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Project List

  1. Rock vs Mine Prediction

    Logistic Regression | predict rock or mine based on sonar data

  2. Diabetes Prediction

    Support Vector Machine | predict a person has diabetes or not based on female health dataset that comprises Pregnencies, Glouse, BloodPressure, Insulin, BMI, Age etc.

  3. House Price Prediction

    XGBoost Regressor | predict house prices based on The Boston housing prices dataset which contains Tax, Age etc.

  4. Fake News Prediction

    NLP, NLTK, Tfidf, Logistic Regression | predict fake news based on author and title.

  5. Loan Status Prediction

    Support Vector Machine, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Count Plot) | predict wheather a loan is approved or not based on applicant income, loan amount, credit history, education etc.

  6. Wine Quality Prediction

    Random Forest, Correlation Matrix, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Cat Plot, Bar Plot) | predict wine quality based on different types of acidity, residual sugar, chlorides, pH, alchohol etc.

  7. Car Price Prediction

    Linear Regression, Lasso Regression, Matplotlib (Scatter Plot) | estimate pre owned car prices by analysing present price, kilometers driven, fuel type, transmission etc.

  8. Gold Price Prediction

    Random Forest Regressor, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Heatmap, Distplot/Displot) | predict gold prices from stock value, US oil price, currency pair.

  9. Heart Disease Diagnosis

    Logistic Regression, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Count Plot, Heatmap), Correlation Matrix | detect heart disease analysing age, sex, cholesterol, etc.

  10. Handwritten Digits Recongnition - DL

    Image Processing, Tensorflow, Keras, Neural Network (ReLU, softmax), Matplotlib | Recognise Hadwritten digits from images.

  11. Soft Drinks Sales Market Analysis & Prediction

    XGB Regressor, Linear Regression, Correlation Matrix, Matplotlib (Scatter Plot, Overlap Plot), Seaborn (Heatmap, Barplot) | a detail analysis of soft drinks data that comprises sells (Liters) and temperature (°C) that day. It also predicts todays sell based on temperature on that day.

  12. Credit Card Fraud

    Logistic Regression, Data Processing, Undersampling | detect fraud transaction based on transaction amount and other credit card information.

  13. Customer Segmantation

    Unsupervised Learning, KMeans Clustering, Elbow Method, Matplotlib, Seaborn | Group customers based on their annual income and spending havit to make better business decisions.

  14. Medical Insurance Cost Prediction

    Linear Regression, Data Processing, Feature Encoding, Matplotlib (Scatter Plot, Overlap Plot), Seaborn (Distplot, Countplot) | predicts health insurance cost from sex, age, number of childrens, bmi, smoker or non smoker etc.

  15. Big Mart Sales Prediction

    XGBoost, Data Processing (Missing value replacing using mean & mode, Label Encoding), Data Visualisation, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Dis Plot, Count Plot) | Analyse data of a supermarket.

  16. Parkinsons Disease Detection

    Support Vector Machine, Data Standardization (Standard Scaler) | detect pakinsons disease from various medical data.

  17. Titanic Survival Prediction

    Logistic Regression, Data Processing (Handle missing value using mean & mode), Data Encoding, Matplotlib, Seaborn (Count Plot, Count Plot grouping, Joint Plot, Combined Pie Chart) | Analysis of titanic survival data, predict a person survived or not based measuring passenger class, gender, age etc.

  18. Movie Recommendation System

    Cosine Similarity, Tf-idf vectorizer, Difflib | Recommands movies that are related to the searched movies, based on some features such as genres, tagline, cast, director etc.

  19. Movie Recommendation System V2

    Cosine Similarity, Tf-idf vectorizer, widgets | Recommands movies based on the similarity, popularity, more personalised recommendations by analysing ratings, making difference between all time popular movies and popularity amoung similar taste people which makes the recommendation more relatable.

  20. Breast Cancer Classification - DL

    Tensorflow, Keras, Matplotlib, Neural Network | a neural network approach to classify breast cancer.

  21. Time Series Temperature Forecasting - DL

    Tensorflow, Keras, LSTM, Neural Networks (relu, linear), Sequential Model, Optimizers(Adam), Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared Error, Matplotlib | Temperature forecasting using NN, LSTM based on Time Series data.

  22. Multivariate Time Series Weather Forecasting - DL

    Tensorflow, Keras, Neural Networks (LSTM, CNN, GRU), Activation Function (relu, linear), Sequential Model, Optimizers(Adam), Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared Error, Matplotlib | Weather forecasting (Temperature, Air Pressure) using different NNs (LSTM, CNN) based on Time Series data.

  23. Face Mask Detection - DL

    Image Processing, Data Scaling, Tensorflow, Keras, Neural Networks (CNN), Dense, Conv2D, Maxpooling2D, Activation Function (relu, sigmoid), Sequential Model, Optimizers(Adam) | mask detection using deep convolutional neural network.

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