This code is meant to be compiled to uploaded to the ESP32 using the Arduino IDE 1.8.15
In Arduino IDE, go to File>Preferences and in the Additional Board Manager URLs field, add "". Click on OK.
Then open the board manager in Tools>Boards>Boards Manager.... Search for "ESP32" and install "esp32 by Espressif Systems".
Then in Tools>Boards> select "DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1". Select the right COM port that your board is connected to (if you don't see it, you need to install these drivers).
To compile the code, you need to install an MQTT client library called PubSubClient. To do so, go in Tools>Manage Libraries... and search for "PubSubClient". Install the one called "PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary".
To make the ESP32 connect to the internet, you need to input your WiFi SSID and password in the header file "wifiRover.h" as const char *SSID
and const char *password
Note: if the IP address of the MQTT Broker ever changes, this also needs to be updated in the code in the header file "mqttRover.h" as const char *mqttServer
Now to upload the code to your board, click on "Upload". Wait for the code to compile and upload to your board. Once this is done, you can disconnect your computer from the board. The program runs automatically, but you can reset the board by pressing the EN button on the board itself to start it again from the beginning.
If you want to check the internal info from the program, keep your computer plugged into the board. Open Tools>Serial Monitor and make sure that the baud rate is set at 115200. You should now see messages print on the screen.