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317 lines (211 loc) · 9.23 KB

File metadata and controls

317 lines (211 loc) · 9.23 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Nothing at the moment.

2.0.4 - 2020-04-24


  • Updated Bundler, Thor, Sass dependencies.


  • Removed duplication of normalize.css body styles.

2.0.3 - 2019-10-25


  • Make button text accessible


  • Remove Bourbon modular-scale function

2.0.2 - 2019-10-08


  • Removed sass runtime dependency

2.0.1 - 2019-09-03


  • Removed the bourbon runtime dependency

2.0.0 - 2019-07-05


  • Added variables for all font weights
  • Added CSS to make input[type="search"] behave as a textfield in Safari


  • Changed project Sass variables to native CSS variables
  • Changed variables name structures:
    • Remove "base" from CSS vars (--base-font-family to --font-family)
    • Placing the modifier after the noun instead of before. Example: --font-family--heading
    • Separating the modifier and noun with 2 dashes. Example: --font-weight--extra-light
  • Changed the default border to use currentColor
  • Changed remaining pixel (px) values to rems


  • Removed unused base-z-index variable
  • Removed unused medium-gray variable
  • Removed unused gray-light variable
  • Removed Bourbon dependency

1.8.0 - 2018-02-05


  • Added $_form-background-color for setting the background-color of text inputs. (#296)


  • Form text inputs now use $_form-background-color instead of $base-background-color as their background-color. (#296)
  • $base-background-color is now $viewport-background-color and is used to set the background-color of the html element. (#296)
  • Updated Bourbon dependency from 5.0.0.beta.7 to 5.0. (#299)


  • $secondary-background-color has been removed (it was not used for setting any values. (#296)

1.7.0 - 2017-06-30


  • table styles have been improved with left text-alignment throughout the whole table, bottom vertical-alignment within the thead, top vertical-alignment within the tbody, right padding within each cell and borders being set on the trs. (#288)
  • The value of $base-spacing is no longer derived from $base-line-height. (#292)
  • The color of button text is now set using Bourbon's contrast-switch function, to automatically ensure sufficient contrast against the button's background color. (#294)


  • Remove unused $medium-screen and $large-screen breakpoint variables. (#285)

1.6.0 - 2017-05-12


  • Set margin to 0 on the body element. (#280)
  • Global variables for the styling of focus outlines. (#284)


  • Component/feature-specific variables have been moved into their respective partials, rather than in the global variables partial. They have also been prefixed with an underscore to indicate they are "private" to that partial. (#275)
  • Base typography is now styled off of the html element, instead of the body element. (#279)
  • a elements no longer have text-decoration set to none. They also now have text-decoration-skip set to ink. (#283)
  • The visual style of outlines on focused elements (a, $all-buttons, [type="checkbox"], [type="radio"], [type="file"], select) is now solid and offset from the element. (#284)


  • Removed $base-font-size in favor of more specific implementations specific to the particular object being modified. (#272)

1.5.0 - 2016-11-08


  • Updated Bourbon dependency to 5.0.0.beta.7.

1.4.0 - 2016-08-10


  • Added text-align: center; to buttons.
  • Added width: 100%; to select elements.
  • Added appearance: none; to text inputs.
  • Added height: 100%; to html and body elements.


  • Changed the text color for ::placeholder styles to be based on $base-font-color instead of using $medium-gray.


  • Removed select[multiple] selector.

1.3.2 - 2016-06-21


  • Added ::placeholder styles for forms.


  • Fixed file permissions on the core Sass files.


  • Update Bourbon dependency to 5.0.0.beta.6.

1.3.1 - 2016-03-04


  • Fixed an issue with the Bitters executable which broke using the Bitters CLI to install the Bitters files.


  • Update Bourbon dependency to 5.0.0.beta.3.

1.3.0 - 2016-03-03


  • Added margin: 0; to dl and dt elements in _lists.scss.
  • Set global box-sizing to border-box.
  • Added figure styles, setting margin: 0;.


  • Moved Bitters’ core Sass files from the app/assets/stylesheets/ directory to a core/ directory.
  • Un-nested dt and dd elements outside the dl declaration in _lists.scss.
  • Consolidated input styles and selectors.
  • Increased the font size on headings.
  • Update Bourbon dependency to 5.0.0.beta.1.
  • Changed $base-font-family from Helvetica to system fonts.
  • Moved img and picture styles to a _media.scss partial.
  • Changed the margin-bottom on select elements from $base-spacing to $small-spacing.


  • Removed grid settings for Neat, which includes removal of the following variables:
    • $medium-screen-up
    • $large-screen-up
    • $column
    • $gutter
    • $grid-columns
    • $max-width

1.2.0 - 2016-01-04


  • Added base legend styles.


  • Fixed the select multiple selector syntax.


  • Darkened the color value of $blue to improve contrast.
  • background-color, border, margin and padding are now “cleared” on the fieldset element.
  • Changed input selectors to be less-specific:
    • input[type="search"] is now [type="search"]
    • input[type="checkbox"] is now [type="checkbox"]
    • input[type="radio"] is now [type="radio"]
    • input[type="file"] is now [type="file"]


  • Removed font-feature-settings from table and body.
  • Removed placeholder selectors for default list styling: %default-ul & %default-ol.
  • abbr elements within label elements are no longer hidden.
  • label’s with a class of required no longer have an * inserted via content to the ::after pseudo element.
  • label siblings of input[type="checkbox"] and input[type="radio"] elements are no longer set to display: inline-block;.

1.1.0 - 2015-08-28


  • Added a $secondary-background-color variable.
  • Added :disabled styles for text inputs.
  • Added $base-duration and $base-timing variables.
  • Added display: inline-block; to label siblings of input[type="checkbox"] and input[type="radio"] elements.


  • Swapped padding-bottom for margin-bottom on the input[type="file"] selector.
  • Changed values for the $max-width, $medium-screen and $large-screen variables.
  • Padding on button elements was tweaked.


  • Dropped support for Sass versions below than 3.4.
  • Dropped support for LibSass versions below than 3.0.
  • Dropped support for Bourbon versions below than 4.2.
  • Removed prefixes for appearance and font-feature-settings.
  • Removed -webkit-font-smoothing on body.
  • Removed outline: none; on :active and :focus on a elements.