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Releases: volkamerlab/kissim


31 Oct 07:23
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Small changes and additions to kissim:

  • Dependency fixes (pin ipywidgets, add tqdm, remove biopandas)
  • CI workflow updates
  • Add residue subset by Martin et al.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0


14 Dec 18:39
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This is the first official kissim release!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v1.0.0


16 Sep 16:08
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v0.4.1 Pre-release

Minor changes


  • Specify logger levels for kissim (INFO) and opencadd (WARN) #90
  • Fix future warning (df.var(level=1) > df.groupby(level=1).var()) in kissim.viewer.kinase.KinaseViewer._std #94


  • Use opencadd conda package in environment (instead of pip install of GH repo) #91
  • Use matplotlib-base instead of matplotlib in environment #93


04 Sep 06:53
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v0.4.0 Pre-release


  • Min-max normalization for continuous values more fine-grained + CLI (kissim normalize)
    • Distances: Min-max per subpocket and residue position
    • Moments: Min-max per moments and subpocket
  • Add residue subsets for fingerprinting + CLI (kissim subset)

Fixed bugs

  • Sort kinase pairs alphabetically before groupby (important to have unique pair combinations for structure to kinase mapping)
  • Add exceptions for errors detected with updated KLIFS dataset


30 Jun 07:25
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v0.3.0 Pre-release

This release contains a lot of big changes to the code base and new features. (In the future cut releases earlier!)



  • Replace angles and ratios in SideChainOrientationFeature and SolventExposureFeature with categories (1, 2, 3) PR
  • Add viewer module with StructureViewer, StructurePairViewer, KinaseViewer PR and PR
  • Use opencadd.databases.klifs to fetch structural information from KLIFS (local or remote) PR
  • Use opencadd.structure.pocket to calculate subpocket centers; update anchor residues so that less fingerprints contain NaN values because of missing residues PR
  • Add CLI with sub-commands (kissim encode; kissim compare; kissim outliers; ...) including a structure outlier removal option PR and PR
  • @AJK-dev: Add kinase matrix clustering and tree generation (kissim.comparison.tree module) PR
  • Save FeatureDistancesGenerator and FingerprintDistanceGenerator data as CSV files and FingerprintGenerator data as JSON file PR
  • Add fingeprint pair bit coverage minimum option PR

Repo structure and development workflow

  • Rename repo from kinsim_structure to kissim PR
  • Rename master to main branch
  • Add unit tests and CI for Linux/MacOS/Windows
  • Add tutorials for each module; set up RTD documentation
  • Add CodeCov



  • Change side chain orientation calculation PR
    • Before: Calculate angle between pocket centroid, residue CA atom and residue's side chain centroid
    • Now: Calculate angle between pocket centroid, residue CA atom and residue's side chain representative (furthest atom from CA) and map angles into categories
  • Use NGLview instead of PyMol for visualization
  • Remove MOL2-to-PDB conversion; use KLIFS started to offer PDB files directly
    • Add PocketBioPython and PocketDataFrame as data classes for the encoding step
    • Add KlifsToKissimData (streamline KLIFS data into KiSSim's required data format)
  • Restructure code base (split large files into a module with multiple submodules)
  • Rename similarity > comparison module PR
  • Rename ExposureFeature > SolventExposureFeature as part of this PR
  • Fingerprints are not normalized by default any more; instead distances are calculated per feature type (thus dimensions match) and can be weighted user-defined to produce the final fingerprint distance PR
  • Move structure/kinase matrix generation in FingerprintDistanceGenerator class method to kissim.comparison.matrix module PR

Repo structure and development workflow

Bug fixes

  • Fix SiteAlign feature implementation for THR's charge (was positively charged but must be neutral) PR