My portfolio of computer science projects relating to data science
- Utilized python libraries to create an interactive web-application for ease of viewing average user reviews left by over 40,000 students
- Learned data analysis libraries such as pandas and jupyter notebook to select, filter, and aggregate important statistical computations
- Learned data caching from JSON and csv files to import data into statistical charts created from JavaScript
- Created an interactive web application that shows the height and location of all volcanoes in North America
- Utilized python libraries such as pandas to fetch data from JSON and txt files containing the latitude and longitude of all volcanoes in the country
- Utilized python libraries such as folium to plot locations on the interactive web application
- Created dynamic color markers for each volcano based on elevation, utilized HTML to create hyperlinks for each volcano
- Created an executable desktop application that allows the user to store, update, delete, and search for books that they have read
- Utilized python3 libraries such as tkinter to create the frontend script along with the GUI that allows ease of viewing from the user
- Utilized python3 libraries such as sqlite3 to interact with compatible databases for the storage of user information and the creation of the backend script