Configure additional integrations between this scene and Journal Entries, Audio Playlists, or Weather Effects.", - "SCENES.HeaderDetails": "Details and Dimensions", - "SCENES.HeaderDetailsHint": "Configure the basic details for this scene and permissions which control its visibility.", - "SCENES.HeaderGrid": "Grid Configuration", - "SCENES.HeaderGridHint": "Configure the grid dimensions which are used to measure token movement in this scene.", - "SCENES.HeaderVision": "Vision and Lighting", - "SCENES.HeaderVisionHint": "Configure the vision, lighting, and fog of war settings which apply to this Scene.", + "SCENES.HeaderAmbience": "Ambience", + "SCENES.HeaderDetails": "Basics", + "SCENES.HeaderGrid": "Grid", + "SCENES.HeaderVision": "Lighting", "SCENES.InitialView": "Initial View Position", "SCENES.InitialViewButton": "Capture Current View", "SCENES.InitialViewHint": "Set a default camera position that is displayed the first time this Scene is viewed.", - "SCENES.JournalNotes": "Journal Notes", - "SCENES.JournalNotesHint": "A linked Journal Entry which provides notes for the Game Master about this Scene.", + "SCENES.JournalEntry": "Journal Entry", + "SCENES.JournalEntryHint": "A linked Journal Entry which provides notes for the Game Master about this Scene.", "SCENES.Loading": "Loading {name}", + "SCENES.NavLabel": "Canvas Scene Navigation", "SCENES.NavName": "Navigation Name", "SCENES.NavNameHint": "An alternative name for the Scene that is displayed in the Navigation Bar instead of the actual Scene name.", "SCENES.Notes": "Scene Notes", "SCENES.Padding": "Padding Percentage", - "SCENES.Pixels": "pixels", + "SCENES.PaddingHint": "An amount of additional padding around the Scene background image which provides usable canvas space.", + "SCENES.Pixels": "Pixels", "SCENES.PlaylistSound": "Playlist Sound", - "SCENES.PlaylistSoundHint": "You may choose a specific Playlist Sound which should play when this Scene is active, otherwise the entire Playlist will play.", + "SCENES.PlaylistSoundHint": "A specific Sound within the Audio Playlist which should play when this Scene is active.", "SCENES.Preload": "Preload Scene", "SCENES.SceneName": "Scene Name", "SCENES.ShiftBG": "Offset Background", "SCENES.ShiftHorizontal": "Horizontal", "SCENES.ShiftVertical": "Vertical", - "SCENES.ShowNav": "Navigation", + "SCENES.ShowNav": "Show in Navigation", "SCENES.ToggleNav": "Toggle Navigation", "SCENES.TokenVision": "Token Vision", - "SCENES.TokenVisionHint": "Restrict visibility within this Scene to the shared vision of all controlled Tokens. If disabled, the entire Scene is visible.", + "SCENES.TokenVisionHint": "Restrict visibility within this Scene to the vision of controlled Tokens. If disabled, the entire Scene is visible.", "SCENES.Units": "units", "SCENES.View": "View Scene", "SCENES.WeatherEffect": "Weather Effect", - "SCENES.WeatherEffectHint": "Configure an active Weather Effect which is present within this Scene.", + "SCENES.WeatherEffectHint": "Display an active Weather Effect which is present within this Scene.", + "SCENES.ZoomLower": "Zoom", "SETTINGS.AccessHeader": "Game Access", "SETTINGS.AnimLightL": "Allow light source animations. Disabling this will improve performance for lower-end machines.", "SETTINGS.AnimLightN": "Light Source Animation", @@ -795,15 +1204,26 @@ "SETTINGS.CBubN": "Enable Chat Bubbles", "SETTINGS.CBubPL": "Configure whether to automatically pan the camera to a speaking token when it displays a chat bubble.", "SETTINGS.CBubPN": "Pan to Token Speaker", + "SETTINGS.CombatThemeL": "The set of Sounds that will play when Combat begins, when your turn is next, and when it is your turn", + "SETTINGS.CombatThemeN": "Combat Theme", "SETTINGS.Configure": "Configure Settings", - "SETTINGS.Controls": "Controls Reference", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenH": "Configure default Token values for newly created Actors.", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenL": "Configure Default Token Settings", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenN": "Default Token Configuration", "SETTINGS.Docs": "View Documentation", "SETTINGS.DocsHeader": "Help and Documentation", + "SETTINGS.EditorAutosaveH": "The number of seconds between each autosave for any open ProseMirror editor.", + "SETTINGS.EditorAutosaveN": "Editor Autosave Frequency", + "SETTINGS.FPSMeterL": "Display a framerate meter in the bottom-right corner of the screen which reports canvas rendering performance in frames-per-second.", + "SETTINGS.FPSMeterN": "Show FPS Meter", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigH": "Configure additional fonts that will be available for use in this world.", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigL": "Configure Additional Fonts", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigN": "Additional Fonts", + "SETTINGS.FontSizeL": "Enlarge or reduce the font size used in the application.", + "SETTINGS.FontSizeN": "Font Size", "SETTINGS.InfoHeader": "General Information", "SETTINGS.Invite": "Invitation Links", + "SETTINGS.Keybindings": "Configure Controls", "SETTINGS.LClickReleaseL": "When enabled, a left click on empty canvas space will release any currently controlled objects. If disabled, objects are released by selecting an empty space, shift-clicking the object, or pressing the escape key.", "SETTINGS.LClickReleaseN": "Left-Click to Release Objects", "SETTINGS.LangL": "Change the displayed language for Foundry Virtual Tabletop.", @@ -816,55 +1236,79 @@ "SETTINGS.MipMapN": "Zoomed Texture Antialiasing", "SETTINGS.NoCanvasL": "The game canvas which provides a visual representation of the virtual tabletop can be disabled. This allows for low-end machines to use a subset of software features.", "SETTINGS.NoCanvasN": "Disable Game Canvas", + "SETTINGS.None": "None", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeHigh": "High", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeL": "Choose a performance mode which affects canvas rendering quality and application performance. Lower performance modes will work better for less powerful hardware.", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeLow": "Low", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeMax": "Maximum", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeMed": "Medium", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeN": "Performance Mode", "SETTINGS.PermissionReset": "Reset User role permission configuration to default values.", "SETTINGS.PermissionUpdate": "Updated User role permission configuration.", "SETTINGS.Players": "User Management", - "SETTINGS.ResScaleL": "Disable automatic scaling of the canvas resolution to the pixel density of the display device. This will result in a reduction in visual quality but an improvement in application performance for high-density displays.", - "SETTINGS.ResScaleN": "Disable Pixel Resolution Scaling", + "SETTINGS.ReloadPromptBody": "Some of the changed settings require a reload of the application to take effect. Would you like to reload now?", + "SETTINGS.ReloadPromptTitle": "Reload Application?", "SETTINGS.Reset": "Reset Defaults", + "SETTINGS.ResetInfo": "Reset all settings back to default values. Click \"Save Changes\" to confirm.", + "SETTINGS.ResolutionScaleL": "Scale the resolution of the game canvas according to the browser's detected pixel ratio. For display devices with high pixel density (like retina displays) this will increase the rendered resolution of the canvas at the expense of application performance. Resolution scaling is also impacted by the zoom level of the browser or operating system display settings. In such cases this setting will increase or decrease the effective resolution of the canvas depending on the amount of zoom that is applied. Disabling this setting may improve performance at the expense of visual quality for high pixel density displays.", + "SETTINGS.ResolutionScaleN": "Pixel Ratio Resolution Scaling", "SETTINGS.Save": "Save Changes", + "SETTINGS.ScrollStatusL": "Scrolling status text may appear above Tokens or other canvas objects to provide text feedback about changes for that object.", + "SETTINGS.ScrollStatusN": "Scrolling Status Text", "SETTINGS.SettingsHeader": "Game Settings", "SETTINGS.Setup": "Return to Setup", "SETTINGS.SoftSL": "Enable soft shadows for more beautiful dynamic lighting, or disable it for improved performance on machines with lower-end hardware.", "SETTINGS.SoftSN": "Enable Soft Shadows", + "SETTINGS.Support": "Support", "SETTINGS.TabCore": "Core Settings", "SETTINGS.TabModule": "Module Settings", "SETTINGS.TabSystem": "System Settings", "SETTINGS.Title": "Configure Game Settings", "SETTINGS.TokenDragPreviewL": "When enabled, vision and lighting for a Token is previewed in real time during a left-click drag workflow. This is disabled by default because it may promote undesirable meta-gaming behaviors.", "SETTINGS.TokenDragPreviewN": "Token Drag Vision", + "SETTINGS.Tours": "Tour Management", "SETTINGS.Update": "Update Software", "SETTINGS.ViewModules": "View Active Modules", "SETTINGS.Wiki": "Community Wiki Pages", "SETUP.AWSHint": "You may provide an AWS configuration file for S3 integration. The path is absolute or relative to the Config subdirectory of user data.", "SETUP.AWSLabel": "AWS Configuration Path", "SETUP.AdminAccess": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop • Administrator Access", - "SETUP.AdminKeyHint": "You may assign a special administrator password which is required in order to access this setup screen.", - "SETUP.AdminKeyLabel": "Administrator Password", - "SETUP.AdminKeyPrompt": "You must provide the administrator password in order to access application setup.", "SETUP.AdminLogout": "Admin Log Out", - "SETUP.CompatibilityRisk": "Compatibility Risk", - "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskWithVersion": "Compatibility Risk ({version})", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordForgot": "If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by following these instructions.", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordHint": "You may assign a special administrator password which is required in order to access this setup screen.", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordLabel": "Administrator Password", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordPrompt": "You must provide the administrator password in order to access application setup.", + "SETUP.BeginDownload": "Begin Download", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRequireDowngrade": "This dependency is newer than the minimum required version {version}", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRequireUpgrade": "This dependency is older than the minimum required version {version}", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskUnknown": "Compatibility Risk: no compatibility data specified", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskWithVersion": "Compatibility Risk: verified for version {version}", "SETUP.CompatibilityUnknown": "Compatibility Unknown", + "SETUP.CompressStaticHint": "Compress files served by the Foundry Virtual Tabletop web server before sending them to the client to reduce the amount of data transferred.", + "SETUP.CompressStaticLabel": "Compress Static Files", "SETUP.ConfigSave": "Save Application Configuration", - "SETUP.ConfigSaveRestart": "The Foundry Virtual Tabletop server has been terminated to apply changes. You must restart manually.", + "SETUP.ConfigSaveRestart": "The Foundry Virtual Tabletop server has been shut down with configuration changes applied. You must manually restart your server.", "SETUP.ConfigSaveWarning": "Modifying these configuration options will cause the server to be shut down and require that you restart the server manually. Do you wish to continue?", "SETUP.Configuration": "Configuration", "SETUP.ConfigurationWarning": "These fields customize the behavior of the Foundry Virtual Tabletop application. Changes will require the server to restart.", "SETUP.CoreUpdateInstructions": "An update to the Core Software is available, Return to Setup in order to apply it!", "SETUP.CoreVersion": "Core Software Version", - "SETUP.CoreVersionHint": "If an update to the core Foundry Virtual Tabletop software is available, you may apply it here. You are currently using version {coreVersion}.", + "SETUP.CoreVersionHint": "If an update to the core Foundry Virtual Tabletop software is available, you may apply it here. You are currently using {versionDisplay}.", + "SETUP.CouldntLoadPackages": "Couldn't Load Available Packages", "SETUP.CurrentVersion": "Current Version", "SETUP.DataPathHint": "Configure the location where your user data including worlds, systems and modules are stored.", "SETUP.DataPathLabel": "User Data Path", - "SETUP.DefaultLanguage": "Default Language", "SETUP.DefaultLanguageHint": "You may choose a default language for the application by choosing a module which provides the core translation files for that language.", + "SETUP.DefaultLanguageLabel": "Default Language", + "SETUP.DependencyNotInstalled": "This dependency is not installed", "SETUP.ForceUpdate": "Force Update?", - "SETUP.ForceUpdateHint": "Checking the Force Update box will force your version to the requested channel. Do not use this option unless you know exactly what you are doing.", - "SETUP.InstallFailure": "Installation failed: {message}", + "SETUP.ForceUpdateHint": "Selecting the Force Update option will overwrite your current software by resetting it back to the latest version on your requested update channel. Use this option with caution.", + "SETUP.FullListOfReleaseNotes": "For a full list of Release Notes, please see {url}", + "SETUP.GettingStarted": "Getting Started", + "SETUP.InstallFailure": "Installation Failed: {message}. See the Console (F12) for more details.", "SETUP.InstallHint": "You can install any package by providing a direct link to its JSON manifest URL.", "SETUP.InstallModule": "Install Module", - "SETUP.InstallSuccess": "{type} {name} was installed successfully", + "SETUP.InstallSuccess": "{type} {id} was installed successfully", "SETUP.InstallSystem": "Install System", "SETUP.InstallWorld": "Install World", "SETUP.LockHint": "Locking a Package prevents it from being uninstalled or updated", @@ -873,20 +1317,29 @@ "SETUP.ManifestUpdateAvailable": "A newer version of \"{package}\" is available at a different installation URL. This happens when the package hosting location or the author has changed.", "SETUP.MinifyFiles": "Optimize Static Files", "SETUP.MinifyFilesHint": "Reduce network traffic by serving minified static JavaScript and CSS files. Enabling this setting is recommended for most users, but module developers may wish to disable it.", + "SETUP.ModuleFilter": "Filter Modules", "SETUP.Modules": "Add-on Modules", + "SETUP.NavLabel": "Setup Configuration Tabs", + "SETUP.NoSystemsMessage": "In order to create your first World, you must first install a Game System. Please take some time to browse available systems and choose one to install. If you do not know which system you want, or your preferred system is unavailable, we recommend that you install the Simple Worldbuilding system.", + "SETUP.NoWorldsMessage": "Now that you have a Game System providing you rules on how to play, you'll want to create a World. Game worlds are spaces that contain all of the characters, sheets, journals and maps used to play a game, whether it's a one-shot or a full campaign.", + "SETUP.NueWorldDescription": "

For more info on setting up Worlds, check out the World documentation.

", "SETUP.Package": "Package", "SETUP.PackageCategories": "Package Categories", "SETUP.PackageDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the {type} {title}?", "SETUP.PackageDeleteNoUndo": "Warning: This operation cannot be un-done.", "SETUP.PackageDeleteTitle": "Delete {type}: {title}", - "SETUP.PackageDeleteWorldConfirm": "You must enter the exact World name to confirm the deletion request.", + "SETUP.PackageDeleteWorldConfirm": "You must enter the exact code to confirm the deletion request.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesAutomatic": "Install {number} Dependencies Automatically", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesCouldInstall": "{number} dependencies can be automatically installed.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesCouldNotInstall": "{number} dependencies need to be manually installed.", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesDecline": "You have chosen not to install the required dependency packages for {title}. You will need to install them manually.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesManual": "Install All Dependencies Manually", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesSuccess": "Successfully installed {title} and {number} dependencies.", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesTitle": "Install Package Dependencies", "SETUP.PackageFilter": "Filter Packages", "SETUP.PackageFilterHint": "You can filter available packages by name.", - "SETUP.PackageHasDependencies": "{title} has {number} dependencies which are not yet installed.", - "SETUP.PackageInstallDependencies": "You may not be able to use this package if these dependencies are not present. Do you wish to install them automatically?", + "SETUP.PackageHasDependencies": "{title} has {number} dependencies which are not yet installed. You may not be able to use this package if these dependencies are not present.", + "SETUP.PackageInstallDependencies": "Do you wish to install these automatically?", "SETUP.PackageInstalled": "Installed", "SETUP.PackageName": "Package Name", "SETUP.PackageNotOwned": "Not Owned", @@ -896,23 +1349,30 @@ "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdate": "Update", "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdated": "Updated", "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdating": "Updating", - "SETUP.PackageUpdateBlocked": "An update is available for {name} but cannot be installed because it requires core software version {vreq} and you are currently using version {vcur}.", + "SETUP.PackageUpdateCoreUnstable": "An update is available for {id} but it may not be installed because it requires a core software version {vmin} which is not yet stable.", + "SETUP.PackageUpdateCoreUpdateNeeded": "An update is available for {id} but cannot be installed because it requires the core software to be updated to as least {vmin}. You are currently using version {vcur}.", "SETUP.PackageVisAll": "All Packages", "SETUP.PackageVisInst": "Installed Only", "SETUP.PackageVisUnin": "Uninstalled Only", "SETUP.PackagesLoading": "Loading Available Packages", + "SETUP.PackagesNoResults": "No packages matched your filter. You can search the Package list for {name}", "SETUP.PortHint": "You may choose which port Foundry Virtual Tabletop uses for TCP connection traffic and enable or disable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).", "SETUP.PortLabel": "Port", "SETUP.PriorManifestUrl": "Prior Manifest URL (Version {version})", - "SETUP.RequireCore": "Requires Core Update", + "SETUP.RequireCoreDowngrade": "Unsupported Core Version", + "SETUP.RequireCoreUnstable": "Requires Unstable Version", + "SETUP.RequireCoreUpgrade": "Requires Core Update", "SETUP.RequireDep": "Requires Dependency", - "SETUP.RequireSystem": "Requires System Update", + "SETUP.RequireSystem": "Requires System", "SETUP.RequireUpdate": "Requires Update", + "SETUP.SSLCertHint": "You may run the server using secure socket layer (SSL) encryption by providing paths to certificate and key files. Paths are absolute or relative to the Config subdirectory in user data.", "SETUP.SSLCertLabel": "SSL Certificate", - "SETUP.SSLHint": "You may run the server using secure socket layer (SSL) encryption by providing paths to certificate and key files. Paths are absolute or relative to the Config subdirectory in user data.", "SETUP.SSLKeyLabel": "SSL Private Key", + "SETUP.SaveConfiguration": "Save Configuration", + "SETUP.SeeTutorial": "For a more in-depth guide to getting started with Foundry Virtual Tabletop, you can reference the Gamemaster Tutorial series in our Knowledge Base.", "SETUP.SettingsHeader": "Software Configuration", "SETUP.SwapToTheUpdatedManifest": "Would you like to switch to the new manifest URL? (this is recommended)", + "SETUP.SystemFilter": "Filter Systems", "SETUP.SystemUpdate": "Update System", "SETUP.SystemUpdateInstructions": "An update to the System is available, Return to Setup in order to apply it!", "SETUP.Systems": "Game Systems", @@ -923,73 +1383,91 @@ "SETUP.UninstallSuccess": "uninstalled successfully", "SETUP.Update": "Update Software", "SETUP.UpdateAll": "Update All", - "SETUP.UpdateAlpha": "Alpha (Unstable)", - "SETUP.UpdateAvailable": "A {type} update to {channel} version {version} is now available!", - "SETUP.UpdateBeta": "Beta (Release Candidate)", - "SETUP.UpdateButtonDownload": "Download Update {version}", + "SETUP.UpdateAvailable": "An update to {channel} version {version} is now available!", + "SETUP.UpdateButtonDownload": "Download Update {display}", "SETUP.UpdateChannel": "Software Update Channel", - "SETUP.UpdateChannelHint": "You may choose an update channel to control the types of updates you wish to receive for the core Foundry Virtual Tabletop software. If you do not have a specific reason to change this, it is recommended to consume the Release channel.", + "SETUP.UpdateChannelHint": "You may choose an update channel to control the types of updates you wish to receive for the core Foundry Virtual Tabletop software. If you do not have a specific reason to change this, it is recommended to consume the Stable channel.", "SETUP.UpdateCheck": "Update", "SETUP.UpdateCheckFor": "Check For Update", "SETUP.UpdateCleaningC": "Cleaning Complete", "SETUP.UpdateCleaningS": "Cleaning Directory", + "SETUP.UpdateCompleteAuto": "Update completed successfully. Restarting Foundry VTT application.", + "SETUP.UpdateCompleteManual": "Update completed successfully. Shutting down Foundry Virtual Tabletop server for manual restart.", + "SETUP.UpdateDevelopment": "Development", + "SETUP.UpdateDevelopmentHint": "API Development: Releases for testing the design of new features and API changes to obtain feedback from the developer community.", "SETUP.UpdateDownloadingC": "Download Complete", "SETUP.UpdateDownloadingS": "Downloading Update", "SETUP.UpdateExtractingC": "Extraction Complete", "SETUP.UpdateExtractingS": "Extracting Update", "SETUP.UpdateFailure": "Update failed", - "SETUP.UpdateHeader": "Software Update", - "SETUP.UpdateInfoAvailable": "An update to Foundry Virtual Tabletop version {version} is available!", + "SETUP.UpdateHint": "You may update your Foundry Virtual Tabletop software to a new version by checking for update on your preferred Software Update Channel.", + "SETUP.UpdateInfoAvailable": "An update to Foundry Virtual Tabletop version {display} is available!", "SETUP.UpdateInstallingC": "Installation Complete", "SETUP.UpdateInstallingS": "Installing Update", + "SETUP.UpdateLicenseInvalid": "Your Foundry Virtual Tabletop license key is not valid.", + "SETUP.UpdateNoArchive": "No update archive exists to install", + "SETUP.UpdateNoInternetError": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop requires an active internet connection to update.", + "SETUP.UpdateNoUpdateMode": "You are not allowed to update this instance of Foundry Virtual Tabletop because it was launched in --noupdate mode.", "SETUP.UpdateNotAvailable": "No software update is currently available on the requested update channel.", - "SETUP.UpdateNoupdateMode": "You are not allowed to update this instance of Foundry Virtual Tabletop because it was launched in --noupdate mode.", - "SETUP.UpdateRelease": "Release (Stable)", + "SETUP.UpdatePrototype": "Prototype", + "SETUP.UpdatePrototypeHint": "Prototype: Releases for previewing the design of experimental features which are not yet fully developed.", + "SETUP.UpdateStable": "Stable", + "SETUP.UpdateStableHint": "Stable: Releases that have been carefully tested and are recommended for use in live games.", "SETUP.UpdateSuccess": "updated successfully", - "SETUP.UpdateWarning": "In order to update Foundry Virtual Tabletop you will need to be connected to the internet and have a valid software license.", + "SETUP.UpdateTesting": "Testing", + "SETUP.UpdateTestingHint": "Feature Testing: Releases for testing the functionality of new features to obtain feedback from the general user community.", "SETUP.UpdateWarningWillDisable": "This update is a new major version of the Foundry Virtual Tabletop software. Installing this update will require some installed modules which may not yet be compatible to be disabled.", + "SETUP.UpdateWebsiteSlowWarning": " appears to be under heavy load at this time, we recommend you try again later.", + "SETUP.UpdateWebsiteUnreachableError": "We cannot reach at this time, please try again later.", "SETUP.UpdatedManifestUrl": "Updated Manifest URL (Version {version})", "SETUP.UpdatedPackages": "Package Update Log", "SETUP.VersionChange": "Version Change", "SETUP.WorldCreate": "Create World", "SETUP.WorldDelete": "Delete World", "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm1": "Warning: This will permanently delete your world content and can not be un-done. Are you sure you wish to do this?.", - "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm2": "Type the exact title of your world {title} in the box below to proceed.", + "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm2": "Type this exact code in the box below to proceed: ", "SETUP.WorldEdit": "Edit World", + "SETUP.WorldFilter": "Filter Worlds", "SETUP.WorldHint": "You may choose one of your available worlds to automatically launch when the software is started.", "SETUP.WorldLabel": "Default World", "SETUP.WorldLaunch": "Launch World", - "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequired": "

Launching the world {world} will migrate its data model from an older core software version {oldVersion} to the currently installed version {newVersion}.

As part of this process, {nIncompatible} out of {nModules} installed modules which may not yet be compatible with the new version will be automatically disabled. You may re-enable them manually if you wish.

Please check for any available updates to your game systems and modules, and please be sure to periodically back up your critical world data. Would you like to proceed?

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationBackupPrompt": "

It is not possible to reverse this process. It is recommended to back up your world data before proceeding. You will need a backup in order to restore to the prior software version.

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationBegin": "Begin Migration", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationDisableModules": "

Please update installed game systems and modules before migrating your world. Currently, {nIncompatible} out of {nModules} installed modules are not verified as compatible and will be automatically disabled. You may re-enable them manually after the migration.

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationInProcess": "Your world data is being migrated to be compatible with {version}. This may take some time. Please remain patient and do not close the software.", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequired": "

Launching the world {world} will migrate its data model from an older core software version ({oldVersion}) to the currently installed {newVersion}.

", "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequiredTitle": "World Data Migration Required", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationSystemUnavailable": "

The installed version of the {system} ({systemVersion}) game system is not verified as compatible with this software version. Successful migration cannot be guaranteed.

", + "SETUP.WorldUnavailable": "Unavailable", "SETUP.Worlds": "Game Worlds", "SETUP.YouMustInstallASystem": "You must install a game System before you can create a new World", + "SHEETS.DefaultDocumentSheet": "Default {document} Sheet", "SHEETS.DefaultSheet": "Default Sheet", - "SHEETS.EntitySheetHint": "Override which sheet type you would like to use for this specific entity.", - "SHEETS.EntitySheetPrivate": "You do not have sufficient permissions to view this entity sheet.", + "SHEETS.DocumentSheetHint": "Override which sheet type you would like to use for this specific document.", + "SHEETS.DocumentSheetPrivate": "You do not have sufficient permission to view the sheet for this {type}.", + "SHEETS.FormNavLabel": "Form Tab Navigation", "SHEETS.Save": "Save Sheet Configuration", "SHEETS.ThisSheet": "This Sheet", - "SHEETS.TypeSheetHint": "Set the default sheet type used for this entity type (GM Only).", + "SHEETS.TypeSheetHint": "Set the default sheet type used for this document type (GM Only).", "SIDEBAR.CharArt": "View Character Artwork", "SIDEBAR.CollapseToggle": "Collapse or Expand", + "SIDEBAR.Create": "Create {type}", "SIDEBAR.Delete": "Delete", "SIDEBAR.DeleteWarning": "This {type} will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.", + "SIDEBAR.DirectoryTitle": "{type} Directory", + "SIDEBAR.Documentation": "Foundry VTT Documentation", "SIDEBAR.Duplicate": "Duplicate", + "SIDEBAR.Edit": "Edit", "SIDEBAR.Export": "Export Data", "SIDEBAR.Import": "Import Data", "SIDEBAR.JumpPin": "Jump To Pin", - "SIDEBAR.SceneCreate": "Create Scene", - "SIDEBAR.SceneSearch": "Search Scenes", - "SIDEBAR.TabActors": "Actors Directory", - "SIDEBAR.TabChat": "Chat Log", - "SIDEBAR.TabCombat": "Combat Tracker", + "SIDEBAR.NavLabel": "Sidebar Tabs", + "SIDEBAR.Search": "Search {types}", "SIDEBAR.TabCompendium": "Compendium Packs", - "SIDEBAR.TabItems": "Items Directory", - "SIDEBAR.TabJournal": "Journal Entries", - "SIDEBAR.TabPlaylists": "Audio Playlists", - "SIDEBAR.TabScenes": "Scenes Directory", "SIDEBAR.TabSettings": "Game Settings", "SIDEBAR.TabTables": "Rollable Tables", "SIDEBAR.TokenArt": "View Token Artwork", + "SIDEBAR.Wiki": "Foundry VTT Community Wiki", "SOUND.ConfigHint": "Configure the ambient sound to play an audio file when tokens move within it's radius.", "SOUND.ConfigTitle": "Ambient Sound Configuration", "SOUND.Create": "Create Ambient Sound", @@ -1003,10 +1481,22 @@ "SOUND.PathPlaceholder": "path/to/audio.mp3", "SOUND.Radius": "Effect Radius", "SOUND.SourcePath": "Source File Path", - "SOUND.Type": "Sound Type", - "SOUND.TypeGlobal": "Global Sound", - "SOUND.TypeLocal": "Local Sound", "SOUND.Update": "Update Ambient Sound", + "SOUND.Walls": "Constrained By Walls", + "SOUND.WallsHint": "Configure whether area of effect for this audio source is constrained by nearby walls.", + "SUPPORT.BugReporting": "If you would like to report a bug, please use the Bug Report category available on our Contact Us page:", + "SUPPORT.Client": "Client", + "SUPPORT.CopyReport": "Copy Report to Clipboard", + "SUPPORT.Details": "Support Details", + "SUPPORT.Discord": "To join others who are using Foundry VTT, or to get support from our wonderful Community Helpers, join our Discord here:", + "SUPPORT.GPU": "GPU", + "SUPPORT.MaxTextureSize": "Max Texture Size", + "SUPPORT.NoViewedScene": "No viewed scene", + "SUPPORT.OS": "OS", + "SUPPORT.Places": "Places To Get Support", + "SUPPORT.ReportPrelude": "When asking for help on the Discord or Github, it is helpful for us to know about what is going on in your World. Below is a copy-pastable report we ask that you include.", + "SUPPORT.Title": "Support Details", + "Save": "Save", "Save Changes": "Save Changes", "Scale": "Scale", "Scope": "Scope", @@ -1014,11 +1504,12 @@ "Sheet": "Sheet", "Software": "Software", "System": "System", - "TABLE.AnimateSetting": "Animate Roll Tables?", - "TABLE.AnimateSettingHint": "Configure whether to display a roulette-style animation when drawing from a Roll Table.", - "TABLE.Create": "Create Table", + "TABLE.AnimateSetting": "Animate Roll Tables", + "TABLE.AnimateSettingHint": "Display a roulette-style animation when drawing from a Roll Table.", "TABLE.Description": "Table Description", "TABLE.DisplayRoll": "Display Roll to Chat?", + "TABLE.DrawFlavor": "Draws a result from the {name} table", + "TABLE.DrawFlavorPlural": "Draws {number} results from the {name} table", "TABLE.Formula": "Roll Table Formula", "TABLE.Normalize": "Normalize Result Weights", "TABLE.Replacement": "Draw with Replacement?", @@ -1031,14 +1522,17 @@ "TABLE.ResultType": "Result Type", "TABLE.ResultWeight": "Weight", "TABLE.Roll": "Roll", - "TABLE.Search": "Search Tables", "TABLE.SheetTitle": "Table Configuration", "TABLE.ToggleDrawn": "Toggle Drawn Status", "TABLE.Update": "Update", + "TEMPLATE.BorderColor": "Border Color", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeFlat": "Flat", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeRound": "Round", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeSetting": "Cone Template Type", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeSettingHint": "Choose how the area of effect for cone templates should be defined.", + "TEMPLATE.FillColor": "Fill Color", + "TEMPLATE.FillTexture": "Fill Texture", + "TEMPLATE.MeasuredConfig": "Measurement Template Configuration", "TILE.AnimationHeader": "Animation", "TILE.AnimationHint": "Additional attributes which apply if the Tile uses an animated video texture.", "TILE.BasicHeader": "Basic", @@ -1051,62 +1545,120 @@ "TILE.OcclusionModeNone": "None (Always Visible)", "TILE.OcclusionModeRadial": "Radial (Surrounding Token)", "TILE.OcclusionModeRoof": "Roof (Blocks Vision and Lighting)", + "TILE.OcclusionModeVision": "Vision (Token Field of Vision)", "TILE.Opacity": "Tile Opacity", "TILE.Overhead": "Is Overhead?", "TILE.OverheadHeader": "Overhead", "TILE.OverheadHint": "Additional attributes which apply if the Tile is overhead in the Foreground.", + "TILE.Roof": "Is a Roof?", + "TILE.SubmitCreate": "Create Tile", + "TILE.SubmitUpdate": "Update Tile", "TILE.Tint": "Tint Color", "TILE.VideoAutoplay": "Autoplay Video", "TILE.VideoLoop": "Loop Video", "TILE.VideoVolume": "Video Volume", + "TIME.DaysAbbreviation": "d", + "TIME.Hours": "Hours", + "TIME.HoursAbbreviation": "h", + "TIME.Minutes": "Minutes", + "TIME.MinutesAbbreviation": "m", + "TIME.Now": "Now", + "TIME.Seconds": "Seconds", + "TIME.SecondsAbbreviation": "s", + "TIME.Since": "{since} ago", "TOKEN.Assign": "Assign Token", "TOKEN.AssignSuccess": "Updated prototype Token configuration for {name}", "TOKEN.AssignWarn": "You must select one existing Token to assign as the new prototype configuration.", "TOKEN.BarAttributes": "Attribute Bars", "TOKEN.BarValues": "Single Values", "TOKEN.CharActor": "Represented Actor", - "TOKEN.CharDisposition": "Token Disposition", - "TOKEN.CharInstructions": "Configure which Actor this Token is associated with.", "TOKEN.CharLink": "Link Actor Data", "TOKEN.CharNameplate": "Token Name", "TOKEN.CharShowNameplate": "Display Name", + "TOKEN.Coordinates": "Coordinates", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_ALWAYS": "Always for Everyone", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_CONTROL": "When Controlled", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_HOVER": "Hovered by Anyone", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_NONE": "Never Displayed", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_OWNER": "Always for Owner", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_OWNER_HOVER": "Hovered by Owner", + "TOKEN.DetectionAdd": "Add Detection Mode", + "TOKEN.DetectionEnabled": "Enabled", + "TOKEN.DetectionMode": "Detection Mode", + "TOKEN.DetectionRange": "Range", + "TOKEN.DetectionRemove": "Remove Detection Mode", + "TOKEN.Dimensions": "Dimensions", + "TOKEN.Disposition": "Token Disposition", "TOKEN.FRIENDLY": "Friendly", "TOKEN.HOSTILE": "Hostile", + "TOKEN.HeaderAppearance": "Appearance", + "TOKEN.HeaderIdentity": "Identity", + "TOKEN.HeaderLight": "Light", + "TOKEN.HeaderResources": "Resources", + "TOKEN.HeaderVision": "Vision", "TOKEN.ImageAlts": "Alternate Actor Tokens", - "TOKEN.ImageInstructions": "Configure the Token image and its displayed size and scale.", - "TOKEN.ImagePath": "Token Image Path", - "TOKEN.MirrorX": "Mirror Image Horizontally", - "TOKEN.MirrorY": "Mirror Image Vertically", + "TOKEN.ImagePath": "Image Path", + "TOKEN.Lock": "Lock", + "TOKEN.LockRotation": "Lock Rotation", + "TOKEN.Mirror": "Mirror Image", + "TOKEN.MirrorX": "Horizontally", + "TOKEN.MirrorY": "Vertically", "TOKEN.NEUTRAL": "Neutral", "TOKEN.Opacity": "Token Opacity", - "TOKEN.PositionInstructions": "Configure the Token's position, orientation, and elevation.", - "TOKEN.PositionLock": "Lock Rotation", "TOKEN.RandomImg": "Randomize Wildcard Images", "TOKEN.ResourceBar1A": "Bar 1 Attribute", "TOKEN.ResourceBar1D": "Bar 1 Data", "TOKEN.ResourceBar2A": "Bar 2 Attribute", "TOKEN.ResourceBar2D": "Bar 2 Data", "TOKEN.ResourceDisplay": "Display Bars", - "TOKEN.ResourceInstructions": "Configure the resource bars which are tracked for the Token.", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderAdvanced": "Advanced Options", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderBasic": "Basic Configuration", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderDetection": "Detection Modes", + "TOKEN.SightNavLabel": "Sight Configuration Tabs", "TOKEN.TintColor": "Tint Color", "TOKEN.Title": "Token Configuration", "TOKEN.TitlePrototype": "Prototype Token", "TOKEN.Update": "Update Token", - "TOKEN.VisionBrightDist": "Bright Vision", - "TOKEN.VisionDimDist": "Dim Vision", - "TOKEN.VisionHas": "Has Vision", - "TOKEN.VisionInstructions": "Configure the vision capability and light emission of this Token.", - "TOKEN.VisionSightAngle": "Sight Angle", + "TOKEN.VisionAngle": "Vision Angle", + "TOKEN.VisionAngleHint": "The angle of the vision cone (default is 360).", + "TOKEN.VisionAttenuation": "Attenuation", + "TOKEN.VisionAttenuationHint": "Adjust the strength of the vision source attenuation (default is 0).", + "TOKEN.VisionBrightness": "Vision Brightness", + "TOKEN.VisionBrightnessHint": "Adjust the brightness of this vision source. The greater the brightness, the better the character is able to see in darkness (default is 0).", + "TOKEN.VisionColor": "Vision Color", + "TOKEN.VisionContrast": "Contrast", + "TOKEN.VisionContrastHint": "Adjust the contrast of the background which is in the vision source radius (default is 0).", + "TOKEN.VisionEnabled": "Vision Enabled", + "TOKEN.VisionEnabledHint": "Allows the token to see illuminated spaces within its line of sight.", + "TOKEN.VisionMode": "Vision Mode", + "TOKEN.VisionModeHint": "Applies a visual effect to the vision to represent special senses (default is Basic Vision).", + "TOKEN.VisionRange": "Vision Range", + "TOKEN.VisionRangeHint": "The distance a token can see without any light.", + "TOKEN.VisionSaturation": "Saturation", + "TOKEN.VisionSaturationHint": "Adjust the saturation of the background which is in the vision source radius (default is 0).", "TOKEN.WarningNoActor": "This Token references an Actor which no longer exists within the World.", "TOKEN.WarningNoVision": "You do not own any Token with vision in this Scene", + "TOURS.AllTours": "All Tours", + "TOURS.Completed": "Completed", + "TOURS.InProgress": "In Progress - {current}/{total}", + "TOURS.NotStarted": "Not Started", + "TOURS.Reset": "Reset Tour Progress", + "TOURS.ResetAll": "Reset All Tours", + "TOURS.ResetSuccess": "Reset the completion status of all tours.", + "TOURS.ResetTitle": "Reset Tours", + "TOURS.ResetWarning": "Do you wish to reset all tour progress?", + "TOURS.Restart": "Start Tour from Beginning", + "TOURS.Resume": "Resume Tour", + "TOURS.ShowMeHow": "Show me how", + "TOURS.Start": "Start Tour", + "TOURS.SuggestedDescription": "

You have completed the {currentTitle} Tour.

We suggest continuing on to the {nextTitle} Tour. Would you like to proceed?

", + "TOURS.SuggestedTitle": "Suggested Next Tour", + "TOURS.TourCategories": "Tour Categories", + "TOURS.TourFilter": "Tour Filter", + "TOURS.TourName": "Tour Name", "Template": "Template", "Token": "Token", + "Tours.NavLabel": "Tour Management Tabs", "Type": "Type", "URL": "URL", "USER.RoleAssistant": "Assistant GM", @@ -1128,13 +1680,21 @@ "USERS.UserName": "User Name", "Uninstall": "Uninstall", "Update": "Update", + "VISION.ModeBasicVision": "Basic Vision", + "VISION.ModeBlindness": "Blindness", + "VISION.ModeDarkvision": "Darkvision", + "VISION.ModeDetectInvisibility": "Detect Invisibility", + "VISION.ModeLightAmplification": "Light Amplification", + "VISION.ModeMonochromatic": "Monochromatic", + "VISION.ModeTremorsense": "Tremorsense", "Vision": "Vision", "WALLS.Coordinates": "Wall Coordinates", "WALLS.Direction": "Wall Direction", "WALLS.Door": "Is Door?", "WALLS.DoorState": "Door State", "WALLS.Instructions": "Customize how this wall segment restricts movement or senses.", - "WALLS.Movement": "Movement Restrictions", + "WALLS.Light": "Light Restriction", + "WALLS.Movement": "Movement Restriction", "WALLS.Sight": "Sight Restriction", "WALLS.Sound": "Sound Restriction", "WALLS.Submit": "Update Wall", @@ -1142,12 +1702,17 @@ "WALLS.TitleMany": "Wall Configuration [Multiple]", "WARNING.ForegroundDimensionsMismatch": "The dimensions of your configured Foreground Layer image do not match the dimensions of the Background Layer image for this scene. The foreground has been resized which may have undesired results.", "WARNING.GridConfigNoBG": "You are using the grid configuration tool for a scene with no background image. This is not currently recommended and may produce unpredictable results.", + "WARNING.ObjectDoesNotExist": "{name} \"{identifier}\" does not exist.", + "WEATHER.AutumnLeaves": "Autumn Leaves", + "WEATHER.Rain": "Rain", + "WEATHER.Snow": "Snow", "WEBRTC.AVMode": "Audio/Video Conferencing Mode", "WEBRTC.AVModeNotes": "Only a Game Master user may change this setting, which will require Foundry VTT to reload.", "WEBRTC.AudioDevice": "Audio Capture Device", "WEBRTC.AudioDeviceNotes": "Select which audio capture device you wish to use, if any.", "WEBRTC.AudioOutput": "Audio Output Device", "WEBRTC.AudioOutputNotes": "Select which audio output device you wish to use.", + "WEBRTC.BorderColors": "Use player border colors", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorAudio": "Unable to capture from your Audio devices", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorAudioVideo": "Unable to capture from your Audio & Video devices", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorVideo": "Unable to capture from your Video devices", @@ -1155,7 +1720,6 @@ "WEBRTC.CaptureWarningVideo": "Unable to capture from your Audio devices; Sharing Video only", "WEBRTC.ConnectError": "Error connection to Audio/Video Signalling Server", "WEBRTC.ConnectionLostWarning": "Lost connection to the Audio/Video Signalling server. Trying to re-establish connection.", - "WEBRTC.CustomSignalingServer": "Custom Server", "WEBRTC.CustomTURNServer": "Custom Relay Server", "WEBRTC.DefaultSource": "Default Device", "WEBRTC.DeviceUnavailableWarning": "Audio/Video communication was unable to start because one of the configured input devices was unavailable.", @@ -1163,7 +1727,11 @@ "WEBRTC.DisableAudioOutput": "Disable Audio Output", "WEBRTC.DisableAudioSource": "Disable Sending Audio", "WEBRTC.DisableVideoSource": "Disable Sending Camera", - "WEBRTC.FVTTSignalingServer": "Foundry VTT", + "WEBRTC.DockPosition": "Dock Position", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionBottom": "Bottom", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionLeft": "Left", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionRight": "Right", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionTop": "Top", "WEBRTC.GeneralTab": "General", "WEBRTC.GeneralTabNotGM": "General Audio/Video Conferencing Settings can only be modified by the GM", "WEBRTC.GenericError": "WebRTC Error : ", @@ -1173,9 +1741,14 @@ "WEBRTC.ModeAudioVideo": "Audio/Video Enabled", "WEBRTC.ModeDisabled": "Disabled", "WEBRTC.ModeVideoOnly": "Video Only", + "WEBRTC.Nameplates": "Nameplates", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesBoth": "Alternate between both", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesCharacter": "Character name only", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesOff": "Off", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesPlayer": "Player name only", + "WEBRTC.NavLabel": "User Audio/Video Controls", "WEBRTC.NoSSLError": "You cannot use Audio/Video calls unless your Foundry VTT server is using SSL certificates. See the online documentation for instructions.", - "WEBRTC.PTTKey": "Push-to-Talk/Mute Key", - "WEBRTC.PTTKeyNotes": "Assign a keyboard key which, in PTT mode, enables voice while held. If not in PTT mode, the same key mutes while pressed.", + "WEBRTC.PTTKeyWarn": "Your Push-to-Talk key is using an old value and may not work as expected, please reconfigure it.", "WEBRTC.ServerTab": "Server", "WEBRTC.TURNServerProvisioned": "Provided by Signalling Server", "WEBRTC.Title": "Audio/Video Configuration", @@ -1183,17 +1756,22 @@ "WEBRTC.TooltipAllowUserVideo": "Allow User Video", "WEBRTC.TooltipBlockUserAudio": "Block User Audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipBlockUserVideo": "Block User Video", - "WEBRTC.TooltipChangeSize": "Cycle Video Size", "WEBRTC.TooltipConfigure": "Configure Settings", + "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableAllVideo": "Disable Receiving Video", "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableMyAudio": "Mute Your Audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableMyVideo": "Disable Your Video", "WEBRTC.TooltipDock": "Send to Dock", "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableMyAudio": "Enable Your Audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableMyVideo": "Enable Your Video", + "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableVideo": "Enable Receiving Video", + "WEBRTC.TooltipExpandDock": "Expand Dock", "WEBRTC.TooltipHidePlayers": "Hide Players List", + "WEBRTC.TooltipHideUser": "Hide User", + "WEBRTC.TooltipMinimizeDock": "Minimize Dock", "WEBRTC.TooltipMutePeers": "Mute Others' Audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipPopout": "Pop out", "WEBRTC.TooltipShowPlayers": "Show Players List", + "WEBRTC.TooltipShowUser": "Show User", "WEBRTC.TooltipToggleVideo": "Toggle video", "WEBRTC.TooltipUnmutePeers": "Unmute Others' Audio", "WEBRTC.UnavailableDevice": "Unavailable Device (will use Default)", @@ -1207,10 +1785,6 @@ "WEBRTC.VoiceModePtt": "Push-to-Talk", "WEBRTC.WarningCannotEnableAudio": "You cannot enable your microphone because you do not have permission to broadcast your audio feed.", "WEBRTC.WarningCannotEnableVideo": "You cannot enable your camera because you do not have permission to broadcast your video feed.", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServer": "Choose Signalling Server", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerPassword": "Signalling Server Password", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerURL": "Signalling Server URL", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerUsername": "Signalling Server Username", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTURNURL": "Relay Server URL", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTurnPassword": "Relay Server Password", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTurnServer": "Relay Server Configuration", @@ -1226,11 +1800,17 @@ "WORLD.ResetKeys": "Reset User Passwords", "WORLD.ResetModules": "Reset Active Modules", "WORLD.SafeModeHint": "Disables all modules and active scenes, and stops any playing audio", + "WORLD.SubmitEdit": "Update World", "WORLD.Title": "World Title", + "WORLD.TitleCreate": "Create World", + "WORLD.TitleEdit": "Edit World", "Warning": "Warning", "Width": "Width", "XCoord": "X-Coordinate", "YCoord": "Y-Coordinate", "Yes": "Yes", - "and": "and" + "all": "all", + "and": "and", + "authorized": "authorized", + "selected": "selected" } diff --git a/i18n/foundry/gl/foundry.json b/i18n/foundry/gl/foundry.json index 2453333..a4078db 100644 --- a/i18n/foundry/gl/foundry.json +++ b/i18n/foundry/gl/foundry.json @@ -1,13 +1,117 @@ { - "ACTOR.Create": "Crear actor", - "ACTOR.Search": "Procurar actores", - "ACTOR.Title": "Directorio de actores", + "ADVENTURE.Caption": "Pé do cartel", + "ADVENTURE.CaptionHint": "Proporciona un pé de cartel que se mostrará baixo a imaxe. Pode conter HTML ou texto simple.", + "ADVENTURE.Create": "Crear aventura", + "ADVENTURE.Description": "Descrición", + "ADVENTURE.DescriptionHint": "Proporciona unha descrición que resuma o argumento da aventura.", + "ADVENTURE.ExportDropZone": "Arrastra e solta contido desde o teu mundo para encher a aventura.", + "ADVENTURE.ExportEdit": "Reconstruír aventura", + "ADVENTURE.ExportSubmit": "Construír aventura", + "ADVENTURE.ExportTabContents": "Contido", + "ADVENTURE.ExportTabSummary": "Resumo", + "ADVENTURE.Image": "Imaxe de cartel", + "ADVENTURE.ImageHint": "Proporciona unha imaxe de cartel de polo menos 768px de largo e 300px xe alto para mostrar nesta aventura.", + "ADVENTURE.ImportHeaderContents": "Contido", + "ADVENTURE.ImportHeaderOverview": "Síntese", + "ADVENTURE.ImportOverwriteTitle": "Sobreescribir contido existente?", + "ADVENTURE.ImportOverwriteWarning": "Algún contido da aventura {name} xa existe no teu mundo. Se importas a aventura, ese contido será sobreescrito. Queres continuar?", + "ADVENTURE.ImportProgress": "Importando", + "ADVENTURE.ImportSubmit": "Importar aventura", + "ADVENTURE.Name": "Nome", + "ADVENTURE.NameHint": "Escolle un nome único para esta aventura dentro do paquete que a contén.", "APP.NavigateBackConfirm": "Tes a certeza de querer saír da partida do Foundry Virtual Tabletop?", "Activate": "Activar", "Angle": "Ángulo", "AreYouSure": "Tes a certeza?", "Author": "Autoría", + "AuthorPl": "Autores", "Between": "Entre", + "CARD.BackImage": "Imaxe do reverso", + "CARD.BackName": "Nome do reverso", + "CARD.BackText": "Texto do reverso", + "CARD.Create": "Crear carta", + "CARD.Delete": "Borrar carta", + "CARD.Description": "Descrición", + "CARD.Dimensions": "Dimensións predeterminadas", + "CARD.Drawn": "Roubada(s)", + "CARD.Edit": "Editar carta", + "CARD.Face": "Anverso", + "CARD.FaceAdd": "Engadir anverso", + "CARD.FaceDelete": "Borrar anverso", + "CARD.FaceDeleteWarning": "Borrar este anverso eliminará permanentemente os seus datos da carta.", + "CARD.FaceImage": "Imaxe do anverso", + "CARD.FaceName": "Nome do anverso", + "CARD.FaceNext": "Seguinte anverso", + "CARD.FacePrevious": "Anterior anverso", + "CARD.FaceText": "Texto no anverso", + "CARD.HeaderBack": "Reverso da carta", + "CARD.HeaderDetails": "Detalles da carta", + "CARD.HeaderFaces": "Anversos da carta", + "CARD.Name": "Nome", + "CARD.Play": "Xogar carta", + "CARD.PlayHint": "Xoga esta carta pasándoa a outra man ou montón.", + "CARD.Save": "Gardar carta", + "CARD.Suit": "Pau", + "CARD.Type": "Tipo", + "CARD.TypeBase": "Base", + "CARD.Unknown": "Descoñecida ({source})", + "CARD.Value": "Valor", + "CARDS.CardsDeck": "Baralla de cartas", + "CARDS.CardsHand": "Man de cartas", + "CARDS.CardsPile": "Montón de cartas", + "CARDS.Deal": "Repartir", + "CARDS.DealHint": "Escolle un conxunto de mans ou montóns aos que se repartirán as cartas. Repartirase o mesmo número de cartas a cada man/montón seleccionado.", + "CARDS.DealTitle": "Repartir cartas", + "CARDS.DealTo": "Repartir a", + "CARDS.DealWarnNoTargets": "Debes crear unha man ou montón aos que repartir cartas.", + "CARDS.DeckPreset": "Configuracións preexistentes", + "CARDS.DeckPresetPokerDark": "Baralla de póker (escura)", + "CARDS.DeckPresetPokerLight": "Baralla de póker (clara)", + "CARDS.DeleteCannot": "Non se pode borrar", + "CARDS.DeleteCannotHint": "As seguintes barallas aínda teñen cartas roubadas e non se poden borrar, restáuraas primeiro: {decks}", + "CARDS.DeleteMustReset": "Este/a {type} debe ser restaurado/a antes de poderes borrar, queres continuar?", + "CARDS.DeleteReset": "Restaurar e borrar", + "CARDS.Description": "Descrición da pilla de cartas", + "CARDS.Dimensions": "Dimensións predeterminadas", + "CARDS.Draw": "Roubar", + "CARDS.DrawFrom": "Roubar de", + "CARDS.DrawHint": "Escolle unha baralla da que roubar un certo número de cartas.", + "CARDS.DrawMode": "Modo de roubo", + "CARDS.DrawModeBottom": "De abaixo (última)", + "CARDS.DrawModeRandom": "Aleatorio", + "CARDS.DrawModeTop": "De arriba (primeira)", + "CARDS.DrawTitle": "Roubar cartas", + "CARDS.DrawWarnNoSources": "Non hai barallas dispoñibles das que poidas roubar.", + "CARDS.Facedown": "Cara abaixo", + "CARDS.HeaderCards": "Cartas", + "CARDS.HeaderDetails": "Configuración", + "CARDS.Image": "Imaxe do reverso predeterminada", + "CARDS.NoCards": "Non hai cartas presentes", + "CARDS.NotifyDeal": "Repartiu {number} cartas a cada: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyDiscard": "Descartou {number} cartas a: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyDraw": "Roubou {number} cartas de: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyPass": "Pasou {number} cartas a: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyPlay": "Xogou {number} cartas a: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyReset": "Recuperou todas as cartas para: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyReturn": "Devolveu todas as cartas desde: {link}", + "CARDS.NotifyShuffle": "Barallou: {link}", + "CARDS.Number": "Número", + "CARDS.Pass": "Pasar", + "CARDS.PassHint": "Pasa certo número de cartas a outra man ou montón.", + "CARDS.PassTitle": "Pasar cartas", + "CARDS.PassTo": "Pasar a", + "CARDS.PassWarnNoTargets": "Non hai mans ou montón dispoñibles para lles pasares.", + "CARDS.Reset": "Restaurar", + "CARDS.ResetConfirm": "Tes a certeza de querer restaurar {name}? Todas as cartas repartidas serán recuperadas.", + "CARDS.ReturnConfirm": "Tes a certeza? Todas as cartas en {name} serán devoltas ás súas barallas orixinais.", + "CARDS.Save": "Gardar", + "CARDS.Shuffle": "Barallar", + "CARDS.SortMode": "Orde", + "CARDS.Type": "Tipo de pilla", + "CARDS.TypeDeck": "Baralla", + "CARDS.TypeHand": "Man", + "CARDS.TypePile": "Montón", + "CHAT.Chat": "Conversa", "CHAT.Clear": "Limpar historial do chat", "CHAT.ConcealMessage": "Facer privado", "CHAT.Export": "Exportar historial do chat", @@ -37,6 +141,7 @@ "COMBAT.CombatantNotInScene": "A combatente {name} non está presente na escena que estás a ver", "COMBAT.CombatantRemove": "Quitar combatente", "COMBAT.CombatantReroll": "Rolar de novo a iniciativa", + "COMBAT.CombatantScene": "Escena do combatente", "COMBAT.CombatantStatus": "Estado da combatente", "COMBAT.CombatantToken": "Efixie ligada", "COMBAT.CombatantUpdate": "Editar combatente", @@ -50,10 +155,13 @@ "COMBAT.EndTitle": "Finalizar lance?", "COMBAT.InitiativeReset": "Reiniciar iniciativa", "COMBAT.InitiativeRoll": "Rolar iniciativa", + "COMBAT.Linked": "Vinculado á escena, preme para desvincular", + "COMBAT.NavLabel": "Navegación dos lances", "COMBAT.None": "Non hai lance activo", "COMBAT.NoneActive": "Non hai ningún lance activo na escena que estás a ver.", "COMBAT.NoneRemaining": "Non quedan combatentes neste lance que non foran xa derrotadas.", "COMBAT.NotStarted": "Por comezar", + "COMBAT.PingCombatant": "Ping no combatente", "COMBAT.Resource": "Recurso monitorado", "COMBAT.ResourceHint": "Escolle un atributo a monitorar por cada combatente.", "COMBAT.RollAll": "Rolar todas", @@ -65,8 +173,11 @@ "COMBAT.Rounds": "Roldas", "COMBAT.Settings": "Parámetros do xestor de combate", "COMBAT.SettingsSave": "Gardar", + "COMBAT.SidebarTitle": "Xestor do combate", "COMBAT.SkipDefeated": "Omitir as derrotadas?", "COMBAT.SkipDefeatedHint": "Saltar automáticamente as combatentes marcadas como derrotadas?", + "COMBAT.Sounds.Epic": "Épico", + "COMBAT.Sounds.MC": "Comentarista", "COMBAT.ToggleDead": "Marcar como derrotada", "COMBAT.ToggleVis": "Alternar a visibilidade", "COMBAT.Turn": "Turno", @@ -75,6 +186,7 @@ "COMBAT.TurnPrev": "Anterior turno", "COMBAT.Turns": "Turnos", "COMBAT.UnknownCombatant": "Combatente descoñecida", + "COMBAT.Unlinked": "Combate desvinculado, preme para vincular á escena", "COMPENDIUM.Create": "Crear compendio", "COMPENDIUM.CreateHint": "Crea un novo compendio no teu mundo actual.", "COMPENDIUM.Delete": "Borrar compendio", @@ -91,6 +203,7 @@ "COMPENDIUM.ImportAllStart": "Importando {number} {type} entradas para a carpeta {folder}. Fai o favor de agardar.", "COMPENDIUM.ImportEntry": "Importar entrada", "COMPENDIUM.Name": "Nome do compendio", + "COMPENDIUM.SidebarTitle": "Paquetes de compendio", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleLocked": "Alternar protección de edición", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleLockedWarning": "Vas desprotexer a edición dun compendio que non é deste mundo. Calquera mudanza que fagas neste compendio poderá perderse se o sistema ou módulo ao que pertence é actualizado. Talvez te sería mellor duplicar o compendio para o teu mundo en vez diso. Tes a certeza de querer continuar?", "COMPENDIUM.ToggleVisibility": "Alternar visibilidade", @@ -102,10 +215,15 @@ "CONTROLS.CanvasLeftDrag": "Usar a ferramenta activa", "CONTROLS.CanvasMove": "Mover elemento", "CONTROLS.CanvasPan": "Moverte polo lenzo", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPing": "Ping no lenzo", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPingAlert": "Alertar de ping no lenzo", + "CONTROLS.CanvasPingPull": "Mover lenzo ao ping", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelect": "Seleccionar elemento", + "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectAll": "Seleccionar todos os elementos", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectCancel": "Cancelar arrastre", "CONTROLS.CanvasSelectMany": "Engadir ou quitar os elementos seleccionados", "CONTROLS.CanvasZoom": "Achegar/afastar vista", + "CONTROLS.CharacterSheet": "Alternar ficha de personaxe", "CONTROLS.ClearAll": "Borrar todos os elementos", "CONTROLS.ClearAllHint": "Borrar permanentemente da escena todos os elementos de tipo {type}?", "CONTROLS.Double": "Duplo", @@ -132,7 +250,7 @@ "CONTROLS.GroupDrawing": "Ferramentas de debuxo", "CONTROLS.GroupLighting": "Controis de iluminación", "CONTROLS.GroupMeasure": "Controis de medida", - "CONTROLS.GroupNotes": "Notas do diario", + "CONTROLS.GroupNotes": "Notas de diario", "CONTROLS.GroupSound": "Controis do son ambiente", "CONTROLS.GroupTile": "Controis de teselas", "CONTROLS.GroupToken": "Controis de efixie", @@ -168,17 +286,17 @@ "CONTROLS.LightDraw": "Debuxar fonte de luz", "CONTROLS.LightNight": "Facer caer a noite", "CONTROLS.LightReset": "Restaurar néboa de guerra", - "CONTROLS.MeasureBorder": "Cor do borde", + "CONTROLS.LongPress": "Clic longo", "CONTROLS.MeasureCircle": "Modelo de círculo", "CONTROLS.MeasureClear": "Borrar modelos", "CONTROLS.MeasureCone": "Modelo de cono", "CONTROLS.MeasureConfigHint": "Configurar a colocación e visualización dos modelos de medida.", "CONTROLS.MeasureRay": "Modelo de raio", "CONTROLS.MeasureRect": "Modelo de rectángulo", - "CONTROLS.MeasureTemplate": "Textura do modelo", "CONTROLS.MeasureType": "Tipo de modelo", "CONTROLS.MouseControls": "Controis do rato", "CONTROLS.MouseWheel": "Roda do rato", + "CONTROLS.NavLabel": "Paleta de controis do lenzo", "CONTROLS.NoteClear": "Borrar notas", "CONTROLS.NoteSelect": "Seleccionar notas", "CONTROLS.NoteToggle": "Ver/ocultar de notas", @@ -216,7 +334,7 @@ "CONTROLS.WallDraw": "Debuxar muros", "CONTROLS.WallEthereal": "Muros etéreos", "CONTROLS.WallHeader": "Controis da capa de muros", - "CONTROLS.WallInvisible": "Muros invisíbeis", + "CONTROLS.WallInvisible": "Muros invisibles", "CONTROLS.WallSecret": "Portas secretas", "CONTROLS.WallSelect": "Seleccionar muros en rectángulo", "CONTROLS.WallSelectChain": "Seleccionar segmentos encadenados", @@ -225,49 +343,90 @@ "Cancel": "Cancelar", "Character": "Personaxe", "Close": "Pechar", + "Collapse": "Colapsar", "Command": "Comando", "Commit Change": "Confirmar mudanzas", "Configure": "Configurar", + "DETECTION.BasicSight": "Visión básica", + "DETECTION.FeelTremor": "Sentir tremores", + "DETECTION.SeeAll": "Velo todo", + "DETECTION.SeeInvisibility": "Ver invisibilidade", + "DETECTION.SenseAll": "Sentilo todo", + "DETECTION.SenseInvisibility": "Sentir invisibilidade", "DICE.ErrorNonNumeric": "A formula {formula} non produciu un resultado numérico ao ser rolada.", "DICE.WarnMissingData": "O atributo {match} non estaba presente nos datos de rolada proporcionados.", "DOCUMENT.ActiveEffect": "Efecto activo", + "DOCUMENT.ActiveEffects": "Efectos activos", "DOCUMENT.Actor": "Actor", + "DOCUMENT.Actors": "Actores", + "DOCUMENT.Adventure": "Aventura", + "DOCUMENT.Adventures": "Aventuras", "DOCUMENT.AmbientLight": "Luz ambiente", + "DOCUMENT.AmbientLights": "Luces de ambiente", "DOCUMENT.AmbientSound": "Son ambiente", + "DOCUMENT.AmbientSounds": "Sons de ambiente", + "DOCUMENT.Card": "Carta", + "DOCUMENT.Cards": "Pilla de cartas", + "DOCUMENT.CardsPlural": "Pillas de cartas", "DOCUMENT.ChatMessage": "Mensaxe de chat", + "DOCUMENT.ChatMessages": "Mensaxes de chat", "DOCUMENT.Combat": "Lance", "DOCUMENT.Combatant": "Combatente", + "DOCUMENT.Combatants": "Combatentes", + "DOCUMENT.Combats": "Lances", + "DOCUMENT.CopyOf": "{name} (copia)", "DOCUMENT.Create": "Crear novo {type}", "DOCUMENT.Delete": "Borrar {type}", "DOCUMENT.Drawing": "Debuxo", + "DOCUMENT.Drawings": "Debuxos", "DOCUMENT.Folder": "Cartafol", + "DOCUMENT.Folders": "Cartafoles", + "DOCUMENT.IdCopiedClipboard": "{type} {label} \"{id}\" copiado ao portapapeis.", "DOCUMENT.ImportData": "Importar datos", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataError": "Non subiches ningún ficheiro de datos!", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataHint1": "Podes importar datos para este {document} dun ficheiro JSON exportado.", "DOCUMENT.ImportDataHint2": "Esta operación actualizará os datos para {name} e non pode desfacerse.", "DOCUMENT.ImportSource": "Datos fonte", + "DOCUMENT.Imported": "Importáronse con éxito desde o JSON os datos do {document} \"{name}\".", "DOCUMENT.Item": "Obxecto", - "DOCUMENT.JournalEntry": "Entrada do diario", + "DOCUMENT.Items": "Obxectos", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntries": "Diario", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntry": "Entrada de diario", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntryPage": "Páxina", + "DOCUMENT.JournalEntryPages": "Páxinas", "DOCUMENT.Macro": "Macro", + "DOCUMENT.Macros": "Macros", "DOCUMENT.MeasuredTemplate": "Modelo medido", + "DOCUMENT.MeasuredTemplates": "Modelos de media", "DOCUMENT.New": "Novo {type}", "DOCUMENT.Note": "Nota", + "DOCUMENT.Notes": "Notas", "DOCUMENT.Playlist": "Lista de reprodución", "DOCUMENT.PlaylistSound": "Son dunha lista", + "DOCUMENT.PlaylistSounds": "Sons de lista", + "DOCUMENT.Playlists": "Listas de reprodución", "DOCUMENT.RollTable": "Táboa aleatoria", + "DOCUMENT.RollTables": "Táboas aleatorias", "DOCUMENT.Scene": "Escena", + "DOCUMENT.Scenes": "Escenas", "DOCUMENT.Setting": "Configuración", + "DOCUMENT.Settings": "Configuracións", "DOCUMENT.SheetPermissionWarn": "Non tes permiso para ver a ficha deste {document}.", + "DOCUMENT.SkipCreate": "Saltar creación", "DOCUMENT.TableResult": "Resultado dunha táboa", + "DOCUMENT.TableResults": "Resultados da táboa", "DOCUMENT.Tile": "Tesela", + "DOCUMENT.Tiles": "Teselas", "DOCUMENT.Token": "Efixie", + "DOCUMENT.Tokens": "Efixies", "DOCUMENT.Update": "Actualizar {type}", "DOCUMENT.UsePermissionWarn": "Non tes permiso para usar este {document}.", "DOCUMENT.User": "Usuario", + "DOCUMENT.Users": "Usuarios", "DOCUMENT.Wall": "Muro", + "DOCUMENT.Walls": "Muros", "DRAWING.Author": "Autor", "DRAWING.ConfigDefaultTitle": "Configuración predeterminada de debuxo", - "DRAWING.ConfigTitle": "Configuración de debuxo", "DRAWING.FillColor": "Cor de recheo", "DRAWING.FillOpacity": "Opacidade de recheo", "DRAWING.FillTexture": "Textura de recheo", @@ -284,8 +443,6 @@ "DRAWING.NoteLines": "Axusta a definición da liña exterior para este debuxo.", "DRAWING.NotePosition": "Axusta a posición e visibilidade do debuxo.", "DRAWING.NoteText": "Axusta a etiqueta de texto aplicada a este debuxo (se a ten).", - "DRAWING.PosX": "Posición X", - "DRAWING.PosY": "Posición Y", "DRAWING.Rotation": "Rotación", "DRAWING.SmoothingFactor": "Factor de suavización", "DRAWING.SmoothingFactorHint": "Nos debuxos a man alzada, o factor de suavización controla canto se suaviza a traxectoria.", @@ -308,9 +465,62 @@ "Delete": "Borrar", "Description": "Descrición", "Direction": "Dirección", + "Display": "Pantalla", "Distance": "Distancia", "Documentation": "Documentación", "Duplicate": "Duplicar", + "EDITOR.Alignment": "Aliñamento", + "EDITOR.AlignmentCenter": "Centro", + "EDITOR.AlignmentJustify": "Xustificado", + "EDITOR.AlignmentLeft": "Esquerda", + "EDITOR.AlignmentRight": "Dereita", + "EDITOR.Block": "Bloque", + "EDITOR.Blockquote": "Bloque de cita", + "EDITOR.Bold": "Negriña", + "EDITOR.BulletList": "Lista de puntos", + "EDITOR.ClearFormatting": "Limpar formato", + "EDITOR.Code": "Código", + "EDITOR.CodeBlock": "Bloque de código", + "EDITOR.CollaboratingUsers": "Usuarios colaboradoras", + "EDITOR.DiscardHTML": "Descartar mudas ao HTML", + "EDITOR.EditingHTMLWarning": "Outro usuario editou o mesmo documento. Calquera muda que fixeses ao HTML borrará as súas mudas, polo que non as podemos gardar.", + "EDITOR.Font": "Fonte", + "EDITOR.Format": "Formato", + "EDITOR.Heading": "Titular {level}", + "EDITOR.Headings": "Titulares", + "EDITOR.Hide": "Ocultar", + "EDITOR.HorizontalRule": "Liña horizontal", + "EDITOR.ImageAlt": "Descrición alternativa", + "EDITOR.ImageDimensions": "Dimensións", + "EDITOR.ImageDimensionsHint": "Déixaos en branco para usar o tamaño intrínseco da imaxe.", + "EDITOR.ImageInsert": "Inserir", + "EDITOR.ImageSource": "Orixe", + "EDITOR.Inline": "Na liña", + "EDITOR.InsertImage": "Inserir imaxe", + "EDITOR.Italic": "Cursiva", + "EDITOR.Link": "Ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkInsert": "inserir ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkText": "Texto da ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkTitle": "Título da ligazón", + "EDITOR.LinkURL": "URL da ligazón", + "EDITOR.Markdown": "Markdown", + "EDITOR.NoUploadPermission": "Debes ter permisos de suba de ficheiros para inserires contido de imaxes.", + "EDITOR.NumberList": "Lista numerada", + "EDITOR.Paragraph": "Parágrafo", + "EDITOR.ProseMirrorBadArguments": "Débese proporcionar un documento e un nome para crear unha instancia de ProseMirror.", + "EDITOR.Resync": "O estado do teu editor desincronizouse do servidor e debe ser restaurado. O contido orixinal do teu editor foi copiado para o portapapeis.", + "EDITOR.Reveal": "Revelar", + "EDITOR.Save": "Gardar mudas", + "EDITOR.SaveAndClose": "Gardar e pechar editor", + "EDITOR.Secret": "Secreto", + "EDITOR.SourceHTML": "HTML fonte", + "EDITOR.Strikethrough": "Riscado", + "EDITOR.Subscript": "Subíndice", + "EDITOR.Superscript": "Superíndice", + "EDITOR.TinyMCE": "TinyMCE", + "EDITOR.Underline": "Subliñado", + "EDITOR.UploadComplete": "Suba completa.", + "EDITOR.UploadingFile": "Subindo ficheiro de imaxe.", "EFFECT.ChangeKey": "Chave do atributo", "EFFECT.ChangeMode": "Mudar o modo", "EFFECT.ChangeValue": "Valor do efecto", @@ -349,6 +559,7 @@ "EFFECT.StatusFrozen": "Conxelada", "EFFECT.StatusHolyShield": "Escudo sagrado", "EFFECT.StatusIceShield": "Escudo de xeo", + "EFFECT.StatusInvisible": "Invisible", "EFFECT.StatusMagicShield": "Escudo máxico", "EFFECT.StatusMarked": "Marcada", "EFFECT.StatusParalysis": "Paralizada", @@ -368,28 +579,18 @@ "EFFECT.TabDuration": "Duración", "EFFECT.TabEffects": "Efectos", "EFFECT.Transfer": "Transferir efectos ao actor", - "ENTITY.Actor": "Actor", - "ENTITY.ChatMessage": "Mensaxe de chat", - "ENTITY.Combat": "Lance", - "ENTITY.Create": "Crear {entity}", - "ENTITY.CreateNew": "Crear", - "ENTITY.Folder": "Cartafol", - "ENTITY.Item": "Obxecto", - "ENTITY.JournalEntry": "Entrada do diario", - "ENTITY.Macro": "Comando de macro", - "ENTITY.New": "Novo/a {entity}", - "ENTITY.Playlist": "Lista de audios", - "ENTITY.RollTable": "Táboa aleatoria", - "ENTITY.Scene": "Escena", - "ENTITY.User": "Usuario", "ERROR.BackgroundTextureSize": "Estás a usar unha textura de fondo de escena de dimensións {width}px por {height}px. Unha ou ambas de esas dimensións pasan do tamaño máximo de textura de {max}px soportado polo teu dispositivo.", "ERROR.BrowserVersion": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop usa funcionalidades modernas de Javascript non soportadas nas versións de {browser} inferiores a {minimum}. Estás a usar {browser} versión {version}. Actualízao ou usa un navegador diferente.", "ERROR.CantWhisper": "Non tes permiso para enviar mensaxes bisbadas a outras xogadoras.", + "ERROR.ElectronVersion": "Estás a usar unha versión antiga do cliente Electron de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Para obteres un mellor rendemento, recomendámosche que volvas baixar a versión que queres de Foundry Virtual Tabletop e leves a cabo unha reinstalación completa do software.", "ERROR.InvalidAdminKey": "A chave de administración proporcionada é inválida. Se esqueciches o contrasinal configurado terás que borrar a man o ficheiro Config/admin.txt da localización dos datos de usuario.", "ERROR.LoadPackages": "A túa solicitude para explorar os paquetes existentes fallou ao conectar co servidor de Foundry. Comproba que a túa aplicación permite as conexións saíntes.", "ERROR.LowResolution": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop require unha resolución de pantalla mínima de {reqWidth}px por {reqHeight} ou maior. A túa pantalla ten actualmente unha resolución efectiva de {width}px por {height}px, e pode que moitas funcionalidades do software non funcionen axeitadamente.", + "ERROR.NoHardwareAcceleration": "O teu navegador web non ten activada a aceleración por hardware. Isto afectará fortemente o rendemento de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Busca e activa a aceleración por hardware nos axustes do teu navegador.", "ERROR.NoTargetUsersForWhisper": "Non existen os usuarios albo deste bisbo. Mira que os escribises ben ou proba a usar \"/w [Nome de usuario]\".", "ERROR.NoWebGL": "O teu navegador non soporta actualmente o renderizado con WebGL que require Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Comproba que tanto o renderizado por hardware como WebGL estean activados no teu navegador.", + "ERROR.NoWebGL2": "O teu navegador non ten soporte para rendering por WebGL Versión 2, como se recomenda para Foundry Virtual Tabletop.", + "ERROR.RendererNotDetected": "Non se puido identificar o teu renderizador GPU, polo que poden ocorrer problemas de rendemento inesperados.", "ERROR.TokenCollide": "O movemento de efixie iniciado colide con polo menos un muro.", "EULA.Acknowledge": "Acordo de uso", "EULA.Agree": "Concordo", @@ -397,8 +598,10 @@ "EULA.Decline": "Recuso", "Elevation": "Elevación", "Error": "Erro", + "Expand": "Expandir", "FILES.BrowseTooltip": "Explorar ficheiros", "FILES.CreateDirectory": "Crear directorio", + "FILES.CreateSubfolder": "Crear subcartafol", "FILES.DisplayMode": "Modo de visualización", "FILES.DisplayModeImages": "Vista de imaxes", "FILES.DisplayModeList": "Vista en lista", @@ -418,8 +621,10 @@ "FILES.SourceUser": "Datos de usuario", "FILES.TileSize": "Tamaño de cuadrícula do recurso", "FILES.TileSizeHint": "Especifica o tamaño de cuadrícula da tesela (en píxeles) para que sexa automáticamente redimensionada cando a colocares na escena activa.", + "FILES.TitleAny": "Explorador de ficheiros", "FILES.TitleAudio": "Explorador de audios", "FILES.TitleFolder": "Explorador de cartafoles", + "FILES.TitleFont": "Explorador de fontes", "FILES.TitleImage": "Explorador de imaxes", "FILES.TitleImageVideo": "Explorador de imaxes e vídeos", "FILES.TitleVideo": "Explorador de vídeos", @@ -434,13 +639,18 @@ "FOLDER.CreateTableConfirm": "Crear unha nova entidade de táboa rolable usando os contidos deste cartafol como os resultados da táboa?", "FOLDER.Delete": "Borrar por completo", "FOLDER.DeleteWarning": "Este cartafolserá borrado permanentemente canda todo o seu contido e non poderá recuperarse.", + "FOLDER.DocumentSort": "Posición na orde", + "FOLDER.DocumentSortHint": "Define a posición deste documento na orde relativa a outros na súa colección. Os números máis baixos van antes.", "FOLDER.Edit": "Editar cartafol", "FOLDER.Export": "Exportar a un compendio", "FOLDER.ExportDestination": "Paquete destino", + "FOLDER.ExportDone": "Finalizou a exportación de {type}s ao compendio {compendium}.", "FOLDER.ExportHint": "Podes exportar as entidades contidas neste cartafol a un paquete de compendio desbloqueado do tipo axeitado.", + "FOLDER.ExportKeepId": "Manter os identificadores dos documentos?", "FOLDER.ExportMerge": "Fusionar por nome?", "FOLDER.ExportTitle": "Exportar contido", "FOLDER.ExportWarningNone": "Non hai paquetes de compendio desbloqueados e dispoñibles para entidades de tipo {entity} aos que poidas exportar.", + "FOLDER.Exporting": "Exportando {n} documentos de {type} ao compendio {compendium}.", "FOLDER.Name": "Nome do cartafol", "FOLDER.Remove": "Quitar cartafol", "FOLDER.RemoveWarning": "Este cartafol será borrado permanentemente e os seus contidos serán movidos ao cartafol superior.", @@ -448,30 +658,45 @@ "FOLDER.SortManual": "Manual", "FOLDER.SortMode": "Ordenación", "FOLDER.Update": "Actualizar cartafol", + "FONTS.AddFont": "Engadir fonte", + "FONTS.Family": "Familia", + "FONTS.File": "Ficheiro", + "FONTS.FontPreview": "Fíxate, o mesquiño bacharel pide vinganza.", + "FONTS.RemoveFont": "Borrar fonte", + "FONTS.Style": "Estilo", + "FONTS.Type": "Tipo", + "FONTS.TypeFile": "Ficheiro", + "FONTS.TypeHint": "As fontes de tipo ficheiro cárganse desde o teu cartafol de datos e báixanse polas participantes. As fontes de tipo sistema cárganse desde o teu sistema operativo e cada participante debe tela dispoñible tamén no seu propio sistema operativo.", + "FONTS.TypeSystem": "Sistema", + "FONTS.Weight": "Peso", "File Path": "Ruta de ficheiro", "Foundry Virtual Tabletop": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop", "GAME.Paused": "Partida en pausa", "GAME.PausedWarning": "Non podes levar a cabo esta acción mentres a partida estea en pausa.", + "GridSpaces": "Espazos da cuadrícula", "GridUnits": "Unidades de cuadrícula", + "HUD.AssignStatusEffects": "Asignar efectos de estado", "HUD.TileOverhead": "Tesela de teito", "HUD.TilePause": "Pausar vídeo de teselas", "HUD.TilePlay": "Reproducir vídeo de teselas", "HUD.TileUnderfoot": "Tesela de chan", "HUD.ToBack": "Mandar para o fondo", "HUD.ToFront": "Traer para a fronte", + "HUD.ToggleCombatState": "Alternar estado no combate", "HUD.ToggleLock": "Alternar bloqueo", "HUD.ToggleVis": "Alternar visibilidade", "Height": "Alto", "Hidden": "Oculto", "Hold": "Manter", + "INFO.SceneViewCanvasDisabled": "A vista está na escena \"{name}\" pero non se mostra porque o lenzo de xogo está desactivado.", + "INVITATIONS.ClosedConnection": "A túa conexión parece estar pechada", "INVITATIONS.Copied": "Ligazón de convite á partida copiada ao portarretallos", "INVITATIONS.Instructions": "Pásalles estas ligazóns de convite aos usuarios que queiras que se unan á partida. A ligazón de convite local é para aos usuarios da túa rede local mentres que a ligazón para internet é para as que se conectan pola rede externa a través do porto que estea configurado.", "INVITATIONS.Internet": "Internet", "INVITATIONS.Local": "Rede local", + "INVITATIONS.OpenConnection": "A túa conexión parece estar aberta", "INVITATIONS.Title": "Ligazóns de convite para a partida", - "ITEM.Create": "Crear obxecto", - "ITEM.Delete": "Borrar obxecto", - "ITEM.Search": "Procurar obxectos", + "INVITATIONS.UnknownConnection": "Non se puido determinar o estado da túa conexión", "ITEM.ViewArt": "Ver ilustración do obxecto", "Image": "Imaxe", "Install": "Instalar", @@ -490,62 +715,196 @@ "JOIN.UserKey": "Contrasinal", "JOURNAL.ActionShow": "Mostrar ás xogadoras", "JOURNAL.ActionShowSuccess": "Mostrouse o contido {mode} de {title} ás xogadoras {which}.", + "JOURNAL.AddPage": "Engadir páxina", "JOURNAL.AnchorBottom": "Abaixo", "JOURNAL.AnchorCenter": "Centro", "JOURNAL.AnchorLeft": "Esquerda", "JOURNAL.AnchorRight": "Dereita", "JOURNAL.AnchorTop": "Arriba", - "JOURNAL.Create": "Crear entrada", + "JOURNAL.EntryTitle": "Título", + "JOURNAL.ImageShowSuccess": "Imaxe mostrada ás xogadoras {which}.", "JOURNAL.ModeImage": "Imaxe", "JOURNAL.ModeText": "Texto", - "JOURNAL.Search": "Procurar entradas do diario", + "JOURNAL.NavLabel": "Táboa de contidos das entradas de diario", + "JOURNAL.NextPage": "Seguinte páxina", + "JOURNAL.PrevPage": "Anterior páxina", + "JOURNAL.ShowBadPermissions": "Só podes mostrar entradas de diario ou páxinas das que sexas dona.", + "JOURNAL.ShowEntry": "Mostrar {name}", + "JOURNAL.ShowNoPlayers": "Non hai outras xogadoras conectadas ás que lles mostrar isto.", + "JOURNAL.ShowOwnershipHint": "Mellora opcionalmente a propiedade deste documento para as xogadoras ás que se lles está a mostrar. Se algunha xogadora ten xa unha propiedade máis alta, non se lle reducirá.", + "JOURNAL.ShowTo": "Mostrar a", "JOURNAL.Submit": "Gardar entrada", - "JOURNAL.Title": "Diario", - "LIGHT.AnimationBlackHole": "Buraco negro (escuridade)", + "JOURNAL.ViewCollapse": "Colapsar barra lateral", + "JOURNAL.ViewExpand": "Expandir barra lateral", + "JOURNAL.ViewMultiple": "Ver varias páxinas", + "JOURNAL.ViewSingle": "Ver unha páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.DefaultPageSheet": "Folla predeterminada de {page}", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Format": "Formato", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.HeadingLevel": "Titular tamaño", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ImageCaption": "Pé de imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ImageSource": "Orixe da imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Level": "Nivel {level}", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PDFLoad": "Subir PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PDFSource": "Orixe do PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Page": "Páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.PageTitle": "Nome da páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageCaption": "Mostrar pé de imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageOnly": "Mostrar só imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowImageTitle": "Mostrar título da imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.ShowTitle": "Mostrar título da páxina", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Source": "Orixe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.Type": "Tipo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeImage": "Imaxe", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypePDF": "PDF", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeText": "Texto", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.TypeVideo": "Vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoControls": "Mostrar controis do vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoDimensions": "Dimensións do vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoSource": "Orixe do vídeo", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoSourceHint": "Pode ser un ficheiro local, unha URL a un ficheiro de vídeo remoto, ou unha URL de Youtube.", + "JOURNALENTRYPAGE.VideoStartTime": "Momento de comezo do vídeo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionCategories": "Categorías da acción", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionFilter": "Filtro de accións", + "KEYBINDINGS.ActionName": "Nome da acción", + "KEYBINDINGS.AddBinding": "Engadir atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.AllActions": "Todas as accións", + "KEYBINDINGS.Conflict": "Conflito potencial con {conflicts}", + "KEYBINDINGS.Copy": "Copiar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.CoreKeybindings": "Atallos básicos", + "KEYBINDINGS.CoreMouse": "Controis básicos do rato", + "KEYBINDINGS.CycleView": "Ciclar entre vistas do lenzo", + "KEYBINDINGS.Delete": "Borrar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.DeleteBinding": "Borrar atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.Dismiss": "Alternar menú / dispensar xanela", + "KEYBINDINGS.EditBinding": "Editar atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorIllegalModifier": "A tecla modificadora requerida \"{key}\" non é un valor válido contido en KeyboardManager.MODIFIER_KEYS", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorProtectedKey": "Non se pode asignar a tecla protexida \"{key}\" como atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ErrorReservedModifier": "Non se pode asignar \"{key}\" como atallo, xa que é un modificador reservado para esta acción de atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ExecuteMacro": "Executar a ranura {number} da barra", + "KEYBINDINGS.FocusChat": "Poñer foco no chat", + "KEYBINDINGS.Highlight": "Destacar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.HowToEdit": "Usa {icon} ou fai duplo clic no atallo para mudar o seu valor.", + "KEYBINDINGS.MoveAlongMeasuredRuler": "Moverse polas distancias da regra", + "KEYBINDINGS.MustBeArray": "Debe pasar un array de valores", + "KEYBINDINGS.NavLabel": "Lapelas de configuración de atallos", + "KEYBINDINGS.PTTKey": "Preme para falar / silenciar", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDown": "Mover ou desprazar a vista abaixo", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDownLeft": "Mover ou desprazar a vista abaixo e á esquerda", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanDownRight": "Mover ou desprazar a vista abaixo e á dereita", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanLeft": "Mover ou desprazar a vista á esquerda", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanRight": "Mover ou desprazar a vista á dereita", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUp": "Mover ou desprazar a vista arriba", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUpLeft": "Mover ou desprazar a vista arriba e á esquerda", + "KEYBINDINGS.PanUpRight": "Mover ou desprazar a vista arriba e á dereita", + "KEYBINDINGS.Paste": "Pegar elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.Pause": "Pausar partida", + "KEYBINDINGS.ReservedModifiers": "Modificadores especiais: {modifiers}", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetSuccess": "Todos os atallos foron restaurados aos seus valores predeterminados.", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetTitle": "Restaurar atallos predeterminados", + "KEYBINDINGS.ResetWarning": "Queres restaurar todos os atallos aos seus valores predeterminados?", + "KEYBINDINGS.Restricted": "Só Dirección de Xogo", + "KEYBINDINGS.SaveBinding": "Gardar atallo", + "KEYBINDINGS.SelectAll": "Seleccionar todos os elementos", + "KEYBINDINGS.SwapMacroPage": "Pasar a barra para a páxina {page}", + "KEYBINDINGS.Target": "Apuntar para a efixie", + "KEYBINDINGS.ToggleCharacterSheet": "Alternar ficha de personaxe", + "KEYBINDINGS.Undo": "Desfacer a última acción", + "KEYBINDINGS.Uneditable": "Atallo non editable", + "KEYBINDINGS.ZoomIn": "Achegar vista ao lenzo", + "KEYBINDINGS.ZoomOut": "Afastar vista do lenzo", + "LIGHT.AdaptiveLuminance": "Luminosidade adaptativa", + "LIGHT.Alpha": "Intensidade de cor", + "LIGHT.Angle": "Ángulo de emisión", + "LIGHT.AngleHint": "Limita o ángulo de emisión para esta fonte de luz, e configura a súa rotación.", + "LIGHT.AnimationBewitchingWave": "Onda embruxadora", + "LIGHT.AnimationBlackHole": "Buraco negro", "LIGHT.AnimationChroma": "Chroma", "LIGHT.AnimationEmanation": "Emanación misteriosa", "LIGHT.AnimationEnergyField": "Campo de enerxía", + "LIGHT.AnimationFairyLight": "Luz encantada", + "LIGHT.AnimationFlame": "Facho", "LIGHT.AnimationFog": "Néboa arremuiñada", + "LIGHT.AnimationForceGrid": "Grella de forza", "LIGHT.AnimationGhostLight": "Luz fantasmagórica", "LIGHT.AnimationHexaDome": "Cúpula hexagonal", + "LIGHT.AnimationHint": "Aumentar a velocidade da animación fai que o bucle se reproduza máis rápido, mentres que aumentar a intensidade da animación faina máis evidente e pronunciada.", "LIGHT.AnimationIntensity": "Intensidade da animación", "LIGHT.AnimationLightDome": "Cúpula de luz", "LIGHT.AnimationPulse": "Pulso", + "LIGHT.AnimationRadialRainbow": "Arco da vella radial", + "LIGHT.AnimationReverse": "Invertir dirección", "LIGHT.AnimationRoilingMass": "Masa túrbida (escuridade)", + "LIGHT.AnimationSmokePatch": "Nube de fume", "LIGHT.AnimationSpeed": "Velocidade da animación", + "LIGHT.AnimationStarLight": "Luz de estrelas", "LIGHT.AnimationSunburst": "Resplandor solar", + "LIGHT.AnimationSwirlingRainbow": "Arco da vella en remuíño", "LIGHT.AnimationTorch": "Facho", "LIGHT.AnimationType": "Tipo de animación lumínica", + "LIGHT.AnimationVortex": "Vórtice", "LIGHT.AnimationWave": "Onda pulsante", - "LIGHT.ConfigHint": "Define a posición, raio, ángulo, cor e animación desta fonte de luz ambiental.", + "LIGHT.Attenuation": "Atenuación", + "LIGHT.AttenuationHint": "Transicionar a iluminación gradualmente entre brillante, tenue e escura.", + "LIGHT.Bright": "Brillante", + "LIGHT.Color": "Cor de luz", + "LIGHT.ColorBurn": "Queimadura de cor", + "LIGHT.ColorHint": "Aplicar coloración a esta fonte de luz e definir a súa intensidade.", + "LIGHT.ColorationTechnique": "Técnica de coloración", + "LIGHT.ColorationTechniqueHint": "A técnica de coloración aplicada á fonte de luz contribúe mestura aditiva ao aspecto resultante.", "LIGHT.ConfigTitle": "Definición de fonte de luz", + "LIGHT.Contrast": "Contraste", + "LIGHT.ContrastHint": "Axusta o contraste das superficies iluminadas por esta onte de luz. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.", + "LIGHT.Coordinates": "Coordenadas", "LIGHT.Create": "Crear fonte de luz", "LIGHT.DarknessRange": "Rango de escuridade de activación", "LIGHT.DarknessRangeHint": "Podes especificar un rango de niveis de escuridade durante os cales esta fonte de luz será visible.", - "LIGHT.LightAlpha": "Intesidade da cor", - "LIGHT.LightAngle": "Ángulo da emisión", - "LIGHT.LightBright": "Raio da luz brillante", - "LIGHT.LightColor": "Cor da luz", - "LIGHT.LightDim": "Raio da luz tenue", - "LIGHT.LightRotation": "Ángulo de rotación da luz", - "LIGHT.LightType": "Tipo de luz", - "LIGHT.TypeGlobal": "Luz global", - "LIGHT.TypeLocal": "Luz local", - "LIGHT.TypeUniversal": "Luz universal", + "LIGHT.Dim": "Tenue", + "LIGHT.ExternalBurn": "Queimadura de cor externa", + "LIGHT.ExternalHalo": "Halo externo", + "LIGHT.HeaderAdvanced": "Opcións avanzadas", + "LIGHT.HeaderAnimation": "Animación de luz", + "LIGHT.HeaderBasic": "Configuración básica", + "LIGHT.HighAbsorption": "Alta absorción", + "LIGHT.InternalBurn": "Queimadura de cor interna", + "LIGHT.InternalHalo": "Halo interno", + "LIGHT.InvertAbsorption": "Invertir absorción", + "LIGHT.LegacyColoration": "Coloración de legado", + "LIGHT.LowAbsorption": "Baixa absorción", + "LIGHT.Luminosity": "Luminosidade", + "LIGHT.LuminosityHint": "Axusta a luminosidade desta fonte de luz. As luces máis luminosas redúcense menos perante a escuridade. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.5.", + "LIGHT.NaturalLight": "Luz natural", + "LIGHT.NavLabel": "Lapelas de configuración de luz", + "LIGHT.Radius": "Raio de luz", + "LIGHT.RadiusHint": "Configura a distancia de emisión de luz desta fonte, onde o raio de luz brillante inclúese no raio de luz tenue.", + "LIGHT.ResetAdvanced": "Restaurar opcións avanzadas", + "LIGHT.Rotation": "Ángulo de rotación", + "LIGHT.Saturation": "Saturación", + "LIGHT.SaturationHint": "Axusta a saturación das superficies iluminadas por esta fonte de luz. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.", + "LIGHT.Shadows": "Sombras", + "LIGHT.ShadowsHint": "Potencia a intensidade das cores escuras iluminadas por esta fonte de luz. O valor predeterminado para unha fonte de luz estándar é 0.", "LIGHT.Update": "Actualizar fonte de luz", - "MACRO.Create": "Crear macro", + "LIGHT.Vision": "Proporciona visión", + "LIGHT.VisionHint": "Proporciona unha fonte de visión adicional para efixies controladas.", + "LIGHT.Walls": "Restrinxida por muros", + "LIGHT.WallsHint": "Configura se a área de efecto desta fonte de luz se ve restrinxida polos muros próximos.", + "MACRO.CollapseHotbar": "Colapsar barra de macros", "MACRO.Delete": "Borrar macro", "MACRO.DeleteWarning": "Esta macro será borrada permanentemente para todos os usuarios.", + "MACRO.Directory": "Explorar directorio de macros", "MACRO.Edit": "Editar macro", "MACRO.Execute": "Executar macro", + "MACRO.NavLabel": "Barra de macros", + "MACRO.PageDown": "Seguinte páxina", + "MACRO.PageUp": "Anterior páxina", "MACRO.Remove": "Quitar macro", "MACRO.Save": "Gardar macro", - "MACRO.Search": "Procurar macros", "MENU.Logout": "Desconectarse", + "MENU.NavLabel": "Menú secundario", "MENU.Players": "Definir participantes", "MENU.Reload": "Recargar aplicación", "MENU.Setup": "Saír ao menú principal", "MODMANAGE.Bugs": "Informes de erros", + "MODMANAGE.Build": "Build", "MODMANAGE.DeactivateAll": "Desactivar todos os módulos", "MODMANAGE.DepDisable": "Este módulo ten {number} dependencias que talvez xa non sexan necesarias. Queres desactivalas tamén?", "MODMANAGE.DepDisableCheck": "Queres desactivalos tamén?", @@ -554,12 +913,15 @@ "MODMANAGE.DepMissing": "Activaches o módulo {module}, pero as súas dependencias {missing} están desactivadas!", "MODMANAGE.DepNotInstalled": "A dependencia {missing} non está instalada!", "MODMANAGE.Dependencies": "Dependencias", + "MODMANAGE.DependencyIssues": "Non se pode activar por problemas coas dependencias requeridas", "MODMANAGE.FilterActive": "Módulos activos", "MODMANAGE.FilterAll": "Todos os módulos", "MODMANAGE.FilterInactive": "Módulos inactivos", "MODMANAGE.Instructions": "Usa este formulario para definir que módulos están activos no teu mundo actual. Modificar os módulos activos fará que a sesión actual se recargue de novo.", + "MODMANAGE.NavLabel": "Navegación pola xestión de módulos", "MODMANAGE.None": "Non hai módulos dispoñibles neste mundo. Podes ver esta lista pero non modificala.", "MODMANAGE.Readme": "Documentación do módulo", + "MODMANAGE.RequiredModule": "Requírese que este módulo estea activo", "MODMANAGE.Search": "Filtrar módulos", "MODMANAGE.Submit": "Gardar configuración de módulos", "MODMANAGE.Title": "Xestión de módulos", @@ -569,28 +931,65 @@ "NOTE.AnchorPoint": "Ancoraxe do texto", "NOTE.ConfigTitle": "Configuración da nota no mapa", "NOTE.Create": "Crear nota no mapa", + "NOTE.CreateJournal": "Crear a entrada de diario correspondente?", + "NOTE.Custom": "Personalizada", + "NOTE.CustomIcon": "Icona personalizada", "NOTE.EntryIcon": "Icona da entrada", "NOTE.FontFamily": "Fonte", "NOTE.FontSize": "Tamaño da fonte", + "NOTE.Global": "Visible globalmente", + "NOTE.GlobalHint": "Permitir que esta nota sexa vista en calquera lugar do mapa por un xogador con permisos para vela.", "NOTE.IconSize": "Tamaño da icona", "NOTE.IconTint": "Tintura da icona", "NOTE.TextColor": "Cor do texto", "NOTE.TextLabel": "Etiqueta do texto", + "NOTE.Unknown": "Descoñecida", "NOTE.Update": "Actualizar nota do mapa", - "NOTE.WarningNoCreate": "Non tes permisos abondo para crear unha nota para {name}.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchBody": "Parece que se trata dun mundo novo. Para comezar, deberías engadir todas as xogadoras extras que precises na configuración de xestión de usuarios. Desde alí, podes crear actores para elas, así como calquera outra personaxe que poidas necesitar representar. Os mapas e outras axudas visuais prepáranse usando as escenas, e as notas e outro materiais para entregar almacénanse nas entradas de diario.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchHeader": "Iniciándote", + "NUE.FirstLaunchHint": " Esta tarxeta do chat pode separarse facendo clic dereito nela, ou podes separar a lapela enteira das mensaxes facendo clic dereito na icona do bocadillo enriba de todo. Desta forma podes separar tamén calquera das outras lapelas desta barra lateral.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchInvite": "Invitar as xogadoras", + "NUE.FirstLaunchInviteBody": "Cando todo estea listo e esteas preparada para convidar as túas xogadoras, podes enviarlles unha ligazón ao teu mundo desde as ligazóns de convite.", + "NUE.FirstLaunchKB": "Mira ben todas as lapelas que tes nesta barra lateral. Para obteres máis información, podes revisar a serie Tutorial para Másters (en inglés) na nosa Base de Coñecementos (en inglés).", + "NUE.FirstLaunchTroubleshooting": "Se o diálogo das ligazóns de convite indica que a conexión está pechada, pode que teñas que configurar o reenviado de portos. Podes atopar instrucións ao respecto na nosa guía de reenvío de portos (en inglés). Se aínda precisas máis axuda, convidámosche a unirte ao noso Discord e enviar unha mensaxe (en inglés) no canal #install-and-connection para problemas cos convites, no canal #troubleshooting para problemas xerais co software, ou no canal #core-how-to para aprenderes como facer cousas en FoundryVTT.", "Name": "Nome", + "Next": "Seguinte", "No": "Non", "None": "Ningún", "Notes": "Notas", + "OWNERSHIP.AllPlayers": "Todo o mundo", + "OWNERSHIP.Configure": "Definir propiedade", + "OWNERSHIP.DEFAULT": "Predeterminada", + "OWNERSHIP.HintDocument": "Configurar o acceso a este documento específico e permitir que cada o teña asignado un nivel de visibilidade diferente.", + "OWNERSHIP.HintFolder": "Configurar acceso para todos os documentos deste cartafol. As mudas aplicaranse a todos os documentos aquí contidos, agás os contidos nos subcartafoles.", + "OWNERSHIP.INHERIT": "Herdada", + "OWNERSHIP.LIMITED": "Limitada", + "OWNERSHIP.NOCHANGE": "Sen mudas", + "OWNERSHIP.NONE": "Ningunha", + "OWNERSHIP.OBSERVER": "Espectadora", + "OWNERSHIP.OWNER": "Dona", + "OWNERSHIP.Title": "Configuración de propiedade", + "PACKAGE.GetPackagesTimedOut": "Esgotouse o tempo recuperando paquetes", + "PACKAGE.InstallFailed": "Encontráronse erros ao instalar o paquete. Consulta a consola (F12) para veres os detalles.", + "PACKAGE.PackageInstallTimedOut": "Esgoutouse o tempo instalando paquetes", + "PACKAGE.SetupErrors": "Encontráronse {number} erros críticos nos paquetes instalados. Consulta a consola (F12) para veres os detalles.", + "PACKAGE.SetupWarnings": "Detectáronse {number} avisos de compatibilidade nos paquetes instalados. Consulta a consola (F12) para veres os detalles.", "PACKAGE.TagCSS": "CSS", "PACKAGE.TagCompendium": "Compendio", "PACKAGE.TagCoreVersion": "Plataforma", "PACKAGE.TagJavaScript": "JavaScript", "PACKAGE.TagLocalization": "Localización", + "PACKAGE.TagUnavailable": "Non dispoñible", "PACKAGE.TagVersion": "Versión", + "PACKAGE.UpdateCheckTimedOut": "Esgotouse o tempo comprobando as actualizacións", + "PACKAGE.WarmCacheTimedOut": "Esgotouse o tempo preparando a caché de paquetes", + "PACKAGECONFIG.All": "Todos", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Core": "Básicos", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Filter": "Filtro", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Reset": "Restaurar predeterminada", + "PACKAGECONFIG.Unmapped": "Sen mapear", "PERMISSION.ActorCreate": "Crear novos actores", "PERMISSION.ActorCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen novos actores no mundo.", - "PERMISSION.AllPlayers": "Todo o mundo", "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudio": "Permitir transmitir audios", "PERMISSION.BroadcastAudioHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol transmitan audio ao usar as funcionaldiades audiovisuais do chat.", "PERMISSION.BroadcastVideo": "Permitir transmitir vídeo", @@ -598,31 +997,23 @@ "PERMISSION.Configure": "Definir permisos", "PERMISSION.ConfigureHint": "Axusta as accións permitidas para aos usuarios de cada rol.", "PERMISSION.ConfigureLabel": "Abrir a definición de permisos", - "PERMISSION.DEFAULT": "Predeterminado", "PERMISSION.DrawingCreate": "Usar ferramentas de debuxo", "PERMISSION.DrawingCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen debuxos usando as ferramentas de debuxo.", "PERMISSION.FilesBrowse": "Explorar ficheiros", "PERMISSION.FilesBrowseHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol exploren os ficheiros dispoñibles no selector de ficheiros.", "PERMISSION.FilesUpload": "Subir novos ficheiros", "PERMISSION.FilesUploadHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol suban contido ao servidor usando o selector de ficheiros.", - "PERMISSION.HintEntity": "Define o acceso específico a esta entidade en particular, permitindo que cada usuario teña cadanseu nivel de visibilidade.", - "PERMISSION.HintFolder": "Define o acceso para todas as entidades dentro deste cartafol. As mudanzas aplicaranse a todas as entidas interiores, agás aquilo contido nos subcartafoles.", "PERMISSION.Instructions": "Configura que rol ten permiso para facer que accion. Repara en que algunhas das accións non se poden desactivar para a Dirección de Xogo. Pode que algunhas das mudanzas non sexan efectivas ata recargares a partida.", "PERMISSION.ItemCreate": "Crear novos obxectos", "PERMISSION.ItemCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen novos obxectos no mundo.", "PERMISSION.JournalCreate": "Crear entradas no diario", "PERMISSION.JournalCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol creen novas entradas de diario na barra do diario.", - "PERMISSION.LIMITED": "Limitado", "PERMISSION.MacroScript": "Usar macros con scripts", "PERMISSION.MacroScriptHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol usen macros de JavaScript que accedan á API.", "PERMISSION.MessageWhisper": "Bisbar mensaxes privadas", "PERMISSION.MessageWhisperHint": "Permite que xogadoras con este rol bisben mensaxes privadas que o Dirección de Xogo non pode ver.", - "PERMISSION.NOCHANGE": "Sen mudanzas", - "PERMISSION.NONE": "Ningún", "PERMISSION.NoteCreate": "Crear notas no mapa", - "PERMISSION.NoteCreateHint": "Permitir aos usuarios con este rol crearen elementos de nota das entradas do diario das que son propietarios.", - "PERMISSION.OBSERVER": "Espectador", - "PERMISSION.OWNER": "Dono", + "PERMISSION.NoteCreateHint": "Permitir aos usuarios con este rol crearen elementos de nota das entradas de diario das que son propietarios.", "PERMISSION.Permission": "Permiso", "PERMISSION.Permissions": "Usar permisos de roles", "PERMISSION.Reset": "Restablecer predeterminados", @@ -640,8 +1031,11 @@ "PERMISSION.TokenConfigureHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol configuren as efixies que lles pertencen.", "PERMISSION.TokenCreate": "Crear novas efixies", "PERMISSION.TokenCreateHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol coloquen efixies no lenzo para os actores que lles pertencen.", + "PERMISSION.TokenDelete": "Borrar efixies", + "PERMISSION.TokenDeleteHint": "Permitir que as usuarios con este rol borren do lenzo as efixies para os actores das que son donas.", "PERMISSION.WallDoors": "Abrir e pechar portas", "PERMISSION.WallDoorsHint": "Permite que as participantes con este rol interactúen coas portas definidas na capa de muros.", + "PERMISSION.WarningNoCreate": "Non tes permiso para crear un/ha {document}.", "PLAYERS.Ban": "Banir participante", "PLAYERS.CharRelease": "Ceibar personaxe", "PLAYERS.CharSelect": "Seleccionar personaxe", @@ -658,7 +1052,6 @@ "PLAYLIST.Backward": "Son anterior", "PLAYLIST.BulkImport": "Importar en lote", "PLAYLIST.BulkImportWarning": "Non se importan sons de lista válidos do cartafol solicitado \"{path}\"", - "PLAYLIST.Create": "Crear lista", "PLAYLIST.CurrentlyPlaying": "Soando arestora", "PLAYLIST.Delete": "Borrar lista", "PLAYLIST.Description": "Descrición da lista", @@ -672,8 +1065,12 @@ "PLAYLIST.ModeShuffle": "Reprodución salteada", "PLAYLIST.ModeSimultaneous": "Reprodución simultánea", "PLAYLIST.Name": "Nome da lista", + "PLAYLIST.PinToBottom": "Fixar ao final", + "PLAYLIST.PinToTop": "Fixar ao comezo", "PLAYLIST.Play": "Reproducir lista", - "PLAYLIST.Search": "Procurar listas", + "PLAYLIST.SortAlphabetical": "Alfabética", + "PLAYLIST.SortManual": "Manual", + "PLAYLIST.SortMode": "Orde", "PLAYLIST.SoundCreate": "Crear son", "PLAYLIST.SoundDelete": "Borrar son", "PLAYLIST.SoundDescription": "Descrición do son", @@ -701,6 +1098,7 @@ "Pixels": "Píxeles", "Position": "Posición", "Preload": "Precargar", + "Previous": "Anterior", "Ratio": "Ratio", "Reset Changes": "Restablecer mudas", "Resources": "Recursos", @@ -711,7 +1109,7 @@ "SCENES.AccessibilityAll": "Todo o mundo", "SCENES.AccessibilityGM": "Só a DX", "SCENES.Activate": "Activar", - "SCENES.AudioPlaylist": "Lista de audio", + "SCENES.AudioPlaylist": "Lista de reprodución", "SCENES.AudioPlaylistHint": "A lista que debería comezar a soar automáticamente ao activar esta escena.", "SCENES.BackgroundColor": "Cor de fondo", "SCENES.BackgroundImage": "Imaxe de fondo", @@ -725,11 +1123,21 @@ "SCENES.DimensionChangeTitle": "Mudar as dimensións da escena?", "SCENES.DimensionChangeWarning": "Estás a mudar as dimensións desta escena; se xa puxeches elementos nela, a mudanza pode facer que eses elementos se movan respecto á imaxe de fondo.", "SCENES.Dimensions": "Dimensións da escena", + "SCENES.DimensionsHint": "As dimensións do fondo definen o tamaño do lenzo a escena. Estes valores fíxanse automáticamente.", "SCENES.FogExplore": "Exploración da néboa", "SCENES.FogExploreHint": "Rexistrar o avance da exploración nesta escena, disipando a néboa de guerra.", + "SCENES.FogExploredColor": "Cor da néboa de guerra explorada", + "SCENES.FogExploredColorHint": "A cor aplicada a todas as areas da escena que xa foron exploradas pero fican fóra da área de visión actual.", + "SCENES.FogOverlay": "Imaxe da néboa de guerra", + "SCENES.FogOverlayHint": "Unha imaxe opcional para a néboa de guerra que se debuxa sobre as partes sen explorar da escena.", + "SCENES.FogUnexploredColor": "Cor da néboa de guerra sen explorar", + "SCENES.FogUnexploredColorHint": "Unha cor sólida aplicada a todas as áreas da escena sen explorar.", + "SCENES.ForegroundElevation": "Elevación do frontal", + "SCENES.ForegroundElevationHint": "Unha elevación, en unidades de distancia, que configura a altura da imaxe frontal e das teselas de teito.", "SCENES.ForegroundImage": "Imaxe frontal", "SCENES.ForegroundImageHint": "Unha imaxe frontal opcional que se debuxará sobre os outros elementos da escena.", "SCENES.GenerateThumb": "Rexenerar miniatura", + "SCENES.GenerateThumbNoCanvas": "A miniatura da escena non se pode xerar mentres estea activo o axuste 'Desactivar lenzo de xogo'.", "SCENES.GlobalIllum": "Iluminación global", "SCENES.GlobalIllumHint": "Iluminar todas as áreas da escena coas que unha efixie controlada teña liña de visión nese momento.", "SCENES.GlobalLightThreshold": "Limiar de iluminación global", @@ -746,6 +1154,8 @@ "SCENES.GridOpacity": "Opacidade da cuadrícula", "SCENES.GridPosition": "Deslocamento da cuadrícula", "SCENES.GridPositionHint": "Usa as teclas de frecha para axustar o deslocamento da cuadrícula.", + "SCENES.GridReset": "Restablecer mudas", + "SCENES.GridResizeHint": "Usa ALT+Roda do rato ou ALT+Frecha arriba e ALT+Frecha abaixo para axustares o tamaño da cuadrícula.", "SCENES.GridScale": "Escala", "SCENES.GridSize": "Tamaño", "SCENES.GridSizeHint": "Usa ALT+Roda do rato ou ALT+Frecha arriba e ALT+Frecha abaixo para axustar o tamaño da cuadrícula.", @@ -753,23 +1163,21 @@ "SCENES.GridType": "Tipo", "SCENES.GridUnits": "Unidades", "SCENES.HeaderAmbience": "Ambientación e atmosfera", - "SCENES.HeaderAmbienceHint": "Configura integracións adicionais entre esta escena e entradas do diario, listas de audio ou efectos de clima.", "SCENES.HeaderDetails": "Detalles e dimensións", - "SCENES.HeaderDetailsHint": "Define os detalles básicos desta escena e os permisos que controlan a súa visibilidade.", "SCENES.HeaderGrid": "Configuración da cuadrícula", - "SCENES.HeaderGridHint": "Define as dimensións de cuadrícula que se usan para medir o movemento das efixies nesta escena.", "SCENES.HeaderVision": "Visión e iluminación", - "SCENES.HeaderVisionHint": "Define os valores de configuración a para visión, iluminación e néboa de guerra desta escena.", "SCENES.InitialView": "Posición inicial da vista", "SCENES.InitialViewButton": "Obter da vista actual", "SCENES.InitialViewHint": "Fixa unha posición predeterminada da cámara para mostrar a primeira vez que se vexa esta escena.", - "SCENES.JournalNotes": "Notas do diario", - "SCENES.JournalNotesHint": "A entrada ligada do diario que proporciona notas sobre esta escena á Dirección de Xogo.", + "SCENES.JournalEntry": "Entrada de diario", + "SCENES.JournalEntryHint": "A entrada de diario ligada que proporciona notas sobre esta escena á Dirección de Xogo.", "SCENES.Loading": "Cargando {name}", + "SCENES.NavLabel": "Navegación polas escenas no lenzo", "SCENES.NavName": "Nome na navegación", "SCENES.NavNameHint": "Un nome alternativo para a escena que se amosa na barra de navegación en vez do nome real.", "SCENES.Notes": "Notas da escena", "SCENES.Padding": "Porcentaxe de marxe", + "SCENES.PaddingHint": "A cantidade de marxe ao redor do imaxe de fondo da escena que proporciona espazo de lenzo usable.", "SCENES.Pixels": "píxeles", "SCENES.PlaylistSound": "Son da lista", "SCENES.PlaylistSoundHint": "Podes escoller un son específico da lista para que soe mentres esta escena estea activa, se non, soará a lista enteira.", @@ -786,6 +1194,7 @@ "SCENES.View": "Ver escena", "SCENES.WeatherEffect": "Efecto de clima", "SCENES.WeatherEffectHint": "Define un efecto de clima activo presenta nesta escena.", + "SCENES.ZoomLower": "Zoom", "SETTINGS.AccessHeader": "Acceso á partida", "SETTINGS.AnimLightL": "Permitir animacións de fontes de luz. Desactivalo mellorará o rendemento dos equipos máis modestos.", "SETTINGS.AnimLightN": "Animar fontes de luz", @@ -795,15 +1204,26 @@ "SETTINGS.CBubN": "Activar balóns de chat", "SETTINGS.CBubPL": "Configurar se a cámara se moverá automáticamente a unha efixie cando fala e mostra un balón de chat.", "SETTINGS.CBubPN": "Moverse á efixie que fala", + "SETTINGS.CombatThemeL": "O conxunto de sons que se reproducirán cando comence o combate, cando o teu turno sexa o seguinte, e cando sexa o teu turno.", + "SETTINGS.CombatThemeN": "Tema de combate", "SETTINGS.Configure": "Configuración", - "SETTINGS.Controls": "Referencia dos controis", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenH": "Configura os valores predeterminados de efixie para os novos actores creados.", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenL": "Configurar valores predeterminados de efixie", "SETTINGS.DefaultTokenN": "Configuración predeterminada de efixie", "SETTINGS.Docs": "Ver documentación", "SETTINGS.DocsHeader": "Axuda e documentación", + "SETTINGS.EditorAutosaveH": "O número de segundos entre cada autogardado en calquera editor ProseMirror que estea aberto.", + "SETTINGS.EditorAutosaveN": "Frecuencia de autogardado do editor", + "SETTINGS.FPSMeterL": "Mostrar un medidor de frames por segundo no recuncho de abaixo á dereita na pantalla que informe do rendemento do renderizado do lenzo.", + "SETTINGS.FPSMeterN": "Mostrar medidor de FPS", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigH": "Configurar outras fontes adicionais dispoñibles para usar neste mundo.", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigL": "Configurar fontes adicionais", + "SETTINGS.FontConfigN": "Fontes adicionais", + "SETTINGS.FontSizeL": "Aumentar ou reducir o tamaño de fonte usado na aplicación.", + "SETTINGS.FontSizeN": "Tamaño de fonte", "SETTINGS.InfoHeader": "Información xeral", "SETTINGS.Invite": "Ligazóns de convite", + "SETTINGS.Keybindings": "Configurar controis", "SETTINGS.LClickReleaseL": "Se está activo, un clique esquerdo nalgún lugar baleiro do lenzo soltará calquera elemento controlado nese momento. Se non está activo, podes soltar elementos seleccionando un espazo baleiro, facendo clique canda pulsar maiúsculas, o premendo a tecla de escape.", "SETTINGS.LClickReleaseN": "Clique para soltar elementos", "SETTINGS.LangL": "Mudar o idioma de Foundry Virtual Tabletop.", @@ -816,36 +1236,56 @@ "SETTINGS.MipMapN": "Antialiasing de texturas en zoom", "SETTINGS.NoCanvasL": "O lenzo de xogo, que ofrece unha representación visual do taboleiro virtual, pode desactivarse. Isto permite ás máquinas máis modestas usaren un subconxunto das funcionalidades do software.", "SETTINGS.NoCanvasN": "Desactivar lenzo de xogo", + "SETTINGS.None": "Ningún", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeHigh": "Alto", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeL": "Escolle un modo de rendemento para axustar a calidade de renderizado do lenzo e o rendemento da aplicación. Os modos máis baixos funcionarán mellor no hardware menos potente.", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeLow": "Baixo", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeMax": "Máximo", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeMed": "Medio", + "SETTINGS.PerformanceModeN": "Modo de rendemento", "SETTINGS.PermissionReset": "Restablecer a configuración dos permisos aos seus valores predeterminados.", "SETTINGS.PermissionUpdate": "Actualizouse a configuración de permisos dos usuarios.", "SETTINGS.Players": "Configurar participantes", - "SETTINGS.ResScaleL": "Desactiva o escalado automático da resolución do lenzo á densidade de píxeles da pantalla. Nas pantallas de alta densidade, isto supón unha redución da calidade visual pero tamén unha mellora do rendemento da aplicación.", - "SETTINGS.ResScaleN": "Desactivar escalado de resolución de píxeles", + "SETTINGS.ReloadPromptBody": "Algúns dos axustes mudados requiren recargar a aplicación para teren efecto. Queres recargar agora mesmo?", + "SETTINGS.ReloadPromptTitle": "Recargar a aplicación?", "SETTINGS.Reset": "Restablecer valores predeterminados", + "SETTINGS.ResetInfo": "Restablecer os axustes de volta aos valores predeterminados. Preme en \"Gardar mudanzas\" para confirmares.", + "SETTINGS.ResolutionScaleL": "Escala a resolución do lenzo de xogo segundo o ratio de píxeles detectado no navegador. Nos dispositivos con pantalla de alta densidade de píxeles (como pantallas Retina), aumentará a resolución renderizada no lenzo a costa do rendemento da aplicación. O escalado da resolución tamén se ve afectado polo nivel de zoom do navegador ou os axustes de pantalla do sistema operativo. Neses casos, este axuste aumentará ou reducirá a resolución efectiva do lenzo dependendo do zoom que se lle aplique. Desactivar este axuste pode mellorar o rendemento a costa da calidade visual nas pantallas de alta densidade de píxeles.", + "SETTINGS.ResolutionScaleN": "Escalar a resolución segundo ratio de píxeles", "SETTINGS.Save": "Gardar mudanzas", + "SETTINGS.ScrollStatusL": "Pode aparecer texto de estado pasando sobre as efixies ou outros elementos do lenzo para informar de mudas nese elemento.", + "SETTINGS.ScrollStatusN": "Texto de estado en pasada", "SETTINGS.SettingsHeader": "Configuración de partida", "SETTINGS.Setup": "Saír ao menú principal", "SETTINGS.SoftSL": "Activa as sombras suaves para obter unha iluminación dinámica máis bonita, ou desactívaas para mellorar o rendemento en máquinas con hardware máis modesto.", "SETTINGS.SoftSN": "Activar sombras suaves", + "SETTINGS.Support": "Soporte", "SETTINGS.TabCore": "Plataforma", "SETTINGS.TabModule": "Módulos", "SETTINGS.TabSystem": "Sistema", "SETTINGS.Title": "Preferencias de partida", "SETTINGS.TokenDragPreviewL": "Cando está activo, ao arrastrar unha efixie se xera unha vista previa da súa visión e da iluminación. Isto vén predefinido como desactivado porque pode incitar a un metaxogo non desexado.", "SETTINGS.TokenDragPreviewN": "Visión de efixie ao arrastrar", + "SETTINGS.Tours": "Xestión de presentacións", "SETTINGS.Update": "Actualizar software", "SETTINGS.ViewModules": "Ver módulos activos", "SETTINGS.Wiki": "Wiki da comunidade", "SETUP.AWSHint": "Podes facilitar un ficheiro de configuración AWS para a integración con S3. A ruta ou é absoluta ou é relativa ao subdirectorio Config dentro dos datos de usuario.", "SETUP.AWSLabel": "Ruta de configuración de AWS", "SETUP.AdminAccess": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop • Acceso de administración", - "SETUP.AdminKeyHint": "Podes definir un contrasinal de administración especial que se requira para acceder a esta pantalla.", - "SETUP.AdminKeyLabel": "Contrasinal de administración", - "SETUP.AdminKeyPrompt": "É preciso que proveas o contrasinal de administrador para accederes ao menú principal.", "SETUP.AdminLogout": "Desconectar a administración", - "SETUP.CompatibilityRisk": "Risco de compatibilidade", - "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskWithVersion": "Risco compatibilidade ({version})", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordForgot": "Se esqueciches o contrasinal, podes restablecelo seguindo estas instrucións (en inglés).", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordHint": "Podes asignar un contrasinal especial de administrador para que se require no acceso ao menú principal.", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordLabel": "Contrasinal de administador", + "SETUP.AdminPasswordPrompt": "Debes facilitar o contrasinal de administador para accederes ao menú principal da aplicación.", + "SETUP.BeginDownload": "Comezar descarga", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRequireDowngrade": "Esta dependencia é máis nova que a versión mínima requerida {version}", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRequireUpgrade": "Esta dependencia é máis vella que a versión mínima requerida {version}", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskUnknown": "Risco de compatibilidade: non especifica versións", + "SETUP.CompatibilityRiskWithVersion": "Risco de compatibilidade: verificado para {version}", "SETUP.CompatibilityUnknown": "Compatibilidade incerta", + "SETUP.CompressStaticHint": "Comprime os ficheiros servidos polo servidor web Foundry Virtual Tabletop antes de mandalos aos clientes e así reducir a cantidade de datos transferidos.", + "SETUP.CompressStaticLabel": "Comprimir ficheiros estáticos", "SETUP.ConfigSave": "Gardar configuración da aplicación", "SETUP.ConfigSaveRestart": "O servidor de Foundry Virtual Tabletop foi terminado para aplicar as mudas. Debes reinicialo manualmente.", "SETUP.ConfigSaveWarning": "Modificar estas opcións de configuración fará que o servidor se apague e requerirá que o reinicies manualmente. Queres continuar?", @@ -854,13 +1294,17 @@ "SETUP.CoreUpdateInstructions": "Hai dispoñible unha actualización de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Volta ao menú principal para aplicala!", "SETUP.CoreVersion": "Versión da plataforma", "SETUP.CoreVersionHint": "Se hai dispoñible unha actualización para a plataforma de Foundry Virtual Tabletop, podes aplicala aquí. Actualmente estás a usar a versión {coreVersion}.", + "SETUP.CouldntLoadPackages": "Non se puideron cargar os paquetes dispoñibles", "SETUP.CurrentVersion": "Versión actual", "SETUP.DataPathHint": "Define a localización onde se gardan os teus datos de usuario, incluíndo mundos, sistemas e módulos.", "SETUP.DataPathLabel": "Ruta dos datos de usuario", - "SETUP.DefaultLanguage": "Idioma predeterminado", "SETUP.DefaultLanguageHint": "Podes definir o idioma predeterminado para a aplicación seleccionando un módulo que proporcione os ficheiros axeitados de tradución para a plataforma.", + "SETUP.DefaultLanguageLabel": "Idioma predeterminado", + "SETUP.DependencyNotInstalled": "Esta dependencia non está instalado", "SETUP.ForceUpdate": "Actualizar sobreescribindo?", "SETUP.ForceUpdateHint": "Marcar a opción de actualización forzada mudará pola forza a túa versión á do canal requerido. Non uses esta opción a menos que saibas ben o que fas.", + "SETUP.FullListOfReleaseNotes": "Para a lista completa de Notas de lanzamento, visita {url} (en inglés)", + "SETUP.GettingStarted": "Introdución", "SETUP.InstallFailure": "A instalación fallou: {message}", "SETUP.InstallHint": "Podes instalar calquera paquete proporcionando unha ligazón directa á URL do seu manifesto JSON.", "SETUP.InstallModule": "Instalar módulo", @@ -873,14 +1317,23 @@ "SETUP.ManifestUpdateAvailable": "Hai unha nova versión de \"{package}\" nunha URL de instalación diferente. Isto acontece cando o paquete muda o seu aloxamento ou autor.", "SETUP.MinifyFiles": "Optimizar ficheiros estáticos", "SETUP.MinifyFilesHint": "Reduce o tráfico de rede servindo minificados os ficheiros estáticos JavaScript e CSS. Recoméndase activar esta opción para a maioría dos usuarios, pero as desenvolvedoras de módulos pode que queiran desactivala.", + "SETUP.ModuleFilter": "Filtrar módulos", "SETUP.Modules": "Módulos", + "SETUP.NavLabel": "Lapelas do menú principal", + "SETUP.NoSystemsMessage": "Para creares o teu primeiro mundo, primeito debes instalar un sistema de xogo. Mira con calma os que hai dispoñibles e instala o que máis che preste. Se non sabes que sistema queres, ou se o que buscas non está dispoñible, recomendámosche que instales Simple Worldbuilding.", + "SETUP.NoWorldsMessage": "Agora que tes un sistema que forneza as regras de xogo, xa podes crear un mundo. Os mundos son os espazos que conteñen todas as personaxes, fichas, diarios e mapas usados nunha partida, xa dure apenas unha tarde ou unha campaña enteira.", + "SETUP.NueWorldDescription": "

Para saberes máis sobre cómo montar un mundo, le a documentación completa sobre mundos (en inglés).

", "SETUP.Package": "Paquete", "SETUP.PackageCategories": "Categorías de paquete", "SETUP.PackageDeleteConfirm": "Tes a certeza de querer borrar o {type} {title}?", "SETUP.PackageDeleteNoUndo": "Aviso: Esta operación non se pode desfacer.", "SETUP.PackageDeleteTitle": "Borrar {type}: {title}", "SETUP.PackageDeleteWorldConfirm": "Debes inserir o nome exacto do mundo para confirmar o borrado.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesAutomatic": "Instalar {number} dependencias automaticamente", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesCouldInstall": "{number} dependencias poden ser instaladas automaticamente.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesCouldNotInstall": "{number} dependencias deben ser instaladas a man.", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesDecline": "Optaches por non instalar os paquetes de dependencias requeridos para {title}. Terás que instalalos a man.", + "SETUP.PackageDependenciesManual": "Instalar todas as dependencias a man", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesSuccess": "Instaláronse con éxito {title} e {number} dependencias.", "SETUP.PackageDependenciesTitle": "Instalar dependencias de paquete", "SETUP.PackageFilter": "Filtrar paquetes", @@ -896,23 +1349,30 @@ "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdate": "Actualizar", "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdated": "Actualizado", "SETUP.PackageStatusUpdating": "Actualizando", - "SETUP.PackageUpdateBlocked": "Hai unha actualización dispoñible para {name}, pero non se pode instalar porque require a versión de plataforma {vreq} e estás a usar a versión {vcur} actualmente.", + "SETUP.PackageUpdateCoreUnstable": "Existe unha actualización para {id} pero pode que non se instale porque require a versión de plataforma {vmin} e aínda non é estable.", + "SETUP.PackageUpdateCoreUpdateNeeded": "Existe unha actualización para {id} pero non se pode instalar porque require que a plataforma sexa actualizada polo menos á versión {vmin}. Agora mesmo estás na {vcur}.", "SETUP.PackageVisAll": "Todos os paquetes", "SETUP.PackageVisInst": "Só instalados", "SETUP.PackageVisUnin": "Só non instalados", "SETUP.PackagesLoading": "Cargando paquetes dispoñibles", + "SETUP.PackagesNoResults": "Non hai paquetes que encaixen co teu filtro. Podes procurar na lista de paquetes por {name}.", "SETUP.PortHint": "Podes escoller que porto usa Foundry Virtual Tabletop para as conexións de tráfico TCP e activar ou desactivar Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).", "SETUP.PortLabel": "Porto", "SETUP.PriorManifestUrl": "Anterior URL do manifesto (versión {version})", - "SETUP.RequireCore": "Require actualización de plataforma", + "SETUP.RequireCoreDowngrade": "Versión de plataforma non soportada", + "SETUP.RequireCoreUnstable": "Require versión inestable", + "SETUP.RequireCoreUpgrade": "Require actualización de plataforma", "SETUP.RequireDep": "Require dependencia", "SETUP.RequireSystem": "Require actualización de sistema", "SETUP.RequireUpdate": "Require actualización", + "SETUP.SSLCertHint": "Podes correr o servidor con encriptado SSL se proporcionas rutas ao certificado e ficheiros de chaves. As rutas son ou absolutas ou relativas ao subdirectorio Config dos datos de usuario.", "SETUP.SSLCertLabel": "Certificado SSL", - "SETUP.SSLHint": "Podes correr o servidor con encriptado SSL se proporcionas rutas ao certificado e ficheiros de chaves. As rutas son ou absolutas ou relativas ao subdirectorio Config dos datos de usuario.", "SETUP.SSLKeyLabel": "Chave privada SSL", + "SETUP.SaveConfiguration": "Gardar configuración", + "SETUP.SeeTutorial": "Para leres unha guía máis en profundidade sobre como iniciarse en Foundry Virtual Tabletop, podes consultar a serie Tutorial para Másters (en inglés) na nosa Base de Coñecementos (en inglés)", "SETUP.SettingsHeader": "Configuración do software", "SETUP.SwapToTheUpdatedManifest": "Queres trocar para a nova URL do manifesto? (recoméndase)", + "SETUP.SystemFilter": "Filtrar sistemas", "SETUP.SystemUpdate": "Actualizar sistema", "SETUP.SystemUpdateInstructions": "Hai dispoñible unha actualización do sistema, volte para o menú principal para aplicala!", "SETUP.Systems": "Sistemas", @@ -923,9 +1383,7 @@ "SETUP.UninstallSuccess": "desinstalouse con éxito", "SETUP.Update": "Actualizacións", "SETUP.UpdateAll": "Actualizar todo", - "SETUP.UpdateAlpha": "Alfa (inestable)", "SETUP.UpdateAvailable": "Hai dispoñible unha actualización á versión {version} no canal {channel}!", - "SETUP.UpdateBeta": "Beta (candidata a release)", "SETUP.UpdateButtonDownload": "Descargar actualización {version}", "SETUP.UpdateChannel": "Canal de actualización de software", "SETUP.UpdateChannelHint": "Podes escoller un canal de actualización para controlar o tipo de actualización que queres recibir para a plataforma de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Se non tes razóns concretas para mudar isto, recoméndase deixar posto o canal Release.", @@ -933,21 +1391,34 @@ "SETUP.UpdateCheckFor": "Comprobar", "SETUP.UpdateCleaningC": "Limpeza completada", "SETUP.UpdateCleaningS": "Cartafol de limpeza", + "SETUP.UpdateCompleteAuto": "Completouse con éxito a actualización. Reiniciando a aplicación FoundryVTT.", + "SETUP.UpdateCompleteManual": "Completouse con éxito a actualización. Pechando o servidor Foundry Virtual Tabletop para reinicio manual.", + "SETUP.UpdateDevelopment": "Desenvolvemento", + "SETUP.UpdateDevelopmentHint": "API en desenvolvemento: Lanzamentos de proba do deseño de novas funcionalidades e mudas nas API para obtermos feedback da comunidade de desenvolvemento.", "SETUP.UpdateDownloadingC": "Descarga completada", "SETUP.UpdateDownloadingS": "Descargando actualización", "SETUP.UpdateExtractingC": "Extracción completada", "SETUP.UpdateExtractingS": "Extraendo actualización", "SETUP.UpdateFailure": "A actualización fallou", - "SETUP.UpdateHeader": "Actualización de software", + "SETUP.UpdateHint": "Podes actualizar Foundry Virtual Tabletop a unha nova versión comprobando as actualizacións dispoñibles no canal de actualizacións de software que máis che preste.", "SETUP.UpdateInfoAvailable": "Hai unha actualización dispoñible á versión {version} de Foundry Virtual Tabletop!", "SETUP.UpdateInstallingC": "Instalación completada", "SETUP.UpdateInstallingS": "Instalando actualización", + "SETUP.UpdateLicenseInvalid": "A túa clave de licencia de Foundry Virtual Tabletop non é válida.", + "SETUP.UpdateNoArchive": "Non existe arquivo de actualización que instalar", + "SETUP.UpdateNoInternetError": "Foundry Virtual Tabletop require unha conexión a internet activa para actualizarse.", + "SETUP.UpdateNoUpdateMode": "Non tes permiso para actualizar esta instancia de Foundry Virtual Tabletop porque foi lanzada en modo --noupdate.", "SETUP.UpdateNotAvailable": "Non hai ningunha actualización de software dispoíble no canal de actualizacións solicitado.", - "SETUP.UpdateNoupdateMode": "Non tes permiso para actualizar esta instancia de Foundry Virtual Tabletop porque foi lanzada en modo --noupdate", - "SETUP.UpdateRelease": "Release (estable)", + "SETUP.UpdatePrototype": "Prototipo", + "SETUP.UpdatePrototypeHint": "Prototipo: Lanzamentos para previsualizar o deseño de funcionalidades experimentais que aínda non están desenvoltas de todo.", + "SETUP.UpdateStable": "Estable", + "SETUP.UpdateStableHint": "Estable: Lanzamentos que foron coidadosamente comprobados e que recomendamos para usar en partidas de verdade.", "SETUP.UpdateSuccess": "actualizouse con éxito", - "SETUP.UpdateWarning": "Para poderes actualizar Foundry Virtual Tabletop tes que estar conectado a internet e ter unha licenza de software válida.", + "SETUP.UpdateTesting": "Probas", + "SETUP.UpdateTestingHint": "Probas de funcionalidade: Lanzamentos para probar as novas funcionalidades e obtermos feedback da comunidade xeral de usuarios.", "SETUP.UpdateWarningWillDisable": "Esta actualización supón unha nova versión principal do software de Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Instalala requerirá desactivar certos módulos instalados que aínda non son compatibles con ela.", + "SETUP.UpdateWebsiteSlowWarning": " parece estar sobrecargada nestes momentos, proba de novo nun anaco.", + "SETUP.UpdateWebsiteUnreachableError": "Nestes momentos non se pode acceder a, proba de novo nun anaco.", "SETUP.UpdatedManifestUrl": "URL do manifesto actualizada (versión {version})", "SETUP.UpdatedPackages": "Rexistro de actualizacións de paquetes", "SETUP.VersionChange": "Muda de versión", @@ -956,40 +1427,47 @@ "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm1": "Aviso: Isto borrará permanentemente o contido do teu mundo e non se pode desfacer. Tes a certeza de querer facelo?", "SETUP.WorldDeleteConfirm2": "Insire na caixa inferior o título exacto do teu mundo {title} para continuar.", "SETUP.WorldEdit": "Editar mundo", + "SETUP.WorldFilter": "Filtrar mundos", "SETUP.WorldHint": "Podes escoller que un dos teus mundos dispoñibles sexa lanzado automáticamente ao lanzares o software.", "SETUP.WorldLabel": "Mundo predeterminado", "SETUP.WorldLaunch": "Abrir mundo", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationBackupPrompt": "

Non se poderá revertir este proceso. Recoméndase que fagas un respaldo do datos deste mundo antes de continuares. Necesitarás un respaldo para restaurares a versión previa do software.

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationBegin": "Comezar migración", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationDisableModules": "

Actualiza os sistemas de xogo e módulos instalados antes de migrares o teu mundo. Nestes momentos, {nIncompatible} dos {nModules} módulos instalados non foron verificados como compatibles e serán desactivados automaticamente. Poderás reactivalos a man tras a migración.

", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationInProcess": "Os datos do teu mundo están sendo migrados para seren compatibles coa versión {version}. Pode que tarde un anaco. Ten paciencia e non peches o software.", "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequired": "

Abrir o mundo {world} migrará o seu modelo de datos da versión vella da plataforma {oldVersion} á versión actualmente instalada {newVersion}.

Como parte dese proceso, pode que {nIncompatible} dos {nModules} módulos instalados aínda non sexan compatibles coa nova versión serán desactivados automáticamente. Podes reactivalos manualmente se quixeres.

Comproba se hai actualizacións dispoñibles para os teus sistemas e módulos, e lembra facer copias dos datos dos teus mundos periódicamente. Queres continuar?

", "SETUP.WorldMigrationRequiredTitle": "Requírese migración dos datos do mundo", + "SETUP.WorldMigrationSystemUnavailable": "

A versión instalada do sistema {system} ({systemVersion}) non foi verificada como compatible con esta versión do software. Non se pode garantir que a migración teña éxito.

", + "SETUP.WorldUnavailable": "Non dispoñible", "SETUP.Worlds": "Mundos", "SETUP.YouMustInstallASystem": "Tes que instalar un sistema de xogo antes de poder crear un novo mundo", + "SHEETS.DefaultDocumentSheet": "Ficha predeterminada para {document}", "SHEETS.DefaultSheet": "Ficha predeterminada", - "SHEETS.EntitySheetHint": "Sobreescribir que clase de ficha queres usar para esta entidade en particular.", - "SHEETS.EntitySheetPrivate": "Non tes os permisos necesarios para ver esta ficha de entidade.", + "SHEETS.DocumentSheetHint": "Sobreescribir que tipo de ficha queres usar para este documento específico.", + "SHEETS.DocumentSheetPrivate": "Non tes permisos suficientes para ver a ficha para este {document}.", + "SHEETS.FormNavLabel": "Navegación da lapela de formulario", "SHEETS.Save": "Gardar parámetros de ficha", "SHEETS.ThisSheet": "Esta ficha", "SHEETS.TypeSheetHint": "Establece a clase de ficha predeterminada para este tipo de entidade (só DX).", "SIDEBAR.CharArt": "Ver ilustración da personaxe", "SIDEBAR.CollapseToggle": "Recoller ou expandir", + "SIDEBAR.Create": "Crear {type}", "SIDEBAR.Delete": "Borrar", "SIDEBAR.DeleteWarning": "Este {type} será borrado permanentemente e non se poderá recuperar.", + "SIDEBAR.DirectoryTitle": "Directorio de {type}", + "SIDEBAR.Documentation": "Documentación de FoundryVTT", "SIDEBAR.Duplicate": "Duplicar", + "SIDEBAR.Edit": "Editar", "SIDEBAR.Export": "Exportar datos", "SIDEBAR.Import": "Importar datos", "SIDEBAR.JumpPin": "Ir ao alfinete", - "SIDEBAR.SceneCreate": "Crear escena", - "SIDEBAR.SceneSearch": "Procurar escenas", - "SIDEBAR.TabActors": "Directorio de actores", - "SIDEBAR.TabChat": "Historial do chat", - "SIDEBAR.TabCombat": "Xestor de combate", + "SIDEBAR.NavLabel": "Lapelas da barra lateral", + "SIDEBAR.Search": "Procurar {types}", "SIDEBAR.TabCompendium": "Paquetes de compendio", - "SIDEBAR.TabItems": "Directorio de obxectos", - "SIDEBAR.TabJournal": "Entradas do diario", - "SIDEBAR.TabPlaylists": "Listas de audio", - "SIDEBAR.TabScenes": "Directorio de escenas", "SIDEBAR.TabSettings": "Parámetros da partida", "SIDEBAR.TabTables": "Táboas aleatorias", "SIDEBAR.TokenArt": "Ver ilustración de efixie", + "SIDEBAR.Wiki": "Wiki comunitario de FoundryVTT", "SOUND.ConfigHint": "Configurar o son ambiente para que reproduza un ficheiro de audio cando as efixies entren no seu rango.", "SOUND.ConfigTitle": "Configuración de son ambiente", "SOUND.Create": "Crear son ambiente", @@ -1003,10 +1481,22 @@ "SOUND.PathPlaceholder": "ruta/ao/ficheiro.mp3", "SOUND.Radius": "Rango de efecto", "SOUND.SourcePath": "Ruta do ficheiro fonte", - "SOUND.Type": "Tipo", - "SOUND.TypeGlobal": "Son global", - "SOUND.TypeLocal": "Son local", "SOUND.Update": "Actualizar son ambiente", + "SOUND.Walls": "Restrinxido por muros", + "SOUND.WallsHint": "Determina se a área de efecto desta fonte de audio está restrinxida polos muros próximos.", + "SUPPORT.BugReporting": "Se queres informar dun erro, usa a categoría Bug Report dispoñible na nosa páxina de contacto (en inglés):", + "SUPPORT.Client": "Cliente", + "SUPPORT.CopyReport": "Copiar informe ao portapapeis", + "SUPPORT.Details": "Detalles para soporte", + "SUPPORT.Discord": "Para te unires a outros usuarios de FoundryVTT, ou obteres soporte dos nosos marabillosos Asistentes da Comunidade, entra no noso Discord:", + "SUPPORT.GPU": "GPU", + "SUPPORT.MaxTextureSize": "Tamaño máximo de textura", + "SUPPORT.NoViewedScene": "Ningunha escena vista", + "SUPPORT.OS": "SO", + "SUPPORT.Places": "Lugares onde obter soporte", + "SUPPORT.ReportPrelude": "Cando pidas axuda no Discord ou en Github, énos moi útil saber o que estaba a acontecer no teu mundo. Embaixo tes un informe que che pedimos que copies e inclúas.", + "SUPPORT.Title": "Detalles para soporte", + "Save": "gardar", "Save Changes": "Save Changes", "Scale": "Escala", "Scope": "Ámbito", @@ -1016,9 +1506,10 @@ "System": "Sistema", "TABLE.AnimateSetting": "Animar táboas dinámicas?", "TABLE.AnimateSettingHint": "Determina se mostrar unha animación tipo ruleta ao sacar resultado dunha táboa dinámica.", - "TABLE.Create": "Crear táboa", "TABLE.Description": "Descrición da táboa", "TABLE.DisplayRoll": "Mostrar rolada no chat?", + "TABLE.DrawFlavor": "Obtén un resultado da táboa {name}", + "TABLE.DrawFlavorPlural": "Obtén {number} resultados da táboa {name}", "TABLE.Formula": "Fórmula da rolada", "TABLE.Normalize": "Normalizar pesos do resultado", "TABLE.Replacement": "Pódense repetir os resultados?", @@ -1031,14 +1522,17 @@ "TABLE.ResultType": "Tipo", "TABLE.ResultWeight": "Peso", "TABLE.Roll": "Rolar", - "TABLE.Search": "Procurar táboas", "TABLE.SheetTitle": "Parámetros da táboa", "TABLE.ToggleDrawn": "Alternar elixibilidade", "TABLE.Update": "Gardar", + "TEMPLATE.BorderColor": "Cor do borde", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeFlat": "Chan", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeRound": "Redondo", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeSetting": "Tipo de modelo de cono", "TEMPLATE.ConeTypeSettingHint": "Escolla como debe ser a área de efecto para os modelos de cono.", + "TEMPLATE.FillColor": "Cor de recheo", + "TEMPLATE.FillTexture": "Cor de textura", + "TEMPLATE.MeasuredConfig": "Configuración do modelo de medida", "TILE.AnimationHeader": "Animación", "TILE.AnimationHint": "Atributos adicionais a aplicar se a tesela usa unha textura animada de vídeo.", "TILE.BasicHeader": "Básico", @@ -1051,62 +1545,120 @@ "TILE.OcclusionModeNone": "Ningún (sempre visible)", "TILE.OcclusionModeRadial": "Radial (efixies circundantes)", "TILE.OcclusionModeRoof": "Tellado (bloquea visión e iluminación)", + "TILE.OcclusionModeVision": "Visión (campo de visión da efixie)", "TILE.Opacity": "Opacidade", "TILE.Overhead": "É teito?", "TILE.OverheadHeader": "Teito", "TILE.OverheadHint": "Atributos adicionais a aplicar se a tesela actúa como teito no frontal.", + "TILE.Roof": "É un tellado?", + "TILE.SubmitCreate": "Crear tesela", + "TILE.SubmitUpdate": "Actualizar tesela", "TILE.Tint": "Cor da tintura", "TILE.VideoAutoplay": "Reproducir automáticamente", "TILE.VideoLoop": "Vídeo en bucle", "TILE.VideoVolume": "Volume do vídeo", + "TIME.DaysAbbreviation": "d", + "TIME.Hours": "Horas", + "TIME.HoursAbbreviation": "h", + "TIME.Minutes": "Minutos", + "TIME.MinutesAbbreviation": "m", + "TIME.Now": "Agora", + "TIME.Seconds": "Segundos", + "TIME.SecondsAbbreviation": "s", + "TIME.Since": "hai {since}", "TOKEN.Assign": "Asociar efixie", "TOKEN.AssignSuccess": "Actualizouse a configuración de prototipo para a efixie de {name}.", "TOKEN.AssignWarn": "Tes que seleccionar unha efixie existente para poder asociala como nova configuración de prototipo.", "TOKEN.BarAttributes": "Barras de atributo", "TOKEN.BarValues": "Valores individuais", "TOKEN.CharActor": "Actor representado", - "TOKEN.CharDisposition": "Disposición da efixie", - "TOKEN.CharInstructions": "Definir a que actor se vencella esta efixie.", "TOKEN.CharLink": "Ligar datos de actor", "TOKEN.CharNameplate": "Nome da efixie", "TOKEN.CharShowNameplate": "Nome a mostrar", + "TOKEN.Coordinates": "Coordenadas", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_ALWAYS": "Sempre para todos", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_CONTROL": "Cando controlada", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_HOVER": "Ao sobrevoala calquera", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_NONE": "Nunca", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_OWNER": "Sempre para o dono", "TOKEN.DISPLAY_OWNER_HOVER": "Ao sobrevoala o dono", + "TOKEN.DetectionAdd": "Engadir modo de detección", + "TOKEN.DetectionEnabled": "Activada", + "TOKEN.DetectionMode": "Modo de detección", + "TOKEN.DetectionRange": "Rango", + "TOKEN.DetectionRemove": "Quitar modo de detección", + "TOKEN.Dimensions": "Dimensións", + "TOKEN.Disposition": "Disposición da efixie", "TOKEN.FRIENDLY": "Amistosa", "TOKEN.HOSTILE": "Hostil", + "TOKEN.HeaderAppearance": "Aspecto", + "TOKEN.HeaderIdentity": "Identidade", + "TOKEN.HeaderLight": "Luz", + "TOKEN.HeaderResources": "Recursos", + "TOKEN.HeaderVision": "Visión", "TOKEN.ImageAlts": "Efixies de actor alternativas", - "TOKEN.ImageInstructions": "Define a imaxe da efixie e a escala e tamaño cos que mostrala", "TOKEN.ImagePath": "Ruta da imaxe da efixie", + "TOKEN.Lock": "Bloquear", + "TOKEN.LockRotation": "Bloquear rotación", + "TOKEN.Mirror": "Imaxe especular", "TOKEN.MirrorX": "Espellar a imaxe horizontalmente", "TOKEN.MirrorY": "Espellar a imaxe verticalmente", "TOKEN.NEUTRAL": "Neutral", "TOKEN.Opacity": "Opacidade da efixie", - "TOKEN.PositionInstructions": "Definir a posición, orientación e elevación da efixie.", - "TOKEN.PositionLock": "Bloquear rotación", "TOKEN.RandomImg": "Escoller imaxe ao chou nunha ruta con *", "TOKEN.ResourceBar1A": "Atributo da barra 1", "TOKEN.ResourceBar1D": "Datos da barra 1", "TOKEN.ResourceBar2A": "Atributo da barra 2", "TOKEN.ResourceBar2D": "Datos da barra 2", "TOKEN.ResourceDisplay": "Mostrar barras", - "TOKEN.ResourceInstructions": "Definir as barras dos recursos que se monitoran para esta efixie.", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderAdvanced": "Opcións avanzadas", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderBasic": "Configuración básica", + "TOKEN.SightHeaderDetection": "Modos de detección", + "TOKEN.SightNavLabel": "Lapelas de configuración de visión", "TOKEN.TintColor": "Tintura", "TOKEN.Title": "Configuración da efixie", "TOKEN.TitlePrototype": "Efixie prototipo", "TOKEN.Update": "Actualizar efixie", - "TOKEN.VisionBrightDist": "Visión plena", - "TOKEN.VisionDimDist": "Visión reducida", - "TOKEN.VisionHas": "Ten visión", - "TOKEN.VisionInstructions": "Determina as capacidades de visión e emisión de luz desta efixie.", - "TOKEN.VisionSightAngle": "Ángulo de vista", + "TOKEN.VisionAngle": "Ángulo de visión", + "TOKEN.VisionAngleHint": "O ángulo do cono de visión (predeterminado, 360).", + "TOKEN.VisionAttenuation": "Atenuación", + "TOKEN.VisionAttenuationHint": "Axusta a forza de atenuación da fonte de visión (predeterminado, 0)", + "TOKEN.VisionBrightness": "Brillo da visión", + "TOKEN.VisionBrightnessHint": "Axusta o brillo da fonte de visión. Canta máis visión, mellor verá a personaxe na escuridade (predeterminado, 0).", + "TOKEN.VisionColor": "Cor da visión", + "TOKEN.VisionContrast": "Contraste", + "TOKEN.VisionContrastHint": "Axusta o contraste do fondo que abrangue o raio da fonte de visión (predeterminado, 0)", + "TOKEN.VisionEnabled": "Visión activada", + "TOKEN.VisionEnabledHint": "Permite á efixie ver os espazos iluminados na súa liña de visión.", + "TOKEN.VisionMode": "Modo de visión", + "TOKEN.VisionModeHint": "Aplica un efecto visual á visión para representar sentidos especiais (predeterminado, visión básica).", + "TOKEN.VisionRange": "Rango de visión", + "TOKEN.VisionRangeHint": "A distancia á que unha efixie pode ver sen luz ningunha.", + "TOKEN.VisionSaturation": "Saturación", + "TOKEN.VisionSaturationHint": "Axusta a saturación do fondo que abrangue o raio da fonte de visión (predeterminado, 0).", "TOKEN.WarningNoActor": "Esta efixie referencia un actor que xa non existe neste mundo.", "TOKEN.WarningNoVision": "Non hai efixie con visión nesta escena da que sexas propietaria.", + "TOURS.AllTours": "Todas as presentacións", + "TOURS.Completed": "Completada", + "TOURS.InProgress": "A medias - {current}/{total}", + "TOURS.NotStarted": "Por comezar", + "TOURS.Reset": "Restablecer progreso", + "TOURS.ResetAll": "Restablecer todas", + "TOURS.ResetSuccess": "Pon de novo as presentacións como se non as completases.", + "TOURS.ResetTitle": "Restablecer presentacións", + "TOURS.ResetWarning": "Queres restablecer o progreso de todas as presentacións?", + "TOURS.Restart": "Comezar presentación desde o principio", + "TOURS.Resume": "Continuar presentación", + "TOURS.ShowMeHow": "Amósamo", + "TOURS.Start": "Comezar presentación", + "TOURS.SuggestedDescription": "

Completaches a presentación {currentTitle}.

Suxerímosche que sigas agora coa presentación {nextTitle}. Queres continuar?

", + "TOURS.SuggestedTitle": "Seguinte presentación suxerida", + "TOURS.TourCategories": "Categorías de presentacións", + "TOURS.TourFilter": "Filtrar presentación", + "TOURS.TourName": "Nome da presentación", "Template": "Modelo", "Token": "Efixie", + "Tours.NavLabel": "Lapelas de xestión das presentación", "Type": "Tipo", "URL": "URL", "USER.RoleAssistant": "Asistente", @@ -1128,12 +1680,20 @@ "USERS.UserName": "Nome de usuario", "Uninstall": "Desinstalar", "Update": "Actualizar", + "VISION.ModeBasicVision": "Visión básica", + "VISION.ModeBlindness": "Cegueira", + "VISION.ModeDarkvision": "Visión na escuridade", + "VISION.ModeDetectInvisibility": "Detectar invisibilidade", + "VISION.ModeLightAmplification": "Amplificación de luz", + "VISION.ModeMonochromatic": "Monocromática", + "VISION.ModeTremorsense": "Sentido dos tremores", "Vision": "Visión", "WALLS.Coordinates": "Coordenadas do muro", "WALLS.Direction": "Dirección do muro", "WALLS.Door": "É unha porta?", "WALLS.DoorState": "Estado da porta", "WALLS.Instructions": "Personaliza como restrinxe o movemento e os sentidos este segmento de muro.", + "WALLS.Light": "Restrición de luz", "WALLS.Movement": "Restricións de movemento", "WALLS.Sight": "Restricións de vista", "WALLS.Sound": "Restricións de son", @@ -1142,12 +1702,17 @@ "WALLS.TitleMany": "Configuración dos muros", "WARNING.ForegroundDimensionsMismatch": "As dimensións configuradas para a imaxe da capa frontal non coinciden coas dimensións da imaxe da capa de fondo para esta escena. O frontal foi reescalado e pode que tivera consecuencias non desexadas.", "WARNING.GridConfigNoBG": "Estás a usar a ferramenta de configuración da cuadrícula nunha escena que non ten imaxe de fondo. Nesta altura non che recomendamos facer iso xa que pode producir resultados impredecibles.", + "WARNING.ObjectDoesNotExist": "O {name} \"{identifier}\" non existe.", + "WEATHER.AutumnLeaves": "Follas de outono", + "WEATHER.Rain": "Choiva", + "WEATHER.Snow": "Neve", "WEBRTC.AVMode": "Modo de conferencia audiovisual", "WEBRTC.AVModeNotes": "Só a Dirección de Xogo pode mudar este parámetro, o que esixe reiniciar Foundry VTT.", "WEBRTC.AudioDevice": "Dispositivo de captura de audio", "WEBRTC.AudioDeviceNotes": "Escolle que dispositivo de entrada de audio queres usar, se quixeres usar algún.", "WEBRTC.AudioOutput": "Dispositivo de saída de audio", "WEBRTC.AudioOutputNotes": "Escolle que dispositivo de saída de audio queres usar.", + "WEBRTC.BorderColors": "Usar cores de borde da xogadora", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorAudio": "Non se puido recibir do teu dispositivo de entrada de audio", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorAudioVideo": "Non se puido recibir dos teus dispositivos de entrada de audio e vídeo", "WEBRTC.CaptureErrorVideo": "Non se puido recibir do teu dispositivo de entrada de vídeo", @@ -1155,7 +1720,6 @@ "WEBRTC.CaptureWarningVideo": "Non se puido recibir dos teus dispositivos de entrada de audio: compartirase apenas o vídeo", "WEBRTC.ConnectError": "Erro ao conectar co servidor de sinalización de audio e vídeo", "WEBRTC.ConnectionLostWarning": "Perdeuse a conexión co servidor de sinalización de audio e vídeo. Tentando restablecer a conexión.", - "WEBRTC.CustomSignalingServer": "Servidor personalizado", "WEBRTC.CustomTURNServer": "Servidor de retransmisión personalizado", "WEBRTC.DefaultSource": "Dispositivo predeterminado", "WEBRTC.DeviceUnavailableWarning": "Non se puido dar comezo á comunicación de audio e vídeo porque un dos dispositivos configurados non está dispoñible.", @@ -1163,7 +1727,11 @@ "WEBRTC.DisableAudioOutput": "Desactivar a saída de audio", "WEBRTC.DisableAudioSource": "Desactivar o envío de audio", "WEBRTC.DisableVideoSource": "Desactivar o envío de vídeo", - "WEBRTC.FVTTSignalingServer": "Foundry VTT", + "WEBRTC.DockPosition": "Posición da doca", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionBottom": "Abaixo", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionLeft": "Esquerda", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionRight": "Dereita", + "WEBRTC.DockPositionTop": "Arriba", "WEBRTC.GeneralTab": "Xeral", "WEBRTC.GeneralTabNotGM": "Os parámetros xerais de conferencia audio e vídeo solo poden ser modificados pola DX", "WEBRTC.GenericError": "Erro WebRTC:", @@ -1173,9 +1741,14 @@ "WEBRTC.ModeAudioVideo": "Audio e vídeo", "WEBRTC.ModeDisabled": "Ningún", "WEBRTC.ModeVideoOnly": "Só vídeo", + "WEBRTC.Nameplates": "Mostrar nomes", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesBoth": "Alternar entre ambas", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesCharacter": "Da personaxe", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesOff": "Non", + "WEBRTC.NameplatesPlayer": "Da xogadora", + "WEBRTC.NavLabel": "Controis de audio/vídeo do usuario", "WEBRTC.NoSSLError": "Non podes usar chamadas con audio e vídeo se o teu servidor Foundry non está a usar certificados SSL. Consulta as instrucións na documentación en liña .", - "WEBRTC.PTTKey": "Tecla de premer para falar / silenciar", - "WEBRTC.PTTKeyNotes": "Determina a tecla que, no modo premer para falar, activa a voz mentres estea premida. Fóra do modo premer para falar, esa mesma tecla silencia mentres estea premida.", + "WEBRTC.PTTKeyWarn": "A tecla para falar/silenciar usa un valor vello e pode que non funcione como esperas, reconfigúraa.", "WEBRTC.ServerTab": "Servidor", "WEBRTC.TURNServerProvisioned": "Provisto polo servidor de sinalización", "WEBRTC.Title": "Parámetros de audio e vídeo", @@ -1183,17 +1756,22 @@ "WEBRTC.TooltipAllowUserVideo": "Permitir vídeo do usuario", "WEBRTC.TooltipBlockUserAudio": "Bloquear audio do usuario", "WEBRTC.TooltipBlockUserVideo": "Bloquear vídeo do usuario", - "WEBRTC.TooltipChangeSize": "Rotar tamaño de vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipConfigure": "Parámetros de configuración", + "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableAllVideo": "Desactivar recepción de vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableMyAudio": "Silenciar o teu audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipDisableMyVideo": "Desactivar o teu vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipDock": "Enviar á barra", "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableMyAudio": "Activar o teu audio", "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableMyVideo": "Activar o teu vídeo", + "WEBRTC.TooltipEnableVideo": "Activar recepción de vídeo", + "WEBRTC.TooltipExpandDock": "Expandir a doca", "WEBRTC.TooltipHidePlayers": "Ocultar lista de participantes", + "WEBRTC.TooltipHideUser": "Ocultar usuario", + "WEBRTC.TooltipMinimizeDock": "Minimizar a doca", "WEBRTC.TooltipMutePeers": "Silenciar o audio do resto", "WEBRTC.TooltipPopout": "Desancorar", "WEBRTC.TooltipShowPlayers": "Mostrar lista de participantes", + "WEBRTC.TooltipShowUser": "Mostrar usuario", "WEBRTC.TooltipToggleVideo": "Alternar vídeo", "WEBRTC.TooltipUnmutePeers": "Activar o o audio dos outros", "WEBRTC.UnavailableDevice": "Dispositivo non dispoñible (usarase o predeterminado)", @@ -1207,10 +1785,6 @@ "WEBRTC.VoiceModePtt": "Preme para falar", "WEBRTC.WarningCannotEnableAudio": "Non podes activar o teu micrófono porque non tes permiso para transmitir audio.", "WEBRTC.WarningCannotEnableVideo": "Non podes activar a túa cámara porque non tes permiso para transmitir vídeo.", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServer": "Escolle servidor de sinalización", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerPassword": "Contrasinal do servidor de sinalización", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerURL": "URL do servidor de sinalización", - "WEBRTC.WebRTCServerUsername": "Usuario do servidor de sinalización", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTURNURL": "URL do servidor de retransmisión", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTurnPassword": "Contrasinal do servidor de retransmisión", "WEBRTC.WebRTCTurnServer": "Configuración do servidor de retransmisión", @@ -1226,11 +1800,17 @@ "WORLD.ResetKeys": "Restablecer contrasinais dos usuarios", "WORLD.ResetModules": "Restablecer módulos activos", "WORLD.SafeModeHint": "Desactiva todos os módulos e escenas activas, e detén todos os audios que estivesen a soar", + "WORLD.SubmitEdit": "Actualizar mundo", "WORLD.Title": "Título do mundo", + "WORLD.TitleCreate": "Crear mundo", + "WORLD.TitleEdit": "Editar mundo", "Warning": "Atención", "Width": "Largo", "XCoord": "Coordenada X", "YCoord": "Coordenada Y", "Yes": "Si", - "and": "e" + "all": "todas", + "and": "e", + "authorized": "autorizadas", + "selected": "seleccionadas" } diff --git a/i18n/simple/en/simple.json b/i18n/simple/en/simple.json index f0f0644..266df92 100644 --- a/i18n/simple/en/simple.json +++ b/i18n/simple/en/simple.json @@ -11,16 +11,21 @@ "SIMPLE.DefineTemplate": "Define as Template", "SIMPLE.DeleteGroup": "Delete group?", "SIMPLE.DeleteGroupContent": "Do you wish to delete this group? This will delete the following group and all attributes included in it: ", + "SIMPLE.ItemCreate": "Create Item", + "SIMPLE.ItemDelete": "Delete Item", + "SIMPLE.ItemEdit": "Edit Item", + "SIMPLE.ItemNew": "New Item", "SIMPLE.New": "New", "SIMPLE.NoTemplate": "No Template", "SIMPLE.NotifyAttrDuplicate": "Attribute key already exists as a group.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupAlphanumeric": "Attribute group names may not contain spaces or periods.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupAttrDuplicate": "Attribute group already exists as an attribute.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupDuplicate": "Attribute group already exists.", - "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaInvalid": "Initiative formula was invalid:", - "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaUpdated": "Initiative formula was updated to:", + "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupReserved": "Attribute group \"{key}\" is reserved and cannot be used.", + "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaInvalid": "Initiative formula was invalid", + "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaUpdated": "Initiative formula was updated to", "SIMPLE.ResourceMax": "Max", "SIMPLE.ResourceMin": "Min", "SIMPLE.ResourceValue": "Value", "SIMPLE.UnsetTemplate": "Unset Template" -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/i18n/simple/gl/simple.json b/i18n/simple/gl/simple.json index 3b263f4..c5474f6 100644 --- a/i18n/simple/gl/simple.json +++ b/i18n/simple/gl/simple.json @@ -11,16 +11,21 @@ "SIMPLE.DefineTemplate": "Definir como modelo", "SIMPLE.DeleteGroup": "Borrar grupo?", "SIMPLE.DeleteGroupContent": "Tes a certeza? Borrarase este grupo, canda todos os atributos que inclúe:", + "SIMPLE.ItemCreate": "Crear obxecto", + "SIMPLE.ItemDelete": "Borrar obxecto", + "SIMPLE.ItemEdit": "Editar obxecto", + "SIMPLE.ItemNew": "Novo obxecto", "SIMPLE.New": "Novo", "SIMPLE.NoTemplate": "Sen modelo", "SIMPLE.NotifyAttrDuplicate": "A chave de atributo xa existe como grupo.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupAlphanumeric": "Os nomes dos grupos de atributos non poden conter espazos nin puntos.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupAttrDuplicate": "O grupo de atributos xa existe como atributo.", "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupDuplicate": "O grupo de atributos xa existe.", + "SIMPLE.NotifyGroupReserved": "O grupo de atributos \"{key}\" está reservado e non se pode usar.", "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaInvalid": "A fórmula de iniciativa é inválida:", "SIMPLE.NotifyInitFormulaUpdated": "A fórmula de iniciativa mudou para:", "SIMPLE.ResourceMax": "Máximo", "SIMPLE.ResourceMin": "Mínimo", "SIMPLE.ResourceValue": "Valor", "SIMPLE.UnsetTemplate": "Modelo sen definir" -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/module.json b/module.json index e534062..720d17a 100644 --- a/module.json +++ b/module.json @@ -2,10 +2,17 @@ "name": "foundryvtt-gl", "title": "FoundryVTT en Galego", "description": "Galician translation of core FoundryVTT and other systems and modules.", - "version": "", - "minimumCoreVersion": "0.8.6", - "compatibleCoreVersion": "0.8.7", - "author": "Xurxo Diz Pico (xurxodiz#5885)", + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Xurxo Diz Pico", + "discord": "xurxodiz#5885" + } + ], + "version": "10.284.1", + "compatibility": { + "minimum": "10", + "verified": "10" + }, "scripts": [], "styles": [], "packs": [],