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cluster configuration (/docker)

VCell Project Software Service configuration info (All docker images are stored in Docker registry on

Important local directory on Docker Swarm nodes

deploy directory (on DMZ machines ... for RELEASE or for ALPHA).
/usr/local/deploy/config which stores the deployment configurations.
All swarm nodes
/usr/local/deploy local secrets directory which holds clear text passwords and certificates and Java JRE images (.install4j subdir)

Slurm Nodes

singularity module must be installed on all VCell hpc nodes (script must have access to the following script command "module load singularity/2.4.2") michael wilson
need 2 local dirs on each:
-----/state/partition1/singularityImages (has singularity images contains all the solvers, copy of vcell-batch docker container converted to singularity)
-----/scratch/vcell (solver output dir, holds sim data that is then packaged into zip and moved to /share/apps/vcell3/users/{user})
needed remote dirs
-----/share/apps/vcell3/htclogs (needed by vcell hpc partition nodes)
----------vcell-submit service puts submision script /share/apps/vcell3/htclogs/V_{REL,ALPHA}{VCSimKey}{jobid}{task}.slurm.sub, e.g. /share/apps/vcell3/htclogs/V_REL_137662584_2_0.slurm.sub)
----------slurm writes job log (stdout of the submission script, includes solver stdout) /share/apps/vcell3/htclogs/V
{REL,ALPHA}{VCSimKey}{jobid}_{task}.slurm.log, , e.g. /share/apps/vcell3/htclogs/V_REL_137662584_2_0.slurm.log
-----/share/apps/vcell3/users (sim results written to during solver execution) -----/share/apps/vcell3/singularityImages (place where singularity solver container is stored during VCell deploy, copied if necessay to hpc via slurm submit script)

currently hard-coded for SLURM nodes) needed by solvers, contains singularityImages (singularity container images, pushed to each hpc node during deployment),tmp (solver temp dir)

#Shared Directories 1a) shared folder (/share/apps/vcell3) has subdirectories - users(simData), htclogs(submit,logs), singularity(container mages), apache_webroot(deployed clients), export(exported simData for download)
-----1aa) applies to all hpc nodes (xanadu{1-xxx},shangrala{1-xxx}) (normal linux nfs mount mount,they are root-squashed), needs users,htclogs
-----1ab) vcell swarm nodes needs (excluding dmz machines - vcellapi, vcellapi-beta) users, htclogs, export (usings volumes, when mapping volumes to real locations, Docker daemon runs as root so must have a different share that is not root squashed)
-----1ac) vcell build node (vcell-node1) singularity(not used), apache_weboot

--VCell Stack--(VCell docker swarm cluster) Docker VCell see vcell stack definition
script that creates environment variables file
api ( DockerFile (REST web service provides external connectivity for VCell clients)
db (cbit.vcell.message.server.db.DatabaseServer) DockerFile (services database requests)
data ( DockerFile (services data request)
sched (cbit.vcell.message.server.dispatcher.SimulationDispatcher) DockerFile (manages solver status, decides which simulations run in what order)
submit (cbit.vcell.message.server.batch.sim.HtcSimulationWorker) DockerFile (creates solver run arguments and config, slurm submission script, writes to /share/apps/vcell3/users/{user}/simtask.xml, sends script to slurm)
mongodb DockerFile (hosts gridfs for temp store of large messages, error logging)
activemqint (webcenter/activemq:5.14.3) (handles messages between services)
activemqsim (webcenter/activemq:5.14.3) (handles messages from running solvers and 'sched' service)
vcell-opt DockerFile (Provides REST service to running optimization with copasi)

Linux Logging elk client services see ELK definition (
elastic-agent (installed directly on all nodes, forwards logging events and metrics directly to elasticsearch)
fleet (orchestrates and managed 'fleet' of elastic-agents)
elasticsearch (searchables database of logging events)
kibana (users interface for elastic search and managing elastic-agent's via fleet)

Not a --VCell Stack-- service but sent to all hpc nodes during deployment
Docker Solvers,Preprocess,Postprocess image (for batch processing, includes java code and Linux solver executables)
vcell-batch (Never run standalone in docker, used as source for singularity image) DockerFile

Singularity image (during build, created from vcell-batch docker image)
vcell-batch.img => singularity image temporarily stored /opt/build/vcell/docker/build/singularity-vm/

vcell-clientgen (generates Install4J installers during deployment)
Docker container containing install4j and built (on-the-fly) vcell-client software => docker image in registry

elastic-agent service
installed directly on nodes, managed by elastic fleet server on

sudo docker stack deploy -c vcell/docker/swarm/docker-stack-logspout.yml logspout

(docker swarm managed after manually deployed, runs on each swarm node, forwards logs to elk from each swarm node, deployed as monitor stack)

Visualizer tool, shows nodes, containers running on each node, follow directions

#Add visualizer tool to swarm
sudo docker stack deploy -c {vcellroot}/docker/swarm/docker-stack-visualizer.yml vis
#Remove visulaizer tool from swarm
sudo docker stack rm vis

Monitoring tool

#Follow setup instuction on website to install monitor tool
#Remove monitor tool
sudo docker stack rm monitor

VCell project Servers

production Docker Swarm Cluster (RELEASE)

[vcell@vcell-node1 /opt/build/vcell/docker/build  38] $ sudo docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME                   STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
0x290pfnvtq8gf9a8uzlih8jb *   Ready               Active              Reachable           18.03.0-ce
pznhvvcqu89xzao84jud7ci9i   Ready               Active              Leader              18.03.0-ce
y6bshmo0nrkm6skwk1d5k63a0      Ready               Active              Reachable           18.03.0-ce

development Docker Swarm Cluster (ALPHA)

[vcell@vcell-node3 ~  1] $ sudo docker node ls
ID                            HOSTNAME                     STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
q3ghtrdt0qnz8i3gb56y4zbue *     Ready               Active              Leader              18.03.0-ce
nmym8qspowiu1d850ok9vwtk2     Ready               Active              Reachable           18.03.0-ce
kn3y3t1rw8skyua80j841ohng   Ready               Active              Reachable           18.03.0-ce, NOT Docker, (VCell database)

Oracle database, has all models, sim status, all user data, everything, NOT Swarm node, (VCell docker registry) details

(internal docker registry, contains images for vcell system, tagged by git-hub commit hashes), NOT Docker (SLURM submit node)

Slurm partition "vcell2"
sbatch /share/apps/vcell3/htclogs/V_REL_39393939393_0_0.slurm.sub

Xanadu01 ...
Shangrila-01 ..., NOT Docker, (Logging system) details

logstash (NOT docker, on, collects logs from nodes)
elasticsearch (NOT docker, on, search engine for logs)
kibana (NOT docker, on, GUI to query logs)