- 2.1. Setting Up our Machine
- 2.1.1. Installing Anaconda
- 2.1.2. Installing the Gym Toolkit
- 2.1.3. Common Error Fixes
- 2.2. Creating our First Gym Environment
- 2.2.1. Exploring the Environment
- 2.2.2. States
- 2.2.3. Actions
- 2.2.4. Transition Probability and Reward Function
- 2.3. Generating an episode
- 2.4. Classic Control Environments
- 2.4.1. State Space
- 2.4.2. Action Space
- 2.5. Cart Pole Balancing with Random Policy
- 2.6. Atari Game Environments
- 2.6.1. General Environment
- 2.6.2. Deterministic Environment
- 2.7. Agent Playing the Tennis Game
- 2.8. Recording the Game
- 2.9. Other environments
- 2.9.1. Box 2D
- 2.9.2. Mujoco
- 2.9.3. Robotics
- 2.9.4. Toy text
- 2.9.5. Algorithms
- 2.10. Environment Synopsis