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Mattias Wadman edited this page May 21, 2022 · 20 revisions

Snippets to put in fq init.jq etc.

# totar({filename: "a", data: "aaa"}, {filename: "b", data: "bbb"}) | tar
def totare(g):
  def lpad($l; $n): [[range($l-length) | $n], .];
  def rpad($l; $n): [., [range($l-length) | $n]];
  def header($filename; $b):
    def checksum: [.[range(.size)]] | add;
    def h:
      [ ($filename | rpad(100; 0)) # name
      , ("000644 " | rpad(8; 0)) # mode
      , ("000000 " | rpad(8; 0)) # uid
      , ("000000 " | rpad(8; 0)) # gid
      , [($b.size | toradix(8) | [lpad(11; "0")]), " "]  # size
      , [(0| toradix(8) | lpad(11; "0")), " "] # mtime
      , "        " # chksum (blank spaces when adding checksum)
      , ("0") # typeflag
      , ("" | rpad(100; 0)) # linkname
      , ["ustar", 0] # magic
      , ("00") # version
      , ("user" | rpad(32; 0)) # uname
      , ("group" | rpad(32; 0)) # gname
      , ("000000 " | rpad(8; 0)) # devmajor
      , ("000000 " | rpad(8; 0)) # devminor
      , ("" | rpad(155; 0)) # prefix
      ] | tobytes;
    ( h as $h
    | [ $h[0:148]
      , [(($h | checksum) | toradix(8) | lpad(6; "0")), 0, " "]
      , $h[148+8:]
    | tobytes
  [ ( # per file
      ( g as {$filename, $data}
      | ($data | tobytes) as $b
      | ($filename | rpad(100; 0)) # name
      | header($filename; $b) as $header
      | $header
      , ("" | lpad((512 - ($header.size % 512)) % 512; 0))
      , $b
      , ("" | lpad((512 - ($b.size % 512)) % 512; 0))
      # end_marker
    , [range(1024) | 0]
  ] | tobytes;
# "01:02:03.45" -> 3723.45
def fromduration:
  ( reduce (split(":") | reverse[]) as $p (
      {m: 1, n: 0};
      ( .n = .n + ($p | tonumber) * .m
      | .m *= 60
  | .n

# 3723.45 -> "01:02:03.45"
def toduration:
  def intfloor: (. % (.+1));
  def intdiv($n): (. - (. % $n)) / $n;
  def pad($s): $s[length:] + .;
  ( intfloor as $n # int floor
  | (tostring | split(".")[1]) as $frac # hack: use string for decimal fractions
  | $n
  | [ recurse(if . > 0 then intdiv(60) else empty end)
    | . % 60
    | tostring
    | pad("00")
  | reverse[1:]
  | join(":") + if $frac then "." + $frac else "" end
# similar to
def gron:
  ( path(..) as $p
  | getpath($p) as $v
  | select($v | scalars)
  | "\($p | path_to_expr) = \($v | tojson)"
  | println
def _xml_entities:
  { "<": "&lt;",
    ">": "&gt;",
    "&": "&amp;",
    "\"": "&quot;",
    "'": "&apos;"

def xml_entity_encode:
  def _f($t):
      "(?<c>[^\\w ])";
      "\(.c | . as $c | if $t | has($c) then $t[.] else explode[0] | "&#\(.);" end)"

def xml_data_encode:
  def _f($t):

# ["tag"] -> <tag/>
# ["tag", {k: v, ...}] -> <tag k="v" .../>
# ["tag", {k: v, ...}, [["tag", ...], "text", ...]] -> <tag k="v" ...><tag/> text...</tag>
def toxml($indent; $nl):
  def _f($d):
    def _attr: to_entries | map("\(.key)=\(.value | tostring | xml_entity_encode | tojson)") | join(" ");
    if .[2] then
      ( "\($d)<\(.[0]) \(.[1] | _attr)>"
      , (.[2][] | if type == "array" then _f($d+$indent) else xml_data_encode end)
      , "\($d)</\(.[0])>"
    elif .[1] then "\($d)<\(.[0]) \(.[1] | _attr)/>"
    else "\($d)<\(.[0])/>"
  ( [_f("")]
  | join($nl)
def toxml($indent): toxml($indent; "\n");
def toxml: toxml("  ");
# [[pixel, pixel, ...], ...] | tobmp
# all rows needs to have same amount of pixels
def tobmp:
  def le16: [band(.; 255), band(bsr(.; 8); 255)];
  def le24: [band(.; 255), band(bsr(.; 8); 255), band(bsr(.; 16); 255)];
  def le32: [band(.; 255), band(bsr(.; 8); 255), band(bsr(.; 16); 255), band(bsr(.; 24); 255)];
  ( (.[0] | length) as $width
  | length as $height
  | ( [ (40 | le32)
      , ($width | le32)
      , ($height | le32)
      , (1 | le16) # planes
      , (24 | le16) # bits per pixel
      , (0 | le32) # no compression
      , (($width*3 + (($width*3) % 4)) * $height | le32) # byte size of raw pixels including padding
      , (0 | le32) # horizontal p/m
      , (0 | le32) # vertical p/m
      , (0 | le32) # no colors in palette
      , (0 | le32) # no important colors (?)
    | tobytes
    ) as $dib_header
  | ( reverse | map(map(le24) | [., [range(($width*3) % 4) | 0]]) # rrggbb, ... -> [[[bb,gg,rr], ...], padding]
    | tobytes
    ) as $raw_pixels
  | [ "BM"  # bmp magic
    , (14 + $dib_header.size + $raw_pixels.size | le32) # size of file
    , (0 | le16) # app specific unused0
    , (0 | le16) # app specific unused1
    , (14 + $dib_header.size | le32)
    , $dib_header
    , $raw_pixels
    ] | tobytes

# use iterm control codes to display an image
def display_image: "\x1b]1337;File=inline=1:\(base64)\x07" | println;

# swedish_flag_bmp | display_image
def swedish_flag_bmp:
  def r($n;$v): range($n) | $v;
  ( [0x006aa7,0xfecc02] as [$b,$g]
  | [r(100;$b),r(50;$g),r(200;$b)] as $a
  | [r(350;$g)] as $b
  | [r(100;$a),r(50;$b),r(100;$a)]
  | tobmp

# convert buffer to bmp with width $w
# usage: tobytes | buffer_to_pixels(500) | display_image
def buffer_to_pixels($w):
  ( ((.size - (.size%$w)) / $w) as $r
  | [.[range($r*$w)]]
  | chunk($w)
  | tobmp
# "01:09:55.76" -> 4195.76
# 4195.76 -> "01:09:55.76"
def duration:
  def lpad($s; $w): ($s * ($w+1-length))[1:] + .;
  def _string:
    ( split(":")
    | map(tonumber)
    | reverse
    | [foreach .[] as $n (0; . + 1; pow(60; .-1) * $n)]
    # sum smallest to largest seem to improve precision
    | sort
    | reverse
    | add
  def _number:
    if . == 0 then 0
      [ ( [ (recurse(if . > 0 then intdiv(.; 60) else empty end) | . % 60)]
        | reverse
        | .[1:]
        | map(tostring | lpad("0"; 2))
        | join(":")
        # ugly but float is not accurate enough
      , ( tostring
        | split(".")[1] // empty
        | ".", .
      ] | join("")
  if . | type == "string" then _string
  elif . | type == "number" then _number
  else error("expected string or number")
# see all first frame where sample_rate changes
# ex: .frames | changes(.header.sample_rate)
def changes(f): streaks_by(f)[].[0];
def urldecode:
    ( .c
    | ascii_downcase
    | explode
    # "0"-"9" or "a"-"f"
    | map(.-48 | if .>=49 then .-39 else . end)
    | [.[0]*16+.[1]]
    | implode
# converted from
# usage: fgrep("matrix_structure") | (parent | mp4_path), mp4_matrix_structure_rotation
def mp4_matrix_structure_rotation:
  ( .a as $s0
  | .c as $s3
  | .b as $s1
  | .d as $s4
  | ($s0*$s0 + $s3*$s3 | sqrt) as $scale0
  | ($s1*$s1 + $s4*$s4 | sqrt) as $scale1
  | atan2($s1/$scale1; $s0 / $scale0) * 180 / 3.14159265359
  | -round
# hack to parse just a box
# <binary> | mp4_box
def mp4_box:
  [0, 0, 0, 16, "ftyp", "isom", 0, 0 , 2 , 0, .] | mp4.boxes;
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