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PinkGoosik edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 12 revisions

This is the config page listing all the Skylands mod config options, their description, and default states.

Option Default Description
readDocs Dummy option advertising this documentation in the json config.
defaultSpawnPos x: 0.5, y: 75.0, z: 0.5 Position of the home spawn on a newly created Island.
defaultVisitsPos x: 0.5, y: 75.0, z: 0.5 Position of the visit spawn on a newly created Island.
defaultHubPos x: 0.5, y: 80.0, z: 0.5 Position of the hub in a newly created world.
hubProtectedByDefault false Toggles world protection of the hub in a newly created world.
islandDeletionCooldown 86400 (24 hours) Defines island deletion cooldown measured in seconds.
updateCheckerEnabled true Toggles update checker that notifies players with either permission or operator level 4 when a new Skylands update drops.
teleportAfterIslandCreation false Automatically teleports player to their newly created Island.
createIslandOnPlayerJoin false Automatically creates a new Island for a player on their first join. (Warning: Only implemented since 0.3.5+1.19.4 and above.)
rightClickHarvestEnabled true Toggles right-click harvest feature.
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