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TheCPP edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

Welcome to this documentation of my programming language. I hope that you find the information that you searching.

Hello World!

It´s a tradition of programming to make a Hello World programm. In my programming language the code of this programm is that:

function main() {
    print("Hello World!");

So that was it. It prints when you run it "Hello World".

>TheCPP-Language-Compiler HelloWorld.txt
Hello World!


It´s exists only a few (2) types of comments. One line comments. Comments for one line designed for small line description

print("Hello World!"); //Print´s Hello World

Multi line comment. For more than one upto unlimeted lines that ignored. You can also comment only characters and not lines.



The language gives you a small but powerful preprocessor set.

#define #ifdef #ifndef #endif


You can use define, for define const things. Defined things will never ignored. When you define a function named as a bevor defined define the funktion is the bevor defined define.


When you run it:

>TheCPP-Language-Code defineTest.txt

When you define a define with nothing:

#define ABC

then it will ever the same thing you write:

#define ABC //#define ABC 1


Check if a thing is defined. Compilies the appropriate block of code only when the thing is defined.

#define run
#ifdef run
print("Hello World");

You must ever use at the end of a block `#endif

So. When you compile that:

>TheCPP-Language-Code ifdefTest.txt

When you delte the #define run then it will print nothing.


Does the same thing as #ifdef. But in negativ.

#ifndef TEST
print("TEST is not defined\nI define now TEST");
#define TEST "TEST"

When you run that:

>TheCPP-Language-Code ifndefTest.txt
TEST is not defined
I define now TEST


Says that a ifdef/ifndef area it at end A small example:

#ifdef TEST

When you run that it will print you ABCHIJKL:

>TheCPP-Lanuage-Code endifTest.txt

Inline Assembler

My TheCPP-Language-Code includes a inline assembler. You can use it simple with asm.

asm("nop"); //do nothing

So it works:

  • It´s look what´s between the cling
  • copy that into the assembler code
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