POST api/rates
Query to get available courier services and rates for the destination.
- A valid access Key must be provided in access_key request header.
- origin - Specify the unique order number from your source system, that was used as the packing slip no when the order was published
- destination - JSON object of destination address
- packages - JSON object array of package objects
- issaturdaydelivery - true/false
- issignaturerequired - true/false
- dutiesandtaxesbyreceiver - true/false
- ruraloverride - true/false
- deliveryreference - string:60, order reference
origin/destination Object
- name - string:60, Company name or persons name
- contactperson - string:60, contact person at address, optional
- phonenumber - string:60, phone number, optional
- isrural - true/false, optional
- deliveryinstructions - string:120, special instructions to print on the label. For origin this field is ignored.
- sendtrackingemail - true/false, optional
- costcentreid - int, optional
- explicitnotrural - true/false, when true not rural surcharges are added.
- address - JSON Object as described below
address Object
- buildingname - string:60, property identifier, such as Unit 1, Level 10, Panasonic House, etc
- streetaddress - string:60, street number and name.
- suburb - string:60, suburb name
- city - string:60, city or state name. In countries where there are official states, use use use state abbreviations, such as California = CA, New South Wales = NSW, etc.
- postcode - string:10, postal code
- countrycode - string:2, ISO Alpha 2 country code, eg, NZ, AU, US, GB, CN, CA, etc.
package Object
- name - string:15, package custom name, if none available, use "custom"
- length - integer, package length in centimetres
- width - integer, package width in centimetres
- height - integer, package height in centimetres
- kg - decimal, package weight in kilograms
- type - string:10, package type, eg, Box, Carton, Satchel, Bag, Pallet, etc
- packagecode - string:5, Trackpack codes, such as DLE, A5, A4 (please consult support before providing a value in this field) This feature is not available on all accounts.
A JSON object array of available rates. These are group into Available, Hidden, Rejected. The Hidden rates, are available rates, but have been filtered out due to user preference, based on cost centre, or destination courier preference.
- quoteId - unique rates calculation identifier
- carriername - display name of courier provider
- deliverytype - courier delivery/service type
- cost - freight cost
- servicestandard - courier service wording.
- comments - any extra comments supplied with this rate
- route - courier provider specific freight routing
- isruraldelivery - if delivery has been identified as a rural aread delivery
- issaturdaydelivery - if delivery has been flagged for saturday delivery
- isfreightforward - if pickup is originating from an address other then the site address
- isresidential - if delivery has been flagged for a residential delivery
- carrierservicetype - carrier provider service type
- carriername - courier provider name
- deliverytype - courier delivery/service type
- reason - reason why this rates line was ignored.
- key - field name
- value - reason for validation failure
If there are any validation errors these are reported via the ValidationErrors JSON object.
access_key: [access_key_for_site_account]
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"DeliveryReference": "ORDER123",
"Destination": {
"Id": 0,
"Name": "DestinationName",
"Address": {
"BuildingName": "",
"StreetAddress": "DestinationStreetAddress",
"Suburb": "Avonside",
"City": "Christchurch",
"PostCode": "8061",
"CountryCode": "NZ"
"ContactPerson": "DestinationContact",
"PhoneNumber": "123456789",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"DeliveryInstructions": "Desinationdeliveryinstructions"
"IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
"IsSignatureRequired": true,
"IsResidentialDelivery": true,
"Packages": [
"Height": 1,
"Length": 1,
"Id": 0,
"Width": 10,
"Kg": 0.1,
"PackageCode": "DLE",
"Type": "Box"
"Available": [
"QuoteId": "3104eb7e-6354-4de4-a250-fa96297282d2",
"CarrierId": 102,
"CarrierName": "Post Haste",
"DeliveryType": "Overnight",
"Cost": 8.58,
"ServiceStandard": "By 11am next business day",
"Comments": "Satchel ",
"Route": "AKL- LOCAL->AKL- SI",
"IsRuralDelivery": false,
"IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
"IsFreightForward": false,
"CarrierServiceType": "DomesticCourier"
"QuoteId": "22401e18-e097-4ac8-9e6f-271734e92a50",
"CarrierId": 147,
"CarrierName": "PBT Couriers",
"DeliveryType": "Overnight",
"Cost": 8.89,
"ServiceStandard": "By 12pm next business day",
"Comments": "Satchel ",
"Route": "AKL- LOCAL->AKL- SI",
"IsRuralDelivery": false,
"IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
"IsFreightForward": false,
"CarrierServiceType": "DomesticCourier"
"QuoteId": "489898a3-85e8-47fe-8184-916dd75b2b79",
"CarrierId": 205,
"CarrierName": "Mainstream Freight",
"DeliveryType": "Standard",
"Cost": 65.42,
"ServiceStandard": "Next day within island, 2 day inter island",
"Comments": "VM ",
"IsRuralDelivery": false,
"IsSaturdayDelivery": false,
"IsFreightForward": false,
"CarrierServiceType": "DomesticBulk"
"Rejected": [
"Reason": "MS-AKL -> CHRISTCHURCH: Consignment undersize/weight",
"Carrier": "Mainstream AKL",
"DeliveryType": "Standard 1000kg+"
"ValidationErrors": {