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Releases: stripe/stripe-go

stripe-go v34.3.0

14 Jun 19:11
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  • #587 Use net/http constants instead of string literals for HTTP verbs (this is an internal cleanup and should not affect library behavior)

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v34.2.0

14 Jun 18:18
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  • #581 Push parameter encoding into BackendConfiguration.Call (this is an internal cleanup and should not affect library behavior)

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v34.1.0

13 Jun 23:23
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  • #586 Add AmountPaid, AmountRemaining, BillingReason (including new InvoiceBillingReason and constants), and SubscriptionProrationDate to Invoice

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v34.0.0

12 Jun 21:40
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  • #585 Remove File in favor of FileUpload, and consolidating both classes which were already nearly identical except MIMEType has been replaced by Type (this is technically a breaking change, but quite a small one)

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v33.0.0

11 Jun 14:16
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  • #583 Add new account constants, rename one, and fix DueBy (this is quite a small breaking change)

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v32.4.1

11 Jun 14:05
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  • #582 Fix unmarshaling of LegalEntity (specifically when we have legal_entity[additional_owners][][verification]) so that it comes out as a struct

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v32.4.0

07 Jun 18:51
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  • #577 Add DocumentBack to account legal entity identity verification parameters and response

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v32.3.0

07 Jun 13:17
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  • #576 Fix plan transform usage to use BucketSize instead of DivideBy; note this is technically a breaking API change, but we've released it as a minor because the previous manifestation didn't work

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v32.2.0

07 Jun 02:40
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  • #571 Add HostedInvoiceURL and InvoicePDF to Invoice
  • #573 Add FormatURLPath helper to allow safer URL path building

See the changelog for more details.

stripe-go v32.1.0

06 Jun 21:53
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  • #572 Add Active to plan parameters and response

See the changelog for more details.