- This folder contains terraform scripts to manage openstack configurations
- These require a
to provide authentication
- The scripts require the terraform package to be installed
- To install terraform on ubuntu or any ubuntu derivative with snap installed:
snap install terraform --classic
- If you are confused please find further info here
- To actually run the script, start by entering the directory of the script you want to run, e.g.:
cd load_balancing_application
- Then generate a plan, this will also tell you what actions terraform will perform:
- Note this will generate a plan file in the current directory
terraform plan -out plan --var-file=vars.tfvars
- After that, to actually "apply" the changes planned in the plan:
terraform apply plan
- To revert the changes, e.g. to change the number of instances, use:
terraform destroy --var-file=vars.tfvars
- This terraform script creates a private network with a subnet domain of
- It also adds a router to connect the private network to the external network
- You must provide a external_network_id to connect to router to
- The script must be run with
to pass through the required variables
- This terraform script creates a private network and sets up two pools along with a load balancer
- In one of the pools ssh traffic will be directed to a bastion vm to access the application vm's
- The other pool contains the application vm's which the load balancer can pick from
- A private key is created in the script and then passed into the bastion vm to provide access to the application vm's
- You must provide:
- A external_network_id to connect to router to
- A floating IP for the load balancer in order to connect to the vm's and bastion
- A image name for the bastion and web vm's
- A flavour name for the bastion and web vm's also
- A key pair to place on the bastion vm in order for you to access it
- The number of instances of the web vm to be created in order for effective load balancing
- Note you must use the ssh jumphost to access an application vm