Make sure that the following folders are writable for the server either by changing ownership of the folders, or by changing the rights to 777:
- /writeable: please allow access to all folders in this directory (recursively)
PHP version 7.4 or higher is required, with the following extensions installed:
- intl
- mbstring
- json (usually enabled by default - don't turn it off)
- xml (usually enabled by default - don't turn it off)
- TODO: setup testing!
- Sending E-Mails (contact form)
- Translations for Articles
- Breadcrumb
- Contact form
- Gallery
- Latest news
- Sitemap
This CMS is based on SQLite as database and CodeIgniter 4 (CI) as MVC-Framework.
What ever is possible with CI is possible with this CMS.
Feel free to fork it and send me your suggestions / pull requests.
Use your own .env file to customize your local settings. Do not check in your .env file!
You can use the env-file as a blue print for your own .env-file.
- While developing use the cmsqlite_dev.db database
- If you want to build the final release use the file "" which will create a CMSQLite-Build
- Check if your newly created files and folders are in the list of files to be copied