Sample of folder structure which you can follow for docker and ansible.
│ ansible.cfg
│ deploy.yml -> A sample playbook
│ dev-hosts.ini -> Sample inventory file for dev environment
│ requirements.yml -> Sample ansible requirements role downloaded from other sources
│ stage-hosts.ini -> Sample inventory file for stage environment
│ Vagrantfile -> Vagrantfile to create local VM for testing
│ | dev.yml -> Variables which will override common variable but only for dev environment
| | stage.yml -> Variables which will override common variable but only for stage environment
│ │ all.yml -> All common variables
| | tomcat.yml -> File container host group variable for tomcat group only
├───roles -> Role folder contains multiple roles
│ ├───base
│ └───tomcat
├───test -> Having testing using tools like inspec, etc.
│ └───integration
│ └───default
└───vagrant -> Vagrant folder contains any files needed for vagrant
- Having separate inventory file for each environment remove confusion and decrease chance to run playbook to different environment
- Having simple variables for environment variables where you can override env specific variables, easy to remember and maintain
- Simple structure easy to understand and thus easy to maintain
- This folder structure not able to handle complex scenario in which we need to declare separate group_vars according to environment also. This is very special requirement which needed in large and complex infrastructure.