Agile Metrics by Spotify. Squad Health Checkup - by Tommi Joentakanen
Burndown Chart - the Ultimate Guide for Every Scrum Master - by Luís Gonçalves
Do you want Crappy Agile? Metrics. Maybe we should just say no. - by Ron Jeffries
KPIs, Velocity, and Other Destructive Metrics - by Allen Holub. "The most useful production metric is the rate at which you get valuable software into your customer's hands. "
Velocity - How to Calculate and Use Velocity to Help Your Team and Your Projects - by Catia Oliveira. "Humans are humans, and we are (gladly) different from each other. You'll always have teams performing differently from each other -- and that's not necessarily bad. We just need to find out each team's own sustainable pace and keep them moving, driving our company further."
Why Vanity Metrics are Dangerous: Holding a Mirror Up to Your Measures of Success - by Julia Wester