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376 lines (240 loc) · 13.1 KB

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376 lines (240 loc) · 13.1 KB



  • CLI invocation now reads next.config.js or next.config.mjs.
  • Fix route's handling of query keys whose value is undefined. Fixes #206. Thanks @sleepdotexe!


  • Bug fix: usePathname and useParams were incorrectly resolving to any return types.


  • Adds support for Next.js's app directory. Link accepts either static routes (no url parameters) or a RouteLiteral string, which can be generated by the route helper from this library:

    import { route } from "nextjs-routes";
        pathname: "/foos/[foo]",
        query: { foo: "bar" },
  • Add RouteLiteral type. This type represents a string that has been confirmed to be a validated application route and can be passed to Link or useRouter. This is a TypeScript branded type.

    import { RouteLiteral } from "nextjs-routes";

    route returns a RouteLiteral. If you construct a route string you can cast it to a RouteLiteral so that Link and useRouter will accept it:

    const myRoute = `/foos/${foo}` as RouteLiteral

    In general, prefer using the route helper to generate routes.

  • Refine types for usePathname, useRouter and useParams from "next/navigation" to use nextjs-routes generated types.

  • Fix generated routes when using parallel-routes and intercepting-routes.

  • Fix ref type for Link. Previously ref was missing, now it's correctly typed.


  • Fix route generation on Windows. See #187. Thanks @AkanoCA!


  • Add trailingSlash option to route. See #168
  • Fix the generated optional catch all route type. See #183
  • Sort the generated route types lexicographically.



  • Fix GetServerSidePropsContext and GetServerSidePropsResult types. Thanks @po4tion!

  • Change generated file location from nextjs-routes.d.ts to @types/nextjs-routes.d.ts. Thanks @po4tion!

    To preserve the old location, make the following change to your next.config.js:

    const nextRoutes = require("nextjs-routes/config");
    const withRoutes = nextRoutes({
    +  outDir: "",

    Otherwise, delete your old nextjs-routes.d.ts once @types/nextjs-routes.d.ts is generated.


Next's documentation notes the following:

During prerendering, the router's query object will be empty since we do not have query information to provide during this phase. After hydration, Next.js will trigger an update to your application to provide the route parameters in the query object.

See #117 for more context and discussion.

  • Route type generation can now also be generated outside of next build / next dev by using npx nextjs-routes.


  • Enable Link and router methods to only update the route hash. Thanks @sitch!
  • Publish commonjs for route runtime so jest tests don't require transpilation for users. Thanks @panudetjt!
  • Add GetServerSidePropsContext type. Thanks @slhck!


  • Fix type definition import path for nextjs-routes/config so it is visible to tsc.


  • Remove package.json version import. This resolves TypeError[ERR_IMPORT_ASSERTION_TYPE_MISSING]. See #115 for more context.


  • Fix bad publish of 1.0.5


  • The version of nextjs-routes is now included in the generated nextjs-routes.d.ts file.
  • Switch Link to use TypeScript unions instead of function overloading. Function overloading resulted in errors that were difficult for users to understand, and created issues for some use cases.


  • LinkProps now accept path strings for static routes:

    import { LinkProps } from "next/link";
    // previously this would error
    const props: LinkProps = { href: "/foo" };


  • The Route type now includes hash. This enables the following:

    // this will link to /foo#bar
    <Link href={{ pathname: "/foo", hash: "bar" }}>Foo</Link>


  • Link now accepts anchor props:

    <Link href="/dashboard" className="border-indigo-500">


  • Update NextRouter type to keep query and pathname bound in a union. This allows you to use router from useRouter as an argument to router.push or router.replace:

    const router = useRouter();
    // reload the current page, preserving search parameters
    router.push(router, undefined, { locale: "fr" });


  • This library will now follow semantic versioning.

  • The previously deprecated direct invocation of nextjs-routes via npx nextjs-routes has been removed in favor of automatic regeneration via withRoutes. See #63 for the motivation behind this change or to voice any concerns.


  • Support Next 13 app (beta) directory

  • Add dir option to support non standard NextJS project structures such as Nx:

    // next.config.js
    const withRoutes = require("nextjs-routes/config")({ dir: __dirname });

    Thanks @alexgorbatchev for the contribution!


  • Accept path strings for static routes:

    <Link href="/foo">Foo</Link>

    Thanks @MariaSolOs for the contribution!

  • Use function overloads for Link and router.push and router.replace. This yields better hints for typos in pathnames:

    <Link href={{ pathname: "/foosy/[foo]" }}>Foo</Link>

    Previously: [tsserver 2322] [E] Type '"/foos/[foo]"' is not assignable to type '"/"'.

    Now: Type '"/foosy/[foo]"' is not assignable to type '"/api/hello" | "/bars/[bar]" | "/foos/[foo]" | "/"'. Did you mean '"/foos/[foo]"'? (+2 other overload errors).


  • Export Locale from nextjs-routes.

    import { Locale } from "nextjs-routes";

    Thanks @Asamsig for the contribution!


module.exports = withRoutes({
  i18n: {
    defaultLocale: "de-DE",
    locales: ["de-DE", "en-FR", "en-US"],

Will make locale typed as 'de-DE' | 'en-FR' | 'en-US' for Link and useRouter.


  • nextjs-routes pageExtensions has been updated to respect multiple extensions such as .page.tsx. In 0.1.2, only single extensions .tsx were respected. This is now identical behavior to Next.js.



[ skipped ]


This release contains a breaking change, indicated by the minor version bump to 0.1.0. nextjs-routes has not yet reached v1, but will follow semantic versioning once it does. Until then, minor version changes will be used to help flag breaking changes.

  • Breaking change: the withRoutes import path and invocation has changed to better align with the general pattern in the Nextjs plugin ecosystem and to support configuration options, notably the new outDir option. It also now includes an ESM export to support usage in next.config.mjs.
- const { withRoutes } = require("nextjs-routes/next-config.cjs");
+ const withRoutes = require("nextjs-routes/config")();

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
 reactStrictMode: true,

module.exports = withRoutes(nextConfig);

Note the import path has changed and the import itself has changed to function that is invoked with any configuration options. This provides better ergonomics for configuration options:

const withRoutes = require("nextjs-routes/config")({ outDir: "types" });
  • The type RoutedQuery has been added to retrieve the Query for a given Route. This is useful as the context type parameter inside getStaticProps and getServerSideProps. Thanks @MariaSolOs for the contribution!

  • withRoutes now accepts outDir as a configuration option to dictate where nextjs-routes.d.ts is generated. Thanks @MariaSolOs for the contribution!


  • Deprecate direct invocation of nextjs-routes in favor of automatic regeneration via withRoutes. See #63 for the motivation behind this change or to voice any concerns.


  • Add route runtime for generating type safe pathnames from a Route object

This can be used to fetch from API routes:

import { route } from "nextjs-routes";

fetch(route({ pathname: "/api/foos/[foo]", query: { foo: "foobar" } }));

Or for type safe redirects from getServerSideProps:

import { route } from "nextjs-routes";

export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async (context) => {
  return {
    redirect: {
      destination: route({ pathname: "/foos/[foo]", query: { foo: "foobar" } }),
      permanent: false,


  • Move chokidar from devDependencies to dependencies so it's installed automatically.


  • Bug Fix: quote query segments in generated types. See #49 for more context.
  • Bug Fix: don't generate routes for non navigable routes (_error, _app, _document).
  • Bug Fix: don't generate routes for test files that are co-located in pages directory. See #50 for more context.


  • query is now typed as string | string[] | undefined instead of string | undefined.

  • nextjs-routes can now be configured via your next.config.js to automatically regenerate types whenever your routes change:

    // next.config.js
    /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
    const { withRoutes } = require("nextjs-routes/next-config.cjs");
    const nextConfig = {
      reactStrictMode: true,
    module.exports = withRoutes(nextConfig);

    This wiring will only run in Next.js' development server (eg npx next dev) and withRoutes will no-op in production.


  • re-export types from next/link and next/router.
  • remove prettier as a peer dependency.
  • enable src/pages for windows users.
  • routes are now generated for routes that start with _. _app, _document, _error and middleware are excluded.
  • gracefully handles missing pages directory and no pages.


  • fixed prettier as an optional peer dependency


  • nextjs-routes no longer adds types to the global type namespace. Previously, Route was available globally. Now, it must be imported:
import type { Route } from "nextjs-routes";
  • query from useRouter is now correctly typed as string | undefined instead of string. If you know the current route, you can supply a type argument to narrow required parameters to string, eg:
  // if you have a page /foos/[foo].ts

  const router = useRouter<"/foos/[foo]">();
  // foo will be typed as a string, because the foo query parameter is required and thus will always be present.
  const { foo } = router.query;


  • Allow passing in query without pathname to change current url parameters.
  • router.query can no longer be undefined.


  • Support search parameters. See #17 for more context.


  • Removed reexports of next/link and next/router.

This means replacing imports of next/link with nextjs-routes/link and next/router with nextjs-routes/router is no longer necessary:

-import Link from "nextjs-routes/link";
+import Link from "next/link";
-import { useRouter } from 'nextjs-routes/router'
+import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
  • Added windows support.