is a lightweight jQuery plugin that takes a big nested list and prunes it down to a small expandable
tree control.
Also includes support for checkboxes (including 'indeterminate' state) and for populating the tree using a JSON data source.
See aexmachina.github.io/jquery-bonsai/ for more information.
bower install jquery-bonsai --save
expandAll: false, // expand all items
expand: null, // optional function to expand an item
collapse: null, // optional function to collapse an item
addExpandAll: false, // add a link to expand all items
addSelectAll: false, // add a link to select all checkboxes
selectAllExclude: null, // a filter selector or function for selectAll
checkboxes: false, // requires jquery.qubit
// createCheckboxes: creates checkboxes for each list item.
// The name and value for the checkboxes can be declared in the
// markup using `data-name` and `data-value`.
// The name is inherited from parent items if not specified.
// Checked state can be indicated using `data-checked`.
createCheckboxes: false,
// handleDuplicateCheckboxes: update any other checkboxes that
// have the same value
handleDuplicateCheckboxes: false
If the DOM changes then you'll need to call #update
$('#list').bonsai('expand', listItem);
Returns an object representing the expanded/collapsed state of the list.
The identify of the list items for serialize and restore is based on the id
or data-bonsai-id
var bonsai = $('#list').data('bonsai');
var state = bonsai.serialize();
Restores the expanded/collapsed state of the list using the return value of #serialize()
var bonsai = $('#list').data('bonsai');
var state = bonsai.serialize();
// do stuff that changes the DOM, and may not retain collapsed state
bonsai.update(); // update to handle any new DOM elements
bonsai.restore(state); // restores the collapsed state