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25 lines (21 loc) · 1.79 KB

Contribution Guidelines

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Adding to this list

  1. Edit the file
  2. Add a new line for your Online IDE or Snippet at the bottom of the appropriate section
  3. Add a hyperlink to the IDE's website, use the following format: [List Name](link)
  4. Add the GitHub logo after the name if the code is open source, like so:
    • The GitHub logo should link to the GitHub repository or similar source code repository
  5. Add the Docker logo after the name if the code is capable of self hosting, like so:
    • The Docker logo should link to the Docker Hub repository or similar self-hosting instructions
  6. Add the Sign Up logo after the name if the IDE requires the user to sign up before using, like so:
  7. Add a short description for the IDE
    • Begin with the word "Run" followed by the primary language or technology, (i.e. Run Python...)
    • Explain how this IDE is different/better than the competition
    • Be concise—avoid adjectives like "fast" or "full-featured"
    • Be more consise—avoid multiple sentences and follow the convention used for other descriptions in this document
    • End with a period—even though it is not a complete sentence, Awesome lists must end with a period
  8. Create a Pull Request with the name of the IDE in the title, such as "Add CoderBoxIDE"
  9. Add some details in the body of the Pull Request about how to use, what sets it apart, etc
  10. Check your spelling and grammar