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Sequence Tube Map Usage Guide

The Sequence Tube Map is used to generate visualizations of genomic sequence graphs. This guide will demonstrate how to select custom data to visualize. You can also read this guide on Github.

Selecting Tracks

The following procedure describes adding and updating settings of custom tracks. You can use a custom track to load your own graph file, haplotype database, or file of aligned reads.

  1. From the "Data" dropdown box, select "custom (mounted files)"
    Selecting Custom Files
  2. Select the button that says "Configure Tracks".
    Configure Tracks Button
  3. Once the button is clicked on, a popup with a "+" button will be displayed. Click on this button to add tracks.
    Track Add Button
  4. Select a graph, read, or haplotype track from the first dropdown. Make sure to always have at least 1 graph track. Select a data file from the list of files of that type in the second dropdown.
    Track Selection
  5. Click on the settings button, where there are options to color the tracks from an existing color palette, or select any other color.
    Track Settings Button
  6. To delete a track, click on the button with the "x" icon.
    Track Delete Button
Displaying Visualizations
  1. Add as many tracks as needed and exit the track picker.
  2. Add a BED file, if needed. This step is optional. Bed File Selection
  3. Specify a region input. The region input can be:
    • A coordinate range (e.g. "chr1:1-100")
    • A node ID range (e.g. "node:100-110")
    • A start position and a distance (e.g. "chr1:1+100")
    • A node ID anchor and a distance (e.g. "node:100+10") Region Input Options
  4. If simplifying the BED file chunk or graph is possible, users will see a "Simplify Off" button, which when clicked with toggle to "Simplify On". This option enables vg simplify, which would remove small snarls. This option will only appear when there aren't any reads to be displayed.
  5. Click Go to see the selected tracks render in the visualization area. Go Button
How to make link-to-view URLs

Users can compose URLs that link to a specific view, or a visualization of genomic data. The link describes which tracks and files will be displayed.

Query String Encoding

The link has a query string that consists of key-value pairs separated by ampersands, where the keys are not URL-econded and the values are URL-encoded.

Keys can use brackets to encode hierarchical structures such as arrays and objects.

  • For arrays, put a number in brackets to assign a new value to or access a value in that entry in the array.
  • For objects, put the key's name in brackets to assign a new value to or access a value in that entry in the object.

The key's name should not be in quotes.

Example of an array of JSON objects:

      "a": "b",
      "c": "d",
      "e": {
         "f": "g"

This array's query string representation would be: object[0][a]=b&object[1][c]=d&object[e][f]=g.

Fields that can be included in the link URL:
  1. tracks

    Array of tracks. Tracks are objects consisting of trackFile, trackType, and trackColorSettings.

    A track object in JSON format might look like this:

       "trackFile": "exampleData/internal/",
       "trackType": "graph",
       "trackColorSettings": {
          "mainPalette": "greys",
          "auxPalette": "ygreys",
          "colorReadsByMappingQuality": false

    The collection of tracks wil be encoded as query string parameters starting with tracks.

    • trackFile: the path (from the server working directory) or URL (any HTTP/HTTPS URL) to the track file.
      • Examples:
        • File in server working directory: tracks[0][trackFile]=exampleData/internal/
        • HTTP/HTTPS URL: tracks[0][trackFile]=
    • trackType: the type of the track, which can be graph, haplotype, read.
      • Example: tracks[0][trackType]=graph.
    • trackColorSettings (optional): the color information for the track. It has subfields:
      • mainPalette and auxPalette (optional): The "main" and "auxilliary" color palettes to use, respectively. The values for each palette can be a hex code starting with a #, or one of the premade palette names: greys, ygreys, blues, reds, plainColors, or lightColors.
      • The palettes are used differently for different track types.
        • Graphs: the mainPalette colors the primary reference path while auxPalette is used for the other paths.
        • Haplotypes: only the mainPalette is used.
        • Reads: the mainPalette colors the forward-strand reads and the auxPalette colors the reverse-strand reads.
        • Examples:
          • tracks[0][trackColorSettings][mainPalette]=greys.
          • tracks[0][trackColorSettings][auxPalette]=ygreys.
      • colorReadsByMappingQuality (optional) is a boolean value that determines if reads are colored based on their mapping quality or not. It defaults to false.
        • Example: tracks[0][trackColorSettings][colorReadsByMappingQuality]=true.
  2. region

    Region coordinates. This region will be loaded in the Tube Map visualization once the link is followed. Syntax of region coordinates is documented at step 3 of Displaying Visualizations.

    • Example: region=17%3A1-100.
  3. bedFile (optional)

    A BED file containing coordinates for regions of interest, some of which may have associated pre-extracted Tube Map views. More information on BED file structure and creation is documented here.

    • Examples:
      • File in server working directory: bedFile=exampleData/internal/snp1kg-BRCA1.bed.
      • HTTP/HTTPS URL: bedFile=
      • No BED file: bedFile=none.
  4. dataType

    Information about the type of data. Data can be built-in, mounted files, or synthetic examples.

    • built-in: Predefined data sources from the server configuration file. If the dataType field is set to built-in, you should set the name field to the name of a data source defined in DATA_SOURCES in config.json.
    • mounted files: If the dataType field is set to mounted files, the name field must be set to custom, and you should provide custom tracks along with an optional bedFile.
    • Examples:
      • dataType=built-in.
      • dataType=mounted%20files.
  5. simplify

    Whether small snarls (e.g. single base indels and SNPs) are displayed or removed. It defaults to false, which means that the small snarls are not removed. Currently, this option cannot be used if there are any read tracks.

    • Example: simplify=false.
  6. name

    Name of data. This is a field that indicates the name of preset data, which is defined in DATA_SOURCES in config.json. name is used when dataType is set to built-in. You do not have to use these presets. If dataType is mounted files, this field should be set to custom.

    • Examples:
      • name=snp1kg-BRCA1.
      • name=custom.

Examples of links:

  • Link with preexisting data:
  • Link with custom data: