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NLP Text Processing and Analysis

This repository contains a comprehensive guide to natural language processing (NLP) text processing and analysis. It covers the following topics:

  • Text Pre-processing
  • Text Representation
  • Word2Vec
  • Text Classification
  • POS Tagging

Text Pre-processing

Text pre-processing is the first and crucial step in NLP. It involves cleaning and transforming the raw text data into a format that can be easily analyzed. This section provides a detailed explanation of text pre-processing techniques, including:

  • Lowercasing
  • Removing punctuations and special characters
  • Removing stop words
  • Stemming and Lemmatization
  • Removing HTML tags

Text Representation

In NLP, text data needs to be transformed into numerical vectors for analysis. This section provides an overview of text representation techniques, including:

  • One-hot encoding
  • Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
  • Word Embeddings


Word2Vec is a widely used word embedding technique that represents words in a high-dimensional vector space. This section provides a step-by-step guide to training and using Word2Vec models.

Text Classification

Text classification is a popular NLP task that involves classifying text data into different categories based on its content. This section provides an in-depth explanation of text classification, including:

  • Types of text classification
  • Text feature extraction
  • Model selection and training
  • Evaluation metrics

POS Tagging

POS (part-of-speech) tagging is the process of marking each word in a text with its corresponding part of speech. This section provides an introduction to POS tagging, including:

  • What is POS tagging
  • POS tag sets
  • POS tagging algorithms


This repository provides a comprehensive guide to NLP text processing and analysis, covering the essential topics in the field. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced NLP practitioner, this repository will help you improve your skills and knowledge.