Avoid lines longer than 80 characters.
Don't use any form of minification (neither in JS, HTML or CSS). All our source should be readable using the Sugar "View Source" feature.
- Use two spaces for indentation. The rationale is that HTML tends to be very nested, and avoiding lines longer than 80 characters becomes difficult.
The js-beautify tool can be handy for indenting HTML as well.
Use two spaces for indentation.
Make it compliant with RECESS. See explanation below.
- The JavaScript style guide is here
RECESS https://github.com/twitter/recess keeps the order of CSS rules following a convention, and protects us from different mistakes. The recess command is provided by sugar-build.
To check CSS or LESS code:
recess css/activity.css -noIDs false -noOverqualifying false
If you are hacking on sugar-web, run the test suite with the karma command inside a osbuild shell:
karma start sugar-web/test/karma.conf.js
We encourage writing new unit tests for new features.
After you do the changes, run:
It will run all the code checks and the unit tests making sure you won't break the build when your changes are pushed. If a test doesn't pass either your code needs to be fixed or the test need to be adapted.