Install all required packages for uDALES described in the prerequisites section, plus optionally Graphviz for generating graphs in the code viewer. E.g. installing all the required packages using Ubuntu's APT:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y gfortran libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev graphviz
Then, to set up the development environment for testing and generating the docs, download the latest version of Miniconda and install the required dependencies with:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then activate with conda activate udales
To install uDALES on Linux, macOS, and WSL, use the following commands from the command prompt:
mkdir -p build/release
pushd build/release
cmake ../..
To know more about build options, please see build/default options.
A uDALES simulation needs to be executed from a directory containing all required input files. Examples of experiments and required inputs are in the examples
directory. To run a uDALES simulation you need to specify the number of cpus <NCPU>
, the path to the build file <BUILD>
and the simulation configuration file <NAMOPTIONS>
and execute the simulation with the following command:
mpiexec -n <NCPU> <BUILD> <NAMOPTIONS>
Please refer to Test docs.
mkdocs build --site-dir build/html
ford docs/
To create domain plots of the examples, run the following from your command line (requires MATLAB):
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "cd('tools/examples'); plot_blocks('<CASE_NUMBER>'); quit"
is e.g. 201
. Plots are then saved in their respective example folders.
Run the following script to run and generate outputs for all example cases:
Then, to create a sample plot for case 102
run the following from your command line (requires MATLAB):
matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r "cd('tools/examples'); plot_fielddump_slice('102','u','y',32,1); quit"
This project uses semantic versioning.