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Redis: persistent collections as a service (and for fun)

A quick introduction to Redis, and why I really like it

By Tibs / Tony Ibbs

Presented at PyCon UK 2018

Written using reStructuredText.

Converted to PDF slides using pandoc and beamer.

Source and extended notes at

So what is Redis?

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs and geospatial indexes with radius queries. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster.

Connecting to a server using the command line

So, let's make a connection to a Redis server:

tonibb01@spoon ~/sw$ redis-cli>

Command line client: completion

The Redis command line client is rather nice, and can be very useful for exploring and testing.


Command line client: help

It also has nice help


Once more, with Python

However, since we're Python programmers, let's use Python:

>>> import redis
>>> r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')


Keys are what Redis refers to as binary safe strings - in Python we would call them byte-strings.

The byte-string is actually the basic datatype in Redis.

Redis does not address encodings - that has to be handled out-of-band, which is (in context) reasonable enough.

(but redis-py will try to do sensible things)

Traditionally, examples of Redis keys look like b"<namespace>:<name>" (although they tend to say <server> instead of <namespace>).

Keys: example

>>> r.set(b'my:key', 'value')
True                            # OK
>>> r.delete(b'my:key')
1                               # The key existed
>>> r.exists(b'my:key')
False                           # It's gone now
>>> r.delete(b'no:such:thing')
0                               # The key didn't exist
>>> r.exists(b'no:such:thing')
False                           # It's still gone

What can values be?

  • binary safe strings (byte strings again)
  • lists
  • sets
  • sorted sets
  • hashes
  • bit arrays (bitmaps)
  • geospatial values
  • hyperloglogs

String values

  • binary safe strings, just like keys
  • can be (e.g.) JSON
  • again, encoding is out-of-band information
>>> r.set(b'my:string', b'some text')
>>> r.get(b'my:string')
b'some text'
>>> r.strlen(b'my:string')
>>> r.getrange(b'my:string', 5, -1)

String values as numbers

>>> r.set(b'my:number', 1)  # NB: 1 -> b'1'
>>> r.get(b'my:number')
>>> r.incr(b'my:number')
>>> r.get(b'my:number')

So that gives us counters, and also semaphores.

So how does redis-py handle arguments?

  • Byte string: nothing to do
  • For a non-string, first convert to a string:
    • integer: call str on it, and encode the result as latin-1
    • float: call repr on it, and encode the result as latin-1
    • otherwise, call str on it
  • String: default to encoding as utf-8, with strict encoder errors.

So, in general, use b"..." if you can, but otherwise the library should do something sensible.

List values

>>> r.lpush(b'my:list', 3, 2, 1)
>>> r.rpush(b'my:list', 4)
>>> r.lrange(b'my:list', 0, -1)
[b'1', b'2', b'3', b'4']
>>> r.lpop(b'my:list')
>>> r.rpop(b'my:list')
>>> r.lrange(b'my:list', 0, -1)
[b'2', b'3']

My favourite Redis instruction

brpoplpush(src, dst, timeout=0)
    Pop a value off the tail of ``src``, push it on the
    head of ``dst`` and then return it.

    This command blocks until a value is in ``src`` or
    until ``timeout`` seconds elapse, whichever is first.
    A ``timeout`` value of 0 blocks forever.


>>> r.lpush('my:deque', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
>>> r.lrange(b'my:deque', 0, -1)
[b'5', b'4', b'3', b'2', b'1']
>>> r.brpoplpush(b'my:deque', b'my:deque')

Note how it returns the value that was rotated.

>>> r.lrange(b'my:deque', 0, -1)
[b'1', b'5', b'4', b'3', b'2']

Set values

>>> r.sadd(b'my:set1', 'a', 'b', 'c')
>>> r.sadd(b'my:set2', 'x', 'b', 'z')
>>> r.sdiff(b'my:set1', b'my:set2')
{b'c', b'a'}
>>> r.sinterstore(b'my:set3', b'my:set1', b'my:set2')
>>> r.smembers(b'my:set3')

Sorted set values

<key> : <value> and <score>
  • Done by adding a score (a floating point number) to each element.
  • Scores do not need to be unique.
  • Set is ordered by that score.

Can extract by value, by score, by range of scores (including positive and negative infinity).

Sorted set values example

>>> r.zadd(b'my:zset', 0, 'a')
>>> r.zadd(b'my:zset', 1, 'b')
>>> r.zrange(b'my:zset', 0, -1)
[b'a', b'b']
>>> r.zrange(b'my:zset', 1, -1, withscores=True)
[(b'b', 1.0)]

Hash values

<key> : <field> : <value>

Just like the top-level <key> : <value>.

This is as far down as it goes though.

Hash values example

>>> r.hset(b'my:dict', b'k1', b'val1')
>>> r.hset(b'my:dict', b'k2', b'val2')
>>> r.hget(b'my:dict', b'k2')
>>> r.hget(b'my:dict', b'k3')
>>> # i.e., result is None
>>> r.hkeys(b'my:dict')
[b'k1', b'k2']
>>> r.hgetall(b'my:dict')
{b'k1': b'val1', b'k2': b'val2'}

My one grumble about redis-py

Redis says PING:

Returns PONG if no argument is provided, otherwise return a copy of the argument as a bulk.
redis> PING
redis> PING "hello world"
"hello world"

but redis-py doesn't work that way:

>>>'Hello world')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: ping() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

The online documentation

Is generally excellent.

It's mostly organised as articles introducing useful parts of Redis, and specific pages for each of the individual commands.

The introductory tutorial Introduction to Redis data types is rather good.

Commands overview


This is laid out rather nicely, and you can select to show just the commands for a particular type of value or other topic ("Filter by group").

Individual command documentation


Unit Testing

from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis

def test_my_understanding_of_zadd():
    r = FakeStrictRedis(singleton=False)

    now_timestamp = datetime(2018, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0).now()

    r.zadd(b'timeout', now_timestamp, b'text')

    assert r.zrange(b'timeout', 0, -1, withscores=True) \
        == [(b'text', now_timestamp)]

Asyncio Redis

For asyncio, I've been experimenting with aioredis
which provides an API very like redis-py, but with await in appropriate places.

Asyncio Redis example

import asyncio
import aioredis

async def set_key():
    redis = await aioredis.create_redis(
        'redis://localhost', loop=loop)
    await redis.set('my:key', 'value')
    val = await redis.get('my:key')
    await redis.wait_closed()

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Async unit testing - wrap FakeRedis

from fakeredis import FakeStrictRedis
from aioredis.util import _NOTSET

class JustEnoughAsyncRedis:

    def __init__(self):
        self.redis = FakeStrictRedis(singleton=False)

    async def brpoplpush(self, sourcekey, destkey,
                         timeout=0, encoding=_NOTSET):
        return self.redis.brpoplpush(sourcekey, destkey,

    # and so on (only *with* docstrings, please!)

The asyncio version of our earlier test is very similar

async def test_my_understanding_of_zadd(event_loop):
    ar = JustEnoughAsyncRedis()

    now_timestamp = datetime(2018, 4, 23, 0, 0, 0).now()

    await ar.zadd(b'timeout', now_timestamp, b'text')

    assert await ar.zrange(b'timeout',
                           0, -1, withscores=True) \
        == [(b'text', now_timestamp)]

Other cool things

  • Redis server is single-threaded, which makes atomicity feasible
  • Pub/sub (broadcast) messaging
  • Transactions
  • Programmable in Lua
  • Command protocol is documented
  • Geospatial values
  • Streams


Written using reStructuredText.

Converted to PDF slides using pandoc and beamer.

Source and extended notes at