diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4025c238..c988adae 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,76 +1,44 @@
-A lightweight, fast code editor with extensions, semantic code completions, refactoring features, symbol references tracker, and more. Features include breakpoint-based code debugging, AI-assisted workflow, fast workspace search, and built-in Git support. Scroll down to see [biscuit in action](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#features).
+Aesthetic, lightweight code editor with extension support. Draws inspiration from mainstream editors like VSC, Zed, and Vim. Hobby project.
+> - - - - Check all extensions and their authors [`~extension repository`](https://tomlin7.github.io/biscuit-extensions/)
+> - - - - Contributing/User guides, API reference [`~documentation`](https://tomlin7.github.io/biscuit)
+> - - - - Scroll down to see list of all supported [`~features`](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit?tab=readme-ov-file#features)
+> Theme inspired by [`morhetz/gruvbox`](https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox)
+## `Installing`
-- 🎀 **Explore all community-made extensions and their authors at the [Biscuit Extension Center](https://tomlin7.github.io/biscuit-extensions/)**
-- 🪛 For contributing/user guides or API reference, check the [documentation here](https://tomlin7.github.io/biscuit)
-- 🌟 Scroll down to the [features section](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit?tab=readme-ov-file#features) for a list of all features
-## Installing
-You can install the latest release from PyPI by running:
+Install the latest release from PyPI by running:
-$ pip install biscuit-editor
+> pip install biscuit-editor
+Quickly open up a project using **`biscuit path/to/src`** and start editing. See other [installation methods](https://tomlin7.github.io/biscuit/getting-started/installation/).
+## `Contributing`
-Try running `biscuit --version` in your terminal to check if the installation was successful.
-> Linux distribtions require some system packages to be installed prior to the poetry installation.
-> For Debian based distributions,
-> ```bash
-> $ sudo apt install python3-dev tcl-dev tk-dev \
-> fontconfig libfontconfig1 libfontconfig1-dev \
-> cmake cmake-data extra-cmake-modules build-essential
-> $ python -m pip install scikit-build
-> ```
-> For Arch Linux based distributions,
-> ```bash
-> $ sudo pacman -Sy
-> $ sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake extra-cmake-modules \
-> fontconfig tcl tk
-> $ python -m pip install scikit-build
-> > $ python -m pip install tkextrafont
-### Standalone Builds
-- Grab the latest stable build from [**releases page**](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/releases)
-- Unstable nightly builds from [GitHub actions](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/actions)
-For compiling from source code, please check the [installation guide](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/tree/main/scripts).
-## Contributing ❤️
-Your contributions are very much appreciated!
-Have a peek at the [contributing guide](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for a quick tour on project structure and to setup the environment. To contribute a new extension, check the [extension docs](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions).
+- - - Please check the [docs](https://tomlin7.github.io/biscuit/getting-started/quick-start/) and [contributing guide](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) for a quick tour of the project structure and to set up the environment.
+- - - To make a new extension, read the [extension docs](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions)
-- For opening feature requests and bug reports, use the [issue tracker](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/issues)
-- Community made extensions are published at the [extensions repository](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions)
+## `Features`
-## Features
+### Language Server Support
-- **Language Server Support** for code completions, refactoring, symbol references, and more
+- code completions
+- hover
+- symbol outline (palette `Ctrl + J`)
+- symbol references
+- goto-definition/declaration
+More language servers are registered through extensions, see the [Rust](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/rust.py), [Typescript](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/javascript_typescript.py) extensions
+for reference. Feel free to open issues/discussions for help!
@@ -78,33 +46,91 @@ Have a peek at the [contributing guide](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/blob/
+ Biscuit VS dark theme
+### Breakpoint-based Code Debugging
+- breakpoints in multiple files
+- variable inspection
+- modify variables at runtime
+- call stack
+Built-in Python debugger is available right now, more debuggers can be registered through extensions.
+- TODO: Debugger Adapter Protocol support, [DAP client](https://github.com/tomlin7/debug-adapter-client) integration
+### Git Support
+- Diff viewer
+- Git operations GUI-fied (push, pull, commit, stage, unstage, switch branches)
+- Clone repositories within editor, and open them up
+- View GitHub issues/pr within editor (NOTE: will be converted to an extension)
+### Assistant
+- Attach files for context in chat
+- Generate terminal commands within integrated terminal (use `# prompt` in terminal, then accept/decline response)
+- Run local LLMs with Ollama extension
+- Google Gemini built-in support (key)
+More providers can be added with extensions, see [ollama extension](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/ollama.py) for reference.
-- **Breakpoint-based Code Debugging** with variable inspection, call stack, and more
+### Workspace Search
+- regex support
+- file preview, occurrence count, etc
+- search within editors with find-replace widget
-- **AI Assisted Workflow** for refactoring, code generation, and more
+### More features
+- **Integrated Terminals**
+ - Set up and store run command for each editor for ease
+ - Use `# prompt here...` commands to generate commands with assistant (key)
+ - Multiple terminals can be opened (Built in support for powershell, bash, cmd, python REPL, etc.)
+ ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/733fbd70-8377-4907-92fa-83e0dcad9368)
+- **Extension center**
+ - Install and manage all available extensions
+ - Filter all installed extensions
+ - Search for extensions
+ ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9f6d67f2-b00f-43e6-804a-8f66e03b8183)
+- Split-pane **Markdown** editor, HTML renderer
+ - Split-pane editing
+ - Syntax highlighting support
+ - TODO: CSS support for HTML editor
+ ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ac086e4d-023e-4dd1-ae26-96271d900656)
-- **Fast Workspace Search** with regex support and file preview
+- Rich Command palette (commands added to [commands.py](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit/blob/main/src/biscuit/commands.py) are automatically made available)
+- **Drag and drop** to open files or folders in Biscuit
+- Built-in [editorconfig](https://editorconfig.org/) support
+- Toggle relative line numbering
+- Formatter extensions support
+ - See [black](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/black.py), [Ruff](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/ruff.py), [YAPF](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/yapf.py), [autopep8](https://github.com/tomlin7/biscuit-extensions/blob/main/extensions/autopep8.py) for reference.
+ ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/73a86fb6-89f8-4cd9-8552-5c1fb9c2e3b0)
+## `License`
-- **Built-in Git Support** for version control and diff viewer
+Biscuit uses the MIT License. For more information, see [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/blob/main/LICENSE.md).
-## License
-Biscuit is released under the MIT License; for more information, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/tomlin7/Biscuit/blob/main/LICENSE.md).