- Docker Swarm Mode Infrastructrues Setup.
Integrated Traefik、Consul、Prometheus、Grafana、Swarmpit、Portainer and some other useful open source products into the Docker Swarm Mode cluster selectively by some shell scripts and docker-compose files, and then setup a productively container cloud platform.
Create Swarm mode cluster first refer to:
Or you can deploy one by one as follows.
Set up Traefik as a glabal load balancer/proxy and Consul to store configurations and HTTPS certificates.
Then execute some commands to check:
# all nodes in swarm mode cluster
docker node ls
# all stacks in swarm mode cluster
docker stack ls
# all services in swarm mode cluster
docker service ls
# services in one stack
docker stack services traefik-consul
# tasks in one stack
docker stack ps traefik-consul
# tasks in one service
docker service ps traefik-consul_traefik
# tasks in someone node
docker node ps self/node_id/node_hostname
# logs of a service
docker service logs traefik-consul_traefik -f
# logs of a task/container
docker container logs traefik-consul_traefik.2.8bn0pn4jg2c0y2bu94sftj12l
Relevant destroy commands:
# destroy a stack
docker stack rm traefik-consul
# destroy a service
docker service rm traefik-consul_traefik
# destroy a task/container will have no effect in actual,
# cos the task/container will auto startup immediately.
docker container rm -f traefik-consul_traefik.2.8bn0pn4jg2c0y2bu94sftj12l
If traefik.yml or .env variables have been changed, just execute the shell script again, and the stack will be updated automaticly:
# cert
docker container exec -it traefik-consul_consul-leader... consul kv put traefik/tls/certificates/wildcard.$UI_DOMAIN/certFile "your cert content"
# key
docker container exec -it traefik-consul_consul-leader... consul kv put traefik/tls/certificates/wildcard.$UI_DOMAIN/keyFile "your key content"
Simple private image registry.
Swarmprom is actually just a set of tools pre-configured in a smart way for a Docker Swarm cluster.
Swarmpit provides a nice and clean way to manage your Docker Swarm cluster.
Portainer is a web UI (user interface) that allows you to see the state of your Docker services in a Docker Swarm mode cluster and manage it.