Remarkable Devise is a collection of RSpec matchers for Devise.
Add to your Gemfile:
gem "remarkable_activerecord"
gem "remarkable_devise"
Add the require after the remarkable/active_record line in your spec_heplers.rb:
require 'remarkable/active_record'
require 'remarkable/devise'
Suppose that we require authentication of users. And we want to use Devise. The problem that we face a number of requirements:
- The user must be authorized by email or login
- Password should contain 8 to 20 characters
- After 3 unsuccessful attempts to authenticate, the account should be locked in 5 hours
- and much more
Following the BDD way, we first write a specs:
# spec/models/user_spec.rb
describe User do
it { should be_a_confirmable(:confirm_within => 2.days) }
it { should be_a_rememberable(:remember_for => 2.weeks) }
it { should be_a_validatable(:password_length => 8..20) }
it { should be_a_timeoutable(:timeout_in => 15.minutes) }
it { should be_a_token_authenticatable(:token_authentication_key => :auth_token) }
it { should be_a_trackable }
it { should be_a_registerable }
it { should be_a_recoverable }
should_be_a_lockable do |o|
o.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts
o.maximum_attempts = 3
o.unlock_strategy = :time
should_be_a_database_authenticatable do |o|
o.stretches = 20
o.encryptor = :clearance_sha1
o.params_authenticatable = false
o.authentication_keys = [:email, :login]
After number of steps (red/green/refactor) we will get the following result (assuming that you are familiar with how to use Devise and know what to do):
# app/models/user.rb
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
devise :database_authenticatable, :stretches => 20, :encryptor => :clearance_sha1,
:authentication_keys => [:email, :login], :params_authenticatable => false
devise :confirmable, :confirm_within => 2.days
devise :recoverable
devise :rememberable, :remember_for => 2.weeks, :extend_remember_period => true
devise :trackable
devise :validatable, :password_length => 8..20
devise :token_authenticatable, :token_authentication_key => :auth_token
devise :timeoutable, :timeout_in => 15.minutes
devise :lockable, :maximum_attempts => 3, :lock_strategy => :failed_attempts,
:unlock_strategy => :time, :unlock_in => 5.hours
devise :registerable
# rspec spec/models/user_spec.rb --format=documentation
should be a confirmable within 2 days
should be a rememberable with 14 days remember period and with extendable remember period
should be a validatable with password length 8..20
should be a timeoutable within 900 seconds
should be a token authenticatable with :auth_token as authentication key
should be a trackable
should be a registerable
should be a recoverable
should be a lockable with :failed_attempts lock strategy, with :time unlock strategy, with unlock in 5 hours, and with 3 maxumum attempts
should be a database authenticatable with [:email, :login] as authentication keys, without params authenticatable, with password stretches 20, and with :clearance_sha1 password encryptor
Coming soon