If you are here you have completed Debugging with the Interpreter-REPL Page 1.
You should hopefully be looking at the Repl's prompt of >>
Type: help
load fileName load/replace the current firrtl file
script fileName load a script from a text file
run [linesToRun|all|list|reset] run loaded script
vcd [load|run|list|test|help] control vcd input file
record-vcd [<fileName>]|[done] firrtl_interpreter.vcd loaded script
type regex show the current type of things matching the regex
poke inputPortName value set an input port to the given integer value
mempoke memory-instance-name index value set memory at index to value
rpoke regex value poke value into ports that match regex
eval componentName show the computation of the component
peek componentName show the current value of the named circuit component
mempeek memory-instance-name index peek memory at index
rpeek regex show the current value of things matching the regex
randomize randomize all inputs except reset)
poison poison everything)
reset [numberOfSteps] assert reset (if present) for numberOfSteps (default 1)
step [numberOfSteps] cycle the clock numberOfSteps (default 1) times, and show state
waitfor componentName value [maxNumberOfSteps] wait for particular value (default 1) on component, up to maxNumberOfSteps (default 100)
show [state|input|lofirrtl] show useful things
info show information about the circuit
timing [clear|bin] show the current timing state
verbose [true|false|toggle] set evaluator verbose mode (default toggle) during dependency evaluation
eval-all [true|false|toggle] set evaluator to execute un-needed branches (default toggle) during dependency evaluation
allow-cycles [true|false|toggle] set evaluator allow combinational loops (could cause correctness problems
ordered-exec [true|false|toggle] set evaluator execute circuit in dependency order, now recursive component evaluation
help show available commands
quit exit the interpreter
That's a decent number of choices. We will walk you through the more common ones, and you should be able to figure out the rest with a little practice.
Type: show lofirrtl
circuit GCD :
module GCD :
input clock : Clock
input reset : UInt<1>
input io_value1 : UInt<16>
input io_value2 : UInt<16>
input io_loadingValues : UInt<1>
output io_outputGCD : UInt<16>
output io_outputValid : UInt<1>
reg x : UInt<4>, clock with :
reset => (UInt<1>("h0"), x) @[GCD.scala 21:15]
reg y : UInt<4>, clock with :
reset => (UInt<1>("h0"), y) @[GCD.scala 22:15]
node _T_9 = gt(x, y) @[GCD.scala 24:10]
node _T_10 = sub(x, y) @[GCD.scala 24:24]
node _T_11 = asUInt(_T_10) @[GCD.scala 24:24]
node _T_12 = tail(_T_11, 1) @[GCD.scala 24:24]
node _T_13 = sub(y, x) @[GCD.scala 25:25]
node _T_14 = asUInt(_T_13) @[GCD.scala 25:25]
node _T_15 = tail(_T_14, 1) @[GCD.scala 25:25]
node _GEN_0 = mux(_T_9, _T_12, x) @[GCD.scala 24:15]
node _GEN_1 = mux(_T_9, y, _T_15) @[GCD.scala 24:15]
node _GEN_2 = mux(io_loadingValues, io_value1, _GEN_0) @[GCD.scala 27:26]
node _GEN_3 = mux(io_loadingValues, io_value2, _GEN_1) @[GCD.scala 27:26]
node _T_17 = eq(y, UInt<1>("h0")) @[GCD.scala 33:23]
io_outputGCD <= x
io_outputValid <= _T_17
x <= bits(_GEN_2, 3, 0)
y <= bits(_GEN_3, 3, 0)
This is the low Firrtl representation of your circuit.
It's a beyond the scope of this tutorial to go into it, but for the most part you can infer what's going on by reading.
The names reflect the names used in the GCD.scala file, and you can even see references to the original source along
the right side of the text.
For example: @[GCD.scala 21:15]
Type: show or show stateType
CircuitState 0 (FRESH)
Inputs: clock= 0, io_loadingValues=☠ 1☠, io_value1=☠ 59401☠, io_value2=☠ 23169☠, reset=☠ 1☠
Outputs: io_outputGCD=☠ 5☠, io_outputValid= 0
Registers : x=☠ 5☠, y=☠ 11☠
FutureRegisters: x=☠ 9☠, y=☠ 1☠
Ephemera: _GEN_0=☠ 5☠, _GEN_1=☠ 6☠, _GEN_2=☠ 59401☠, _GEN_3=☠ 23169☠, _T_10=☠ -6☠, _T_11=☠ 26☠, _T_12=☠ 10☠, _T_13=☠ 6☠, _T_14=☠ 6☠, _T_15=☠ 6☠, _T_17= 0, _T_9= 0
This describes the state of the circuit. Following CircuitState is the clock cycle. Inputs, Outputs, Registers are pretty obvious. The FutureRegister reflect what the value of the register will be on the next cycle. The ephemera are other intermediate signals. Low Firrtl is quite verbose, and current practice is to create an intermediate wire for every operation of the circuit.
You have probably noticed that all the values are bracketed by small skulls
_GEN_3=☠ 23169☠
this is the Repl's whimsical way of showing these values have not been assigned to from an initialized value, they are poisoned.
You can combine multiple commands on one line using the ; (semi-colon), this will make things a little more succinct as we move forward. Type: reset 3 ; show
CircuitState 3 (STALE)
Inputs: clock= 0, io_loadingValues=☠ 1☠, io_value1=☠ 59401☠, io_value2=☠ 23169☠, reset= 0
Outputs: io_outputGCD=☠ 9☠, io_outputValid= 0
Registers : x=☠ 9☠, y=☠ 1☠
FutureRegisters: x=☠ 9☠, y=☠ 1☠
Ephemera: _GEN_2=☠ 59401☠, _GEN_3=☠ 23169☠, _T_17= 0
Reset 3 will set the reset to 1 for 3 cycles (default is 1) and then set it back to 0. Nothing much changed here. In GCD nothing depended on the reset value. Often registers will be given reset values, but out simple circuit does not do it.
Before we go to far, we want to note that the Repl uses jline. It's a relatively complete interface that provides command line history and command (and often command argument) completion. There's a few glitches and a few omissions but using your arrow keys can save you a lot of typing. Let us know if you find any annoying ones.
Ok, it's time to get serious about running our circuit. We need to get some values pushed into the inputs and figure out what is going on. Looking at our test file, we see more or less what we need to do. The test harness does the following:
poke(gcd.io.value1, i)
poke(gcd.io.value2, j)
poke(gcd.io.loadingValues, 1)
poke(gcd.io.loadingValues, 0)
We can do this in the Repl like this: Let's do the first three instruction using 4 as both values to compute GCD on (because we know that answer):
poke io_value1 4
poke io_value2 4
poke io_loadingValues 1
We see
CircuitState 4 (STALE)
Inputs: clock= 0, io_loadingValues= 1, io_value1= 4, io_value2= 4, reset= 0
Outputs: io_outputGCD=☠ 9☠, io_outputValid= 0
Registers : x=☠ 9☠, y=☠ 1☠
FutureRegisters: x=☠ 9☠, y=☠ 1☠
Ephemera: _GEN_2=☠ 59401☠, _GEN_3=☠ 23169☠, _T_17= 0
We can see that what have poked is visible in the input line, so that's good.
Note: the (Stale) after CircuitState 4. This means the Repl does not immediately propagate values through the circuit in a
. Once the values have been propagate, by astep
the state will be indicated as (FRESH)
Type: step ; show Now things are looking a lot cleaner, as all the poisons have been cleared out as our inputs have propagated through the circuit.
CircuitState 5 (FRESH)
Inputs: clock= 0, io_loadingValues= 1, io_value1= 4, io_value2= 4, reset= 0
Outputs: io_outputGCD= 4, io_outputValid= 0
Registers : x= 4, y= 4
FutureRegisters: x= 4, y= 4
Ephemera: _GEN_2= 4, _GEN_3= 4, _T_17= 0
The x
and y
registers have been initialized to our inputs.
We know of course that our circuit won't start calculating the GCD until we clear the io_loadingValues
, so let's
do that.
Type: poke io_loadingValues 0 ; step ; show
CircuitState 6 (FRESH)
Inputs: clock= 0, io_loadingValues= 0, io_value1= 4, io_value2= 4, reset= 0
Outputs: io_outputGCD= 4, io_outputValid= 1
Registers : x= 4, y= 0
FutureRegisters: x= 4, y= 0
Ephemera: _GEN_0= 4, _GEN_1= 0, _GEN_2= 4, _GEN_3= 0, _T_10= 4, _T_11= 4, _T_12= 4, _T_17= 1, _T_9= 1
Sweet, io_outputValid
is one indicating the GCD has been calculated and io_outputGCD
is 4.
Which is correct.
So now we have to figure out what's wrong with the test of our munged GCD.
Let's go back and repeat our failed test with verbose output
In the interest of brevity, I'm doing this in a separate terminal, so I can keep my Repl running, but I could just as easily stopped and started it again afterwards.
In another sbt, I run
testOnly gcd.GCDTester -- -z "running with --is-verbose"
and searching a bit through the output, we find
[info] [0.090] EXPECT AT 316 io_outputValid got 1 expected 1 PASS
[info] [0.090] POKE io_value1 <- 13
[info] [0.091] POKE io_value2 <- 29
[info] [0.091] POKE io_loadingValues <- 1
[info] [0.091] STEP 316 -> 317
[info] [0.091] POKE io_loadingValues <- 0
[info] [0.091] STEP 317 -> 326
[info] [0.092] EXPECT AT 326 io_outputGCD got 13 expected 1 FAIL
[info] [0.092] EXPECT AT 326 io_outputValid got 1 expected 1 PASS
So let's try the inputs.
Back in our Repl window.
poke io_value1 13
poke io_value2 13
poke io_loadingValues 1
and we see:
Inputs: clock= 0, io_loadingValues= 1, io_value1= 13, io_value2= 29, reset= 0
Outputs: io_outputGCD= 13, io_outputValid= 0
Registers : x= 13, y= 13
So we see something weird here.
should be assigned the value 29 from io_value2
but is 13.
This particular case might be a bit confusing since y
seems to have the value for x
, but it's a coincidence.
The short story is we have found the problem, and we would probably pretty quickly figure it out from here.
One way to probe it would be to stick the 29 directly into y
poke y 29 ; show
and what comes back is:
Error: exception error: ConcreteUInt(29, 4) bad width 4 needs 5 firrtl_interpreter.InterpreterException: error: ConcreteUInt(29, 4) bad width 4 needs 5
The repl checks all pokes against the width's specified in the lo firrtl file.
It's telling us the register y
is not big enough to hold the value 29.
Another way to confirm this is to type: type y
type y 13.U<4>
which indicates that y currently has the value 13 and is an unsigned integer of width 4 (a 4 bit number)
can show the complete calculation of how the current value of a wire is computed.
To try it on our circuit.
Type: eval y
The result:
resolve dependencies
evaluate UInt<1>("h0")
evaluated 0.U<1>
evaluate y <= bits(_GEN_3, 3, 0) @[GCD.scala 22:15]
evaluate _GEN_3
evaluate _GEN_3 <= mux(io_loadingValues, io_value2, _GEN_1) @[GCD.scala 27:26]
evaluate io_loadingValues
evaluated 1.U<1>
evaluate io_value2
evaluated 29.U<16>
evaluated _GEN_3 <= 29.U<16>
evaluated 29.U<16>
evaluated y <= 13.U<4>
Is another way of seeing the failure to propagate io_value2
to y
The computation of
is dependent on the state of other variables so, for example, we will see a different calculation if we change the value ofio_loadingValues
poke io_loadingValues 0 ; eval y
gives back:
resolve dependencies
evaluate UInt<1>("h0")
evaluated 0.U<1>
evaluate y <= bits(_GEN_3, 3, 0) @[GCD.scala 22:15]
evaluate _GEN_3
evaluate _GEN_3 <= mux(io_loadingValues, io_value2, _GEN_1) @[GCD.scala 27:26]
evaluate io_loadingValues
evaluated 0.U<1>
evaluate _GEN_1
evaluate _GEN_1 <= mux(_T_9, y, _T_15) @[GCD.scala 24:15]
evaluate _T_9
evaluate _T_9 <= gt(x, y) @[GCD.scala 24:10]
evaluate x
evaluated 13.U<4>
evaluate y
evaluated 13.U<4>
evaluated _T_9 <= 0.U<1>
evaluated 0.U<1>
evaluate _T_15
evaluate _T_15 <= tail(_T_14, 1) @[GCD.scala 25:25]
evaluate _T_14
evaluate _T_14 <= asUInt(_T_13) @[GCD.scala 25:25]
evaluate _T_13
evaluate _T_13 <= sub(y, x) @[GCD.scala 25:25]
evaluate y
evaluated 13.U<4>
evaluate x
evaluated 13.U<4>
evaluated _T_13 <= 0.S<5>
evaluated 0.S<5>
evaluated _T_14 <= 0.U<5>
evaluated 0.U<5>
evaluated _T_15 <= 0.U<4>
evaluated 0.U<4>
evaluated _GEN_1 <= 0.U<4>
evaluated 0.U<4>
evaluated _GEN_3 <= 0.U<16>
evaluated 0.U<16>
evaluated y <= 0.U<4>
Which shows how the circuit subtracts the smaller of x
and y
from the larger.
Note: the
calculation does not go deeper when it hits a register. Except, of course, if you eval a register.
lets a circuit run until a simple condition is met.
If we were running an unbroken GCD we could wait on the io_outputVaid
with out having to manually step through watch it visually.
As long as we keep our values small enough we can run it in the same session we have going now.
Consider the following commands and responses:
firrtl>> poke io_loadingValues 1 ; poke io_value1 10 ; poke io_value2 15 ; step
step 1 in 0.001061492
firrtl>> poke io_loadingValues 0
firrtl>> waitfor io_outputValid 1 100
io_outputValid == value 1 in 3 cycles
firrtl>> peek io_outpugGCD
peek io_outputGCD 5
We poke 10 and 15 and wait for output valid, and when it is after 3 cycles the correct value 5 is on the output.