When reporting issues, it'd be helpful if the following details were included in the bug report. ### Spring Cloud Data Flow: Server * Release version ### Spring Cloud Data Flow: Shell * Release version ### Deployment Environment * Where? _(e.g., local, pcf, yarn, k8s, ...)_ * Deployment runtime version _(e.g., PCF 1.9)_ ### Meta Information Starting from 1.1 release, we have added an [API](http://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#_retrieving_information_about_the_server) to gather all the details as mentioned above automatically. This information can be captured from the Dashboard's "About" tab as well. ### App Starters * The bit.ly link used for bulk-app registration _(e.g., http://bit.ly/Avogadro-SR1-stream-applications-kafka-10-maven)_ * For custom apps, please also include Spring Boot and other dependency versions ### Problem Description * If it appears to be a bug, list the steps to reproduce the problem * In general, problem description should match this pattern: _"I expected behavior A, but, I observed behavior B instead"_ ### Attachments * Logs * Test cases * Sample code _(for custom apps)_