When launching waydroid with GAPPS for the first time you will be notified that the device is not certified for Google Play Protect. You can follow the instructions on screen to self certify your device, or here's a shortcut:
- Run
sudo waydroid shell
- Inside the shell run this command:
ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT=/apex/com.android.runtime ANDROID_DATA=/data ANDROID_TZDATA_ROOT=/apex/com.android.tzdata ANDROID_I18N_ROOT=/apex/com.android.i18n sqlite3 /data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases/gservices.db "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"
- Use the string of numbers printed by the command to register the device on your Google Account at https://www.google.com/android/uncertified
- Give the Google services some minutes to reflect the change, then restart waydroid