A Leaflet trajectory playback plugin that automatically rotates the marker icon based on the actual direction of travel and dynamically adjusts the colors of the traveled and untraveled distances to clearly indicate the current progress. It also supports custom settings such as driving speed, among other features. Detailed documentation can be found below.
npm install leaflet-trackplayer
- Or download the repository
import "leaflet-trackplayer";
<script src="Leaflet.TrackPlayer/dist/leaflet-trackplayer.umd.cjs"></script>
let track = new L.TrackPlayer(latlngs, options).addTo(map)
let latlngs = [
let track = new L.TrackPlayer(latlngs, {
markerIcon: L.icon({
iconUrl: "Your image url",
markerRotation: false,
track.on("progress",(progress, { lng, lat },index)=>{{
console.log(`progress:${progress} - position:${lng},${lat} - trackIndex:${index}`)
An array of latitude and longitude data for the trajectory, which is the same as the first parameter for L.polyline
Options | Type | Default | Description |
speed | Number | 600 | Travel speed (km/h) |
weight | Number | 8 | Width of the trajectory line |
markerIcon | L.icon | - | The icon of the moving marker during playback has a value equivalent to the 'icon' property of the L.marker . |
polylineDecoratorOptions | Object | {...} | Arrowhead styles for the trajectory line, seeLeaflet.PolylineDecorator |
passedLineColor | String | #0000ff | Color of the traveled portion of the trajectory line |
notPassedLineColor | String | #ff0000 | Color of the untraveled portion of the trajectory line |
panTo | Boolean | true | Whether the map view follows the moving marke |
markerRotation | Boolean | true | Whether the marker auto-rotates according to the direction of movement |
markerRotationOrigin | String | center | The rotation origin of the marker, follows the CSS transform-origin rule |
markerRotationOffset | Number | 0 | The angle offset for marker rotation |
Methods | Return | Description |
start() | - | Start playback |
pause() | - | Pause playback |
setSpeed(<Number> speed,<Number> debounceTimeout? ) |
- | Set the playback speed (km/h) |
setProgress(<Number> progress ) |
- | Set the playback progress value to 0-1 |
addTo(<Map> map ) |
this | Adds the track player to the map |
remove() | - | Removes the track player from the map |
on(<String> type,<Function> fn ) |
- | Adds a listener function to the specified event type |
off(<String> type,<Function> fn? ) |
- | Removes the passed-in listener function. If no function is specified, removes all listeners for the event type. |
Event | Description |
start | Triggered when playback starts |
pause | Triggered when playback is paused |
finished | Triggered when playback completes |
progress | Triggered during playback; receives the progress(0-1) and current location and track array index in the callback function |
Properties | Type | Description |
marker | L.marker | Moving marker on the trajectory |
passedLine | L.polyline | The traveled part of the trajectory line |
notPassedLine | L.polyline | The untraveled part of the trajectory line |
polylineDecorator | L.polylineDecorator | The arrowhead-decorated polyline |
options | Object | Configuration options |
I gratitude to the following open-source plugins, which have provided essential support for the functionality.
- turf A modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript
- Leaflet.PolylineDecorator Defines and draws patterns along existing polylines or coordinate paths
- Leaflet.RotatedMarker Provides rotation functionality for markers in Leaflet