All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Conda package now noarch instead of just linux-64 (#73)
- Upgraded to Xenon library 3.1.0
- Slurm 19 compliant (#72)
- Upgraded to Xenon library 3.0.4
- Upgraded to Xenon library 3.0.3
- Upgraded to Xenon cloud adaptors 3.0.2
- Upgraded to Xenon 3.0.1
- Test against xenonmiddleware Docker images (#42)
- submit and exec sub command use a tasks+cores+nodes arguments, instead of nodes+processes+thread (#625).
- Require Java 11 or greater, as xenon package has same compatibility
- Upgraded to Xenon 3.0.0
- Switched to testcontainers for testing against Docker containers
- hdfs filesystem
- s3 adaptor gives wrong error due to gson conflict
- scheduler arguments for exec and submit
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.6.0
- KeytabCredential support (#46)
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.5.0
- Only show credentials flags supported by adaptor (#32)
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.4.1
- slf4j multiple bindings warning
- Slurm maxtime for interactive job does not appear functional (#29)
- On InvalidLocationException return supported locations (#31)
- On UnknownPropertyException return supported props (#34)
- --name to to submit sub commands (#59)
- --max-memory to exec and submit sub command (#58)
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.4.0
- --start-single-process to exec and submit sub commands (#56)
- --inherit-env to exec and submit sub commands (#55)
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.3.2-nohadoop
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.3.0-nohadoop
- Subcommands
- mkdir
- rename
- wait
- Status details to jobs list
- --long format for files list (#16)
- --verbose and --stacktrace arguments
- In
xenon --help
, added type column to list of adaptors
- Upgraded to Xenon 2.2.0
- Renamed
--format cwljson
argument to--json
- Xenon CLI now has same major version as Xenon
- Filter scheme properties based on XenonPropertyDescription.Component.SCHEDULER or XenonPropertyDescription.Component.FILESYSTEM (#12)
- Upgraded to Xenon 1.2.2
- Weird behavior with sftp (#10)
- Upgraded to Xenon 1.2.1
Initial release