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File metadata and controls

526 lines (307 loc) · 15 KB


Template is fast and context aware template engine with conditional replacement, iterations and filters.

  • Compare to Mustache.js, Hogan.js and Templayed.js here and here
  • Demo

How to use

Substitution is driven by tags that define which action will be taken and whether the context should be switched.

Basic usage

var template = 'Hi, my name is {name}';

new Template().substitute(template, {name: 'Bob'}) // -> Hi, my name is Bob

//escape every HTML special chars by default
new Template({escape: true}).substitute('Hi, my company name is {name}', {name: 'Bob & Jim'}) // -> Hi, my name is Bob & Jim

// explicitely escape some strings
new Template().substitute('Hi, my company name is {escape name}', {name: 'Bob & Jim'}) // -> Hi, my name is Bob & Jim

//using custom tag delimiters
new Template({begin: '[[', end: ']]'}).substitute('Hi, my name is [[name]]', {name: 'Bob'}) // -> Hi, my name is Bob

//changing options after
new Template().setOptions({begin: '[[', end: ']]'}).substitute('Hi, my name is [[name]]', {name: 'Bob'}) // -> Hi, my name is Bob


You can compile template for better performances.

var render = new Template().compile('<span>Hi, my name is {name}</span>');

// render as string
render({name: 'Bob'}) // -> <span>Hi, my name is Bob</span>

// render as an array of Elements
render({name: 'Bob'}, true) // -> [<span>]

Logic test

You can apply some if-else logic (there are also other logic tests like defined, empty, not-empty). Note the if-else test switch the context if the evaluated property is an object (if typeof data[property] == 'object')

var data = {name: 'Bob'};

new Template().substitute('{name} is a{if:win} winner!{else:win} looser!{/if:win}', data) // -> Bob is a looser!

//switch the context here to
data = {kids: [1, 2, 3, 4]};

new Template().substitute('{if:kids}I have {length} kids{/if:kids}', data) // -> I have 4 kids

//context is not switched here because is not an object.
data = {kids: 1};

new Template().substitute('{if:kids}I have {kids} kid{/if:kids}', data) // -> I have 1 kid


There are two way to iterate over data. You use loop: to iterate over every property of the current context and repeat to iterate over a property of the current context.

var data = {list: [1, 2, 3, 4]}

new Template().substitute('{repeat:list} {.}{/repeat:list}', data) // -> 1 2 3 4

//data.list is the context here
new Template().substitute('{loop:} {.}{/loop:}', data.list) // -> 1 2 3 4

Filtering data

You can alter data before there are applied to the template using filters. filters can be used with any predefined tag (or custom tags). You can apply multiple filters at once, they must be separated by one or more spaces. you can't supply parameters to filters.

var data = {list: [1, 2, 3, 4]},
	template = new Template();
template.addFilter('reverse', function (data) {

	if(data instanceof Array) return data.reverse();
	var stack = [];
	for(var prop in data) stack.unshift(data[prop]);
	return stack
addFilter('even', function (data) {

	return data.filter(function (value) {
		return !isNaN(value) && value % 2 == 0
template.substitute('{repeat:list reverse} {.}{/repeat:list}', data) // -> 4 3 2 1
template.substitute('{repeat:list even} {.}{/repeat:list}', data) // -> 2 4

//You can even apply multiple filters
template.substitute('{repeat:list even reverse} {.}{/repeat:list}', data) // -> 4 2

Rendering data with modifiers

You can alter data before they are rendered using modifiers. You can pass parameters to modifiers by simply adding them after the modifier name, they must be separated by one or more spaces. there are two predefined modifiers:

Modifier escape

Escape HTML special chars whether escape string is enabled by default or not.


var tmpl = "my name is {escape name}", // escape &, < and >, " and '

Modifier raw

Return string as is whether escape string is enabled by default of not.


var tmpl = "my name is {raw name}" // does not escape &, <, >, " and '

More example

var data = {list: [1, 2, 3, 4]},
	template = new Template();
template.addModifier('sum', function (context) {

	var sum = 0, i;
	for(i = 0; i < context.length; i++) if(!isNaN(context[i])) sum += context[i];
	return sum
addModifier('product', function (context) {

	var product = 1, i;
	for(i = 0; i < context.length; i++) if(!isNaN(context[i])) product *= context[i];
	return product
template.substitute('the sum is {sum} and the product is {product}', data.list) // -> the sum is 10 and the product is 24

Passing parameters to a modifier function

var data = {firstname: 'Bob', lastname: 'Malone'},
	template = new Template().addModifier({
		changeCase: function (context, property, how) {
			switch(how) {
				case 'uppercase': return context[property].toUpperCase(); 
				case 'lowercase': return context[property].toLowerCase(); 
			return context[property]
//parameters #1 firstname and uppercase, #2 lastname and lowercase
template.substitute('{changeCase firstname uppercase} {changeCase lastname lowercase}', data) //-> BOB malone

In the previous example I passed the property name and how the case will be changed. The example below formats a number into formatted file size

//display formatted file size
	toFileSize: function(units) {
		if(this == 0) return 0;
		var s = ['bytes', 'kb', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB'],
			e = Math.floor(Math.log(this) / Math.log(1024));

		return (this / Math.pow(1024, Math.floor(e))).toFixed(2) + " " + (units && units[e] ? units[e] : s[e]);

var template = new Template().addModifier('toFileSize', function (context, property) {

	return (+context[property]).toFileSize()

template.substitute('File {name} size {toFileSize size}', {name: 'Bob.jpg', size: 14578559}); // -> File: "Bob.jpg", size: 13.90 MB 

Extending with your own tag

You can provide your own function to parse custom tags. filters are not applied to the data. You will apply them yourself

var template = new Template();

template.setOptions({parse: function (tag, property, substring, data, options, filters) {

	//apply filters
	if(filters) for(var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) data = options.filters[filters[i]](data);
	var string = '';
	//do stuff
	return string

Template Tag: IF {#Tag:if}

Tests if the given property exists and is not a falsy value. the context may be switched if the property is evaluated to an object.


{if:property} match1 [{else:property} match2]{/if:property}


  • if the property does not exists or is evaluated to a falsy value (undefined, null, false, an empty string, an empty array or zero) then match2 is used in the current context.
  • if the property exists in the currrent context then match1 is used. if the property is evaluated to an object, the replacement context of match1 is switched to that object, else match1 will be used in the current context.

Template Tag: DEFINED {#Tag:defined}

tests if the given property exists and is not null or undefined. the context is not switched.


{defined:property} match1 [{else:property} match2]{/defined:property}


  • if the property exists and is not undefined or null then match1 is used in the current context, else match2 is used in the current context

Syntax: {if:property} match1 [{else:property} match2]{/if:property}

Template Tag: NOT-EMPTY {#Tag:not-empty}

tests if the given property exists and is not a falsy value (undefined, null, false, an empty string, an empty array or zero). the context is not switched


{not-empty:property} match1 [{else:property} match2]{/not-empty:property}


  • if the property exists and is evaluated to a not a falsy value then match1 is used in the current context, else match2 is used in the current context

Template Tag: EMPTY {#Tag:empty}

tests if the given property does not exists or is a falsy value (undefined, null, false, an empty string, an empty array or zero).


{empty:property} match1 [{else:property} match2]{/empty:property}


  • if the property does not exists or is evaluated to a falsy value then match1 is used in the current context, else match2 is used in the current context

Template Tag: REPEAT {#Tag:repeat}

Iterates over the given property


{repeat:property} match1{/repeat:property}


  • if the property is evaluated to a an array then every elements will be susbstituted to match1. if the result of the evaluation is an object and that object contains a property 'each' which is a function, this property will be used to iterate over the object properties. if match1 contains '{.}' then '{.}' will be replaced by the current property value.

Template Tag: LOOP {#Tag:loop}

this tag works exactly like the repeat tag, but iteration is done over the current context.

Syntax: {loop:} match1{/loop:}

Template Class {#template:constructor}


var template = new Template([options]);


  • options - (object, optional)


  • begin - (string, optional) opening token delimiter, default to {.
  • end - (string, optional) closing token delimiter, default to }.
  • escape - (boolean, optional) escape every string by default
  • parse - (function, optional) function called when an unknown tag is found. you can use this to handle your custom tag
Options:parse Arguments
  • tag - (string) tag name
  • property - (string) property name
  • template - (string)
  • data - (mixed) current context
  • options - (object) a mix of template options, filters and modifiers. the filters properties contains all avalaible filters and the modifiers property contains all avalaible modifiers
  • filters - (array) list of filters name that should be applied to data

Template Method: substitute

substitute the given object into the given string template.


var template = new Template();

var output = template.substitute(string, data);


  • (string)


  • string - (string) input template
  • data - (object) global context

Template Method: compile

compile the given template to a function for optimal performances. after a call to setOptions, addFilter or addModifier, the previously returned result becomes obsolete. the function return a string. the function accept a second optional parameter. if this parameter is set to true, the function will return an array of Elements.


var render = new Template().compile(string[, options]);

// render as string
string = render(data);

// render as an array of HTML elements
nodes = render(data, true);


  • (function)


  • data - (object)
  • html - (boolean) optional, return an array of HTML elements instead of string

Template Method: html

substitute the given object into the given template string and return DOM nodes.


var template = new Template();
var nodes = template.html(string, data);



  • (array)


  • string - (string) input template
  • data - (object) global context

Template Method: setOptions

set template options.


var template = new Template();

//syntax #1
template.setOptions({begin: '[[', end: ']]'});

Template Method: addFilter

allow you to alter the data actually replaced in a given tag. this function accepts either a property name/function or an object with properties names as keys and functions as values. you can apply multiple filter to a tag, they must be separed by one or many spaces.


var template = new Template();

//syntax #1
template.addFilter('filter', function (data) {

	values = [];
	//some code logic here ...
	return values

//syntax #2

	odd: function (data) {
		return Object.filter(data, function (value, key) { return key % 2 == 1 })
	even: function (data) {
		return Object.filter(data, function (value, key) { return key % 2 == 0 })


  • (object) this Template instance


var	template = new Template().addFilter({reverse: function (data) {

			var values = [];
			Object.each(data, function (value) { values.unshift(value) });
			return values
		boys: function (data) {
			var values = [];
			Object.each(data, function (value) { if( == 'M') values.push(value) });
			return values
	tmpl = ' Hi, my name is {name}.{if:kids} I have {length} lovely kids: <ul>{loop: reverse}<li>{name}</li>{/loop:}</ul>.{/if:kids}<br/>',
	data = {
				name: 'Emily', 
				kids: [
					{name: 'Brian', sex: 'M'},
					{name: 'Edith', sex: 'F'}, 
					{name: 'Spider man', sex: 'M'}

//kids appear in reversed order
document.body.appendText(template.substitute(tmpl, data)) // ->  Hi, my name is Emily. I have 3 lovely kids: <ul><li>Spider man</li><li>Edith</li><li>Brian</li></ul>.<br/>

//how many boyz I got ?
document.body.appendText(template.substitute('{if:kids boys} I have {length} boys.{/if:kids}', data)) // ->   I have 2 boys

Filter function Arguments:

  • data - (mixed) values being replaced

Filter function Returns:

  • (mixed) values that will actually be used for replacement

Template Method: addModifier

allow you to handle string remplacement with a custom function. this function accepts either a property name/function or an object with properties names as keys and functions as values


var template = new Template();

//syntax #1
template.addModifier('myname', function (context) {

	return 'my name is ' +

//syntax #2
	fullname: function (context) { return + ' ' + context.lastname }, 
	othername: function (context) { return 'my other name is ' + context.othername }



  • (object) this Template instance


var tmpl = 'Hi, my name is {fullname}',
	data = {name: 'Bob', lastname: 'Malone'};

document.body.appendText(new Template().addModifier('fullname', function (context) {

	return '"' + + ' ' + context.lastname + '"'
}).substitute(tmpl, data)) // -> Hi, my name is "Bob Malone"	

Modifier function Arguments:

  • context - (mixed) replacement context
  • property - (string) property name.

Known Issues:

The template should not contain identical nested tag/property tokens because this will lead to unpredictable result. this is because the first token will always match the nearest closing match. this template for example is not valid: '{repeat:name} {repeat:names}{whatevergoeshere} {/repeat:names} {/repeat:names}'