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Fonts, Images, and text

Charles Haynes edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 1 revision

The Adafruit GFX Library used by Watchy comes with a number of fonts included. Images and fonts can take up a lot of space, they often end up being the major contributors to the size of your binary.

Font Utilities

Adafruit provides and links to a number of useful utilities for creating and manipulating fonts and users have contributed others.

  • Adafruit GFX Font Customizer lets you edit font files, editing glyphs, adding, or removing them.
  • Adafruit provides a command line tool for converting True Type (and Open Type) fonts to GFX compatible fonts in the fontconvert folder. There is an online version of the tool that allows you to upload a ttf or otf file, select a size, and specify what glyphs you want included. It will let you preview what the text will look like on a Watchy (or any other bitmap display.)
  • The Watchy DSEG7_Classic_Bold_53.h font was created by the SSD1306 Tools Font Converter that lets you choose from a bunch of built in font families, style (Plain, Bold, Italic, Bold&Italic), size (in pixels), and graphics library (including Adafruit GFX.)

Sources of fonts

Image utilities

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