This chapter presents a number of tests and sanity checks for the various UI components.
All UI components and metric collectors are installed as systemd services which are introspected and modified with the systemctl command.
The status
subcommand for example can be used to view the runtime statuses and logs of the various daemons. On the Grafana instance, the UI daemons are checked with the following commands:
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ sudo systemctl status grafana-server # check status of Grafana service
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ sudo systemctl status victoria # check status of database service
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ sudo systemctl status xonai_grafana # check status of backend service
On a cluster node, the metric collector daemons can be introspected as follows:
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ sudo systemctl status node_exporter # check status of metric collector for node-level metrics
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ sudo systemctl status metrics_agent # check status of metric collector for Spark metrics (only push mode)
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ sudo systemctl status telegraf # check status of metric collector for Spark metrics (only pull mode)
Every system service referenced in the preceding section also exposes an HTTP interface that returns a message or metric data when contacted. On the UI server, the relevant HTTP ports are:
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl localhost:3000 # contact Grafana, should return "Found"
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl localhost:8428 # contact database, should return "Single-node VictoriaMetrics"
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl localhost:8000 # contact backend server, should return "200"
The requests on a cluster node have the following form:
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ curl localhost:9100/metrics # request current node-level metrics, should return data in Prometheus format
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ curl localhost:8429 # contact Spark metric collector (only push mode), should return "vmagent"
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ curl localhost:9102 # contact Spark metric collector (only pull mode), returns "Telegraf Output Plugin"
When some of these commands are issued from a suitable remote instance, the firewall modifications that are specified in the prerequisites chapter can be verified. If the correct ports were opened,
the following curl commands return a response immediately, otherwise they get stuck and time out. Under the push approach, a cluster node must be allowed to contact the UI server on port 8428
, so the
next command should return the same response as its local counterpart:
[hadoop@ip-456 ~]$ curl $UI_IP4_DNS:8428 # contact UI backend from cluster node (only push mode)
The roles are reversed when metrics are pulled in, a request issued on the UI server must receive a response from the cluster node:
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl $EMR_NODE_IP4:9100/metrics # request cluster node metrics
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl $EMR_NODE_IP4:9102 # contact Spark metric collector, returns "Telegraf Output Plugin"
The installation script automatically configures two Grafana data sources whose connections can be tested in the UI: The detail pages for the Prometheus and JSON plugins can be opened in
the data sources window ($UI_IP4_DNS:3000/connections/datasources
). After clicking on the "Save & test" buttons at the bottom of the respective detail pages, green check marks should occur. Error messages
would indicate that the database or xonai_grafana daemons are not running or that their Grafana connections are misconfigured.
The metric ingestion and connection between Grafana and the database can be verified with the Test Setup
dashboard after manually inserting a few metric samples in Prometheus exposition format:
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl -d 'test_timeseries{label_key="value_key"} 10' -X POST 'localhost:8428/api/v1/import/prometheus' # pause for around 15 seconds between commands
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl -d 'test_timeseries{label_key="value_key"} 101' -X POST 'localhost:8428/api/v1/import/prometheus'
[ec2-user@ip-123 ~]$ curl -d 'test_timeseries{label_key="value_key"} 202' -X POST 'localhost:8428/api/v1/import/prometheus'
These commands create a new time series called test_timeseries
with the timestamped values 10, 101, 202, ... in the database. After one or two minutes, a plot that rises from left to right should be
displayed in the Test Setup
board which proves that database entries are sent correctly to Grafana. A similar visualization is available in the database's UI at
, port 8428
must have been opened before this interface can be
accessed from a remote machine. The test time series can be plotted there by first entering its name test_timeseries
under the "Query" tab and then clicking on the "Execute Query" button.
If the UI was installed in pull mode, the nodes that are queried during the metric collection process are listed at $UI_IP4_DNS:8428/targets
(port 8428
must be open). In the "node_scraper" and
"spark_scraper" tables, the rows for the nodes of an active
cluster that was bootstrapped with our pull script should have a green "Up" state label. This indicates that the metric endpoints on the cluster nodes are contacted successfully and their data is
fetched. In case the state column has a "Down" label for the relevant scrape targets, the instance profile and security group settings should be compared with the requirements mentioned
on the prerequisites page.