From c3b1642b4615609095c58c753484f80b5c40d6a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Naomi Pentrel <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 14:39:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Draft: refactoring
.../workflows/automation_lang_specifics/ | 302 +++++++++++
.../ | 143 ++++++
.../automation_lang_specifics/ | 14 +
.github/workflows/ | 467 +-----------------
4 files changed, 475 insertions(+), 451 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 .github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
create mode 100755 .github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
create mode 100755 .github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
diff --git a/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/ b/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..02f397fc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+import re as regex
+import subprocess
+from automation_lang_specifics.shared_tools import make_soup
+## Language-specific resource name overrides:
+## "proto_resource_name" : "language-specific_resource_name"
+## "as-it-appears-in-type-array": "as-it-is-used-per-sdk"
+## Note: Always remap generic component and service, for all languages,
+## as this must be unique for this script, but is non-unique across sdks.
+ "generic_component": "generic",
+ "input_controller": "input",
+ "movement_sensor": "movementsensor",
+ "power_sensor": "powersensor",
+ "generic_service": "generic",
+ "base_remote_control": "baseremotecontrol",
+ "data_manager": "datamanager"
+## Ignore these specific APIs if they error, are deprecated, etc:
+## {resource}.{methodname} to exclude a specific method, or
+## interface.{interfacename} to exclude an entire Go interface:
+ 'interface.NavStore', # motion service interface
+ 'interface.LocalRobot', # robot interface
+ 'interface.RemoteRobot', # robot interface
+ 'robot.RemoteByName', # robot method
+ 'robot.ResourceByName', # robot method
+ 'robot.RemoteNames', # robot method
+ #'robot.ResourceNames', # robot method
+ 'robot.ResourceRPCAPIs', # robot method
+ 'robot.ProcessManager', # robot method
+ 'robot.OperationManager', # robot method
+ 'robot.SessionManager', # robot method
+ 'robot.PackageManager', # robot method
+ 'robot.Logger' # robot method
+## Use these URLs for data types (for params, returns, and errors raised) that are
+## built-in to the language or provided by a non-Viam third-party package:
+## TODO: Not currently using these in parse(), but could do a simple replace()
+## or could handle in markdownification instead. TBD. Same with other SDK lang link arrays:
+ "context": "",
+ "map": "",
+ "bool": "",
+ "int": "",
+ "float64": "",
+ "image": "",
+ "r3.vector": "",
+ "string": "",
+ "*geo.Point": "",
+ "primitive.ObjectID": "",
+ "error": ""
+## Check to see if we have a locally-staged version of the Go SDK Docs (RDK repo). If so,
+## scrape our code samples (and only code samples!) from that URL instead. This check just
+## establishes whether the URL is up or not; if detected as up here, it is scraped in parse().
+## TODO: Consider if we need to consider other ports besides '8080', i.e. if multiple stage attempts,
+## or if port was already in use by another service when pkgsite command was issues
+## (8080 a very common web services default port)
+## NOTE: To stage the Go SDK docs (RDK repo):
+## - Clone
+## - Make your changes (add code samples as needed)
+## - Run, from within the repo: go install; pkgsite -open
+class GoParser():
+ def __init__(self, verbose):
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ self.is_go_sdk_staging_available = False
+ self.go_methods = {}
+ ## Check to see if pkgsite (Go SDK docs local builder process) is running, and get its PID if so:
+ process_result =["ps -ef | grep pkgsite | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'}"], shell=True, text = True, capture_output=True)
+ pkgsite_pid = process_result.stdout.rstrip()
+ if pkgsite_pid != '':
+ process_result =["lsof -Pp " + pkgsite_pid + " | grep LISTEN | awk {'print $9'} | sed 's%.*:%%g'"], shell=True, text = True, capture_output=True)
+ pkgsite_port = process_result.stdout
+ self.is_go_sdk_staging_available = True
+ if self.verbose:
+ print('DEBUG: Detected local staged Go SDK docs URL, using that for Go code samples.')
+ def parse(self, sdk_url, type, resources, proto_map_file):
+ self.go_methods[type] = {}
+ for resource in resources:
+ ## Determine URL form for Go depending on type (like 'component'):
+ if type in ("component", "service") and resource in GO_RESOURCE_OVERRIDES:
+ url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}s/{GO_RESOURCE_OVERRIDES[resource]}"
+ elif type in ("component", "service"):
+ url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}s/{resource}"
+ elif type == "robot" and resource in GO_RESOURCE_OVERRIDES:
+ url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}/{GO_RESOURCE_OVERRIDES[resource]}"
+ elif type == "robot":
+ url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}"
+ elif type == "app":
+ pass
+ self.go_methods[type][resource] = {}
+ ## Scrape each parent method tag and all contained child tags for Go by resource:
+ if type != "app":
+ soup = make_soup(url)
+ ## Get a raw dump of all go methods by interface for each resource:
+ go_methods_raw = soup.find_all(
+ lambda tag: == 'div'
+ and tag.get('class') == ['Documentation-declaration']
+ and "type" in tag.pre.text
+ and "interface {" in tag.pre.text)
+ # some resources have more than one interface:
+ for resource_interface in go_methods_raw:
+ ## Determine the interface name, which we need for the method_link:
+ interface_name = resource_interface.find('pre').text.splitlines()[0].removeprefix('type ').removesuffix(' interface {')
+ #print(interface_name)
+ ## Exclude unwanted Go interfaces:
+ check_interface_name = 'interface.' + interface_name
+ if not check_interface_name in GO_IGNORE_APIS:
+ ## Loop through each method found for this interface:
+ for tag in resource_interface.find_all('span', attrs={"data-kind" : "method"}):
+ ## Create new empty dictionary for this specific method, to be appended to ongoing go_methods dictionary,
+ ## in form: go_methods[type][resource][method_name] = this_method_dict
+ this_method_dict = {}
+ tag_id = tag.get('id')
+ method_name = tag.get('id').split('.')[1]
+ ## Exclude unwanted Go methods:
+ check_method_name = resource + '.' + method_name
+ if not check_method_name in GO_IGNORE_APIS:
+ ## Look up method_name in proto_map file, and return matching proto:
+ with open(proto_map_file, 'r') as f:
+ for row in f:
+ if not row.startswith('#') \
+ and row.startswith(resource + ',') \
+ and row.split(',')[3] == method_name:
+ this_method_dict["proto"] = row.split(',')[1]
+ ## Extract the raw text from resource_interface matching method_name.
+ ## Split by method span, throwing out remainder of span tag, catching cases where
+ ## id is first attr or data-kind is first attr, and slicing to omit the first match,
+ ## which is the opening of the method span tag, not needed:
+ this_method_raw1 = regex.split(r'id="' + tag_id + '"', str(resource_interface))[1].removeprefix('>').removeprefix(' data-kind="method">').lstrip()
+ ## Then, omit all text that begins a new method span, and additionally remove trailing
+ ## element closers for earlier tags we spliced into (pre and span):
+ this_method_raw2 = regex.split(r'', this_method_raw1)[0].removesuffix('}\n').removesuffix('').rstrip()
+ method_description = ""
+ ## Get method description, if any comment spans are found:
+ if tag.find('span', class_='comment'):
+ ## Iterate through all comment spans, splitting by opening comment tag, and
+ ## omitting the first string, which is either the opening comment tag itself,
+ ## or the usage of this method, if the comment is appended to the end of usage line:
+ for comment in regex.split(r'.*', comment.removeprefix('//'))[0].lstrip()
+ method_description = method_description + comment_raw
+ ## Write comment field as appended comments if found, or empty string if none.
+ this_method_dict["description"] = method_description
+ ## Get full method usage string, by omitting all comment spans:
+ method_usage_raw = regex.sub(r'', '', this_method_raw2)
+ this_method_dict["usage"] = regex.sub(r'', '', method_usage_raw).replace("\t", " ").lstrip().rstrip()
+ ## Not possible to link to the specific functions, so we link to the parent resource instead:
+ this_method_dict["method_link"] = url + '#' + interface_name
+ ## Check for code sample for this method.
+ ## If we detected that a local instance of the Go SDK docs is available, use that.
+ ## Otherwise, use the existing scraped 'soup' object from the live Go SDK docs instead.
+ if self.is_go_sdk_staging_available:
+ staging_url = regex.sub('', 'http://localhost:8080', url)
+ staging_soup = make_soup(staging_url)
+ ## Get a raw dump of all go methods by interface for each resource:
+ go_code_samples_raw = staging_soup.find_all(
+ lambda code_sample_tag: == 'p'
+ and method_name + " example:" in code_sample_tag.text)
+ else:
+ ## Get a raw dump of all go methods by interface for each resource:
+ go_code_samples_raw = soup.find_all(
+ lambda code_sample_tag: == 'p'
+ and method_name + " example:" in code_sample_tag.text)
+ ## Determine if a code sample is provided for this method:
+ if len(go_code_samples_raw) == 1:
+ ## Fetch code sample raw text, preserving newlines but stripping all formatting.
+ ## This string should be suitable for feeding into any python formatter to get proper form:
+ this_method_dict["code_sample"] = go_code_samples_raw[0].find_next('pre').text.replace("\t", " ")
+ elif len(go_code_samples_raw) > 1:
+ ## In case we want to support multiple code samples per method down the line,
+ ## this is where to process (and: update write_markdown() accordingly to enable looping
+ ## through possible code sample data objects). For now we just continue to fetch just the
+ ## first-discovered (i.e., at index [0]):
+ this_method_dict["code_sample"] = go_code_samples_raw[0].find_next('pre').text.replace("\t", " ")
+ ## We have finished collecting all data for this method. Write the this_method_dict dictionary
+ ## in its entirety to the go_methods dictionary by type (like 'component'), by resource (like 'arm'),
+ ## using the method_name as key:
+ self.go_methods[type][resource][method_name] = this_method_dict
+ ## Go SDK docs for each interface omit inherited functions. If the resource being considered inherits from
+ ## resource.Resource (currently all components and services do, and no app or robot interfaces do), then add
+ ## the three inherited methods manually: Reconfigure(), DoCommand(), Close()
+ ## (Match only to instances that are preceded by a tab char, or we'll catch ResourceByName erroneously):
+ if '\tresource.Resource' in resource_interface.text:
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['Reconfigure'] = {'proto': 'Reconfigure', \
+ 'description': 'Reconfigure must reconfigure the resource atomically and in place. If this cannot be guaranteed, then usage of AlwaysRebuild or TriviallyReconfigurable is permissible.', \
+ 'usage': 'Reconfigure(ctx context.Context, deps Dependencies, conf Config) error', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['DoCommand'] = {'proto': 'DoCommand', \
+ 'description': 'DoCommand sends/receives arbitrary data.', \
+ 'usage': 'DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['Close'] = {'proto': 'Close', \
+ 'description': 'Close must safely shut down the resource and prevent further use. Close must be idempotent. Later reconfiguration may allow a resource to be "open" again.', \
+ 'usage': 'Close(ctx context.Context) error', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ ## Similarly, if the resource being considered inherits from resource.Actuator (Servo, for example),
+ ## then add the two inherited methods manually: IsMoving() and Stop():
+ if '\tresource.Actuator' in resource_interface.text:
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['IsMoving'] = {'proto': 'IsMoving', \
+ 'description': 'IsMoving returns whether the resource is moving or not', \
+ 'usage': 'IsMoving(context.Context) (bool, error)', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['Stop'] = {'proto': 'Stop', \
+ 'description': 'Stop stops all movement for the resource', \
+ 'usage': 'Stop(context.Context, map[string]interface{}) error', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ ## Similarly, if the resource being considered inherits from resource.Shaped (Base, for example),
+ ## then add the one inherited method manually: Geometries():
+ if '\tresource.Shaped' in resource_interface.text:
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['Geometries'] = {'proto': 'GetGeometries', \
+ 'description': 'Geometries returns the list of geometries associated with the resource, in any order. The poses of the geometries reflect their current location relative to the frame of the resource.', \
+ 'usage': 'Geometries(context.Context, map[string]interface{}) ([]spatialmath.Geometry, error)', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ ## Similarly, if the resource being considered inherits from resource.Sensor (Movement Sensor, for example),
+ ## then add the one inherited method manually: Readings():
+ if '\tresource.Sensor' in resource_interface.text:
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['Readings'] = {'proto': 'GetReadings', \
+ 'description': 'Readings return data specific to the type of sensor and can be of any type.', \
+ 'usage': 'Readings(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)', \
+ 'method_link': ''}
+ ## For SLAM service only, additionally fetch data for two helper methods defined outside of the resource's interface:
+ if resource == 'slam':
+ ## Fetch PointCloudMapFull:
+ pointcloudmapfull_method_raw = soup.find_all(
+ lambda tag: == 'div'
+ and tag.get('class') == ['Documentation-declaration']
+ and "PointCloudMapFull" in tag.pre.text)
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull'] = {}
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['proto'] = 'PointCloudMapFull'
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['description'] = pointcloudmapfull_method_raw[0].pre.find_next('p').text
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['usage'] = pointcloudmapfull_method_raw[0].pre.text.removeprefix('func ')
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['method_link'] = ''
+ ## Fetch InternalStateFull:
+ internalstatefull_method_raw = soup.find_all(
+ lambda tag: == 'div'
+ and tag.get('class') == ['Documentation-declaration']
+ and "InternalStateFull" in tag.pre.text)
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull'] = {}
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['proto'] = 'InternalStateFull'
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['description'] = internalstatefull_method_raw[0].pre.find_next('p').text
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['usage'] = internalstatefull_method_raw[0].pre.text.removeprefix('func ')
+ self.go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['method_link'] = ''
+ ## We have finished looping through all scraped Go methods. Write the self.go_methods dictionary
+ ## in its entirety to the all_methods dictionary using "go" as the key:
+ else: # if type == "app"
+ ##Go SDK has no APP API!
+ pass
+ return self.go_methods[type]
diff --git a/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/ b/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a7708562fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+## Dictionary of proto API names, with empty methods array, to be filled in for later use by get_proto_apis():
+proto_map = {
+ "arm": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "ArmServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "base": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "BaseServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "board": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "BoardServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "camera": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "CameraServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "encoder": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "EncoderServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "gantry": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "GantryServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "generic_component": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "GenericServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "gripper": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "GripperServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "input_controller": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "InputControllerServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "motor": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "MotorServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "movement_sensor": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "MovementSensorServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "power_sensor": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "PowerSensorServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "sensor": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "SensorServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "servo": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "ServoServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "data_manager": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "DataManagerServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "generic_service": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "GenericServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "mlmodel": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "MLModelServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "motion": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "MotionServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "navigation": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "NavigationServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "slam": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "SLAMServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "vision": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "VisionServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "app": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "AppServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "billing": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "BillingServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "data": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "DataServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "dataset": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "DatasetServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "data_sync": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "DataSyncServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "robot": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "RobotServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ },
+ "mltraining": {
+ "url": "",
+ "name": "MLTrainingServiceClient",
+ "methods": []
+ }
diff --git a/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/ b/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..45e497ba26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/automation_lang_specifics/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import urllib.error
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+## Fetch URL content via BS4, used in parse():
+def make_soup(url):
+ try:
+ page = urlopen(url)
+ html ="utf-8")
+ return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
+ except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
+ print(f'An HTTPError was thrown: {err.code} {err.reason} for URL: {url}')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ b/.github/workflows/
index 9d3e92fe6f..298355cd4c 100755
--- a/.github/workflows/
+++ b/.github/workflows/
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import os
-import markdownify
import subprocess
-import urllib.parse
-import urllib.error
import re as regex
import argparse
+from automation_lang_specifics.go import GoParser
+from automation_lang_specifics.proto_mapping import proto_map
+from automation_lang_specifics.shared_tools import make_soup
## Set the full list of SDK languages we scrape here:
sdks_supported = ["go", "python", "flutter"]
@@ -77,31 +77,8 @@
## Build path to sdk_protos_map.csv file that contains proto-to-methods mapping, used in write_markdown():
-proto_map_file = os.path.join(gitroot, '.github/workflows/sdk_protos_map.csv')
-## Check to see if we have a locally-staged version of the Go SDK Docs (RDK repo). If so,
-## scrape our code samples (and only code samples!) from that URL instead. This check just
-## establishes whether the URL is up or not; if detected as up here, it is scraped in parse().
-## TODO: Consider if we need to consider other ports besides '8080', i.e. if multiple stage attempts,
-## or if port was already in use by another service when pkgsite command was issues
-## (8080 a very common web services default port)
-## NOTE: To stage the Go SDK docs (RDK repo):
-## - Clone
-## - Make your changes (add code samples as needed)
-## - Run, from within the repo: go install; pkgsite -open
-is_go_sdk_staging_available = False
-## Check to see if pkgsite (Go SDK docs local builder process) is running, and get its PID if so:
-process_result =["ps -ef | grep pkgsite | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2'}"], shell=True, text = True, capture_output=True)
-pkgsite_pid = process_result.stdout.rstrip()
-if pkgsite_pid != '':
- process_result =["lsof -Pp " + pkgsite_pid + " | grep LISTEN | awk {'print $9'} | sed 's%.*:%%g'"], shell=True, text = True, capture_output=True)
- pkgsite_port = process_result.stdout
- is_go_sdk_staging_available = True
- if args.verbose:
- print('DEBUG: Detected local staged Go SDK docs URL, using that for Go code samples.')
+PROTO_MAP_FILE = os.path.join(gitroot, '.github/workflows/sdk_protos_map.csv')
## Array mapping language to its root URL:
sdk_url_mapping = {
@@ -120,202 +97,6 @@
app_apis = ["app", "billing", "data", "dataset", "data_sync", "mltraining"]
robot_apis = ["robot"]
-## Dictionary of proto API names, with empty methods array, to be filled in for later use by get_proto_apis():
-proto_map = {
- "arm": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "ArmServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "base": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "BaseServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "board": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "BoardServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "camera": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "CameraServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "encoder": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "EncoderServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "gantry": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "GantryServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "generic_component": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "GenericServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "gripper": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "GripperServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "input_controller": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "InputControllerServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "motor": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "MotorServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "movement_sensor": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "MovementSensorServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "power_sensor": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "PowerSensorServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "sensor": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "SensorServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "servo": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "ServoServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "data_manager": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "DataManagerServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "generic_service": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "GenericServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "mlmodel": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "MLModelServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "motion": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "MotionServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "navigation": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "NavigationServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "slam": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "SLAMServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "vision": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "VisionServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "app": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "AppServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "billing": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "BillingServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "data": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "DataServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "dataset": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "DatasetServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "data_sync": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "DataSyncServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "robot": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "RobotServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- },
- "mltraining": {
- "url": "",
- "name": "MLTrainingServiceClient",
- "methods": []
- }
-## Language-specific resource name overrides:
-## "proto_resource_name" : "language-specific_resource_name"
-## "as-it-appears-in-type-array": "as-it-is-used-per-sdk"
-## Note: Always remap generic component and service, for all languages,
-## as this must be unique for this script, but is non-unique across sdks.
-go_resource_overrides = {
- "generic_component": "generic",
- "input_controller": "input",
- "movement_sensor": "movementsensor",
- "power_sensor": "powersensor",
- "generic_service": "generic",
- "base_remote_control": "baseremotecontrol",
- "data_manager": "datamanager"
-## Ignore these specific APIs if they error, are deprecated, etc:
-## {resource}.{methodname} to exclude a specific method, or
-## interface.{interfacename} to exclude an entire Go interface:
-go_ignore_apis = [
- 'interface.NavStore', # motion service interface
- 'interface.LocalRobot', # robot interface
- 'interface.RemoteRobot', # robot interface
- 'robot.RemoteByName', # robot method
- 'robot.ResourceByName', # robot method
- 'robot.RemoteNames', # robot method
- #'robot.ResourceNames', # robot method
- 'robot.ResourceRPCAPIs', # robot method
- 'robot.ProcessManager', # robot method
- 'robot.OperationManager', # robot method
- 'robot.SessionManager', # robot method
- 'robot.PackageManager', # robot method
- 'robot.Logger' # robot method
-## Use these URLs for data types (for params, returns, and errors raised) that are
-## built-in to the language or provided by a non-Viam third-party package:
-## TODO: Not currently using these in parse(), but could do a simple replace()
-## or could handle in markdownification instead. TBD. Same with other SDK lang link arrays:
-go_datatype_links = {
- "context": "",
- "map": "",
- "bool": "",
- "int": "",
- "float64": "",
- "image": "",
- "r3.vector": "",
- "string": "",
- "*geo.Point": "",
- "primitive.ObjectID": "",
- "error": ""
## Language-specific resource name overrides:
python_resource_overrides = {
"generic_component": "generic",
@@ -467,15 +248,6 @@ def get_proto_apis():
return proto_map
-## Fetch URL content via BS4, used in parse():
-def make_soup(url):
- try:
- page = urlopen(url)
- html ="utf-8")
- return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
- except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
- print(f'An HTTPError was thrown: {err.code} {err.reason} for URL: {url}')
## Link any matching data types to their reference links, based on {sdk}_datatype_links[] array,
## used in parse() for both param and return data types. Handles data types syntax that includes
## multiple data types (and therefore requires multiple data type links), such as
@@ -549,6 +321,8 @@ def parse(type, names):
## all_methods[sdk][type][resource]
all_methods = {}
+ go_parser = GoParser(args.verbose)
## Iterate through each sdk (like 'python') in sdks array:
for sdk in sdks:
@@ -556,6 +330,7 @@ def parse(type, names):
if sdk == "go":
go_methods = {}
go_methods[type] = {}
+ go_methods[type] = go_parser.parse(sdk_url_mapping[sdk], type, names, PROTO_MAP_FILE)
elif sdk == "python":
python_methods = {}
python_methods[type] = {}
@@ -571,22 +346,8 @@ def parse(type, names):
## Iterate through each resource (like 'arm') in type (like 'components') array:
for resource in names:
- ## Determine URL form for Go depending on type (like 'component'):
- if sdk == "go":
- if type in ("component", "service") and resource in go_resource_overrides:
- url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}s/{go_resource_overrides[resource]}"
- elif type in ("component", "service"):
- url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}s/{resource}"
- elif type == "robot" and resource in go_resource_overrides:
- url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}/{go_resource_overrides[resource]}"
- elif type == "robot":
- url = f"{sdk_url}/{type}"
- elif type == "app":
- pass
- go_methods[type][resource] = {}
## Determine URL form for Python depending on type (like 'component'):
- elif sdk == "python":
+ if sdk == "python":
if type in ("component", "service") and resource in python_resource_overrides:
url = f"{sdk_url}/autoapi/viam/{type}s/{python_resource_overrides[resource]}/client/index.html"
elif type in ("component", "service"):
@@ -613,208 +374,10 @@ def parse(type, names):
#print("unsupported language!")
- ## Scrape each parent method tag and all contained child tags for Go by resource:
- if sdk == "go" and type != "app":
- soup = make_soup(url)
- ## Get a raw dump of all go methods by interface for each resource:
- go_methods_raw = soup.find_all(
- lambda tag: == 'div'
- and tag.get('class') == ['Documentation-declaration']
- and "type" in tag.pre.text
- and "interface {" in tag.pre.text)
- # some resources have more than one interface:
- for resource_interface in go_methods_raw:
- ## Determine the interface name, which we need for the method_link:
- interface_name = resource_interface.find('pre').text.splitlines()[0].removeprefix('type ').removesuffix(' interface {')
- #print(interface_name)
- ## Exclude unwanted Go interfaces:
- check_interface_name = 'interface.' + interface_name
- if not check_interface_name in go_ignore_apis:
- ## Loop through each method found for this interface:
- for tag in resource_interface.find_all('span', attrs={"data-kind" : "method"}):
- ## Create new empty dictionary for this specific method, to be appended to ongoing go_methods dictionary,
- ## in form: go_methods[type][resource][method_name] = this_method_dict
- this_method_dict = {}
- tag_id = tag.get('id')
- method_name = tag.get('id').split('.')[1]
- ## Exclude unwanted Go methods:
- check_method_name = resource + '.' + method_name
- if not check_method_name in go_ignore_apis:
- ## Look up method_name in proto_map file, and return matching proto:
- with open(proto_map_file, 'r') as f:
- for row in f:
- if not row.startswith('#') \
- and row.startswith(resource + ',') \
- and row.split(',')[3] == method_name:
- this_method_dict["proto"] = row.split(',')[1]
- ## Extract the raw text from resource_interface matching method_name.
- ## Split by method span, throwing out remainder of span tag, catching cases where
- ## id is first attr or data-kind is first attr, and slicing to omit the first match,
- ## which is the opening of the method span tag, not needed:
- this_method_raw1 = regex.split(r'id="' + tag_id + '"', str(resource_interface))[1].removeprefix('>').removeprefix(' data-kind="method">').lstrip()
- ## Then, omit all text that begins a new method span, and additionally remove trailing
- ## element closers for earlier tags we spliced into (pre and span):
- this_method_raw2 = regex.split(r'', this_method_raw1)[0].removesuffix('}\n').removesuffix('').rstrip()
- method_description = ""
- ## Get method description, if any comment spans are found:
- if tag.find('span', class_='comment'):
- ## Iterate through all comment spans, splitting by opening comment tag, and
- ## omitting the first string, which is either the opening comment tag itself,
- ## or the usage of this method, if the comment is appended to the end of usage line:
- for comment in regex.split(r'.*', comment.removeprefix('//'))[0].lstrip()
- method_description = method_description + comment_raw
- ## Write comment field as appended comments if found, or empty string if none.
- this_method_dict["description"] = method_description
- ## Get full method usage string, by omitting all comment spans:
- method_usage_raw = regex.sub(r'', '', this_method_raw2)
- this_method_dict["usage"] = regex.sub(r'', '', method_usage_raw).replace("\t", " ").lstrip().rstrip()
- ## Not possible to link to the specific functions, so we link to the parent resource instead:
- this_method_dict["method_link"] = url + '#' + interface_name
- ## Check for code sample for this method.
- ## If we detected that a local instance of the Go SDK docs is available, use that.
- ## Otherwise, use the existing scraped 'soup' object from the live Go SDK docs instead.
- if is_go_sdk_staging_available:
- staging_url = regex.sub('', 'http://localhost:8080', url)
- staging_soup = make_soup(staging_url)
- ## Get a raw dump of all go methods by interface for each resource:
- go_code_samples_raw = staging_soup.find_all(
- lambda code_sample_tag: == 'p'
- and method_name + " example:" in code_sample_tag.text)
- else:
- ## Get a raw dump of all go methods by interface for each resource:
- go_code_samples_raw = soup.find_all(
- lambda code_sample_tag: == 'p'
- and method_name + " example:" in code_sample_tag.text)
- ## Determine if a code sample is provided for this method:
- if len(go_code_samples_raw) == 1:
- ## Fetch code sample raw text, preserving newlines but stripping all formatting.
- ## This string should be suitable for feeding into any python formatter to get proper form:
- this_method_dict["code_sample"] = go_code_samples_raw[0].find_next('pre').text.replace("\t", " ")
- elif len(go_code_samples_raw) > 1:
- ## In case we want to support multiple code samples per method down the line,
- ## this is where to process (and: update write_markdown() accordingly to enable looping
- ## through possible code sample data objects). For now we just continue to fetch just the
- ## first-discovered (i.e., at index [0]):
- this_method_dict["code_sample"] = go_code_samples_raw[0].find_next('pre').text.replace("\t", " ")
- ## We have finished collecting all data for this method. Write the this_method_dict dictionary
- ## in its entirety to the go_methods dictionary by type (like 'component'), by resource (like 'arm'),
- ## using the method_name as key:
- go_methods[type][resource][method_name] = this_method_dict
- ## Go SDK docs for each interface omit inherited functions. If the resource being considered inherits from
- ## resource.Resource (currently all components and services do, and no app or robot interfaces do), then add
- ## the three inherited methods manually: Reconfigure(), DoCommand(), Close()
- ## (Match only to instances that are preceded by a tab char, or we'll catch ResourceByName erroneously):
- if '\tresource.Resource' in resource_interface.text:
- go_methods[type][resource]['Reconfigure'] = {'proto': 'Reconfigure', \
- 'description': 'Reconfigure must reconfigure the resource atomically and in place. If this cannot be guaranteed, then usage of AlwaysRebuild or TriviallyReconfigurable is permissible.', \
- 'usage': 'Reconfigure(ctx context.Context, deps Dependencies, conf Config) error', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- go_methods[type][resource]['DoCommand'] = {'proto': 'DoCommand', \
- 'description': 'DoCommand sends/receives arbitrary data.', \
- 'usage': 'DoCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- go_methods[type][resource]['Close'] = {'proto': 'Close', \
- 'description': 'Close must safely shut down the resource and prevent further use. Close must be idempotent. Later reconfiguration may allow a resource to be "open" again.', \
- 'usage': 'Close(ctx context.Context) error', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- ## Similarly, if the resource being considered inherits from resource.Actuator (Servo, for example),
- ## then add the two inherited methods manually: IsMoving() and Stop():
- if '\tresource.Actuator' in resource_interface.text:
- go_methods[type][resource]['IsMoving'] = {'proto': 'IsMoving', \
- 'description': 'IsMoving returns whether the resource is moving or not', \
- 'usage': 'IsMoving(context.Context) (bool, error)', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- go_methods[type][resource]['Stop'] = {'proto': 'Stop', \
- 'description': 'Stop stops all movement for the resource', \
- 'usage': 'Stop(context.Context, map[string]interface{}) error', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- ## Similarly, if the resource being considered inherits from resource.Shaped (Base, for example),
- ## then add the one inherited method manually: Geometries():
- if '\tresource.Shaped' in resource_interface.text:
- go_methods[type][resource]['Geometries'] = {'proto': 'GetGeometries', \
- 'description': 'Geometries returns the list of geometries associated with the resource, in any order. The poses of the geometries reflect their current location relative to the frame of the resource.', \
- 'usage': 'Geometries(context.Context, map[string]interface{}) ([]spatialmath.Geometry, error)', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- ## Similarly, if the resource being considered inherits from resource.Sensor (Movement Sensor, for example),
- ## then add the one inherited method manually: Readings():
- if '\tresource.Sensor' in resource_interface.text:
- go_methods[type][resource]['Readings'] = {'proto': 'GetReadings', \
- 'description': 'Readings return data specific to the type of sensor and can be of any type.', \
- 'usage': 'Readings(ctx context.Context, extra map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)', \
- 'method_link': ''}
- ## For SLAM service only, additionally fetch data for two helper methods defined outside of the resource's interface:
- if resource == 'slam':
- ## Fetch PointCloudMapFull:
- pointcloudmapfull_method_raw = soup.find_all(
- lambda tag: == 'div'
- and tag.get('class') == ['Documentation-declaration']
- and "PointCloudMapFull" in tag.pre.text)
- go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull'] = {}
- go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['proto'] = 'PointCloudMapFull'
- go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['description'] = pointcloudmapfull_method_raw[0].pre.find_next('p').text
- go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['usage'] = pointcloudmapfull_method_raw[0].pre.text.removeprefix('func ')
- go_methods[type][resource]['PointCloudMapFull']['method_link'] = ''
- ## Fetch InternalStateFull:
- internalstatefull_method_raw = soup.find_all(
- lambda tag: == 'div'
- and tag.get('class') == ['Documentation-declaration']
- and "InternalStateFull" in tag.pre.text)
- go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull'] = {}
- go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['proto'] = 'InternalStateFull'
- go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['description'] = internalstatefull_method_raw[0].pre.find_next('p').text
- go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['usage'] = internalstatefull_method_raw[0].pre.text.removeprefix('func ')
- go_methods[type][resource]['InternalStateFull']['method_link'] = ''
- ## We have finished looping through all scraped Go methods. Write the go_methods dictionary
- ## in its entirety to the all_methods dictionary using "go" as the key:
- all_methods["go"] = go_methods
- elif sdk == "go" and type == "app":
- ##Go SDK has no APP API!
- pass
## Scrape each parent method tag and all contained child tags for Python by resource.
## TEMP: Manually exclude Base Remote Control Service (Go only) and Data Manager Service (Go + Flutter only).
## TODO: Handle resources with 0 implemented methods for this SDK better.
- elif sdk == "python" and resource != 'base_remote_control' and resource != 'data_manager':
+ if sdk == "python" and resource != 'base_remote_control' and resource != 'data_manager':
soup = make_soup(url)
python_methods_raw = soup.find_all("dl", class_="py method")
@@ -836,7 +399,7 @@ def parse(type, names):
method_name = id.rsplit('.',1)[1]
## Look up method_name in proto_map file, and return matching proto:
- with open(proto_map_file, 'r') as f:
+ with open(PROTO_MAP_FILE, 'r') as f:
for row in f:
if not row.startswith('#') \
@@ -1118,7 +681,7 @@ def parse(type, names):
if not method_name in flutter_ignore_apis:
## Look up method_name in proto_map file, and return matching proto:
- with open(proto_map_file, 'r') as f:
+ with open(PROTO_MAP_FILE, 'r') as f:
for row in f:
## Because Flutter is the final entry in the mapping CSV, we must also rstrip() to
## strip the trailing newline (\n) off the row itself:
@@ -1222,6 +785,8 @@ def parse(type, names):
## skipped without requiring manual exclusion in parse().
+ all_methods["go"] = go_parser.go_methods
return all_methods
@@ -1365,7 +930,7 @@ def write_markdown(type, names, methods):
table_file = open('%s' % full_path_to_table_file, "w")
## Loop through mapping file, and determine which sdk methods to document for each proto:
- with open(proto_map_file, 'r') as f:
+ with open(PROTO_MAP_FILE, 'r') as f:
for row in f:
if not row.startswith('#') \
and row.startswith(resource + ','):