- 🔷 document code
- ️❇️ use queues API to check for consumers. if no consumers are connected to a queue, display the event flow in grey color.
- ️🔷 move service exchange merger from analyzer to viewer and make it a selectable action of the view
- ❇️ feign client transformer supports @RequestParam annotation in parameter list
- ❇️ add metadata for transformers adding payload fields
payload.metadata.fieldName: Metadata
- 🔷 enable strict type checking
- ️❇️ allow manual additions but clearly mark them as manual
- ️❇️ develop source analysis DSL
- ️❇️ define feign and java annotation analyzer by using source analysis DSL
- ️❇️ add self-analysis of the analyzer <-
⚠️ analysis DSL - ❇️ step source-transform: angular rest calls (optional) <-
⚠️ analysis DSL - ❇️ configurable orchestrator: orchestration of steps is defined by configuration
- new react-based viewer
- logging-based analysis
- live source code analysis
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Nest
- Git
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- RabbitMQ
- Spring Feign Client Annotations
- Java Annotations