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Getting Started Guide

Evan Culver edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 10 revisions


Create a basic go project

Make sure glide and $GOPATH/bin are in your $PATH:

Starting in the base directory of your sources:

export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

Install the DOSA library

glide get

Install the DOSA CLI

go get -u

The dosa binary should now be installed in $GOPATH/bin.

ls -l $GOPATH/bin/dosa

TODO: Start standalone gateway

make start-gateway

Create your DOSA development scope

dosa scope create <scope_name>

Build your data model

Modeling your data is beyond the scope of this quick start guide. Please reach out to us for help!

Create at least one entity

In your code, create an object that embeds (, we'll call it entities.go:

package main

import (


type MyFirstDosaObject struct {
    dosa.Entity `dosa:"primaryKey=((K1, K2), K3)"`
    K1 dosa.UUID
    K2 string
    K3 int64
    C1 time.Time

This example describes an object with a partitioning key of (K1, K2) and a clustering key of K3. There is a single non-key field, C1.

Dump your schema definitions

Do this to check for errors in your entities, use the CLI's schema dump command, prefix is required:

dosa schema dump --prefix uber.dosa.example

This command takes an optional list of directories to look for entities. If none are provided, it will default to the current directory. Since the example assumes entities are defined in ./entities.go, no arguments are needed.

Install your schema with the schema upsert command, prefix is required:

dosa schema upsert --prefix uber.dosa.example

This will translate your DOSA entities into the associated database schema. If the underlying datastore is Cassandra, this will translate to CQL. For a preview of the schema that will be installed, use the schema dump command can again be used. In this case, to preview the CQL pass the format option:

dosa schema dump --format cql

create table "myfirstdosaobject" ("k1" uuid, "k2" text, "k3" bigint, "c1" timestamp, primary key ((k1, k2), k3 ASC));

TODO: Initialize client

TODO: Create/query data

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