Plugin for Emcee. This is an additional module of the framework that runs on a worker. Plugin converts .xcresult to allure format (using xcresults) and sends it to allure server. Plugin setup documentation is here.
"environment": {
"allureRunId": "allure run id to download results of test run",
"allureToken": "token for auth in allure",
"allureHost": "host of your allure server",
"mobileToolsUrl": "url of git repository with additional projects",
"xcresultParserPath": "path to the parser that prepares json for sending to the service for calculating the duration of tests",
"xcresultParserBuildPath": "path to the parser binary file",
"repoName": "unique name of the project repository",
"durationServiceUrl": "url of service for calculating the duration of tests"