diff --git a/.github/workflows/python-app.yml b/.github/workflows/python-app.yml
index 0792e14..bf00b84 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/python-app.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/python-app.yml
@@ -10,25 +10,38 @@ on:
branches: [ master ]
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
+ version: ["3.8", "3.13"]
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Set up Python 3.8
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Set up Python
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v5
- python-version: 3.8
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install flake8 pytest
- if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
- - name: Lint with flake8
+ pip install .
+ - name: Test base functionality tool
run: |
- # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
- flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
- # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
- flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
+ ena-upload-cli --help
+ - name: Create credentials file
+ run: |
+ echo "username: ${{ secrets.ENA_USERNAME }}" >> .secrets.yaml
+ echo "password: ${{ secrets.ENA_PASSWORD }}" >> .secrets.yml
+ - name: Test submission in --draft mode
+ run: |
+ ena-upload-cli --action add --draft --dev --center ${{ secrets.ENA_CENTER }} --data example_data/ENA_TEST1.R1.fastq.gz example_data/ENA_TEST2.R1.fastq.gz example_data/ENA_TEST2.R2.fastq.gz --checklist ERC000033 --secret .secret.yml --xlsx example_tables/ENA_excel_example_ERC000033.xlsx
+ - name: Run Python to get temp directory
+ run: |
+ echo "TEMP_DIR=$(python -c 'import tempfile; print(tempfile.gettempdir())')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ name: Output XMLs for ${{ matrix.os }} Python ${{ matrix.os }}
+ with:
+ name: ena-upload-cli_output_${{ matrix.os }}_python_${{ matrix.version }}
+ path: ${{ env.TEMP_DIR }}/*.xml
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a2af5fc..dd7722b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ After a successful submission, new tsv tables will be generated with the ENA acc
## Tool dependencies
-* python 3.7+ including following packages:
+* python 3.8+ including following packages:
* Genshi
* lxml
* pandas
diff --git a/ena_upload/ena_upload.py b/ena_upload/ena_upload.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 43595c7..5b7dbe1
--- a/ena_upload/ena_upload.py
+++ b/ena_upload/ena_upload.py
@@ -1,1046 +1,1053 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-__authors__ = ["Dilmurat Yusuf", "Bert Droesbeke"]
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Dilmurat Yusuf"
-__maintainer__ = "Bert Droesbeke"
-__email__ = "bedro@psb.vib-ugent.be"
-__license__ = "MIT"
-import os
-import sys
-import argparse
-import yaml
-import hashlib
-import ftplib
-import requests
-import json
-import uuid
-import numpy as np
-import re
-from genshi.template import TemplateLoader
-from lxml import etree
-import pandas as pd
-import tempfile
-from ena_upload._version import __version__
-from ena_upload.check_remote import remote_check
-from ena_upload.json_parsing.ena_submission import EnaSubmission
-SCHEMA_TYPES = ['study', 'experiment', 'run', 'sample']
-class MyFTP_TLS(ftplib.FTP_TLS):
- """Explicit FTPS, with shared TLS session"""
- def ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest=None):
- conn, size = ftplib.FTP.ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest)
- if self._prot_p:
- conn = self.context.wrap_socket(conn,
- server_hostname=self.host,
- session=self.sock.session)
- # fix reuse of ssl socket:
- # https://stackoverflow.com/a/53456626/10971151 and
- # https://stackoverflow.com/a/70830916/10971151
- def custom_unwrap():
- pass
- conn.unwrap = custom_unwrap
- return conn, size
-def create_dataframe(schema_tables, action, dev, auto_action):
- '''create pandas dataframe from the tables in schema_tables
- and return schema_dataframe
- schema_tables - a dictionary with schema:table
- schema -- run, experiment, sample, study
- table -- file path
- schema_dataframe - a dictionary with schema:dataframe
- schema -- run, experiment, sample, study
- dataframe -- pandas dataframe
- '''
- schema_dataframe = {}
- for schema, table in schema_tables.items():
- df = pd.read_csv(table, sep='\t', comment='#', dtype=str, na_values=["NA", "Na", "na", "NaN"])
- df = df.dropna(how='all')
- df = check_columns(df, schema, action, dev, auto_action)
- schema_dataframe[schema] = df
- return schema_dataframe
-def extract_targets(action, schema_dataframe):
- ''' extract targeted rows in dataframe tagged by action and
- return schema_targets
- schema_dataframe/schema_targets - a dictionary with schema:dataframe
- schema -- run, experiment, sample, study
- dataframe -- pandas dataframe
- '''
- schema_targets = {}
- for schema, dataframe in schema_dataframe.items():
- filtered = dataframe.query(f'status=="{action}"')
- if not filtered.empty:
- schema_targets[schema] = filtered
- return schema_targets
-def check_columns(df, schema, action, dev, auto_action):
- # checking for optional columns and if not present, adding them
- print(f"Check if all required columns are present in the {schema} table.")
- if schema == 'sample':
- optional_columns = ['accession', 'submission_date',
- 'status', 'scientific_name', 'taxon_id']
- elif schema == 'run':
- optional_columns = ['accession',
- 'submission_date', 'status', 'file_checksum']
- else:
- optional_columns = ['accession', 'submission_date', 'status']
- for header in optional_columns:
- if not header in df.columns:
- if header == 'status':
- if auto_action:
- for index, row in df.iterrows():
- remote_present = np.nan
- try:
- remote_present = remote_check(
- schema, str(df['alias'][index]), dev)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- print(
- f"Something went wrong with detecting the ENA object {df['alias'][index]} on the servers of ENA. This object will be skipped.")
- if remote_present and action == 'MODIFY':
- df.at[index, header] = action
- print(
- f"\t'{df['alias'][index]}' gets '{action}' as action in the status column")
- elif not remote_present and action in ['ADD', 'CANCEL', 'RELEASE']:
- df.at[index, header] = action
- print(
- f"\t'{df['alias'][index]}' gets '{action}' as action in the status column")
- else:
- df.at[index, header] = np.nan
- print(
- f"\t'{df['alias'][index]}' gets skipped since it is already present at ENA")
- else:
- # status column contain action keywords
- # for xml rendering, keywords require uppercase
- # according to scheme definition of submission
- df[header] = str(action).upper()
- else:
- df[header] = np.nan
- else:
- if header == 'status':
- df[header] = df[header].str.upper()
- return df
-def check_filenames(file_paths, run_df):
- """Compare data filenames from command line and from RUN table.
- :param file_paths: a dictionary of filename string and file_path string
- :param df: dataframe built from RUN table
- """
- cmd_input = file_paths.keys()
- table_input = run_df['file_name'].values
- # symmetric difference between two sets
- difference = set(cmd_input) ^ set(table_input)
- if difference:
- msg = f"different file names between command line and RUN table: {difference}"
- sys.exit(msg)
-def check_file_checksum(df):
- '''Return True if 'file_checksum' series contains valid MD5 sums'''
- regex_valid_md5sum = re.compile('^[a-f0-9]{32}$')
- def _is_str_md5sum(x):
- if pd.notna(x):
- match = regex_valid_md5sum.fullmatch(x)
- if match:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- s = df.file_checksum.apply(_is_str_md5sum)
- return s.all()
-def validate_xml(xsd, xml):
- '''
- validate xml against xsd scheme
- '''
- xmlschema_doc = etree.parse(source=xsd)
- xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema_doc)
- doc = etree.XML(xml)
- return xmlschema.assertValid(doc)
-def generate_stream(schema, targets, Template, center, tool):
- ''' generate stream from Template cache
- :param schema: ENA objects -- run, experiment, sample, study
- :param targets: the pandas dataframe of the run targets
- :param Template: Template cache genrated by TemplateLoader
- in genshi
- :param center: center name used to register ENA Webin
- :param tool: dict of tool_name and tool_version , by default ena-upload-cli
- :return: stream
- '''
- if schema == 'run':
- # These attributes are required for rendering
- # the run xml templates
- # Adding backwards compatibility for file_format
- if 'file_format' in targets:
- targets.rename(columns={'file_format': 'file_type'}, inplace=True)
- file_attrib = ['file_name', 'file_type', 'file_checksum']
- other_attrib = ['alias', 'experiment_alias']
- run_groups = targets[other_attrib].groupby(targets['alias'])
- run_groups = run_groups.experiment_alias.unique()
- file_groups = targets[file_attrib].groupby(targets['alias'])
- # param in generate() determined by the setup in template
- stream = Template.generate(run_groups=run_groups,
- file_groups=file_groups,
- center=center,
- tool_name=tool['tool_name'],
- tool_version=tool['tool_version'])
- else:
- stream = Template.generate(
- df=targets, center=center, tool_name=tool['tool_name'], tool_version=tool['tool_version'])
- return stream
-def construct_xml(schema, stream, xsd):
- '''construct XML for ENA submission
- :param xsd: the schema definition in
- ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/meta/xsd/
- :return: the file name of XML for ENA submission
- '''
- xml_string = stream.render(method='xml', encoding='utf-8')
- validate_xml(xsd, xml_string)
- xml_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
- schema + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xml')
- with open(xml_file, 'w') as fw:
- fw.write(xml_string.decode("utf-8"))
- print(f'wrote {xml_file}')
- return xml_file
-def actors(template_path, checklist):
- ''':return: the filenames of schema definitions and templates
- '''
- def add_path(dic, path):
- for schema, filename in dic.items():
- dic[schema] = f'{path}/{filename}'
- return dic
- xsds = {'run': 'SRA.run.xsd',
- 'experiment': 'SRA.experiment.xsd',
- 'submission': 'SRA.submission.xsd',
- 'sample': 'SRA.sample.xsd',
- 'study': 'SRA.study.xsd'}
- templates = {'run': 'ENA_template_runs.xml',
- 'experiment': 'ENA_template_experiments.xml',
- 'submission': 'ENA_template_submission.xml',
- 'sample': f'ENA_template_samples_{checklist}.xml',
- 'study': 'ENA_template_studies.xml'}
- xsds = add_path(xsds, template_path)
- return xsds, templates
-def run_construct(template_path, schema_targets, center, checklist, tool):
- '''construct XMLs for schema in schema_targets
- :param schema_targets: dictionary of 'schema:targets' generated
- by extract_targets()
- :param loader: object of TemplateLoader in genshi
- :param center: center name used to register ENA Webin
- :param tool: dict of tool_name and tool_version , by default ena-upload-cli
- :param checklist: parameter to select a specific sample checklist
- :return schema_xmls: dictionary of 'schema:filename'
- '''
- xsds, templates = actors(template_path, checklist)
- schema_xmls = {}
- loader = TemplateLoader(search_path=template_path)
- for schema, targets in schema_targets.items():
- template = templates[schema]
- Template = loader.load(template)
- stream = generate_stream(schema, targets, Template, center, tool)
- print(f"Constructing XML for '{schema}' schema")
- schema_xmls[schema] = construct_xml(schema, stream, xsds[schema])
- return schema_xmls
-def construct_submission(template_path, action, submission_input, center, checklist, tool):
- '''construct XML for submission
- :param action: action for submission -
- :param submission_input: schema_xmls or schema_targets depending on action
- ADD/MODIFY: schema_xmls
- CANCEL/RELEASE: schema_targets
- :param loader: object of TemplateLoader in genshi
- :param center: center name used to register ENA Webin
- :param tool: tool name, by default ena-upload-cli
- :param checklist: parameter to select a specific sample checklist
- :return submission_xml: filename of submission XML
- '''
- print(f"Constructing XML for submission schema")
- xsds, templates = actors(template_path, checklist)
- template = templates['submission']
- loader = TemplateLoader(search_path=template_path)
- Template = loader.load(template)
- stream = Template.generate(action=action, input=submission_input,
- center=center, tool_name=tool['tool_name'], tool_version=tool['tool_version'])
- submission_xml = construct_xml('submission', stream, xsds['submission'])
- return submission_xml
-def get_md5(filepath):
- '''calculate the MD5 hash of file
- :param filepath: file path
- :return: md5 hash
- '''
- md5sum = hashlib.md5()
- with open(filepath, "rb") as fr:
- while True:
- # the MD5 digest block
- chunk = fr.read(128)
- if not chunk:
- break
- md5sum.update(chunk)
- return md5sum.hexdigest()
-def get_taxon_id(scientific_name):
- """Get taxon ID for input scientific_name.
- :param scientific_name: scientific name of sample that distinguishes
- its taxonomy
- :return taxon_id: NCBI taxonomy identifier
- """
- # endpoint for taxonomy id
- url = 'http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/taxonomy/rest/scientific-name'
- session = requests.Session()
- session.trust_env = False
- # url encoding: space -> %20
- scientific_name = '%20'.join(scientific_name.strip().split())
- r = session.get(f"{url}/{scientific_name}")
- try:
- taxon_id = r.json()[0]['taxId']
- return taxon_id
- except ValueError:
- msg = f'Oops, no taxon ID available for {scientific_name}. Is it a valid scientific name?'
- sys.exit(msg)
-def get_scientific_name(taxon_id):
- """Get scientific name for input taxon_id.
- :param taxon_id: NCBI taxonomy identifier
- :return scientific_name: scientific name of sample that distinguishes its taxonomy
- """
- # endpoint for scientific name
- url = 'http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/taxonomy/rest/tax-id'
- session = requests.Session()
- session.trust_env = False
- r = session.get(f"{url}/{str(taxon_id).strip()}")
- try:
- taxon_id = r.json()['scientificName']
- return taxon_id
- except ValueError:
- msg = f'Oops, no scientific name available for {taxon_id}. Is it a valid taxon_id?'
- sys.exit(msg)
-def submit_data(file_paths, password, webin_id):
- """Submit data to webin ftp server.
- :param file_paths: a dictionary of filename string and file_path string
- :param args: the command-line arguments parsed by ArgumentParser
- """
- ftp_host = "webin2.ebi.ac.uk"
- print("\nConnecting to ftp.webin2.ebi.ac.uk....")
- try:
- ftps = MyFTP_TLS(timeout=120)
- ftps.context.set_ciphers('HIGH:!DH:!aNULL')
- ftps.connect(ftp_host, port=21)
- ftps.auth()
- ftps.login(webin_id, password)
- ftps.prot_p()
- except IOError as ioe:
- print(ioe)
- sys.exit("ERROR: could not connect to the ftp server.\
- Please check your login details.")
- for filename, path in file_paths.items():
- print(f'uploading {path}')
- try:
- print(ftps.storbinary(f'STOR {filename}', open(path, 'rb')))
- except BaseException as err:
- print(f"ERROR: {err}")
- print("ERROR: If your connection times out at this stage, it probably is because of a firewall that is in place. FTP is used in passive mode and connection will be opened to one of the ports: 40000 and 50000.")
- raise
- print(ftps.quit())
-def columns_to_update(df):
- '''
- returns the column names where contains the cells to update
- used after processing the receipt xmls
- '''
- return df[df.apply(lambda x: x == 'to_update')].dropna(axis=1, how='all').columns
-def send_schemas(schema_xmls, url, webin_id, password):
- '''submit compiled XML files to the given ENA server
- return the receipt object after the submission.
- schema_xmls -- dictionary of schema and the corresponding XML file name
- e.g. {'submission':'submission.xml',
- 'study':'study.xml',
- 'run':'run.xml',
- 'sample':'sample.xml',
- 'experiment':'experiment.xml'}
- url -- ENA servers
- test:
- https://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA
- production:
- https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA
- webin_id -- ENA webin ID of user
- password -- ENA password of user
- '''
- sources = [(schema.upper(), (source, open(source, 'rb')))
- for schema, source in schema_xmls.items()]
- session = requests.Session()
- session.trust_env = False
- r = session.post(f"{url}",
- auth=(webin_id, password),
- files=sources)
- return r
-def process_receipt(receipt, action):
- '''Process submission receipt from ENA.
- :param receipt: a string of XML
- :return schema_update: a dictionary - {schema:update}
- schema: a string - 'study', 'sample',
- 'run', 'experiment'
- update: a dataframe with columns - 'alias',
- 'accession', 'submission_date'
- '''
- receipt_root = etree.fromstring(receipt)
- success = receipt_root.get('success')
- if success == 'true':
- print('Submission was done successfully')
- else:
- errors = []
- for element in receipt_root.findall('MESSAGES/ERROR'):
- error = element.text
- errors.append(error)
- errors = '\nOops:\n' + '\n'.join(errors)
- sys.exit(errors)
- def make_update(update, ena_type):
- update_list = []
- print(f"\n{ena_type.capitalize()} accession details:")
- for element in update:
- extract = (element.get('alias'), element.get(
- 'accession'), receiptDate, STATUS_CHANGES[action])
- print("\t".join(extract))
- update_list.append(extract)
- # used for labelling dataframe
- labels = ['alias', 'accession', 'submission_date', 'status']
- df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(update_list, columns=labels)
- return df
- receiptDate = receipt_root.get('receiptDate')
- schema_update = {} # schema as key, dataframe as value
- if action in ['ADD', 'MODIFY']:
- study_update = receipt_root.findall('STUDY')
- sample_update = receipt_root.findall('SAMPLE')
- experiment_update = receipt_root.findall('EXPERIMENT')
- run_update = receipt_root.findall('RUN')
- if study_update:
- schema_update['study'] = make_update(study_update, 'study')
- if sample_update:
- schema_update['sample'] = make_update(sample_update, 'sample')
- if experiment_update:
- schema_update['experiment'] = make_update(
- experiment_update, 'experiment')
- if run_update:
- schema_update['run'] = make_update(run_update, 'run')
- return schema_update
- # release does have the accession numbers that are released in the recipe
- elif action == 'RELEASE':
- receipt_info = {}
- infoblocks = receipt_root.findall('MESSAGES/INFO')
- for element in infoblocks:
- match = re.search('(.+?) accession "(.+?)"', element.text)
- if match and match.group(1) in receipt_info:
- receipt_info[match.group(1)].append(match.group(2))
- elif match and match.group(1) not in receipt_info:
- receipt_info[match.group(1)] = [match.group(2)]
- for ena_type, accessions in receipt_info.items():
- print(f"\n{ena_type.capitalize()} accession details:")
- update_list = []
- for accession in accessions:
- extract = (accession, receiptDate, STATUS_CHANGES[action])
- update_list.append(extract)
- print("\t".join(extract))
-def update_table(schema_dataframe, schema_targets, schema_update):
- """Update schema_dataframe with info in schema_targets/update.
- :param schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
- :param_targets: a dictionary - {schema:targets}
- :param schema_update: a dictionary - {schema:update}
- 'schema' -- a string - 'study', 'sample','run', 'experiment'
- 'dataframe' -- a pandas dataframe created from the input tables
- 'targets' -- a filtered dataframe with 'action' keywords
- contains updated columns - md5sum and taxon_id
- 'update' -- a dataframe with updated columns - 'alias', 'accession',
- 'submission_date'
- :return schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
- dataframe -- updated accession, status,
- submission_date,
- md5sum, taxon_id
- """
- for schema in schema_update.keys():
- dataframe = schema_dataframe[schema]
- targets = schema_targets[schema]
- update = schema_update[schema]
- dataframe.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
- targets.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
- update.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
- for index in update.index:
- dataframe.loc[index, 'accession'] = update.loc[index, 'accession']
- dataframe.loc[index,
- 'submission_date'] = update.loc[index, 'submission_date']
- dataframe.loc[index, 'status'] = update.loc[index, 'status']
- if schema == 'sample':
- dataframe.loc[index,
- 'taxon_id'] = targets.loc[index, 'taxon_id']
- elif schema == 'run':
- # Since index is set to alias
- # then targets of run can have multiple rows with
- # identical index because each row has a file
- # which is associated with a run
- # and a run can have multiple files.
- # The following assignment assumes 'targets' retain
- # the original row order in 'dataframe'
- # because targets was initially subset of 'dataframe'.
- dataframe.loc[index,
- 'file_checksum'] = targets.loc[index, 'file_checksum']
- return schema_dataframe
-def update_table_simple(schema_dataframe, schema_targets, action):
- """Update schema_dataframe with info in schema_targets.
- :param schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
- :param_targets: a dictionary - {schema:targets}
- 'schema' -- a string - 'study', 'sample','run', 'experiment'
- 'dataframe' -- a pandas dataframe created from the input tables
- 'targets' -- a filtered dataframe with 'action' keywords
- contains updated columns - md5sum and taxon_id
- :return schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
- dataframe -- updated status
- """
- for schema in schema_targets.keys():
- dataframe = schema_dataframe[schema]
- targets = schema_targets[schema]
- dataframe.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
- targets.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
- for index in targets.index:
- dataframe.loc[index, 'status'] = STATUS_CHANGES[action]
- return schema_dataframe
-def save_update(schema_tables, schema_dataframe):
- """Write updated dataframe to tsv file.
- :param schema_tables_: a dictionary - {schema:file_path}
- :param schema_dataframe_: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
- :schema: a string - 'study', 'sample', 'run', 'experiment'
- :file_path: a string
- :dataframe: a dataframe
- """
- print('\nSaving updates in new tsv tables:')
- for schema in schema_tables:
- table = schema_tables[schema]
- dataframe = schema_dataframe[schema]
- file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(table)
- update_name = f'{file_name}_updated{file_extension}'
- dataframe.to_csv(update_name, sep='\t')
- print(f'{update_name}')
-class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
- '''subclass the HelpFormatter and provide a special intro
- for the options that should be handled "raw" ("R|rest of help").
- :adapted from: Anthon's code at
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3853722/python-argparse-how-to-insert-newline-in-the-help-text
- '''
- def _split_lines(self, text, width):
- if text.startswith('R|'):
- return text[2:].splitlines()
- # this is the RawTextHelpFormatter._split_lines
- return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width)
-def process_args():
- '''parse command-line arguments
- '''
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ena-upoad-cli',
- description='''The program makes submission
- of data and respective metadata to European
- Nucleotide Archive (ENA). The metadate
- should be provided in separate tables
- corresponding the ENA objects -- STUDY,
- formatter_class=SmartFormatter)
- parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
- version='%(prog)s '+__version__)
- parser.add_argument('--action',
- choices=['add', 'modify', 'cancel', 'release'],
- required=True,
- help='R| add: add an object to the archive\n'
- ' modify: modify an object in the archive\n'
- ' cancel: cancel a private object and its dependent objects\n'
- ' release: release a private object immediately to public')
- parser.add_argument('--study',
- help='table of STUDY object')
- parser.add_argument('--sample',
- help='table of SAMPLE object')
- parser.add_argument('--experiment',
- help='table of EXPERIMENT object')
- parser.add_argument('--run',
- help='table of RUN object')
- parser.add_argument('--data',
- nargs='*',
- help='data for submission, this can be a list of files',
- metavar='FILE')
- parser.add_argument('--center',
- dest='center_name',
- required=True,
- help='specific to your Webin account')
- parser.add_argument('--checklist', help="specify the sample checklist with following pattern: ERC0000XX, Default: ERC000011", dest='checklist',
- default='ERC000011')
- parser.add_argument('--xlsx',
- help='filled in excel template with metadata')
- parser.add_argument('--isa_json',
- help='BETA: ISA json describing describing the ENA objects')
- parser.add_argument('--isa_assay_stream',
- nargs='*',
- help='BETA: specify the assay stream(s) that holds the ENA information, this can be a list of assay streams')
- parser.add_argument('--auto_action',
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- help='BETA: detect automatically which action (add or modify) to apply when the action column is not given')
- parser.add_argument('--tool',
- dest='tool_name',
- default='ena-upload-cli',
- help='specify the name of the tool this submission is done with. Default: ena-upload-cli')
- parser.add_argument('--tool_version',
- dest='tool_version',
- default=__version__,
- help='specify the version of the tool this submission is done with')
- parser.add_argument('--no_data_upload',
- default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help='indicate if no upload should be performed and you like to submit a RUN object (e.g. if uploaded was done separately).')
- parser.add_argument('--draft',
- default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help='indicate if no submission should be performed')
- parser.add_argument('--secret',
- required=True,
- help='.secret.yml file containing the password and Webin ID of your ENA account')
- parser.add_argument(
- '-d', '--dev', help="flag to use the dev/sandbox endpoint of ENA", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # check if any table is given
- tables = set([args.study, args.sample, args.experiment, args.run])
- if tables == {None} and not args.xlsx and not args.isa_json:
- parser.error('Requires at least one table for submission')
- # check if .secret file exists
- if args.secret:
- if not os.path.isfile(args.secret):
- msg = f"Oops, the file {args.secret} does not exist"
- parser.error(msg)
- # check if xlsx file exists
- if args.xlsx:
- if not os.path.isfile(args.xlsx):
- msg = f"Oops, the file {args.xlsx} does not exist"
- parser.error(msg)
- # check if ISA json file exists
- if args.isa_json:
- if not os.path.isfile(args.isa_json):
- msg = f"Oops, the file {args.isa_json} does not exist"
- parser.error(msg)
- if args.isa_assay_stream is None :
- parser.error("--isa_json requires --isa_assay_stream")
- # check if data is given when adding a 'run' table
- if (not args.no_data_upload and args.run and args.action.upper() not in ['RELEASE', 'CANCEL']) or (not args.no_data_upload and args.xlsx and args.action.upper() not in ['RELEASE', 'CANCEL']):
- if args.data is None:
- parser.error('Oops, requires data for submitting RUN object')
- else:
- # validate if given data is file
- for path in args.data:
- if not os.path.isfile(path):
- msg = f"Oops, the file {path} does not exist"
- parser.error(msg)
- return args
-def collect_tables(args):
- '''collect the schema whose table is not None
- :param args: the command-line arguments parsed by ArgumentParser
- :return schema_tables: a dictionary of schema string and file path string
- '''
- schema_tables = {'study': args.study, 'sample': args.sample,
- 'experiment': args.experiment, 'run': args.run}
- schema_tables = {schema: table for schema, table in schema_tables.items()
- if table is not None}
- return schema_tables
-def update_date(date):
- if pd.isnull(date) or isinstance(date, str):
- return date
- try:
- return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
- except AttributeError:
- return date
- except Exception:
- raise
-def main():
- args = process_args()
- action = args.action.upper()
- center = args.center_name
- tool = {'tool_name': args.tool_name, 'tool_version': args.tool_version}
- dev = args.dev
- checklist = args.checklist
- secret = args.secret
- draft = args.draft
- xlsx = args.xlsx
- isa_json_file = args.isa_json
- isa_assay_stream = args.isa_assay_stream
- auto_action = args.auto_action
- with open(secret, 'r') as secret_file:
- credentials = yaml.load(secret_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
- password = credentials['password'].strip()
- webin_id = credentials['username'].strip()
- if not password or not webin_id:
- print(
- f"Oops, file {args.secret} does not contain a password or username")
- secret_file.close()
- if xlsx:
- # create dataframe from xlsx table
- xl_workbook = pd.ExcelFile(xlsx)
- schema_dataframe = {} # load the parsed data in a dict: sheet_name -> pandas_frame
- schema_tables = {}
- for schema in SCHEMA_TYPES:
- if schema in xl_workbook.book.sheetnames:
- xl_sheet = xl_workbook.parse(schema, header=0, na_values=["NA", "Na", "na", "NaN"])
- elif f"ENA_{schema}" in xl_workbook.book.sheetnames:
- xl_sheet = xl_workbook.parse(f"ENA_{schema}", header=0, na_values=["NA", "Na", "na", "NaN"])
- else:
- sys.exit(
- f"The sheet '{schema}' is not present in the excel sheet {xlsx}")
- xl_sheet = xl_sheet.drop(0).dropna(how='all')
- for column_name in list(xl_sheet.columns.values):
- if 'date' in column_name:
- xl_sheet[column_name] = xl_sheet[column_name].apply(
- update_date)
- if True in xl_sheet.columns.duplicated():
- sys.exit("Duplicated columns found")
- xl_sheet = check_columns(
- xl_sheet, schema, action, dev, auto_action)
- schema_dataframe[schema] = xl_sheet
- path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(xlsx))
- schema_tables[schema] = f"{path}/ENA_template_{schema}.tsv"
- elif isa_json_file:
- # Read json file
- with open(isa_json_file, 'r') as json_file:
- isa_json = json.load(json_file)
- schema_tables = {}
- schema_dataframe = {}
- required_assays = []
- for stream in isa_assay_stream:
- required_assays.append({"assay_stream": stream})
- submission = EnaSubmission.from_isa_json(isa_json, required_assays)
- submission_dataframes = submission.generate_dataframes()
- for schema, df in submission_dataframes.items():
- schema_dataframe[schema] = check_columns(
- df, schema, action, dev, auto_action)
- path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(isa_json_file))
- schema_tables[schema] = f"{path}/ENA_template_{schema}.tsv"
- else:
- # collect the schema with table input from command-line
- schema_tables = collect_tables(args)
- # create dataframe from table
- schema_dataframe = create_dataframe(
- schema_tables, action, dev, auto_action)
- # ? add a function to sanitize characters
- # ? print 'validate table for specific action'
- # ? print 'catch error'
- # extract rows tagged by action
- # these rows are the targets for submission
- schema_targets = extract_targets(action, schema_dataframe)
- if not schema_targets:
- sys.exit(
- f"There is no table submitted having at least one row with {action} as action in the status column.")
- if action == 'ADD':
- # when adding run object
- # update schema_targets wit md5 hash
- # submit data
- if 'run' in schema_targets:
- # a dictionary of filename:file_path
- df = schema_targets['run']
- file_paths = {}
- if args.data:
- for path in args.data:
- file_paths[os.path.basename(path)] = os.path.abspath(path)
- # check if file names identical between command line and table
- # if not, system exits
- check_filenames(file_paths, df)
- # generate MD5 sum if not supplied in table
- if file_paths and not check_file_checksum(df):
- print("No valid checksums found, generate now...", end=" ")
- file_md5 = {filename: get_md5(path) for filename, path
- in file_paths.items()}
- # update schema_targets wih md5 hash
- md5 = df['file_name'].apply(lambda x: file_md5[x]).values
- # SettingWithCopyWarning causes false positive
- # e.g at df.loc[:, 'file_checksum'] = md5
- pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
- df.loc[:, 'file_checksum'] = md5
- print("done.")
- elif check_file_checksum(df):
- print("Valid checksums found", end=" ")
- else:
- sys.exit("No valid checksums found and no files given to generate checksum from. Please list the files using the --data option or specify the checksums in the run-table when the data is uploaded separately.")
- schema_targets['run'] = df
- # submit data to webin ftp server
- if args.no_data_upload:
- print(
- "No files will be uploaded, remove `--no_data_upload' argument to perform upload.")
- elif draft:
- print(
- "No files will be uploaded, remove `--draft' argument to perform upload.")
- else:
- submit_data(file_paths, password, webin_id)
- # when adding sample
- # update schema_targets with taxon ids or scientific names
- if 'sample' in schema_targets:
- df = schema_targets['sample']
- print('Retrieving taxon IDs and scientific names if needed')
- for index, row in df.iterrows():
- if pd.notna(row['scientific_name']) and pd.isna(row['taxon_id']):
- # retrieve taxon id using scientific name
- taxonID = get_taxon_id(row['scientific_name'])
- df.loc[index, 'taxon_id'] = taxonID
- elif pd.notna(row['taxon_id']) and pd.isna(row['scientific_name']):
- # retrieve scientific name using taxon id
- scientificName = get_scientific_name(row['taxon_id'])
- df.loc[index, 'scientific_name'] = scientificName
- elif pd.isna(row['taxon_id']) and pd.isna(row['scientific_name']):
- sys.exit(
- f"No taxon_id or scientific_name was given with sample {row['alias']}.")
- print('Taxon IDs and scientific names are retrieved')
- schema_targets['sample'] = df
- # ? need to add a place holder for setting up
- base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
- template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates')
- if action in ['ADD', 'MODIFY']:
- # when ADD/MODIFY,
- # requires source XMLs for 'run', 'experiment', 'sample', 'experiment'
- # schema_xmls record XMLs for all these schema and following 'submission'
- schema_xmls = run_construct(
- template_path, schema_targets, center, checklist, tool)
- submission_xml = construct_submission(template_path, action,
- schema_xmls, center, checklist, tool)
- elif action in ['CANCEL', 'RELEASE']:
- # when CANCEL/RELEASE, only accessions needed
- # schema_xmls only used to record the following 'submission'
- schema_xmls = {}
- submission_xml = construct_submission(template_path, action,
- schema_targets, center, checklist, tool)
- else:
- print(f"The action {action} is not supported.")
- schema_xmls['submission'] = submission_xml
- if draft:
- print("No submission will be performed, remove `--draft' argument to perform submission.")
- else:
- if dev:
- url = 'https://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA'
- else:
- url = 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA'
- print(f'\nSubmitting XMLs to ENA server: {url}')
- receipt = send_schemas(schema_xmls, url, webin_id, password).text
- print("Printing receipt to ./receipt.xml")
- with open('receipt.xml', 'w') as fw:
- fw.write(receipt)
- try:
- schema_update = process_receipt(receipt.encode("utf-8"), action)
- except ValueError:
- print("There was an ERROR during submission:")
- sys.exit(receipt)
- if action in ['ADD', 'MODIFY'] and not draft:
- schema_dataframe = update_table(schema_dataframe,
- schema_targets,
- schema_update)
- else:
- schema_dataframe = update_table_simple(schema_dataframe,
- schema_targets,
- action)
- # save updates in new tables
- save_update(schema_tables, schema_dataframe)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+__authors__ = ["Dilmurat Yusuf", "Bert Droesbeke"]
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, Dilmurat Yusuf"
+__maintainer__ = "Bert Droesbeke"
+__email__ = "bert.droesbeke@vib.be"
+__license__ = "MIT"
+import os
+import sys
+import argparse
+import yaml
+import hashlib
+import ftplib
+import requests
+import json
+import uuid
+import numpy as np
+import re
+from genshi.template import TemplateLoader
+from lxml import etree
+import pandas as pd
+import tempfile
+from ena_upload._version import __version__
+from ena_upload.check_remote import remote_check
+from ena_upload.json_parsing.ena_submission import EnaSubmission
+SCHEMA_TYPES = ['study', 'experiment', 'run', 'sample']
+class MyFTP_TLS(ftplib.FTP_TLS):
+ """Explicit FTPS, with shared TLS session"""
+ def ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest=None):
+ conn, size = ftplib.FTP.ntransfercmd(self, cmd, rest)
+ if self._prot_p:
+ conn = self.context.wrap_socket(conn,
+ server_hostname=self.host,
+ session=self.sock.session)
+ # fix reuse of ssl socket:
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/53456626/10971151 and
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/70830916/10971151
+ def custom_unwrap():
+ pass
+ conn.unwrap = custom_unwrap
+ return conn, size
+def create_dataframe(schema_tables, action, dev, auto_action):
+ '''create pandas dataframe from the tables in schema_tables
+ and return schema_dataframe
+ schema_tables - a dictionary with schema:table
+ schema -- run, experiment, sample, study
+ table -- file path
+ schema_dataframe - a dictionary with schema:dataframe
+ schema -- run, experiment, sample, study
+ dataframe -- pandas dataframe
+ '''
+ schema_dataframe = {}
+ for schema, table in schema_tables.items():
+ # Read with string dtype for specific columns
+ dtype_dict = {'scientific_name': 'str', 'file_checksum': 'str'}
+ df = pd.read_csv(table, sep='\t', comment='#', dtype=dtype_dict, na_values=["NA", "Na", "na", "NaN"])
+ df = df.dropna(how='all')
+ df = check_columns(df, schema, action, dev, auto_action)
+ schema_dataframe[schema] = df
+ return schema_dataframe
+def extract_targets(action, schema_dataframe):
+ ''' extract targeted rows in dataframe tagged by action and
+ return schema_targets
+ schema_dataframe/schema_targets - a dictionary with schema:dataframe
+ schema -- run, experiment, sample, study
+ dataframe -- pandas dataframe
+ '''
+ schema_targets = {}
+ for schema, dataframe in schema_dataframe.items():
+ filtered = dataframe.query(f'status=="{action}"')
+ if not filtered.empty:
+ schema_targets[schema] = filtered
+ return schema_targets
+def check_columns(df, schema, action, dev, auto_action):
+ # checking for optional columns and if not present, adding them
+ print(f"Check if all required columns are present in the {schema} table.")
+ if schema == 'sample':
+ optional_columns = ['accession', 'submission_date',
+ 'status', 'scientific_name', 'taxon_id']
+ # Ensure string dtype for scientific_name
+ if 'scientific_name' not in df.columns:
+ df['scientific_name'] = pd.Series(dtype='str')
+ elif schema == 'run':
+ optional_columns = ['accession',
+ 'submission_date', 'status', 'file_checksum']
+ # Ensure string dtype for file_checksum
+ if 'file_checksum' not in df.columns:
+ df['file_checksum'] = pd.Series(dtype='str')
+ else:
+ optional_columns = ['accession', 'submission_date', 'status']
+ for header in optional_columns:
+ if header not in df.columns:
+ if header == 'status':
+ if auto_action:
+ for index, row in df.iterrows():
+ remote_present = np.nan
+ try:
+ remote_present = remote_check(
+ schema, str(df['alias'][index]), dev)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print(
+ f"Something went wrong with detecting the ENA object {df['alias'][index]} on the servers of ENA. This object will be skipped.")
+ if remote_present and action == 'MODIFY':
+ df.at[index, header] = action
+ print(
+ f"\t'{df['alias'][index]}' gets '{action}' as action in the status column")
+ elif not remote_present and action in ['ADD', 'CANCEL', 'RELEASE']:
+ df.at[index, header] = action
+ print(
+ f"\t'{df['alias'][index]}' gets '{action}' as action in the status column")
+ else:
+ df.at[index, header] = np.nan
+ print(
+ f"\t'{df['alias'][index]}' gets skipped since it is already present at ENA")
+ else:
+ # status column contain action keywords
+ # for xml rendering, keywords require uppercase
+ # according to scheme definition of submission
+ df[header] = str(action).upper()
+ else:
+ df[header] = pd.Series(dtype='str') # Initialize as string type
+ else:
+ if header == 'status':
+ df[header] = df[header].str.upper()
+ return df
+def check_filenames(file_paths, run_df):
+ """Compare data filenames from command line and from RUN table.
+ :param file_paths: a dictionary of filename string and file_path string
+ :param df: dataframe built from RUN table
+ """
+ cmd_input = file_paths.keys()
+ table_input = run_df['file_name'].values
+ # symmetric difference between two sets
+ difference = set(cmd_input) ^ set(table_input)
+ if difference:
+ msg = f"different file names between command line and RUN table: {difference}"
+ sys.exit(msg)
+def check_file_checksum(df):
+ '''Return True if 'file_checksum' series contains valid MD5 sums'''
+ regex_valid_md5sum = re.compile('^[a-f0-9]{32}$')
+ def _is_str_md5sum(x):
+ if pd.notna(x):
+ match = regex_valid_md5sum.fullmatch(x)
+ if match:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ s = df.file_checksum.apply(_is_str_md5sum)
+ return s.all()
+def validate_xml(xsd, xml):
+ '''
+ validate xml against xsd scheme
+ '''
+ xmlschema_doc = etree.parse(source=xsd)
+ xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema_doc)
+ doc = etree.XML(xml)
+ return xmlschema.assertValid(doc)
+def generate_stream(schema, targets, Template, center, tool):
+ ''' generate stream from Template cache
+ :param schema: ENA objects -- run, experiment, sample, study
+ :param targets: the pandas dataframe of the run targets
+ :param Template: Template cache genrated by TemplateLoader
+ in genshi
+ :param center: center name used to register ENA Webin
+ :param tool: dict of tool_name and tool_version , by default ena-upload-cli
+ :return: stream
+ '''
+ if schema == 'run':
+ # These attributes are required for rendering
+ # the run xml templates
+ # Adding backwards compatibility for file_format
+ if 'file_format' in targets:
+ targets.rename(columns={'file_format': 'file_type'}, inplace=True)
+ file_attrib = ['file_name', 'file_type', 'file_checksum']
+ other_attrib = ['alias', 'experiment_alias']
+ # Create groups with alias as index
+ run_groups = targets[other_attrib].groupby('alias')['experiment_alias'].first().to_dict()
+ file_groups = targets[file_attrib].groupby(targets['alias'])
+ # param in generate() determined by the setup in template
+ stream = Template.generate(run_groups=run_groups,
+ file_groups=file_groups,
+ center=center,
+ tool_name=tool['tool_name'],
+ tool_version=tool['tool_version'])
+ else:
+ stream = Template.generate(
+ df=targets, center=center, tool_name=tool['tool_name'], tool_version=tool['tool_version'])
+ return stream
+def construct_xml(schema, stream, xsd):
+ '''construct XML for ENA submission
+ :param xsd: the schema definition in
+ ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/meta/xsd/
+ :return: the file name of XML for ENA submission
+ '''
+ xml_string = stream.render(method='xml', encoding='utf-8')
+ validate_xml(xsd, xml_string)
+ xml_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
+ schema + '_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xml')
+ with open(xml_file, 'w') as fw:
+ fw.write(xml_string.decode("utf-8"))
+ print(f'wrote {xml_file}')
+ return xml_file
+def actors(template_path, checklist):
+ ''':return: the filenames of schema definitions and templates
+ '''
+ def add_path(dic, path):
+ for schema, filename in dic.items():
+ dic[schema] = f'{path}/{filename}'
+ return dic
+ xsds = {'run': 'SRA.run.xsd',
+ 'experiment': 'SRA.experiment.xsd',
+ 'submission': 'SRA.submission.xsd',
+ 'sample': 'SRA.sample.xsd',
+ 'study': 'SRA.study.xsd'}
+ templates = {'run': 'ENA_template_runs.xml',
+ 'experiment': 'ENA_template_experiments.xml',
+ 'submission': 'ENA_template_submission.xml',
+ 'sample': f'ENA_template_samples_{checklist}.xml',
+ 'study': 'ENA_template_studies.xml'}
+ xsds = add_path(xsds, template_path)
+ return xsds, templates
+def run_construct(template_path, schema_targets, center, checklist, tool):
+ '''construct XMLs for schema in schema_targets
+ :param schema_targets: dictionary of 'schema:targets' generated
+ by extract_targets()
+ :param loader: object of TemplateLoader in genshi
+ :param center: center name used to register ENA Webin
+ :param tool: dict of tool_name and tool_version , by default ena-upload-cli
+ :param checklist: parameter to select a specific sample checklist
+ :return schema_xmls: dictionary of 'schema:filename'
+ '''
+ xsds, templates = actors(template_path, checklist)
+ schema_xmls = {}
+ loader = TemplateLoader(search_path=template_path)
+ for schema, targets in schema_targets.items():
+ template = templates[schema]
+ Template = loader.load(template)
+ stream = generate_stream(schema, targets, Template, center, tool)
+ print(f"Constructing XML for '{schema}' schema")
+ schema_xmls[schema] = construct_xml(schema, stream, xsds[schema])
+ return schema_xmls
+def construct_submission(template_path, action, submission_input, center, checklist, tool):
+ '''construct XML for submission
+ :param action: action for submission -
+ :param submission_input: schema_xmls or schema_targets depending on action
+ ADD/MODIFY: schema_xmls
+ CANCEL/RELEASE: schema_targets
+ :param loader: object of TemplateLoader in genshi
+ :param center: center name used to register ENA Webin
+ :param tool: tool name, by default ena-upload-cli
+ :param checklist: parameter to select a specific sample checklist
+ :return submission_xml: filename of submission XML
+ '''
+ print(f"Constructing XML for submission schema")
+ xsds, templates = actors(template_path, checklist)
+ template = templates['submission']
+ loader = TemplateLoader(search_path=template_path)
+ Template = loader.load(template)
+ stream = Template.generate(action=action, input=submission_input,
+ center=center, tool_name=tool['tool_name'], tool_version=tool['tool_version'])
+ submission_xml = construct_xml('submission', stream, xsds['submission'])
+ return submission_xml
+def get_md5(filepath):
+ '''calculate the MD5 hash of file
+ :param filepath: file path
+ :return: md5 hash
+ '''
+ md5sum = hashlib.md5()
+ with open(filepath, "rb") as fr:
+ while True:
+ # the MD5 digest block
+ chunk = fr.read(128)
+ if not chunk:
+ break
+ md5sum.update(chunk)
+ return md5sum.hexdigest()
+def get_taxon_id(scientific_name):
+ """Get taxon ID for input scientific_name.
+ :param scientific_name: scientific name of sample that distinguishes
+ its taxonomy
+ :return taxon_id: NCBI taxonomy identifier
+ """
+ # endpoint for taxonomy id
+ url = 'http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/taxonomy/rest/scientific-name'
+ session = requests.Session()
+ session.trust_env = False
+ # url encoding: space -> %20
+ scientific_name = '%20'.join(scientific_name.strip().split())
+ r = session.get(f"{url}/{scientific_name}")
+ try:
+ taxon_id = r.json()[0]['taxId']
+ return taxon_id
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = f'Oops, no taxon ID available for {scientific_name}. Is it a valid scientific name?'
+ sys.exit(msg)
+def get_scientific_name(taxon_id):
+ """Get scientific name for input taxon_id.
+ :param taxon_id: NCBI taxonomy identifier
+ :return scientific_name: scientific name of sample that distinguishes its taxonomy
+ """
+ # endpoint for scientific name
+ url = 'http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/taxonomy/rest/tax-id'
+ session = requests.Session()
+ session.trust_env = False
+ r = session.get(f"{url}/{str(taxon_id).strip()}")
+ try:
+ taxon_id = r.json()['scientificName']
+ return taxon_id
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = f'Oops, no scientific name available for {taxon_id}. Is it a valid taxon_id?'
+ sys.exit(msg)
+def submit_data(file_paths, password, webin_id):
+ """Submit data to webin ftp server.
+ :param file_paths: a dictionary of filename string and file_path string
+ :param args: the command-line arguments parsed by ArgumentParser
+ """
+ ftp_host = "webin2.ebi.ac.uk"
+ print("\nConnecting to ftp.webin2.ebi.ac.uk....")
+ try:
+ ftps = MyFTP_TLS(timeout=120)
+ ftps.context.set_ciphers('HIGH:!DH:!aNULL')
+ ftps.connect(ftp_host, port=21)
+ ftps.auth()
+ ftps.login(webin_id, password)
+ ftps.prot_p()
+ except IOError as ioe:
+ print(ioe)
+ sys.exit("ERROR: could not connect to the ftp server.\
+ Please check your login details.")
+ for filename, path in file_paths.items():
+ print(f'uploading {path}')
+ try:
+ print(ftps.storbinary(f'STOR {filename}', open(path, 'rb')))
+ except BaseException as err:
+ print(f"ERROR: {err}")
+ print("ERROR: If your connection times out at this stage, it probably is because of a firewall that is in place. FTP is used in passive mode and connection will be opened to one of the ports: 40000 and 50000.")
+ raise
+ print(ftps.quit())
+def columns_to_update(df):
+ '''
+ returns the column names where contains the cells to update
+ used after processing the receipt xmls
+ '''
+ return df[df.apply(lambda x: x == 'to_update')].dropna(axis=1, how='all').columns
+def send_schemas(schema_xmls, url, webin_id, password):
+ '''submit compiled XML files to the given ENA server
+ return the receipt object after the submission.
+ schema_xmls -- dictionary of schema and the corresponding XML file name
+ e.g. {'submission':'submission.xml',
+ 'study':'study.xml',
+ 'run':'run.xml',
+ 'sample':'sample.xml',
+ 'experiment':'experiment.xml'}
+ url -- ENA servers
+ test:
+ https://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA
+ production:
+ https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA
+ webin_id -- ENA webin ID of user
+ password -- ENA password of user
+ '''
+ sources = [(schema.upper(), (source, open(source, 'rb')))
+ for schema, source in schema_xmls.items()]
+ session = requests.Session()
+ session.trust_env = False
+ r = session.post(f"{url}",
+ auth=(webin_id, password),
+ files=sources)
+ return r
+def process_receipt(receipt, action):
+ '''Process submission receipt from ENA.
+ :param receipt: a string of XML
+ :return schema_update: a dictionary - {schema:update}
+ schema: a string - 'study', 'sample',
+ 'run', 'experiment'
+ update: a dataframe with columns - 'alias',
+ 'accession', 'submission_date'
+ '''
+ receipt_root = etree.fromstring(receipt)
+ success = receipt_root.get('success')
+ if success == 'true':
+ print('Submission was done successfully')
+ else:
+ errors = []
+ for element in receipt_root.findall('MESSAGES/ERROR'):
+ error = element.text
+ errors.append(error)
+ errors = '\nOops:\n' + '\n'.join(errors)
+ sys.exit(errors)
+ def make_update(update, ena_type):
+ update_list = []
+ print(f"\n{ena_type.capitalize()} accession details:")
+ for element in update:
+ extract = (element.get('alias'), element.get(
+ 'accession'), receiptDate, STATUS_CHANGES[action])
+ print("\t".join(extract))
+ update_list.append(extract)
+ # used for labelling dataframe
+ labels = ['alias', 'accession', 'submission_date', 'status']
+ df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(update_list, columns=labels)
+ return df
+ receiptDate = receipt_root.get('receiptDate')
+ schema_update = {} # schema as key, dataframe as value
+ if action in ['ADD', 'MODIFY']:
+ study_update = receipt_root.findall('STUDY')
+ sample_update = receipt_root.findall('SAMPLE')
+ experiment_update = receipt_root.findall('EXPERIMENT')
+ run_update = receipt_root.findall('RUN')
+ if study_update:
+ schema_update['study'] = make_update(study_update, 'study')
+ if sample_update:
+ schema_update['sample'] = make_update(sample_update, 'sample')
+ if experiment_update:
+ schema_update['experiment'] = make_update(
+ experiment_update, 'experiment')
+ if run_update:
+ schema_update['run'] = make_update(run_update, 'run')
+ return schema_update
+ # release does have the accession numbers that are released in the recipe
+ elif action == 'RELEASE':
+ receipt_info = {}
+ infoblocks = receipt_root.findall('MESSAGES/INFO')
+ for element in infoblocks:
+ match = re.search('(.+?) accession "(.+?)"', element.text)
+ if match and match.group(1) in receipt_info:
+ receipt_info[match.group(1)].append(match.group(2))
+ elif match and match.group(1) not in receipt_info:
+ receipt_info[match.group(1)] = [match.group(2)]
+ for ena_type, accessions in receipt_info.items():
+ print(f"\n{ena_type.capitalize()} accession details:")
+ update_list = []
+ for accession in accessions:
+ extract = (accession, receiptDate, STATUS_CHANGES[action])
+ update_list.append(extract)
+ print("\t".join(extract))
+def update_table(schema_dataframe, schema_targets, schema_update):
+ """Update schema_dataframe with info in schema_targets/update.
+ :param schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
+ :param_targets: a dictionary - {schema:targets}
+ :param schema_update: a dictionary - {schema:update}
+ 'schema' -- a string - 'study', 'sample','run', 'experiment'
+ 'dataframe' -- a pandas dataframe created from the input tables
+ 'targets' -- a filtered dataframe with 'action' keywords
+ contains updated columns - md5sum and taxon_id
+ 'update' -- a dataframe with updated columns - 'alias', 'accession',
+ 'submission_date'
+ :return schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
+ dataframe -- updated accession, status,
+ submission_date,
+ md5sum, taxon_id
+ """
+ for schema in schema_update.keys():
+ dataframe = schema_dataframe[schema]
+ targets = schema_targets[schema]
+ update = schema_update[schema]
+ dataframe.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
+ targets.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
+ update.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
+ for index in update.index:
+ dataframe.loc[index, 'accession'] = update.loc[index, 'accession']
+ dataframe.loc[index,
+ 'submission_date'] = update.loc[index, 'submission_date']
+ dataframe.loc[index, 'status'] = update.loc[index, 'status']
+ if schema == 'sample':
+ dataframe.loc[index,
+ 'taxon_id'] = targets.loc[index, 'taxon_id']
+ elif schema == 'run':
+ # Since index is set to alias
+ # then targets of run can have multiple rows with
+ # identical index because each row has a file
+ # which is associated with a run
+ # and a run can have multiple files.
+ # The following assignment assumes 'targets' retain
+ # the original row order in 'dataframe'
+ # because targets was initially subset of 'dataframe'.
+ dataframe.loc[index,
+ 'file_checksum'] = targets.loc[index, 'file_checksum']
+ return schema_dataframe
+def update_table_simple(schema_dataframe, schema_targets, action):
+ """Update schema_dataframe with info in schema_targets.
+ :param schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
+ :param_targets: a dictionary - {schema:targets}
+ 'schema' -- a string - 'study', 'sample','run', 'experiment'
+ 'dataframe' -- a pandas dataframe created from the input tables
+ 'targets' -- a filtered dataframe with 'action' keywords
+ contains updated columns - md5sum and taxon_id
+ :return schema_dataframe: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
+ dataframe -- updated status
+ """
+ for schema in schema_targets.keys():
+ dataframe = schema_dataframe[schema]
+ targets = schema_targets[schema]
+ dataframe.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
+ targets.set_index('alias', inplace=True)
+ for index in targets.index:
+ dataframe.loc[index, 'status'] = STATUS_CHANGES[action]
+ return schema_dataframe
+def save_update(schema_tables, schema_dataframe):
+ """Write updated dataframe to tsv file.
+ :param schema_tables_: a dictionary - {schema:file_path}
+ :param schema_dataframe_: a dictionary - {schema:dataframe}
+ :schema: a string - 'study', 'sample', 'run', 'experiment'
+ :file_path: a string
+ :dataframe: a dataframe
+ """
+ print('\nSaving updates in new tsv tables:')
+ for schema in schema_tables:
+ table = schema_tables[schema]
+ dataframe = schema_dataframe[schema]
+ file_name, file_extension = os.path.splitext(table)
+ update_name = f'{file_name}_updated{file_extension}'
+ dataframe.to_csv(update_name, sep='\t')
+ print(f'{update_name}')
+class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
+ '''subclass the HelpFormatter and provide a special intro
+ for the options that should be handled "raw" ("R|rest of help").
+ :adapted from: Anthon's code at
+ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3853722/python-argparse-how-to-insert-newline-in-the-help-text
+ '''
+ def _split_lines(self, text, width):
+ if text.startswith('R|'):
+ return text[2:].splitlines()
+ # this is the RawTextHelpFormatter._split_lines
+ return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width)
+def process_args():
+ '''parse command-line arguments
+ '''
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='ena-upoad-cli',
+ description='''The program makes submission
+ of data and respective metadata to European
+ Nucleotide Archive (ENA). The metadate
+ should be provided in separate tables
+ corresponding the ENA objects -- STUDY,
+ formatter_class=SmartFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
+ version='%(prog)s '+__version__)
+ parser.add_argument('--action',
+ choices=['add', 'modify', 'cancel', 'release'],
+ required=True,
+ help='R| add: add an object to the archive\n'
+ ' modify: modify an object in the archive\n'
+ ' cancel: cancel a private object and its dependent objects\n'
+ ' release: release a private object immediately to public')
+ parser.add_argument('--study',
+ help='table of STUDY object')
+ parser.add_argument('--sample',
+ help='table of SAMPLE object')
+ parser.add_argument('--experiment',
+ help='table of EXPERIMENT object')
+ parser.add_argument('--run',
+ help='table of RUN object')
+ parser.add_argument('--data',
+ nargs='*',
+ help='data for submission, this can be a list of files',
+ metavar='FILE')
+ parser.add_argument('--center',
+ dest='center_name',
+ required=True,
+ help='specific to your Webin account')
+ parser.add_argument('--checklist', help="specify the sample checklist with following pattern: ERC0000XX, Default: ERC000011", dest='checklist',
+ default='ERC000011')
+ parser.add_argument('--xlsx',
+ help='filled in excel template with metadata')
+ parser.add_argument('--isa_json',
+ help='BETA: ISA json describing describing the ENA objects')
+ parser.add_argument('--isa_assay_stream',
+ nargs='*',
+ help='BETA: specify the assay stream(s) that holds the ENA information, this can be a list of assay streams')
+ parser.add_argument('--auto_action',
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help='BETA: detect automatically which action (add or modify) to apply when the action column is not given')
+ parser.add_argument('--tool',
+ dest='tool_name',
+ default='ena-upload-cli',
+ help='specify the name of the tool this submission is done with. Default: ena-upload-cli')
+ parser.add_argument('--tool_version',
+ dest='tool_version',
+ default=__version__,
+ help='specify the version of the tool this submission is done with')
+ parser.add_argument('--no_data_upload',
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help='indicate if no upload should be performed and you like to submit a RUN object (e.g. if uploaded was done separately).')
+ parser.add_argument('--draft',
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help='indicate if no submission should be performed')
+ parser.add_argument('--secret',
+ required=True,
+ help='.secret.yml file containing the password and Webin ID of your ENA account')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-d', '--dev', help="flag to use the dev/sandbox endpoint of ENA", action="store_true")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # check if any table is given
+ tables = set([args.study, args.sample, args.experiment, args.run])
+ if tables == {None} and not args.xlsx and not args.isa_json:
+ parser.error('Requires at least one table for submission')
+ # check if .secret file exists
+ if args.secret:
+ if not os.path.isfile(args.secret):
+ msg = f"Oops, the file {args.secret} does not exist"
+ parser.error(msg)
+ # check if xlsx file exists
+ if args.xlsx:
+ if not os.path.isfile(args.xlsx):
+ msg = f"Oops, the file {args.xlsx} does not exist"
+ parser.error(msg)
+ # check if ISA json file exists
+ if args.isa_json:
+ if not os.path.isfile(args.isa_json):
+ msg = f"Oops, the file {args.isa_json} does not exist"
+ parser.error(msg)
+ if args.isa_assay_stream is None :
+ parser.error("--isa_json requires --isa_assay_stream")
+ # check if data is given when adding a 'run' table
+ if (not args.no_data_upload and args.run and args.action.upper() not in ['RELEASE', 'CANCEL']) or (not args.no_data_upload and args.xlsx and args.action.upper() not in ['RELEASE', 'CANCEL']):
+ if args.data is None:
+ parser.error('Oops, requires data for submitting RUN object')
+ else:
+ # validate if given data is file
+ for path in args.data:
+ if not os.path.isfile(path):
+ msg = f"Oops, the file {path} does not exist"
+ parser.error(msg)
+ return args
+def collect_tables(args):
+ '''collect the schema whose table is not None
+ :param args: the command-line arguments parsed by ArgumentParser
+ :return schema_tables: a dictionary of schema string and file path string
+ '''
+ schema_tables = {'study': args.study, 'sample': args.sample,
+ 'experiment': args.experiment, 'run': args.run}
+ schema_tables = {schema: table for schema, table in schema_tables.items()
+ if table is not None}
+ return schema_tables
+def update_date(date):
+ if pd.isnull(date) or isinstance(date, str):
+ return date
+ try:
+ return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
+ except AttributeError:
+ return date
+ except Exception:
+ raise
+def main():
+ args = process_args()
+ action = args.action.upper()
+ center = args.center_name
+ tool = {'tool_name': args.tool_name, 'tool_version': args.tool_version}
+ dev = args.dev
+ checklist = args.checklist
+ secret = args.secret
+ draft = args.draft
+ xlsx = args.xlsx
+ isa_json_file = args.isa_json
+ isa_assay_stream = args.isa_assay_stream
+ auto_action = args.auto_action
+ with open(secret, 'r') as secret_file:
+ credentials = yaml.load(secret_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
+ password = credentials['password'].strip()
+ webin_id = credentials['username'].strip()
+ if not password or not webin_id:
+ print(
+ f"Oops, file {args.secret} does not contain a password or username")
+ secret_file.close()
+ if xlsx:
+ # create dataframe from xlsx table
+ xl_workbook = pd.ExcelFile(xlsx)
+ schema_dataframe = {} # load the parsed data in a dict: sheet_name -> pandas_frame
+ schema_tables = {}
+ for schema in SCHEMA_TYPES:
+ if schema in xl_workbook.book.sheetnames:
+ xl_sheet = xl_workbook.parse(schema, header=0, na_values=["NA", "Na", "na", "NaN"])
+ elif f"ENA_{schema}" in xl_workbook.book.sheetnames:
+ xl_sheet = xl_workbook.parse(f"ENA_{schema}", header=0, na_values=["NA", "Na", "na", "NaN"])
+ else:
+ sys.exit(
+ f"The sheet '{schema}' is not present in the excel sheet {xlsx}")
+ xl_sheet = xl_sheet.drop(0).dropna(how='all')
+ for column_name in list(xl_sheet.columns.values):
+ if 'date' in column_name:
+ xl_sheet[column_name] = xl_sheet[column_name].apply(
+ update_date)
+ if True in xl_sheet.columns.duplicated():
+ sys.exit("Duplicated columns found")
+ xl_sheet = check_columns(
+ xl_sheet, schema, action, dev, auto_action)
+ schema_dataframe[schema] = xl_sheet
+ path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(xlsx))
+ schema_tables[schema] = f"{path}/ENA_template_{schema}.tsv"
+ elif isa_json_file:
+ # Read json file
+ with open(isa_json_file, 'r') as json_file:
+ isa_json = json.load(json_file)
+ schema_tables = {}
+ schema_dataframe = {}
+ required_assays = []
+ for stream in isa_assay_stream:
+ required_assays.append({"assay_stream": stream})
+ submission = EnaSubmission.from_isa_json(isa_json, required_assays)
+ submission_dataframes = submission.generate_dataframes()
+ for schema, df in submission_dataframes.items():
+ schema_dataframe[schema] = check_columns(
+ df, schema, action, dev, auto_action)
+ path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(isa_json_file))
+ schema_tables[schema] = f"{path}/ENA_template_{schema}.tsv"
+ else:
+ # collect the schema with table input from command-line
+ schema_tables = collect_tables(args)
+ # create dataframe from table
+ schema_dataframe = create_dataframe(
+ schema_tables, action, dev, auto_action)
+ # ? add a function to sanitize characters
+ # ? print 'validate table for specific action'
+ # ? print 'catch error'
+ # extract rows tagged by action
+ # these rows are the targets for submission
+ schema_targets = extract_targets(action, schema_dataframe)
+ if not schema_targets:
+ sys.exit(
+ f"There is no table submitted having at least one row with {action} as action in the status column.")
+ if action == 'ADD':
+ # when adding run object
+ # update schema_targets wit md5 hash
+ # submit data
+ if 'run' in schema_targets:
+ # a dictionary of filename:file_path
+ df = schema_targets['run']
+ file_paths = {}
+ if args.data:
+ for path in args.data:
+ file_paths[os.path.basename(path)] = os.path.abspath(path)
+ # check if file names identical between command line and table
+ # if not, system exits
+ check_filenames(file_paths, df)
+ # generate MD5 sum if not supplied in table
+ if file_paths and not check_file_checksum(df):
+ print("No valid checksums found, generate now...", end=" ")
+ file_md5 = {filename: get_md5(path) for filename, path
+ in file_paths.items()}
+ # update schema_targets wih md5 hash
+ md5 = df['file_name'].apply(lambda x: file_md5[x]).values
+ # SettingWithCopyWarning causes false positive
+ # e.g at df.loc[:, 'file_checksum'] = md5
+ pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
+ df.loc[:, 'file_checksum'] = md5
+ print("done.")
+ elif check_file_checksum(df):
+ print("Valid checksums found", end=" ")
+ else:
+ sys.exit("No valid checksums found and no files given to generate checksum from. Please list the files using the --data option or specify the checksums in the run-table when the data is uploaded separately.")
+ schema_targets['run'] = df
+ # submit data to webin ftp server
+ if args.no_data_upload:
+ print(
+ "No files will be uploaded, remove `--no_data_upload' argument to perform upload.")
+ elif draft:
+ print(
+ "No files will be uploaded, remove `--draft' argument to perform upload.")
+ else:
+ submit_data(file_paths, password, webin_id)
+ # when adding sample
+ # update schema_targets with taxon ids or scientific names
+ if 'sample' in schema_targets:
+ df = schema_targets['sample']
+ print('Retrieving taxon IDs and scientific names if needed')
+ for index, row in df.iterrows():
+ if pd.notna(row['scientific_name']) and pd.isna(row['taxon_id']):
+ # retrieve taxon id using scientific name
+ taxonID = get_taxon_id(row['scientific_name'])
+ df.loc[index, 'taxon_id'] = taxonID
+ elif pd.notna(row['taxon_id']) and pd.isna(row['scientific_name']):
+ # retrieve scientific name using taxon id
+ scientificName = get_scientific_name(row['taxon_id'])
+ df.loc[index, 'scientific_name'] = scientificName
+ elif pd.isna(row['taxon_id']) and pd.isna(row['scientific_name']):
+ sys.exit(
+ f"No taxon_id or scientific_name was given with sample {row['alias']}.")
+ print('Taxon IDs and scientific names are retrieved')
+ schema_targets['sample'] = df
+ # ? need to add a place holder for setting up
+ base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+ template_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates')
+ if action in ['ADD', 'MODIFY']:
+ # when ADD/MODIFY,
+ # requires source XMLs for 'run', 'experiment', 'sample', 'experiment'
+ # schema_xmls record XMLs for all these schema and following 'submission'
+ schema_xmls = run_construct(
+ template_path, schema_targets, center, checklist, tool)
+ submission_xml = construct_submission(template_path, action,
+ schema_xmls, center, checklist, tool)
+ elif action in ['CANCEL', 'RELEASE']:
+ # when CANCEL/RELEASE, only accessions needed
+ # schema_xmls only used to record the following 'submission'
+ schema_xmls = {}
+ submission_xml = construct_submission(template_path, action,
+ schema_targets, center, checklist, tool)
+ else:
+ print(f"The action {action} is not supported.")
+ schema_xmls['submission'] = submission_xml
+ if draft:
+ print("No submission will be performed, remove `--draft' argument to perform submission.")
+ else:
+ if dev:
+ url = 'https://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA'
+ else:
+ url = 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/drop-box/submit/?auth=ENA'
+ print(f'\nSubmitting XMLs to ENA server: {url}')
+ receipt = send_schemas(schema_xmls, url, webin_id, password).text
+ print("Printing receipt to ./receipt.xml")
+ with open('receipt.xml', 'w') as fw:
+ fw.write(receipt)
+ try:
+ schema_update = process_receipt(receipt.encode("utf-8"), action)
+ except ValueError:
+ print("There was an ERROR during submission:")
+ sys.exit(receipt)
+ if action in ['ADD', 'MODIFY'] and not draft:
+ schema_dataframe = update_table(schema_dataframe,
+ schema_targets,
+ schema_update)
+ else:
+ schema_dataframe = update_table_simple(schema_dataframe,
+ schema_targets,
+ action)
+ # save updates in new tables
+ save_update(schema_tables, schema_dataframe)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/ena_upload/templates/ENA_template_runs.xml b/ena_upload/templates/ENA_template_runs.xml
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 134d017..15feae7
--- a/ena_upload/templates/ENA_template_runs.xml
+++ b/ena_upload/templates/ENA_template_runs.xml
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
- ${tool_name}
- ${tool_version}
+ ${tool_name}
+ ${tool_version}
diff --git a/example_tables/ENA_excel_example_ERC000033.xlsx b/example_tables/ENA_excel_example_ERC000033.xlsx
index 85ba4ea..82d5949 100644
Binary files a/example_tables/ENA_excel_example_ERC000033.xlsx and b/example_tables/ENA_excel_example_ERC000033.xlsx differ
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 636bdcf..ec44469 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-lxml>=4.9.3, <= 5.0.0
pandas>=2.0.3 , <= 3.0.0
# pyyaml set to v5.3.* to prevent problems with setuptools upon installation, as described here: https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/723#issuecomment-1638560401
requests>=2.31.0 , <= 3.0.0
openpyxl>=3.1.2 , <= 4.0.0
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index c50e215..7b6a80f 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import find_packages
from ena_upload._version import __version__
with open("README.md", 'r') as f:
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
author="Dilmurat Yusuf",
- packages=['ena_upload', 'ena_upload.json_parsing'],
+ packages= find_packages(),
package_dir={'ena_upload': 'ena_upload'},
'ena_upload': ['templates/*.xml', 'templates/*.xsd', 'json_parsing/json_schemas/*.json']
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@
"Operating System :: OS Independent"
- python_requires='>=3.7',
+ python_requires='>=3.8',
'console_scripts': ["ena-upload-cli=ena_upload.ena_upload:main"]